I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:53 PM

But, but, what was the "fork my wife" part???

When people say '**** my life' when things go wrong, I say fork my wife instead.
I try to not curse to much. I feel like it symbolizes lack of vocabulary and self control.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:51 PM

There is a form of aversion therapy available which when done properly will make you fall completely out of love with an ex-mate. Look into it. It's GREAT!!! :wink:

Now where do I find this? XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:50 PM

Maybe telling your friend that seeing your ex with his new woman hurts you. Maybe he will be your friend and help you heal.

Its gonna hurt and hurt bad seeing someone you cared about with another. Remember ... Alcohol numbs the pain!!

Hahaha here's the kicker: He's with another DUDE.
That's why I said new partner. He's bi.

I'm not 21 and I'm not drinking until then. Thanks for the advice, but I have tried using substances to just numb the pain and it was miserable what the outcomes from it were. I want to find a way to break through this without the help of substances. I know it will only make me stronger if I do it that way.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:47 PM

baby steps...you go through the disappointment, the heartache, crying...and nothing gets you through until each day you remember another reason you aren't with them...it does take time..but it does go away

I think my problem may lie with the fact that the only real reasons I have for not being with him is that he didn't want to be with me anymore...
I guess another reason might be that we didn't have too much in common and that we lived about 25 miles apart but neither seemed like a problem at the time...

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:46 PM

pitchfork Hit your ex with a baseball batdevil

devil That will fix himpitchfork

Hahaha sounds good. You got a good strong one? He's pretty dense. rofl rofl rofl

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:44 PM
You know, it feels hard for me to admit it but I did put more into that relationship than I had wanted to. I had wanted to keep things at a far enough distance to where if things didn't work out, I wouldn't be in this state. Yet, here I am.
I think I just have this problem with being in one sided relationships where I try to keep things together while the other person just stays along for the ride until they get bored...
Would that be just horrible luck or fate?

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:41 PM

I was BBF and a lover of Goof...until he cheated on me with Angelina Joliet laugh

Dude, you should have tried to make that one a three way.
You can't tell me she is not good looking in one sense or another. I personally LOVE her tattoos. Sexiest thing ever. drool rofl

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:38 PM
Well how am I supposed to fix it? The boy won't give me closure and I have tried dozens of ways to try and finalize things.
Nothing has seemed to work.

Time has not done much for me either.
It may sound like an excuse, but perhaps I'm just at the stage in my life where waiting feels like a false sense of security and false hope.
I have waited for time to heal me before but as soon as I had healed the wound was reopened without me even trying.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:31 PM
How come the male race always seems to be so bothersome? Why can't they just give a straight and honest answer about things?

So my ex is one of my friends bff's and has found someone else that makes them clearly happier than I ever made him. Well, when I hang out with my friend, he naturally wants his bff, my ex, to be there too. It's really hard to avoid. On top of that, my ex usually brings around his new partner, which simply tears me apart to see that this person can make the guy I strived so hard to please, so incredibly happy.

I really just want to be over it all. I want to make the pain from seeing him go away. I understand that attraction and memories will never fade, but the pain....Doesn't that go away?

I keep trying to find someone new to fill that part of my life with in hopes that it will help ease the pain away but so far...There's been little luck.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Wed 12/03/08 11:08 PM
If I could have any job......
I wanna be a mom. ^^

Silly right? Hahaha I bet lots of people think I'm crazy but I really wish I could be a stay home mom.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 08:12 PM
I'm going with the idea of not letting them reproduce.:thumbsup:

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:06 AM
Honesty is basically the key thing to me in a relationship too.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:03 AM
I don't even have a solid place to live. Why would have any chance of being around someone who does?

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:38 AM

I want to be that shoulder to lean on. I'm not asking them for their burdens. I want to become that person that they can rely on to turn to when times are tough. Yet the males I tend to run into and be attracted to never want to let me in that far. They prefer to keep me at arm's length emotionally.

What I meant by giving up is that I'm tired of letting them think that if they keep me away long enough that I'll just stop caring. I'm tired of pretending that I don't care when I do. Whether they like it or not, I'm not going to let them think that I'm just going to stop caring because they want to be all 'manly' and do things on their own.

Tell them.:wink:

They're not that smart. I have to show them and the only way to show them is to keep being there when they think they don't need me.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:38 AM

yeah i was cookin breakfast and the smoke alarm went off and she goes yup its ready. lol she calls me a manwhore..but i screw one chick and counsel 200 more on how to keep their man

Haha that's awesome.
My parents don't get to know about my love life. I have never done it in my own house.
When my parents first found out I wasn't a virgin; my dad went and got out his shotgun and was about to leave and literally hunt down the dude who took my virginity. My mom managed to stop him. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:33 AM
I want to be that shoulder to lean on. I'm not asking them for their burdens. I want to become that person that they can rely on to turn to when times are tough. Yet the males I tend to run into and be attracted to never want to let me in that far. They prefer to keep me at arm's length emotionally.

What I meant by giving up is that I'm tired of letting them think that if they keep me away long enough that I'll just stop caring. I'm tired of pretending that I don't care when I do. Whether they like it or not, I'm not going to let them think that I'm just going to stop caring because they want to be all 'manly' and do things on their own.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:21 AM
That's cool. I still live with my folks.... Not my favorite thing in the world but that's alright.
Once I get my AA and save up enough money, I'll be outta here. XD

Dude, I WISH my parents were that awesome. My ex's parents were tight like that. They made fun of us ALL the time for doing it.
I spent the night at his place one weekend while both of our parents happened to be out of town and when his parents came back the next day, the first thing out of his stepdads mouth was "OMG. The house is still in one piece!" XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:14 AM
Either way, you can coddle a man for so long before the man becomes a burden...best bet is to let go before the problem becomes larger.

People keep telling me to drop the people in my lives that have problems yet everytime I do that I just end up more miserable than before. I'm tired of giving up on people because it seems like the easy way or 'better' way out.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:12 AM

"old, a state of mind where anyone younger thinks you are not "hip anymore. to hell with these young whipper-snappers i was doin things like this before they were a wet dream in their daddies head"

My Mom.


rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

That totally just made my night soooo much better! biggrin

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:07 AM
Lol young?
You're older than I am by about 5 years.