Community > Posts By > Ras427

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:51 PM
I think mingle has become a haven for stormfront rejects.laugh

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:48 PM
How did this thread turn into stormfront?

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:39 PM
Liberals are not the only dummies, the whole country was talking about Juan Pablo of the bachelor all day today.

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:37 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Tue 03/11/14 08:38 PM

two ferns is a hilarious improv series,,,,,

Zach must have been psyched,,,lol

Just goes to show how much of joke this POTUS has made of the presidency of a once great nation
He has actually kept a great tradition alive. Every potus has been a great criminal.

So. You're admitting oButmeister is a joke and criminal.
The criminals are the ones who bankrolled a junior senator to the potus, for a reason, he's just the president, like a ceo of a company, the ceo answers to the board of directors, whom are the true criminals who have bankrolled every president who ever sat in that office. He who feeds you controls you. He was selected so that dumb racist had someone to blame other then the usual culprits. Liberals are dumb as rocks.

I don't blame you for fixing it, its probably difficult for the mind to come up with anything its not designed to do, they say it comes with old age or to many years on hog and booze and no women.laugh

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:21 PM

I'm an arthritic old fart.

Some punk lays hands on me will meet his maker.

I don't pack 24/7. But, when it do, I prefer Smith & Wesson.

I do pack aa couple very sharp work knives that spring assist. I am military trained to survive.

I would like to see country wide open carry.

Again, the feds should arm citizens as well as they arm terrorist Muslims.

That would stop a lot thugs from getting dead.
I agree whole heartedly on two points, one is the arming of terrorists, which make us the terrorist as well. And your first sentence I agree 100%laugh

You love how oButmeister arms terrorists?
The CIA has been arming terrorists its entire history, long before Obama. I'v known that while serving and since college. I study so that I can speak with insight, that's why I limit my presence on the computer. Once you stay on any forum to long, some tend to get dumber.

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:14 PM

Regardless of your position on his actions that resulted in his being tried, George Zimmerman is a douche nozzle. And anyone who sought his autograph is also a douche nozzle. The people responsible for arranging his appearance - also douche nozzles. Ignore him so he'll go away.
well said, however we have a large populous of mindless people who enjoy the misery of others to distract themselves of their own shortcomings and meaningless lives.

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:13 PM
You know this nations people are in big trouble when a cowardly man becomes a hero who signs autographs.

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 08:10 PM

I'm an arthritic old fart.

Some punk lays hands on me will meet his maker.

I don't pack 24/7. But, when it do, I prefer Smith & Wesson.

I do pack aa couple very sharp work knives that spring assist. I am military trained to survive.

I would like to see country wide open carry.

Again, the feds should arm citizens as well as they arm terrorist Muslims.

That would stop a lot thugs from getting dead.
I agree whole heartedly on two points, one is the arming of terrorists, which make us the terrorist as well. And your first sentence I agree 100%laugh

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 07:50 PM

two ferns is a hilarious improv series,,,,,

Zach must have been psyched,,,lol

Just goes to show how much of joke this POTUS has made of the presidency of a once great nation
He has actually kept a great tradition alive. Every potus has been a great criminal.

So. You're admitting oButmeister is a joke and criminal.
The criminals are the ones who bankrolled a junior senator to the potus, for a reason, he's just the president, like a ceo of a company, the ceo answers to the board of directors, whom are the true criminals who have bankrolled every president who ever sat in that office. He who feeds you controls you. He was selected so that dumb racist had someone to blame other then the usual culprits. Americans are dumb as rocks.

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 07:37 PM

two ferns is a hilarious improv series,,,,,

Zach must have been psyched,,,lol

Just goes to show how much of joke this POTUS has made of the presidency of a once great nation
He has actually kept a great tradition alive. Every potus has been a great criminal.

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 07:32 PM

Paul Ryan recently told a story of a little boy who didn't want a free school lunch, but rather a lunch in a brown paper bag — because it would mean someone at home loved him.

The problem was, it was a mangled, distorted version of someone else's story;�� and the boy in the story, now an adult, advocates for school lunch programs, as the Washington Post reported. On Monday's ��Daily Show,�� Jon Stewart took Paul's lie apart.

Paul said he had heard the tale from a woman serving in the cabinet of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and that it proved that school lunch programs provided “a full stomach and an empty soul.��

Except that�� well.

'��Even though the woman in that story never actually met that boy, because she took the actual story from a book, and even though the actual boy in the story Paul Ryan was telling was not complaining about getting food assistance, but asking that when he got food assistance, could he get that food assistance in a brown paper bag because it could help him avoid the stigma of getting food assistance, and even though that actual boy, who's now an adult, and the author of that story regularly make public appearances to advocate for free school lunches, point taken,' �� Stewart said.

Of course, Ryan isn't one to get too bogged down on facts: Remember when he cut more than an hour off his marathon time?
laugh a typical politician

Ras427's photo
Tue 03/11/14 07:29 PM

without any evidence there is no theory...DUH!!
Actually there are several, as there always is until the facts confirm or deny.

