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Topic: What is sin, really?
Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 01:24 AM
All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/25/11 04:08 AM
Many do find God everywhere.


jrbogie's photo
Thu 08/25/11 06:28 AM

lets look at the free dictionary

a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

so, according to the above, christianity does fit all definitions, BUT

buddhism also would fall under definition 3

and most sports would fall under definition 4, where athletes are concerned..lol

,, gotta love ENglish,,,,

raider mania is definately a religion.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Thu 08/25/11 11:44 AM

When people talk about 'sin' I draw a blank.

What is it really?

I think it is a term used by Religions and has no meaning whatsoever outside of a religious context.

to me, sin is to intensionaly hurt others.

highflyer14's photo
Thu 08/25/11 12:18 PM
Sin is disobedience to the one true God, whose only begotten Son is Jesus Christ. To appreciate the meaning of the term, we need to study God's word and gain wisdom; that is the yard stick. An Islamic fundamentalist may believe that killing innocent people will lead him to paradise. Such errorneous belief does not change the nature of sin. Fornication is likewise a sin, its social acceptance notwithstanding. It is something we have to learn and there is almost zero spirituality in a sinful person.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/25/11 12:31 PM

All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

How would that even be possible to be multiple to all beliefs? The different beliefs around the world contradict with one another.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/25/11 12:39 PM

All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

How would that even be possible to be multiple to all beliefs? The different beliefs around the world contradict with one another.

This one verse blows your theory out of the water.

John 14:6

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 03:11 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 08/25/11 03:12 PM

All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

How would that even be possible to be multiple to all beliefs? The different beliefs around the world contradict with one another.

This one verse blows your theory out of the water.

John 14:6

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Not really, a book saying something doesn't prove anything. You can quote it till the cows come home doesn't make it true. Try again with an unbiased source.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 03:15 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 08/25/11 03:17 PM

All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

How would that even be possible to be multiple to all beliefs? The different beliefs around the world contradict with one another.

How? One word, FAITH. It is not HOW you believe, or WHERE and WHAT you believe that causes one to find God. It is the seeking God PERIOD that causes one to find Him. The Bible itself even says seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. If one is looking for God, regardless of where they look they WILL find Him.

It's the core reason why so many mainstream religions think their way is the right one only because they ALL experienced and found God through them. The error is in thinking that because they found God there, that's the only place He can be found, but that simply isn't the case.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/25/11 04:56 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 08/25/11 05:22 PM

All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

How would that even be possible to be multiple to all beliefs? The different beliefs around the world contradict with one another.

This one verse blows your theory out of the water.

John 14:6

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

This verse does NOT mean that you have to "believe in Jesus". It
only means that you should be Christ-like in your actions. Jesus is
saying that the only way to holiness is piety - NOT that people
must have blind faith in Jesus to be saved.

When he says that he is the way the truth and the life he means
that his example of behavior is the way. It is silly to suppose
that Jesus would approve of someone acting immorally but simply
"believing in Jesus".


msharmony's photo
Thu 08/25/11 05:19 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/25/11 05:20 PM
I truly dont believe there is any 'religion' that is above all others because all 'religions' hold many overlapping standards and beliefs

and , before the books of those religions were written there were already people and God and people who found God(IMHO)

obviously, one need not be a christian, or muslim, or any other label to Find God, and one need not even read or know about any religious BOOK

however, I do consider it foolish to think that because people dont need it, it doesnt contain truths that people DO NEED to come to understand somehow,,,,

I likewise think its foolish for those who DO have the resource to ignore it, or even worse, misrepresent or discard it's truths

I just think those truths can be found in many different places(including different religious texts)

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/25/11 05:26 PM

I truly dont believe there is any 'religion' that is above all others because all 'religions' hold many overlapping standards and beliefs

and , before the books of those religions were written there were already people and God and people who found God(IMHO)

obviously, one need not be a christian, or muslim, or any other label to Find God, and one need not even read or know about any religious BOOK

however, I do consider it foolish to think that because people dont need it, it doesnt contain truths that people DO NEED to come to understand somehow,,,,

I likewise think its foolish for those who DO have the resource to ignore it, or even worse, misrepresent or discard it's truths

I just think those truths can be found in many different places(including different religious texts)

So true. All the religious texts from around the world carry much
the same philosophical and ethical viewpoints. They reflect our
common human need to understand basic concepts of good and evil,
humanity and divinity, the origin of the universe and the consequences
of our thoughts and actions.

