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Topic: Bill Cosby - Guilty
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Sat 07/18/15 05:24 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Does a laugh mean you can or can't show the change in her story that you claim?

You discredit the woman, downplay her successful career and business. And state that she changed her story

At the very least you should be able to back up your claim of a change in her story. Can you?

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/18/15 05:51 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Does a laugh mean you can or can't show the change in her story that you claim?

You discredit the woman, downplay her successful career and business. And state that she changed her story

At the very least you should be able to back up your claim of a change in her story. Can you?

I dont choose to scour the internet searching once again for something I saw on television over a year ago

people believe what they want to believe, I have no reason to lie about what I heard her say

she made no mention of anyone 'forcing' her out,,,

when I heard her, she had 'escaped' the fate of the other women by leaving,,,,

no photo
Sat 07/18/15 06:27 PM

Really? Nothing in the MS archive vault?. interesting.

O.k., well then I will give you a hand. Above is the first interview she gave on the subject.

Her so called "story" has not changed at all since this.

Sure sounds like she was forced down the stairs to me.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/18/15 08:35 PM


Really? Nothing in the MS archive vault?. interesting.

O.k., well then I will give you a hand. Above is the first interview she gave on the subject.

Her so called "story" has not changed at all since this.

Sure sounds like she was forced down the stairs to me.

I dont know what her 'first' account was or what number it was when I heard it

but I know I heard her say she escaped the fate of others because she felt drugged and left

,,,without any reference to having been kicked or drug out,,,

no photo
Sun 07/19/15 02:27 AM
Edited by devildog123 on Sun 07/19/15 02:53 AM

There was no first "account". There was the breaking news interview of last year. And it seems that you may be one of the very few who did not see it, although you commented on it and on her.. on this site.. during the earlier Cosby thread... after that news story and interview broke.

She has not waivered or changed her mind or words. No backtracking.. no conflicting statements.

BTW additional deposition information is now unsealed ( N.Y. Times) and all over the news

It reads as a standard operating procedure manual for a predator. Cold, calculating, cunning, at times boastful and totally without conscious

from the N.Y. Times article:
In the deposition, Cosby describes sexual encounters with at least five women, and a "romantic" interest in two more, according to the Times.

He said he spoke with one woman, model Beth Ferrier, about her career and her father who had died of cancer.

The lawyer questions Cosby's motives: "Did you ask her those questions because you wanted to have sexual contact with her?"

In response, Cosby said "yes," according to the deposition

Nice guy.... throws cancer and heartstrings into the mix as well...

Cunning, calculating predator

no photo
Sun 07/19/15 07:21 AM
devildog quote

from the N.Y. Times article:
In the deposition, Cosby describes sexual encounters with at least five women, and a "romantic" interest in two more, according to the Times

Just in case few caught this... the word "romantic " in quotes, does NOT mean the word was used by Cosby or the prosecution. Most likely by Cosby's defence attorney asking Cosby. To MINIMIZE it & imply innocence & consent.

Word play slaphead

no photo
Sun 07/19/15 09:25 AM


Bill Cosby Deposition: What Is Somnophilia?

by Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor
Date: 15 July 2015 Time: 06:58 AM ET

Bill Cosby
Allegations that comedian Bill Cosby drugged and raped multiple women since the 1970s have brought a controversial psychological term to the surface: somnophilia, a fetish for sex with a sleeping person.
The definition is straightforward enough — somnophilia is sometimes known by the nickname Sleeping Beauty syndrome. But use of the term is quite different in psychology and in the legal system. In fact, sexual fetishes, or paraphilias are a hot-button topic in the psychological community.
"Paraphilias and things like sexual sadism are not really used by psychologists and therapists," said Anna Randall, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist who practices in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. "We don't generally diagnose somebody with that." [Hot Stuff? 10 Unusual Sexual Fixations]
Fetish versus disorder
In the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the mental health "bible" published by the American Psychiatric Association, unusual sexual fixations are described as paraphilias. This category includes everything from the benign (say, an obsession with shoes) to the dangerous (pedophilia).
If a person is fine with their shoe fetish, it's not a mental disorder. If, on the other hand, the fixation is distressing to a person, or if it harms others, it crosses the line into a paraphilic disorder.
Many mental health professionals see the "harm to others" distinction as muddying the waters, confusing criminality with mental illness. If someone is harming other people in the name of a fetish, the fetish itself is rarely the problem, Randall told Live Science.
"If somebody is doing something that is violating people's personal rights, they're more likely to have antisocial personality disorder, or they're a psychopath or a sociopath — where they don't either know what right or wrong is or they don't care," she said.
Similarly, she said, a "sex addiction" usually reflects an underlying problem like mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Sex "isn't the problem, it's a symptom," Randall said.
Cosby allegations
Cosby is alleged to have used Quaaludes and Benadryl to drug and rape women. Excerpts from a 2005 deposition in which Cosby admitted acquiring these drugs were released last week in response to an Associated Press request. Cosby maintains that the women consented to the drugs and encounters.
In response to the release of excerpts from the deposition, the lawyer for one of the alleged victims, Andrea Constand, brought up somnophilia. The lawyer, Dolores Troiani, asked for the complete transcripts to be released, saying that they included questions and answers with Cosby about additional sexual interactions, according to Yahoo News.
"Although some of the women engaged in consensual relations with Cosby, their accounts substantiated the defendant's alleged predilection for somnophilia," Troiani wrote.
The rape allegations may have little to do with somnophilia, however. If Cosby is guilty, it's possible that he had fantasies of sex with sleeping women, Randall said. It's also possible that the drugs were just a way to prevent the women from fighting back.
"If we were to say that every college kid who has sex with a drunk girl is a somnophiliac, that would be a pretty big stretch," Randall said. "Or that everybody who drugs somebody in the bar with a roofie is a somnophiliac. We'd have an awful lot of somnophilia around."
In fact, Randall said, somnophilia is rarely seen in clinical practice. "This is not in the top 10 of common fetishes," she said.
Ultimately, somnophilia is a side show in the question of Cosby's guilt or innocence, Randall said.
"At the end of the day," she said, "this is an issue of consent."


