valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 03:01 PM

yeah i know i guess with the help of someone who will loves me seriously and WILL Show me what does true love really means, Im not really looking im just waiting that someday somehow, Someone will change my perspectives.

Steffanie, Singapore is very far away. You are very very attractive young lady and more than enough to fall for you, but that's also the problem.
There are not many things that can fck up the guy more than being in love way over head and then having to face the reality that he'll never be together with her.

Before this christmas I will be in love with someone and that someone shall know what a true love means and we gonna have the best time ever.
But LDR with true love involved, could really end with hell pain.

So Stef... What do you do, when a real man (not these horny 4ssh0les you see in every thread, playing their broken record) takes you from your word and starts LDR with you? Are you willing to move? Or how do you imagine the things will work out with you? or is it just an experiment for you?

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 02:45 PM
Jesus, why even bother to get an iPhone when you can make those very personal calls from the booth across the street.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 01:26 PM

There she is. Theres nothing more I could proably wish for. A Perfect Gothic girl.

The reason I'm not going for her is that she needs equal male counterpart and i'm not it. I'm way older and haven't accomplished nowhere near enough to go confidently and be ready to provide her with the life she deserves. But DAMN I like her style and sense of humor.

So I'll remind myself of my odds & mortality and go for a more earthly girl who has flaws and can live with herself after hooking up with me.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 12:52 PM

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 12:26 PM
Are you starving, man? Only woman you gonna attract like this is Mother Teresa

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 11:31 AM
allright looks like I was clouded by some biased reading...

Late Antiquity suffered the Emperor Crisis and row of wars that all did their part to end their world as they knew it. Once rome was divided into the west and east and the language gap between Byzantine and Latin only widened in time so the knowledge no longer traveled freely. Having no printing press to ensure the survival of enough copies of books didnt excacty help either. So yeah it was not as monks and priests stormed one city after another torching all the libaries they could find but it was more like disinterest of continuing the tradition of ancient philosophers to find thruths by logical reasoning rather than by faith. Unless it was beneficial as St. Augustine incorporated Plato's ideas into christianity where he saw fit.

So philosophers died without the offspring and church wasnt really interested to pick up their fallen quill. they had better things to do.
doesnt sound too harsh now.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 10:48 AM

The flat earth is more of a medieval thing- a result of the destruction of the collective knowledge of greco-roman civilization by catolic church.
Ancient greeks knew the earths shape and size, had advanced cartography (though limited by capabilities of mediterranean galleys, which were ill suited for ocean voyages). Greeks were also first to suggest that the world is made of atoms (!!!!) and started the classification of plants and animals. And as an open society, they made their ideas known to the others. The schools, the Academy, the Lyceum were working at full throttle.

They had good thing going, but it didnt survive the dark times.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 10:25 AM

Here's the icing.

All those so-called refugees will receive free housing, about 2,000.00 a month per adult, medicare and medicaid. For each child, they will receive about 1,000.00 per child. That will continue as long as they are able to reproduce.

Example: Husband and wife = 4,000.00 per month.
Two kids = 2,000,00 per month.
They live on, just cash, not counting Benis, 6,000.00 a month.

Wth are Benis?

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 10:08 AM
Edited by valtheponytail35 on Sat 09/20/14 10:15 AM
I've been blabbering around here for a while now and skipped the step of
introducing myself.

I'm 35 years old fresh single guy from Manchester, UK. I like hard-rock
and metal music in most of it's forms. I also like outstanding artists from
other genres as well. I used to have a small independent record store but
it didnt survive the depression in music industry and now I'm having much simpler
job, until I get another idea to give it a go and becoming self employed again.

What will I bring into the new relationship?
Apart from my not very remarkable, yet full-time salary, lets see...
I'm gonna be a good companion to go to the local music gigs.
I'm good well read conversation partner at most of topics, not only music and I don't insist
on winning every arguement. I shall respect your viewpoint whereever it differs from mine.
I shall let you be totally yourself. You do not need to play any kind a role with me, whether it'll be
a role of a perfect gf, a role of a tech-savvy, a model, a hottie. Never supress yourself
to make me like you. I want your love, not your freedom to be yourself.
I'm kinda pretty good at sketching so... I will probably add a few portraits of you
to your collection.
If youre religious, don't freak out because I'm an atheist. I won't try to convert you nor keep you
from practicing whatever you need to do. I will support and not mock your faith as long as your practices will not
harm anyone.
I have unlimited supply of hugs and caresses, also kisses. I'll share. :)

What I want from the new relationship?
Love me and need me. Don't fake. Thats basically it.

