Topic: Are you a "storyteller?"
GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 07/29/12 08:40 AM
Are you a "storyteller?" (I'm not talking about "fish tales" per se!)...Do you ever share stories from your past (or even current experiences) in animated or humorous ways?...I grew-up in a family that shared "tales" and stories at times. My husband did when he was alive and my 2 closest friends can be "storytellers" too...I made friends with a younger woman on another forum recently who couldn't relate to "storytelling" at all! Of course she has a tendency to be pretty serious and "straight-laced" most of the time. And she likes to keep the door "closed" on her past...Anyway how do you feel about "storytelling?" (I don't know what else to call it!) Thanks!

Sun 07/29/12 09:05 AM
My whole family is! It makes for the best family reunions. We have a great time at any and every family function

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:16 AM
MAKE_ME_GIGGLE...Thanks for posting! Thanks for the validation!...I'm glad you and your family have fun telling stories to each other too!.. Putting a humorous "spin" on things keeps me from going off the "deep-end" at times. It "lightens" things "up" a bit. Don't you think?...Thanks again for posting!

Teri11215's photo
Mon 07/30/12 09:49 PM
Yes, I love to visit the past sometimes. If my mistakes help someone not to do the same, that's even better.

What is the best though, is when you can make someone laugh.laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 07/30/12 10:10 PM

On Planet Melmac, we Melmacians didn't tell stories.
Instead, we read aloud from each other's rap sheet.

veevee6's photo
Mon 07/30/12 11:45 PM
not a story teller, but I'm the listener

no photo
Tue 07/31/12 12:06 AM
I'm a compulsive liar and a brilliant listener. So, yes. Kind of.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/31/12 02:23 AM
Yes...I'm a fantastic story-teller.

No...I won't share any at this time, but I did long ago...Long, long ago.

no photo
Tue 07/31/12 06:04 AM

I'm a compulsive liar and a brilliant listener. So, yes. Kind of.


no photo
Tue 07/31/12 08:33 AM
No, not really.

no photo
Wed 08/01/12 08:57 PM

I'm a compulsive liar and a brilliant listener. So, yes. Kind of.


Awww, Torgo - now you're just playing into my ego.