Topic: Perverts
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Fri 05/13/11 06:22 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Fri 05/13/11 06:23 AM

cougars lay in wait- :wink:

but it's really not all that serious mostly fun

whether the attraction is mutual is whether anything comes of it

just like with anyone

people make too much out if it

quite frankly I could just as easily think some of these very young guys who would pursue me are a little pervy - fortunatelylaugh

They do? Not the ones I hear about here (as in where I live.. I've heard lots of stories)... they pounce on the young ones pretty quickly.. laugh.

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:25 AM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Fri 05/13/11 06:27 AM

cougars lay in wait- :wink:

but it's really not all that serious mostly fun

whether the attraction is mutual is whether anything comes of it

just like with anyone

people make too much out if it

quite frankly I could just as easily think some of these very young guys who would pursue me are a little pervy - fortunatelylaugh

They do? Not the ones I hear about here (as in where I live.. I've heard lots of stories)... they pounce on the young ones pretty quickly.. laugh.

nothing I've ever done - or observed either -as far as I can tell anyway- we usually get them mailing us- mostly for sex - There's been one or two who were just normal and decent guys

but we also joke about it a lot in the threads - I can't speak for anyone else but that's how it seems to me

and I meant to say lay AND wait

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:26 AM
I wasn't talking about just emails. I meant in real life. :tongue:

TexasScoundrel's photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:33 AM
Edited by TexasScoundrel on Fri 05/13/11 06:37 AM
I have known assertive women of all ages. They can come on too strong and seem just as creepy as men can. Remember Mrs. Robertson?

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:35 AM

I wasn't talking about just emails. I meant in real life. :tongue:

Oh, OK

IRL I have not dated a younger man in 2 years

or anyone else either - grumble

I usually do date younger when I do date because they ask and they refrain from suggesting a hotel along the highway as a place to meet <( why I have turned down a few recent offer from men my age - prolly married)

For reasons like the above I soemtimes have trouble getting along w/ men closer to my age

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:40 AM

I wasn't talking about just emails. I meant in real life. :tongue:

Oh, OK

IRL I have not dated a younger man in 2 years

or anyone else either - grumble

I usually do date younger when I do date because they ask and they refrain from suggesting a hotel along the highway as a place to meet <( why I have turned down a few recent offer from men my age - prolly married)

For reasons like the above I soemtimes have trouble getting along w/ men closer to my age

So you just go for younger men on here and not in real life?

Yeah, I was talking about in real life. There's a local bar that is known for it's cougars on the weekend. I went in there once, as it was on our way somewhere else and it was full of older women. Some younger guys as well. Some old guys, too. Not my kinda place, but it was... interesting to see.

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:45 AM

So I had a question that is based on some comments in another thread.

I notice that when a young girl is pursued by a much older man (in forum threads or in real life), she calls him a pervert, but if she is pursued by a hot guy around her age then he isn't called a pervert unless he does something unusually pervy. However, if the guy is not hot but still around her age, then he could be called creepy or some other derogatory term if she doesn't care to have his attention.

Does the age of a person or hotness influence on whether or not you think they are a pervert? I realize people of any age or looks can be one but was curious if this was a factor.

I don't think it has anything to do with age. It has to do with intentions. As we can't read other people's minds, we can only assess intentions on what we perceive from the writings.

If someone is coming across as genuinely offensively perverted, that's not difficult to distinguish.

The rest of the time, it's strictly an arbitrary conclusion made by the target of the attention. If they choose to take offense at what might be a real declaration of interest, solely because they think the person is too old, etc., then it's less about perversion than it is about the pursued individual's preferences. Odds are they're not going to get involved with anyone that age even if the person is a superb (and respectful) conversationalist.

I know I personally have rarely found anyone's e-mails to me to be what I would call "perverted." Misguided, yes; perverted, no. But it's apparently different for women.

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Fri 05/13/11 06:46 AM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Fri 05/13/11 07:06 AM

I wasn't talking about just emails. I meant in real life. :tongue:

Oh, OK

IRL I have not dated a younger man in 1 year - last summer - he was nice but not a romantic attraction

or anyone else either - grumble

I usually do date younger when I do date because they ask and they refrain from suggesting a hotel along the highway as a place to meet <( why I have turned down a few recent offer from men my age - prolly married)

For reasons like the above I soemtimes have trouble getting along w/ men closer to my age

So you just go for younger men on here and not in real life?

Yeah, I was talking about in real life. There's a local bar that is known for it's cougars on the weekend. I went in there once, as it was on our way somewhere else and it was full of older women. Some younger guys as well. Some old guys, too. Not my kinda place, but it was... interesting to see.

no if you read what I said I do not. They generally mail me and I've seen that comment from other women 40+

but I usually don't object unless they act gross - but usually they are fine

it's the ones my age and older who make inappropriate comments (hotel meetings s a first meetnoway )

When I date IRL it is usually younger because they ask

but as far as "go for" I do not have a strong preference but a slight preference for somewhat younger men, yes.

