Community > Posts By > squonk

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 08:11 AM
I got a calendar and 150 dollars transferred into my bank account :). My puppy got a cow and a monkey but she broke their voice boxes already :(.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 08:03 AM
I say it when I mean it but they don't hear it for quite sometime. I'm a good whisperer.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 08:02 AM
So then a phone conversation is a date? How much time like what if I woke up in the morning said good morning merry christmas is that a date? Hah. Illogical thinking yet again GRRR!

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:55 AM
A person is going to get hurt somehow someway no matter what you try and do in life to stop it from happening.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:52 AM
Ok I'm totally out of the loop on peoples' thought processes. I just read that taking a woman to a dinner, movie, and then walking around aimlessly is the best *date* she has ever been on...

God help me please... I eat everyday of my life. I usually eat with people because I live with people. They aren't all of the same sex. We then watch a movie or show or series or something. I don't consider this a date. I've taken my best friend out for coffee probably over 2,000x or so, we've gone to the movies at least 30x or so and we have always walked around the city aimlessly *rain, snow, sleet, or shine, stars or clouds, cold wind or no wind...* Does this mean I have dated my best friend? ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!!!

Ok I'm definately not old fashioned and I am definately not new fashioned either but I believe a *date* should include romance of some sort somewhere in it. Don't say oh well we went to the beach and walked around on the sand... He better have done something else like I don't know brought some food in a basket, took you out a boat to eat it, dunked you in the ocean, tried to catch a seagull, showed you a sunrise or sunset, played games on the boardwalk something!!! It doesn't end there though!!! There's gotta be something else because this is a daily activity for me when I was living near the shore and god forbid I went to hangout with my friends who live at the shore we made a bbq and drank a lot and watched the fireworks lit off over our heads.

Maybe it's just because I come from a city and there is soo much to do and you guys are from the country so maybe that's the difference? I don't know but I see nothing of how I would go about making a true date with a girl whom I had a sincere interest in.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:42 AM
Depends on what you mean as harm us... To you maybe he leaned in for a kiss because he thought the mood was perfect and felt you felt the same..

Hogwash about the whole incident with child traumas. I don't believe childhood traumas effect our life as much as one claims them to be. I mean I could easily see how people stop and retract rather than grow and move on, but that's what it is about moving on.

Friends are hard to make. For some reason I think people don't get this. They are really really really hard to find. I often find that people use acquaintances with the friend term and then get upset later on in life.

Here's something else for ya to help you along your journey. This is something I find myself doing.

I have a bunch of friends but then there is this one person who I am always thinking about and wanting something more with. She may not know it right now and it's only when I am single, however she is my main focal point for the next relationship. I stay single trying to see if between us it will work. I never bring up other potential females that I have recently met, I never talk about exs, and I never leave anything to regret in getting to know this person. She has my full interest, my undivided attention, as well as my intention on seeing where this will lead.

I don't know if girls think the same way that I do. I tend to think that they don't. For me however, that is the way I approach the situation.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:31 AM

Which do you feel is safer, more convenient...etc, etc. I love dating in real life, and Im VERY new at this online thing. Tell me some of your experiences, and give me some advice. I used to be shallow in high school, and I won't lie about that fact. But as I'm getting older, I feel I'd rather get to know someone for who they are now instead of by their looks. Give me a few details!

Safer.. hah Well if you go to the bar to pick up a chick and you have an awesome time dancing together and taking shots down your throat she seems pretty cool until she's throwing up in the morning, possibly an alcoholic, I'd go on but totally pointless to do so.
Safety is a matter of what you seek in a relationship and friendship. I believe online dating is totally safe from ending up with someone that is completely not right for you. For one, you see whether or not they will come through. Whether it's a phone call or an e-mail you know if you have got someone's attention and how much attention is being given to you.

Second-you truly learn about the person rather than trying to learn about someone as your tongue is down their throat. I believe in real life we move much faster than we do online. Like if I'm digging this girl, there's a good chance that before the night is out I'm going to kiss her. Online totally not happening for quite awhile.

The only part about not being safe online is if they're truly telling you the truth. I have met 2 people that didn't tell the truth of what they looked like so I was pretty bummed about it.

convenient? I probably meet more people on the street doing things that I enjoy easier than I do rummaging through internet ads of profiles.

Etc etc? I can't read minds man.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:25 AM

What ever happened to courtship? Where did it go?

To this who forgot what it means, Ha ha....
This was the process where the man expressed an interest in the pretty lady and sought her attentions by taking her to movies, walking her home from school/beach/dinner/shows, escorting her to the dance/parites, buying her dinner/lunch, etc., WITHOUT repeast WITHOUT seeking any sexual favors from her.

Are men not interested in doing so anymore?
Are women not interested in a man who will do such a thing?

uhm the whole sexual thing you have there from our past is a big yikes...

As for your belief in what people did... even that is an even bigger yikes... Do people like forget that cars were only invented less than 100 years ago? :).

