I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:43 PM
It's a line from a song that I was listening to while I was making my profile.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:39 PM
smokin Yeah. Was freaking bawling in front of him, completely confused as to why he was doing it and when he couldn't give me an honest answer I left. Then got so baked I couldn't hold a single thought for more than like 5 seconds. smokin
Didn't smoke no more after that. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:28 PM
When you feel like it's a good time to say it.
Like after great sex. XD J/k
(Or AM I??? :wink: )

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:23 PM
I don't drink.

Mind you I'm also only 18.

I have drank before but it's been less than 10 times in this last year and I've ultimately decided I'm not even gonna touch alcohol again until I'm at least 21.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Tue 12/23/08 02:08 PM
Be good in bed and they'll stay. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Tue 12/23/08 02:03 PM
Well aren't you the lucky one?

Wish I had it that easy. I have the boring job of a cashier, have to get a ride to work everyday, don't really get any useful benefits and they don't let me spend the night! Lame! XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 05:53 PM

Depends what you are asking he is sensitive about. Emotions, sensations, or my feelings.

A guy that is emotional all the time is too much drama and not worth the headache. Usually jealouse and a sometimes just abusive which is always bad news. A guy who has a little bit of passion besides just sexual drive is pretty nice.

A guy who has very little sensation would be pretty frusterateing to me. Never thought someone who could tolerate his errogenous parts peirced would be that much fun to play with because it would be rather unresponsive. A guy who whines everytime he gets a hangnail gets old fast. Nobody wants andother kid to nurse after.

A guy who has a healthy respect for my feelings is good but some guy that is asking me 24/7 how I feel what I want is such a wussy I couldn't deal with it. I want a man not another woman.

I agree with this but would also like to add that guys that are a little more intune and responsive to emotions is adorably attractive to me. ^^ I like a guy that actually SHOWS his emotions in one way or another.

Btw. About the whole having his "his errogenous parts peirced" and not being responsive...I can vouch that is not always true. It was VERY reponsive. :wink:

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 05:46 PM

haha he's not on right now but whatever!
Better be wearing a striped bow too. Those are sexy! I'd unwrap that 'gift' in SO many new ways. drool winking

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:06 PM
I don't think it is so much whether or not someone is overweight or considered 'ugly' by media based society. It is all a matter of how one presents themselves and what their personality is.
Haha maybe I only believe that because I'm one of those people that the media based society find's 'unattractive'. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:45 PM
I would never try to tell a child that Santa isn't real or anything like that. I remember being 5 years old and hearing other kids at school talking about how their older siblings told them Santa wasn't real and I argued to the end with then that he was. When I wrote a letter to him that year the only thing I asked for was to know that he was real.

I actually didn't stop believing in him until I was 13 years old. That was only 6 years ago for me. So I remember how much that hurt for me. (I was a very sheltered child up until my second year in high school).
I would never want to be the one to bring that hurt upon a young child. It is never good to lie, but it's not a lie when you're referring Santa to simply being Christmas Spirit.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:39 PM
Definatly ALWAYS use condoms. No joke.

And to not try to and make a relationship work when it won't work. I'm sick of being the only one in the relationship trying to make things last.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:26 PM
Honestly, I don't know if I'm just a strange girl of my age group or what, but...
I'm not really looking for looks, money or a someone who lives away from their parents. I want someone who is down to earth, is emotionally stable and isn't fussy about the fine details of things in life; someone who can just roll with the punches and make the best of things.
Another big thing is that they have to like me back. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:14 PM

anyone who does not wash their hands after using the bathroom....or before preparing a meal.....or before eating.

Well isn't someone picky? laugh

Just kidding.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:33 PM
I would never date anyone who forces me to do things that I do not want to do.

I'd kick their arse before I would actually do whatever they are forcing me to do. XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:29 AM
I don't think I have ever tried to eat fruit cake...

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:42 AM
I can't remember which state it was, but there is a law that states it is illegal to drown a fish.
Another state has one that says it is illegal to whistle underwater.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:39 AM
Oh snap. I ain't a virgin and have lived in WA my whole life!

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:36 AM
Not having anyone to cuddle with or hold hands with.

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:35 AM

I think spring is here!! Above zero today!!!

Yippeee!!! Let's head to the beach!! rofl

I'll bring the sunscreen and towels! XD

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:22 AM
Soft is usually preferred but hard is pretty good too. It's just messier. ;)

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