God has revealed to me that what religion and rituals one observes
is completely irrelevant.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 05:27 PM

I truly dont believe there is any 'religion' that is above all others because all 'religions' hold many overlapping standards and beliefs

and , before the books of those religions were written there were already people and God and people who found God(IMHO)

obviously, one need not be a christian, or muslim, or any other label to Find God, and one need not even read or know about any religious BOOK

however, I do consider it foolish to think that because people dont need it, it doesnt contain truths that people DO NEED to come to understand somehow,,,,

I likewise think its foolish for those who DO have the resource to ignore it, or even worse, misrepresent or discard it's truths

I just think those truths can be found in many different places(including different religious texts)

You're right, there IS truth in all religions, but none of them are entirely true. This is where we err, in thinking that because we're told that a particular text or belief system, (in this case the Bible and Christianity) that it is entirely true and incapable of being wrong at any level. We have to take a look at these things on their own merits, take what works and leave what doesn't. The key of course there is being able to recognize which is which.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/25/11 05:36 PM

I truly dont believe there is any 'religion' that is above all others because all 'religions' hold many overlapping standards and beliefs

and , before the books of those religions were written there were already people and God and people who found God(IMHO)

obviously, one need not be a christian, or muslim, or any other label to Find God, and one need not even read or know about any religious BOOK

however, I do consider it foolish to think that because people dont need it, it doesnt contain truths that people DO NEED to come to understand somehow,,,,

I likewise think its foolish for those who DO have the resource to ignore it, or even worse, misrepresent or discard it's truths

I just think those truths can be found in many different places(including different religious texts)

You're right, there IS truth in all religions, but none of them are entirely true. This is where we err, in thinking that because we're told that a particular text or belief system, (in this case the Bible and Christianity) that it is entirely true and incapable of being wrong at any level. We have to take a look at these things on their own merits, take what works and leave what doesn't. The key of course there is being able to recognize which is which.

Almost nobody believes the Bible is to be taken literally.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 05:50 PM

I truly dont believe there is any 'religion' that is above all others because all 'religions' hold many overlapping standards and beliefs

and , before the books of those religions were written there were already people and God and people who found God(IMHO)

obviously, one need not be a christian, or muslim, or any other label to Find God, and one need not even read or know about any religious BOOK

however, I do consider it foolish to think that because people dont need it, it doesnt contain truths that people DO NEED to come to understand somehow,,,,

I likewise think its foolish for those who DO have the resource to ignore it, or even worse, misrepresent or discard it's truths

I just think those truths can be found in many different places(including different religious texts)

You're right, there IS truth in all religions, but none of them are entirely true. This is where we err, in thinking that because we're told that a particular text or belief system, (in this case the Bible and Christianity) that it is entirely true and incapable of being wrong at any level. We have to take a look at these things on their own merits, take what works and leave what doesn't. The key of course there is being able to recognize which is which.

Almost nobody believes the Bible is to be taken literally.

You might be surprised really, to quite a few it's the infallible word of God, and as such can't be wrong. What that type of thinking tends to do is make it hard for you to see much beyond the book because everything you're told is compared to it. If it conflicts it's rejected. It creates a closed mind.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/25/11 05:57 PM
Gods words are infallible,,, our interpretations/translations,,, are not

Dragoness's photo
Thu 08/25/11 06:02 PM

Gods words are infallible,,, our interpretations/translations,,, are not

The god that doesn't exist has left no words. Only man is left words.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/25/11 06:04 PM

Gods words are infallible,,, our interpretations/translations,,, are not

The god that doesn't exist has left no words. Only man is left words.

according to your beliefs,,,

but not everyone's

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/25/11 06:24 PM

All religion does is distort who God is. No religion has it right, no book has it right. It is absurd to me that an all powerful, unlimited being would limit itself in such a way to one place as some like to believe. If God is everywhere, than he naturally would have to be able to be found everywhere too, no matter whether you believe or don't, or what church you do or do not attend.

How would that even be possible to be multiple to all beliefs? The different beliefs around the world contradict with one another.

This one verse blows your theory out of the water.

John 14:6

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

This verse does NOT mean that you have to "believe in Jesus". It
only means that you should be Christ-like in your actions. Jesus is
saying that the only way to holiness is piety - NOT that people
must have blind faith in Jesus to be saved.

When he says that he is the way the truth and the life he means
that his example of behavior is the way. It is silly to suppose
that Jesus would approve of someone acting immorally but simply
"believing in Jesus".


Matthew 10:33

33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

It is silly to suppose
that Jesus would approve of someone acting immorally but simply
"believing in Jesus".

Very true, the following explains this very well.

James 2:17
17Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 06:35 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 08/25/11 06:36 PM

Gods words are infallible,,, our interpretations/translations,,, are not

The god that doesn't exist has left no words. Only man is left words.

according to your beliefs,,,

but not everyone's

Perhaps, but no religion, book or belief system has a monopoly on God. The idea that one book above all others can be God's word, would suggest the opposite.

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