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:23 AM

:smile: If your significant other was worried about you for something, would you make an effort to change that situation to alleviate his/her worry?:smile:

Depends.. I saw someone on the site freaking the **** out after a kid grew up and left the nest... If a girl of mine was constantly worrying that I didn't come home at the same exact time everyday was an hour late was out late without her, etc I think that she would have to take a chill pill. I am not meant to cause her pain and anxiety.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:21 AM
I think a broken heart is worse because a lonely heart is in need and constantly longs for a new relationship as a broken heart deteriorates people making them less sociable, filled of anxiety and depression and bad feelings. Resentment is really the word I'm looking for.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:20 AM

I'd love to be best friends with my lover and life partner.

A gal can dream, eh? bigsmile

I'd have it no other way.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:19 AM
I have never had a lover stay as a friend. I don't think it could be possible if they failed at the lover ordeal.

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:18 AM
I question everything :).

squonk's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:17 AM
I'm torn on it. Although I have tried a little device out and it may just be in my mind but I'm 3 for 3. After not masturbating for a complete month *a full 30 days* within the 5th week, I find a girl. I don't know what this means though.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/24/08 01:01 PM
The only thing I will say if she smells she's gone.. As for bad sex. I haven't had a girl keep up with me yet, hopefully as I age, I will be suitable to get off...

squonk's photo
Wed 12/24/08 12:58 PM

lust would be the word. Not love, What if the person turned out to be a loser with no job and on drugs etc etc. Would u still love them after finding that out ?...more than likely you would pass on that.

Let me ask you something do you believe in marriage?

Oh and by the way, more than 1 million people have lost their job in the last 2 months. I guess they're unsuitable for a relationship according to you, you know with those wife and kids or husband and kids, single and kids, or just plain single.

I think she means someone with a long-standing pattern of being unable to maintain a job, due to other problems in their life. Misfortune can suddenly and devastatingly befall any of us. Its the times. I believe she meant it in terms of problems they have no *willingness* to work on. If there is willingness and the behavior matches the desire, then, of course it is workable and heading in a healthful direction, no matter how long it takes, within your personal tolerance levels.

I very much believe in the sacrament of marriage. I very much believe in all it means outside of that, too.

It's nice to try and answer for someone who used etc as a basis for their claim but I can't see inside of her. She also used the term loser...

What if I was to use John Lennon as an example... He was on drugs for many years. Still found love. I don't necessarily believe drugs seperate from love but they can be a major problem.

What if the person never had any plans to have a job and was from a wealthy family? This is also funny because before the last 60 so years, women really didn't work apparently no one knew love until 60 years ago or so.

Then I could go well what about the injured who are on drugs and can't do work because they're disabled... Could be from war or from birth.

I look at things a lot more realistically than most and will look at every single situation rather than behind some closed box of thinking of an irrational thought and not thinking the irrational thought through. I don't like people like this, they bother me. Maybe it's because I need to spend energy on wasting time in my life debating with them to get them to open their minds up and think of all the possibilities that could exist within the context or the words they choose to argue with. In this case, the arguement was a failure before it began.

Anyway, back to loving a complete stranger... About 80% of this world does it year after year after year and has done it for centuries before. If you honestly don't believe it happened you shouldn't be here right now. Go incinerate yourself into a fire because you damn your ancestors. You're pathetic for not being able to think outside of this structure.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/24/08 12:48 PM

you might think so, but i'm willing to bet your male friend had a romantic interest in you at some point. it's just the nature of man

I tend to agree; although I welcome being proven wrong.

You know, it may be because just like different people have different ideas about what constitutes "sex" - like deep kissing, a hand job, b_j, fondling/groping, cybersex, phonesex, oral, genital, anal, or even BDSM sans too may different folks define the boundaries differently of what constitutes a "platonic" friendship.

To this, throw into the mix that while you may have nothing but platonic feelings, your friend may have other feelings. Feelings which they may be either open to admitting to you or hiding. Sometimes we even hide our own feelings from ourselves.

No easy answer to this question, I suppose.

I have had the same friend since highschool. She took me to her prom, she has given me a bath, and now she's on her way to being married. We never kissed, never held hands, never got physical with eachother. We've had plenty of fun like jumping out art room windows and chasing seagulls around on the beach. We've been friends for 9 years going on a decade. If there were ever feelings involved to be indulged in, I was mostly single during this time period of which I never had any. As for her, I'd say she was with someone for at least 70% of the time *not just with one guy* and the thought of that guy being me to my knowledge never. That would be one.

Another ok when I was a kid I had this huge crush on her but she married and the years following the marriage I was not interested any longer. I wouldn't say we're friends but we used to be through many years of their marriage. This is 2...

I can't honestly say for other girls we could remain just as friends. My intentions on making friends with girls aren't solely to be friends. The first girl I listed above was a complete exception to this ruling. We became friends inside of school and from there our friendship grew. I could relate this to maybe a co-worker. The intention can't be to get to know said person with the idea that it may lead somewhere. To my knowledge never was going to.

The 2nd one I had a huge crush on her... I don't know how else to put that. From 1st grade on :).

squonk's photo
Wed 12/24/08 12:38 PM
I have always waited.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/24/08 10:07 AM

squonk's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:48 AM

No, but maybe you're not thinking about the situation possibly being reversed

No she didn't rape me when I was drunk, but she did give me a bath.

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