Community > Posts By > Fit2bFunVB

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:55 AM

wow i wonder if she would be embarrassed to pick me up tampons from the store:smile:

I just want to see him try to get into my VS bra and panty.
*gets camera ready*

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:50 AM
Sex, in my opinion, is the physical manifestation of a deep sense of passion toward someone you love. Whether that is yourself, or another, it is still born as an intense need to bring to life - through physical actions - that inner passion.

Given I believe that passion [which is different than lust] is born through having a spirtual connection with your higher power/God, which has created a strong sense of Faith... I don't think you can separate your need/desire for sex from your spirtual life.

They are two very important pieces of a whole.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:34 AM

i'm ambidextrious, throwing, bowling, batting, and numerous other things...laugh

But... do you hit what you've aimed at?!:tongue:

laugh laugh ..always!!..hehe

Promises, Promises!!

....but, but, but.....bigsmile

laugh Yes, I have A Butt - don't need more.. the one I have is just fine like it is.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:32 AM

How would you like to see ROLES Reversed in a Relationship. By both men & women. I think this would be a great learning experience for any relationship

Reversed? As in, go backwards? Uh, no thanks. I worked darn hard to get where I am - not going backward. No do-overs for this lady!

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:30 AM

i'm ambidextrious, throwing, bowling, batting, and numerous other things...laugh

But... do you hit what you've aimed at?!:tongue:

laugh laugh ..always!!..hehe

Promises, Promises!!

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:26 AM
Top 5 worst OS:
1. MS Windows Vista
2. MS Windows Vista
3. MS Windows Vista
4. MS Windows Vista
5. MS Windows Vista

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:20 AM

i'm ambidextrious, throwing, bowling, batting, and numerous other things...laugh

But... do you hit what you've aimed at?!:tongue:

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:19 AM

I drummed for a tradional African dance class and performance group for 8 yrs.
Currently learning the Doumbec to drum for belly dancers.
Drumming and dancing are like
smoke and fire.

mmmm.. belly dancing.

Nice beat.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:16 AM

Everyone thinks it is so easy to just carry the child and then let go at birth?...Whatever...

After ALL the threads I see on here about it, Never once..NOT ONCE have I seen anyone consider the reprocussions to the child later down the road.....

Of course it wouldn't be easy - is anything with parenthood EVER easy?! That is why being a true, loving parent is about selflessness - putting aside ones own needs for making sure the child's needs are taken care of.

Personally, I couldn't do it. I would move hell and high water to provide what was in the best interest of my child; however, not all mothers-to-be have that amount of strength and wherewithall. 'Tis better they are realistic with what they can and can not do over the long haul - and give their child the best possibility for a happy, healthy life. Sometimes, that might mean adoption.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:08 AM

depends on how neat he keeps it but i think a good shaped one is awesome:tongue:

Agreed - with or without, use appropriate upkeep methods.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 05:06 AM

Something sweet on the conga drums.


I could teach you how to juggle

your choice.

I thought it was supposed to be a display of your talent..

conga drums, 'eh? hmm
[ponders if the beat would allow for some expresive dancing..]

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 04:58 AM

If you were to enter a talent show...What is it you would do?

Me...Give me a set of drums and I will blow your mind....drinker

Uh, errr..

I don't think my talent would be for public display - at least, not without getting arrested for.. well, graphic representation.

Yeah, keep it "G" rated please laugh

I did!:wink:

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 04:53 AM

If you were to enter a talent show...What is it you would do?

Me...Give me a set of drums and I will blow your mind....drinker

Uh, errr..

I don't think my talent would be for public display - at least, not without getting arrested for.. well, graphic representation.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 04:47 AM
Edited by Fit2bFunVB on Sun 11/09/08 04:50 AM
Thank you!

I agree with your philosophy in this matter - you need to love and be comfortable with yourself before you will have to fortitide to love and be comfortable with another person in your life.

What I have found, however, is that so many people do not know who they are. They have never taken the time, nor the effort, to strip away their outside masks and stand openly naked before the mirror of self reflection - honestly acknowleding their good, their bad, and their deep, dark, truths about themselves. Without this process of getting to KNOW who you are, there is little chance you will ever get to share the real you with anyone - yourself, or another.

People seem to prefer the easy way out... telling themselves and the people in their lives what they think they want to know or hear - without true authenticity in thought and actions, strong relationships are nothing but a fantasy.

If you reach this level of self understanding, there is nothing to fear - you can acknowledge that pain is a part of growth and has its place in life.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 03:43 AM

my own personal opinion is: in most cases i think abortion should be abolished.
why? ok as the woman, you went and had sex...took the risk of getting pregnant, and got pregnant. its your fault, deal with it.

Such narrow-minded, judgmental ideologies could almost be used as justification for genetic gene pool cleansing...

...seems there should be SOME criteria for determining which genetic attributes get passed along to future generations.

Goodness knows, we have processes in place that determine who is competent to drive a car... who is qualified to teach our children in the school... which individuals are licensed to carry weapons...

You would think we could come up with a set of criteria as to who is allowed to create a human being in this world. Want to indiscriminately spread your legs/seed? Go for it.. just don't sentence an innocent child into a lifetime of narrow-minded, judgmental ideologies that the rest of humanity has to deal with.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:24 AM

1 (and only): Someplace where everyone is on the same page. Ex: Hobby clubs or groups, yoga classes, sky diving class, Lucky Charms is the ultimate cereal awareness groups...etc.

...good advise! I agree.


Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:23 AM

Ok when ever I see these kewl things I have to ask and no one has yet to answer me.

My EYES change color from blue/green/grey depending on moods
so which one of these do I get to choose from.what

Mine do the same thing between blue and green.

Eyes that change color [mine change gold/brown/green, depending upon my mood] are considered hazel.. also, [according to the genetic research] eye color changes with age - sometimes darkening, sometimes lightening.

Like most things in life - eye color is not static over ones lifetime.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:11 AM

Yea, web site forums are a good way to get to know someone. I didn't put that since there's very few forum users that live on the Big Isle so I'd have little chance of actually meeting them.

I suppose it depends upon your definition of "meeting someone" - I wasn't thinking in the literal term.. :-)

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:08 AM
Ever spent a great deal of effort to create something for someone - be it a meal, a letter, an ambiance - to have them not show any appreciation for the effort? In fact, they behave as if it is expected....

It teaches one to enjoy life's passionate endeavors for the pure joy of the doing, and not for what what someone else might think.

You are most correct - in the big picture, it is the perception that counts, not the minutia of the moment.

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Sun 11/09/08 12:57 AM
1. Book Stores - I love to read...
2. Motorcycle Charity Events - A common interest, for a good cause...
3. Web Site Forums - Gets inside perspective of their thoughts, without risk...

Commonalities. :-)