I'm not gonna just sit and wait obviously, I'll be out there in real world as well so,

Wish me luck on my search and I also hope that you all find what you're looking for.

Val ThePonytail

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 09:13 AM
Yup it works only as long as it works for the common goal of you 2 getting together and staying.

Technically it could work if youre not greedy and want to feel real arms around you, real hugs and real kisses from real lips, real breathing in bed next to you every night, and real sparkle from pair of real eyes. If you're fine with not having any of it, LDR-s are working for you.

And if you're not sure of getting together, do not demand celibacy from your significant other. Being true is paramount in real relationships or LDR-s that actually progress, but demanding celibacy from your LDR to who you never promised to go to and be there for him, thats just animal cruelty.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 02:47 AM
Edited by valtheponytail35 on Sat 09/20/14 02:50 AM
Hi Anna, I'll let some old-timer answer all the technical stuff I didnt really bother to find out when I joined but heres another question for dudes who gonna see all your pics and vids:

How the hell are you gonna build up enough confidence to ask her out if youre not at least a lead guitar in a band such as A7X?

The best I've ever been was being an independent record store owner. And even then I'm not sure I'd had the guts. Youre awesome, Anna.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 02:20 AM

Every day with a girlfriend makes me happier,
Every day without a girlfriend makes me richer.

I can't lose! biggrin
Now if I could just find a girl that would say that.
I would be richer and happier.think

So which one are you now? richer or happier?

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 02:15 AM
It's the smartphone age, people are texting all the time. When a guy really likes you u might expect some anxiety in his heart- he'll have stuff to worry about, what if I get too nervous and start stuttering? what if I say smth I didnt mean to come out that way? Texting has less stress cuz you can think before you say smth and it will come out right. I'm sure if he knew that you hate texting he'd called. But since you already shot him down just because poor guy used his smartphone in the way everybody does it in these days... perhaps it was you who weren't really interested.

valtheponytail35's photo
Sat 09/20/14 01:56 AM
Edited by valtheponytail35 on Sat 09/20/14 01:59 AM
Well I'm not interested at all.

All I know is "she" could be some baldy scam-4ssh0le from somewhere in Nigeria, sitting in front of a dirty screen using google translator and making dozens of new profiles every day while chewing the *** off a cuban cigar and laughing at all these poor dudes.

valtheponytail35's photo
Fri 09/19/14 03:47 PM

valtheponytail35's photo
Fri 09/19/14 02:51 PM
I second. You can kick *** and stand for your girl and you have sense of responsibility too. If u have security guard uniform that looks cool, take a picture with it and set it as an avatar. It may add smth to the looks. What also may freak out western-style women is your religion islam. But the fact that you drink shows that youre not religious zealot but human and personality first. That is also a good thing.
So overall you are a promising candidate. But I think you'll have more luck when you go to your nightclub off duty and try to hook up there.

valtheponytail35's photo
Fri 09/19/14 12:35 PM

wow how much time do you guys spend on here looking when you could be out having a life? lol, was just posting this thinking about how much time I've spent on here and other sites looking but never really finding anyone that truly stands out above the I crazy or just tired of the looking and waiting???

Finding is easy and there are quite few outstanding posters in this forum, but getting them interested of YOU... Thats a whole other matter.
And wth you talking about having a life? Payday is still a week away, what kinda life can you possibly have without the roll, man?
"Can I buy you a tea, lov?" (shrugs)

But yeah, once the roll is in the pocket and its friday, there is no excuse of not trying to get a life. No argument there.

valtheponytail35's photo
Fri 09/19/14 12:22 PM
The record holder is gotta be Genghis Khan. He has 16 million decendants living today, which means he had thousands of women in his lifetime.

valtheponytail35's photo
Fri 09/19/14 11:41 AM

To move America closer to New Zealand :-)

Wth good is that gonna do?

valtheponytail35's photo
Fri 09/19/14 11:39 AM
Every day with a girlfriend makes me happier,
Every day without a girlfriend makes me richer.

I can't lose! biggrin

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