I joke on here about the cougar thing

but in reality think it's stupid and do not make it a part of myself IRL - hope that clears things up

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:47 AM

I have known assertive women of all ages. They can come on too strong and seem just as creepy as men can. Remember Mrs. Robertson?

it was Robinson

and I don't see him running out of the room

TexasScoundrel's photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:50 AM
Either did she.

fireflysgirl's photo
Fri 05/13/11 06:56 AM

So I had a question that is based on some comments in another thread.

I notice that when a young girl is pursued by a much older man (in forum threads or in real life), she calls him a pervert, but if she is pursued by a hot guy around her age then he isn't called a pervert unless he does something unusually pervy. However, if the guy is not hot but still around her age, then he could be called creepy or some other derogatory term if she doesn't care to have his attention.

Does the age of a person or hotness influence on whether or not you think they are a pervert? I realize people of any age or looks can be one but was curious if this was a factor.

NO it's their attitude and intent that defines whether they are just a creepy pervert or naughty, yet datable material! I have had men of various ages that just wanna hook up for NSA stuff & those I consider the perverts. They usually have no pic & little info on their profile = creepy! On the other hand, I have met a man with which I have no issues discussing details about how naughty we could be together if there were not a gabillion miles between us. Is he perverted...Yes, but no more than I am with him! Does he creep me out....HELL NO

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Fri 05/13/11 07:10 AM
yes texas - your point is well taken - the whole subject is gender neutral and a matter of personal preference

I do think women have more mature attitudes about intimate subjects as they age and are more accepting of sexuality as being normal rather than "naughty" or perverted

not so sure if that is true for men - seems to go in reverselaugh

TexasScoundrel's photo
Fri 05/13/11 07:24 AM

yes texas - your point is well taken - the whole subject is gender neutral and a matter of personal preference

I do think women have more mature attitudes about intimate subjects as they age and are more accepting of sexuality as being normal rather than "naughty" or perverted

not so sure if that is true for men - seems to go in reverselaugh

Funny, I have found it to be exactly the opposite. Mature women are usually the first to complain and call a man a pervert, while younger women are far more open to sex of all kinds.

Maybe the mature ones are more concerned about their reputations and standing in the community. They feel a need to oppress their sexuality. In public anyway.

Or maybe it's just sour grapes when they assume I am paying my girlfriend. It pisses them off that a woman so young is swimming in their dating pool.

no photo
Fri 05/13/11 07:34 AM

yes texas - your point is well taken - the whole subject is gender neutral and a matter of personal preference

I do think women have more mature attitudes about intimate subjects as they age and are more accepting of sexuality as being normal rather than "naughty" or perverted

not so sure if that is true for men - seems to go in reverselaugh

Funny, I have found it to be exactly the opposite. Mature women are usually the first to complain and call a man a pervert, while younger women are far more open to sex of all kinds.

Maybe the mature ones are more concerned about their reputations and standing in the community. They feel a need to oppress their sexuality. In public anyway.

Or maybe it's just sour grapes when they assume I am paying my girlfriend. It pisses them off that a woman so young is swimming in their dating pool.

well I could not disagree with you more having been a young girl myself once I think I know what the norm is

enjoy patting yourself on the back

but if I were her , I 'd be asking right now whether I was a human being to you or a trophy

I was a trophy wife for 17yrs

never again

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/13/11 07:41 AM
its kind of hard to compare what young girls would say or do,they are individuals so what one thinks doesn't mean the other thinks the same.a majority may think it but its not all of them.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 05/14/11 05:46 AM
Edited by TexasScoundrel on Sat 05/14/11 05:51 AM

well I could not disagree with you more having been a young girl myself once I think I know what the norm is

enjoy patting yourself on the back

but if I were her , I 'd be asking right now whether I was a human being to you or a trophy

I was a trophy wife for 17yrs

never again

Trophy? Well, I am proud of her and our son. But, I'm also proud of my other son too. And I do enjoy being seen with her. But, she enjoys being seen with me and is proud also.

Maybe I'm her trophy.

Jess642's photo
Sat 05/14/11 06:09 AM

I think the fact that I gravitated towards this thread because of title, speaks volumes.ohwell laugh

laugh I second that motion...ohwell

Jess642's photo
Sat 05/14/11 06:13 AM

It IS an evocative question.

As far as ageism and relationships, I hold steadfast to 2 criteria..

Yet as far as innocently and publicly recognizing the beauty of the 18-19yo "Belle of the Ball"....I certainly hesitate in the interest of propriety.

Did you type all that with your pinky fingers raised???

rofl rofl

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 05/14/11 06:14 AM

It IS an evocative question.

As far as ageism and relationships, I hold steadfast to 2 criteria..

Yet as far as innocently and publicly recognizing the beauty of the 18-19yo "Belle of the Ball"....I certainly hesitate in the interest of propriety.

Did you type all that with your pinky fingers raised???

rofl rofl

grumble Now THAT would just be perverse!

Jess642's photo
Sat 05/14/11 06:32 AM
I don't really have an aversion to perversion.

I do have a real perversion to aversion, though.