Community > Posts By > squonk

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:42 PM
what's a date?

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:42 PM
Why does a relationship lead to marriage?

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:39 PM
report my conversation of what part of leave me the **** alone do you not understand to the captain of my base...

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:38 PM
oh so that's why it's cold outside today...

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:36 PM

so your whole family is teaching this 6yr old that women are things, fat chicks are dirt, and to tell your dates that you won't be "doing them in the butt"....
Most women know a sicko when they see one...
I feel sorry for your dog sad

Hahahaha my dog is awesome. She loves life.

I didn't say fat chicks are dirt. I simply requested that he not go up to them when we could be talking to people my size. Maybe if I was oversized I would think differently, but I am 130lbs and a woman who weighs more than me just doesn't suit well with me. It's a preference, you can judge me all you want because of it. I just think of it not only as awkward but more importantly if I can't pick them up or do things I love to do it just isn't going to work nearly as well.

I never said anything about the butt or doing anything. I just said I won't be making chocolate milk. Which to older people they should get it for a 5 year old to understand I don't get it hahaha.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:46 PM
I don't think we should hold people to our expectations unless they want us to. Still if someone was to truly disappointment me it would be going against what they have told me that they value in life like for example stealing, lying, cheating etc.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:44 PM
Why should I quit using the dog if the dog is leading me to beautiful women?

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:32 PM
Saints highest scoring offense in football and you really thought this was going to be 27-24? Hahahahaa.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:23 PM
Whoa whoa whoa whoa there. I didn't teach him to grab the girls titty, that was my sister and his father. The fact that he does it, totally ****ing hilarious :). He's not my kid I don't care if he's pulling down some shirts and shows me some nipples. You're too uptight.

I taught him to bring flowers to girls. I just tried to eliminate every single girl based on my preference and it backfired to some extent. Is it so bad to try and teach a kid about prferences?

He turned 6 yesterday, he was doing this when he was 3-5. I haven't seem him in about 6 months or so.

All I have ever encouraged him to do was to be social around girls my age. I help him pick flowers, he did the stones and rocks thing all by himself. I didn't even mention how many times he would ask a girl to come sleep over and play video games all night long.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:17 PM
That's tomorrow... I must be missing something.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:17 PM

My neighbor and I are really good friends. We hang out when waiting for the school bus, my kids and their kids are always doing stuff together so we hang out then too, we just hang out a lot.

Well the other day, her brother (who doesn't live there and who is happily married) invited me and my daughter to come over for Christmas. They have a lot of family that will be coming over throughout the day. The thing is, because it wasn't my neighbor that invited us personally, I don't know if we should go or not. I know we would be welcome, but do you think it would be right for me to show up, when the neighbor wasn't the one who made the invite?

I've always felt uncomfortable around people on xmas. It seems to me that everyone wants to be sheltered in by themselves and family. Boring


squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:15 PM
what's a date?

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:14 PM


apparently I exist to provide an income for automakers and mortgage brokers


I like to think that if I am able to make people smile, I exist just for that sole purpose.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:14 AM
First of all I don't hate anyone.

Second of all if my friends didn't like or hated someone then I'm sure there's a reason for this. They don't just go randomly picking people out and being like that dudes an asshole.

I think it boils down to why they don't like them. I mean we've had mutual friends and one stole something from another but I mean why would I like a stealer even though they never stole anything from me?

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:11 AM
So lastnight I went out again. This girl came over and talked to me. I got an awkward feeling by her so she might have had someone and definately had friends at the place. She wanted to knows my dogs name and even went to continue the conversation. I looked towards new people coming in, she bent over put her cig out and walked away. Did I bore her? She even related to herself of her own dog... I don't know. I probably blew this one away.

I also blew a chance with another girl. She was sitting there yawning not talking to anyone including her other 2 friends. I didn't notice a ring but she did speak of marriage somehow. She didn't talk to me though rather just kept trying to get my dogs attention and my dog totally ignored her. We kept making eye contact but I never said a word :(.

Those were the only 2 potential ones I had tonight. It was very slow and I'm not exactly sure that is the best place for me but I was given a new place to try out which is more like a college atmosphere. I don't know how that will go since I can't seem to approach and keep the conversation stimulating enough.

I'm starting to think that's my total lack of interest in people. I think this is caused by meeting to many people online and having soo many discussions that I begin to assume the person has nothing worthy of talking about. The only conversations I ever joined in were the ones where I was invited to. I never once approached anyone or did anything to help my cause tonight. I'm guessing because I'm just so used to people seeing my dog and then beginning a conversation but then again I show no interest back... Except googley eyes of course.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:41 AM
Hah I am not a tool at all.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:48 PM

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:56 PM

A gift on the first date seems a bit too much. There will probably be a bit of awkwardness... regardless of the gift. Then she has to figure out what she is going to do with it while you are actually on the date itself. The best thing on the first date is to bring yourself with a warm pleasant smile and attitude. Those attributes are a gift in themselves.

Who the hell said you whip the gift out in the beginning only flowers are suitable for this because they need to be left behind. Sometimes I bring a gift, hide it and they won't get it till the next day cuz they don't know where it is. They always find it the next day though.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:54 PM

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:54 PM
My username represents being absolutely alone in the world. Not being able to find anyone that is quite like me and do to this, the creature sheds silver tears *my favorite color*. It's also not gold and I can't stand gold I much prefer silver so it goes a little deeper than just the screen name.

The creature lives in the woods, I dig the woods and camping and stuff.

It's a good song by Genesis...

I think most importantly though it suits me right now because I have asbolutely no friends considering I just moved to a brand nee area.

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