Somnophilia (from Latin "somnus" = sleep and Greek φιλία, "-philia" = love) also known as sleeping princess syndrome[1] and sleeping beauty syndrome[2] is a paraphilia in which an individual becomes sexually aroused by someone who is unconscious.[1][2][3] The condition has a high degree of correlation throughout history with incest and may progress to necrophilia.[4] The Dictionary of Psychology categorized somnophilia within the classification of predatory paraphilias.[5]

no photo
Sun 07/19/15 09:52 AM
Even Obama knows Cosby is guilty laugh

"" President Barack Obama responded to a
reporter's question Wednesday regarding
whether he will revoke comedian Bill Cosby's
Medal of Freedom.
"I'll say this -- if you give a woman or man,
without his or her knowledge a drug, and then
have sex with that person without consent,
that's rape," Obama said during a White
House press conference on Capitol Hill. "I
think this country, any civilized country should
have no tolerance for rape.""

no photo
Sun 07/19/15 10:44 AM
Even Sharpton stated that Cosby should start talking... Sharpton Lol

msharmony's photo
Sun 07/19/15 06:42 PM
Nobody is right all the time,,,,

sharpton makes a living facing controversies,,,Cosby does not

no photo
Mon 07/20/15 02:55 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Mon 07/20/15 03:03 AM

So much for Iran. Why Obama's Comments Rocked The Media Landscape

Cosby Reveal Calculated Pursuit Of Young Women- A DECADE AGO


no photo
Mon 07/20/15 04:03 AM

And using cancer as a lead in line on order to try to bed some girl... what a sleazy low life bastard too boot.

He's done..ruined..by his own actions AND his own words.

HEY..HEY...HEY.. Your F****d... Ta-ta Cosby :)

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 09:45 AM
5 hours ago - Time

Bill Cosby Forced to Testify on Sexual Assault

Tessa Berenson @tcberenson

The California Supreme Court just cleared the way for one of the mounting sexual assault cases against the comdedian to head to litigation

The California Supreme Court just cleared the way for one of the mounting sexual assault cases against Bill Cosby to head to litigation.

The Court denied Cosby’s petition to review the case Wednesday night, which means the civil suit can continue to the trial phase, CNN reports. Although many women have come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against the comedian, this particular suit was filed by Judith Huth, who claims that Cosby sexually assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion in 1974 when she was 15 years old.

According to Business Insider, Huth’s attorney said they plan to take Cosby’s deposition under oath within the next 30 days.

While Cosby has admitted to giving a woman Quaaludes before having sex with her, he has continued to deny all allegations of sexual impropriety.

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 03:19 PM
Now Ol Bill wants his money back from the 2005 settlement lol

Gawd he's toast, wait until they rip him apart under oath this time. smokin

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 03:27 PM

Now Ol Bill wants his money back from the 2005 settlement lol

Gawd he's toast, wait until they rip him apart under oath this time. smokin

They should at least slap him in the face with a mackerel.happy

Argo's photo
Thu 07/23/15 03:56 PM

Now Ol Bill wants his money back from the 2005 settlement lol

if i made a deal with the court system to seal the record of a case against me..
and all the other parties SIGNED the settlement agreement..and 10 years later it was decided to UN-SEAL the documents, for whatever reason....

i'd want my money back too...i'm not trying to defend anyone here at all....
imo, a deal is a deal and all parties should abide by what they agreed to....

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 07/23/15 03:58 PM

Now Ol Bill wants his money back from the 2005 settlement lol

Gawd he's toast, wait until they rip him apart under oath this time. smokin

They should at least slap him in the face with a mackerel.happy

Hey, what have you got against mackerels?

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 04:19 PM

Now Ol Bill wants his money back from the 2005 settlement lol

if i made a deal with the court system to seal the record of a case against me..
and all the other parties SIGNED the settlement agreement..and 10 years later it was decided to UN-SEAL the documents, for whatever reason....

i'd want my money back too...i'm not trying to defend anyone here at all....
imo, a deal is a deal and all parties should abide by what they agreed to....

It just looks bad is all, deal or no deal, these documents were unsealed for a specific reason having perhaps nothing to do with Ms Constand, all she did is give her consent. I'm REALLY interested in how much Bill forked over to shut her up and keep things hush hush

Argo's photo
Thu 07/23/15 04:28 PM
by all means, proceed with all the OTHER accusations leveled at Cosby..
WITHOUT bringing any of the particulars of this case to bear, as it has been
previously settled in a court of law....

no photo
Thu 07/23/15 05:51 PM
Rumor has it that he is giving up show business to become a pitchman for Tylenol PM.... the poor mans Quaalude

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