Community > Posts By > squonk

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:49 PM
Here's the thing about gifts... The object of the gift or the intention of the gift is to get a reaction from the girl and leave a memory inside of them that will last a lifetime.

A flower isn't going to do this. Sure maybe in your mind it will but the flower wilts and fades away. I'm not saying it couldn't bring a smile to the girls face but I'd say if you approached 20 women with flower *unless it's a 4 yr old kid doing it* :) it's not going to truly make them smile but rather seem maybe creeped out? It's also monotonous. You really need to seperate yourself from the rest of the elligible bachelors in the world. Flower=probably most common thing ever...

I don't know where chocolate fits in but if anyone gave a girl candy hearts for valentine's day again it's just too common.

The christmas ornament was a good idea. Flower boy goes huh? Christmas ornament would remind eachother every christmas that they ever spend together from now on this was our first year, do you remember, etc. Then again of course if the date didn't go well she would probably have fun breaking it...

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:44 PM

What really grinds my gears about online dating is when people send messages and you send them one and they never write back again, that really pisses me off!

Then you have issues. Some people would rather say nothing than something mean. Although it does get tiresome after reading a long profile coming up with like 40 questions and never hearing anything back but then again that's life. If you walk down the street and say hi to 50 girls you might get 5 to say hi back but they won't necessarily stop and talk to you. In my case I don't have to say hi but you get the message.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:35 PM
Well goodluck if you do ever get to meet.

Atleast you would've gotten a gift with thought man. Anything in my opinion is better than flowers. Hah.

I once brought a girl a blowpop boy did she tease the living **** out of me with it :).

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:30 PM
I was spanked a lot, I spent a lot of time in my room, all kinds of stuff.

The famous story of me.

I was 4, I crawled through the bars on my window, walked about 2 miles opened the barn and tried to play with the horses.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:25 PM
Bumpity bumpity bum bum bump... I would like some more advice before I go out tonight. *if I go out tonight since it might rain*

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:17 PM
I've never been in a relationship where we weren't friends first.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:16 PM
I've seen much worse like face to face. Like uh at the bar *what's your name, not interested, **** YOU *****!* Pathetic.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:42 AM
uhm anything not negative could have a positive effect... then again I will say this certain songs and music can have a really really really nasty effect on people.

Pets allergies, fear, etc.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:40 AM
I think it would depend on the context of them talking about their ex, how long ago the seperation was, if they have dated since their ex, how long they were together, what the ex did to them, etc.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:39 AM

I can do anything during the week that I can do on the, no special significance...
My words exactly

the world changes on the weekends, different people exist.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:25 AM

hang a sign around the dogs neck that says [will you give my master your number he is too shy to ask]

omg.. that is such a cute idea...

How don't you see it as a crazy wierdo? I can't imagine like walking down the street and seeing something like that... Unless it was like very small writing or something.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:14 AM
Here's an idea, I just thought of it. Turn the tables on her. Be totally upfront with her about your feelings if you have them and call her the immature one who can't accept you for your flaws. Love is suppossed to be unconditional, rich or poor, sick or in great health. The fact that she would be willing to get rid of a relationship if she truly was in love clearly shows that she would rather play you like a puppet rather than take you for who you're and clearly has no idea of how to keep a relationship together.

Don't change yourself from who you're but maybe you could refrain from doing whatever it is that is bothering her soo much that it has gotten to the point of tossing you out of her life.

Then again this might not be the best advice considering I've never made any relationship work but at least she gave you a reason. Mine just stopped by after having sex the night before, sleeping next to eachother and then comes over and asks me to not see eachother anymore. Mind you we live 3 doors away and our dogs played together everyday for like the last 5 months and then you know how heartbreaking it was for my dog to see her dog and not be allowed to play with it because she didn't want to talk to me? Pathetic!

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:10 AM

well i still like to be breast fed, does that make me immature.?laugh laugh laugh laugh

It does if it is every 2 hours! :tongue: laugh
DOH.!!!laugh laugh :wink: flowerforyou

Well that girl who has had 18 babies has been lactating for like 15 years or so.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:03 AM

Do you get all excited on Fridays knowing it is your weekend, then sit at home sad because you are home alone doing the same old same old BS? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!

Uhm no because if I sit home and do nothing I become irritated with myself that I did absolutely nothing and that will never lead to a change in my life.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:57 AM
Edited by squonk on Sat 12/20/08 03:57 AM

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:54 AM

Rap is the scourge or our society. laugh
and Marilyn Manson.