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 01:01 PM

Folks, like it or not, the old Confederacy was formed so that the Confederate states could protect their slave-based economy.

Also, like it or not, the Confederate battle flag has come to represent racism as seen in slavery, Jim Crow laws, racial segregation, etc.

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 01:00 PM

Are they concerned that the plate may abduct a small child or interfere with old people sexually?

no, they are concerned that black people will whine and cry like they always do about things that mean nothing...
case in point.^

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 12:59 PM

Really does not matter to me. No amount of advertising which is disguised as freedom of speech will reverse the current course of this nations decline. Its decline is imminent and no amount of attempts to revive her by a license plate or any other form of propagation will change that fact.

What is the cause of this decline?
The mind of a nation will define her destiny.

Ok, who or what is the mind? Who controls this "mind"?
The mind of a nation defines her destiny, pretty simple, Consciousness or the lack thereof is what contributes to a nations rise or fall.

Pretty deep. I guess that only those who live in a delusional realm can see this, along with prejudice and racism.
Your above post makes little sense if any, if one lives with consciousness and is aware, how can that be equated to a delusional realm,its the other way around, if you live in a delusional realm you then see nothing thereby being non consciouse. LOGIC101

Then every where that I go, I must see racism and bigotry to be non delusional?
I'v put it as simple as can be put.

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 11:46 AM

fewer people are 'OUT' with their racism, but not necessarily because fewer people are racist,,and there are now many more drapes to hide behind that seem 'legitimate' and to hide the racism underneath,,,

What you are saying is that racism must be there even if there is no evidence for it.

How about we take that argument to its logical conclusion?

For example ...

... fewer Democrats are 'OUT' with their racism, but not necessarily because fewer Democrats are racist,,and there are now many more drapes for Democrats to hide behind that seem 'legitimate' and to hide the racism underneath.

no one said 'must' about anything

much like Christians know God is there

some people know racism is there,, even if they could never convince non believers of it,,

but logically, we know that BIGOTRY is real, and so why wouldn't racism (a racially based bigotry) be real

ESPECIALLY considering how long it existed in the fabric of American hiostry through (race based and generaational)slavery and jim crow laws?


Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 11:45 AM

With all of the false claims of racism that we are exposed to, it is easy to overlook a real case of racism when it happens.

Now, the Associated Press is reporting a case of actual racism that took place on the campus of the University of Mississippi.

OXFORD, Miss. (AP) - A fraternity chapter at the University of Mississippi was indefinitely suspended Friday by its national organization and three of its freshman members were kicked out because of their suspected involvement in hanging a noose on a statue of James Meredith, the first black student to enroll in the then all-white college.

In a statement, Sigma Phi Epsilon said it suspended the Alpha Chapter at the university and the chapter voted to expel all three men and turn over their identities to investigators.

Police on Sunday found a noose tied around the neck of the statue, along with an old Georgia flag with a Confederate battle emblem in its design, which has since been updated to exclude the emblem.

When Meredith tried to enter Ole Miss in fall 1962, Mississippi's governor tried to stop him. That led to violence on the Oxford campus.

U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent 500 U.S. marshals to take control and days later, Meredith was allowed in the school. Though he faced harassment, he graduated with a degree in political science.

Of course, this particular incident is an isolated case. That's why it is newsworthy, because we are now in the 21st Century C.E., and such acts of racism are the rare exception, not the rule.

There is no such thing as isolated incidents, this nation has been grappling with racism it's entire history. So much for isolated incidents, I suppose that the recent similar case in a high school in Philipsburg regarding a wrestling teams picture with a noose over the neck of a dummy is isolated as well.

Not to be confused, some deeds are racist and some are just bad taste pranks.
bad taste pranks is just a disguised manifestation of what is in the heart and a means to justify the action. A non racist would not use such as a prank, if he does, then he is expressing a rooted belief.

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 11:25 AM

Ok, who or what is the mind? Who controls this "mind"?

"Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannise but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."
- Alexis de Tocqueville
great quote.

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 11:24 AM

Please let that kind of licence plate be allowed in Georgia. That way everyone will know which drivers to stay away from.indifferent

lol,,laugh laugh

come now, they got a right to be proud of enslaving folks and losing the war they fought to be permitted to continue
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ras427's photo
Sun 02/23/14 11:22 AM
Edited by Ras427 on Sun 02/23/14 11:23 AM

Really does not matter to me. No amount of advertising which is disguised as freedom of speech will reverse the current course of this nations decline. Its decline is imminent and no amount of attempts to revive her by a license plate or any other form of propagation will change that fact.

What is the cause of this decline?
The mind of a nation will define her destiny.

Ok, who or what is the mind? Who controls this "mind"?
The mind of a nation defines her destiny, pretty simple, Consciousness or the lack thereof is what contributes to a nations rise or fall.

Pretty deep. I guess that only those who live in a delusional realm can see this, along with prejudice and racism.
Your above post makes little sense if any, if one lives with consciousness and is aware, how can that be equated to a delusional realm,its the other way around, if you live in a delusional realm you then see nothing thereby being non consciouse. LOGIC101