You know I used to really really really despise rap. Then when I got my convertable, my exhaust became really loud. I already had a 240sx but the convertable had this custom exhaust and with no way of keeping that sound from drowning out the speakers, I had to like find a new kind of music to bump to.

I turned on the radio and I came across a few songs that I really dug mainly because I could actually hear them, I no longer had a headache and well it was fun to start dancing to.

Now mind you, I don't dig most rap still to this day but there are a couple of songs that I can actually say I like.

Bojangles sounds amazing in my car.
Gold Digger sounds amazing in my car.
and then I listen to some r n b as well now because the beat and the vocals are tuned up enough to drown out the exhaust. It's really hard to listen to a band because most of the instruments don't ever make it above the exhaust. Remember I have no top, exhaust is ****ing loud, plus wind and other car exhausts... So I go with what I can do and what I found appealling. Just because I find it fun to listen to doesn't mean you will. There are only about 3 total cds that I made that I listen to, that's it. Some of them have repeating songs :). Just know, I grew up a metalhead from 3 till I was about 13. Then I found punk, hardcore, and I have always liked some pop rock and classic rock like the stones, the beatles, and even such sad bands as matchbox20 sorry I have a wierd taste in music. I think as long as I can relate to it and have fun with it, I dig it.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:47 AM
Oh it could definately be a really big sign of weakness. For example my mom told me this quote...

"If you can't find the one you love, settle for the one you're with' Psh I'm not settling for **** but that would be the weakness.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:43 AM
I have a couple of them. One is a dream that I've had since I was like 3 years old or so.

The other is to do exactly this.

Go to Australia, swim around the great barrier reef/scuba dive, camp under the stars, pet a koala bear, pet a kangaroo, see some of the outback at sunset, watch the sunrise come off of the beach near the great barrier reef, swim with the dolphins. Oh and by the way, this would be a date because if I'm alone doing this I'm bored as ****. Not going out to eat dinner at some nice restaurant 10 miles down the street.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:35 AM

He tried to make me obey using fear so I took it and as long as I can remember I counted the days until I could leave.

Started leaving at ten...gone for good at fifteen.

He hasn't spoken to me in thirty-five years despite seeing me at least several times a week. He is now a lonely old bastard with no friends and a family who, besides my mother, abandoned him. He is dying.

Ruling with fear is a mistake. It breeds monsters.

Ruling with respect breeds possibilities.

you're a monster? AHHHHH SHE'S A REAL MONSTER!

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:28 AM

yeah - well now let's be kind to the dog...
a dog can only take so much walkin y'know!


see i used to walk the cat!

did you ever see "Big Daddy" when Sandler has the
kid pimpin him?


Psh sandler's a dork when it comes to pimpin 5 yr olds. I had a 4yr old nephew and a 5 yr old nephew *he grew a whole year this year he turns 6.*

Here's the deal. He walks with me and the dog around the all girls college *oh yes*. He isn't allowed to talk to fat chicks *ok I'm harsh but I'm getting somewhere with this*. I explicity say no fat chicks. He goes uncle charlie look A FAT ONE! at the top of his voice. Man this kid was ****ing hilarious and made me to be such a douche. Anyway, he would bring pretty girls really nice stones and fat girls big ugly rocks. He would play with them and when they least expected it, he totally grabbed the titty and showed me. He was the bomb yo!

I actually had to refrain myself from taking this one girl down though. She was sun bathing with this white see through bikini and I was like oh my god full snatch and he walks over to her and gives her a flower. Who do you think taught em to give every hot girl a flower? Although he started giving em to the fat ones...

The best was when his father was in his public and he goes daddy look a fat one. His dad got such a rude remark it was ridiculous! Of course he always blames me for the fat one remark and of course I always blame him for the fat one remark but you know it probably really hurt some of these girls to hear that. I didn't know he was going to point them out and yell it.

Seriously though, how the **** do you resist a kid who runs all the way up to you and gives you a flower he picked? Totally bonus points for me.

The problem was the bugger was way too smart. I was having fun with my girl and I can't remember exactly what the conversation was at this particular moment all I remember was saying uncle charlie doesn't dig chocolate milk and he totally understood that meant I wasn't putting it in her butt. I don't know how the **** he understood that when that's all I said. Now mind you my girl and I totally cracked the **** up but seriously how does a 5 yr old get that joke?

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