Topic: Bill Cosby - Guilty
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Thu 10/15/15 06:20 PM

Bill Cosby accuser requests damages in new lawsuit
by Ariana Bacle | October 15 2015 — 4:16 PM EDT

Lawrence Jackson, File/AP
Another woman has filed a legal complaint against embattled comedian Bill Cosby, seeking damages for alleged sexual assault and emotional distress.

Renita Hill says in the lawsuit, a copy of which was obtained by EW, that she first met Cosby in 1988 at Pittsburgh’s Froggy Tavern to audition for the co-hosting position on his educational program Picture Pages when she was 16. Hill, who accused Bill Cosby of repeated sexual abuse in a November 2014 interview, got the gig, and from then on, he would encourage her to come visit him in places where he was performing. The first instance of abuse happened in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Hill says.

The lawsuit alleges Cosby would give Hill a beverage and instruct her to drink it. “On the majority of these occassions, upon imbibing the drink, Renita would lose consciousness and wake up in her room the next day, oftentimes nude, disheveled, confused, and disoriented,” it continues. 

The lawsuit goes on to assert that Cosby’s abuse and his resulting statements — his attorney, Martin Singer, issued one in November 2014 on Cosby’s behalf calling the accusers’ claims “increasingly ridiculous” and “unsubstantiated, fantastical stories” — have defamed Hill and caused her emotional distress, which has resulted in “significant medical bills for treatment” and “a loss of earnings and earning capacity.” In turn, she is requesting damages.

Hill is one of dozens of women to come forward claiming Cosby sexually abused them. Twenty-seven of these women recently appeared on NBC’s Oct. 9 Dateline special, The Cosby Accusers Speak.

Her complaint follows lawsuits filed by Chloe Goins and Judy Huth, both of whom allege in separate cases Cosby sexually assaulted them at the Playboy Mansion when they were teenagers. Cosby, who has never been charged with a crime, was ordered to answer questions under oath in Huth’s case.

Bill Cosby accuser Renita Hill requests damages in new lawsuit |

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Fri 10/16/15 06:04 AM
Bill Cosby Sex Attack Caught On Secret Video! - The National Enquirer

Douglas Montero

Secret video evidence could nail Bill Cosby for a 2008 sex attack at the famed Playboy Mansion, The National ENQUIRER has learned.

As Los Angeles authorities consider charging Cosby for the assault, The ENQUIRER has exclusively obtained top-secret blueprints that pinpoint the location of every camera at the 22,000-square-foot party palace.

Videotapes from those cameras could back up the claims of blonde beauty Chloe Goins, who’s accused the creepy comic of sexually assaulting her at the mansion when she was just 18.

Cosby, 78, stands accused of attacking more than 100 women in a drug and rape scandal.

The assaults span 43 years, from 1965 — just a year after Cosby married wife Camille — to 2008 when Chloe said she was attacked.

While Cosby’s lawyers have repeatedly denied the allegations, video proof of Chloe’s assault could finally put him behind bars!

“I know they’ve got about 16 cameras at the mansion,” said an insider, who provided The ENQUIRER with the never- before-seen blueprints.

Chloe, a model, was with a pal when she said she began feeling faint after sipping on a drink prepared for her by the “Cosby Show” dad.

Chloe said Cosby escorted her to one of the mansion’s bedrooms where she later woke up to find the former Jell-O pitchman nibbling on her toes with his pants around his ankles!

After conducting an investigation, L.A. Police Department detectives forwarded the case on Oct. 1 to the District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Division to determine whether charges will be filed, Greg Risling, a spokesman for the district attorney’s office, told The ENQUIRER.

On Oct. 6, Chloe slapped Cosby with a federal lawsuit listing the names of women who have publicly accused Cosby of attacking them, and descriptions of the assaults.

According to her attorney, Spencer Kuvin, the suit was filed in federal court to take advantage of its powerful subpoena power to summon victims from across the country to testify against Cosby.

“I am going to be able to bring to court almost 50 victims with the same exact story to tell,” Kuvin said. “I think that will be a pretty impressive list of women to show that he has a ‘habit pattern’ of practice.”

Kuvin also said he alerted the LAPD to the videos but doesn’t know if authorities confiscated the evidence.

Said Kuvin: “We’re hopeful that they now have that information, and now that we are in federal litigation we’ll be able to subpoena it.”

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Sat 10/17/15 06:09 AM
'Shattered' Bill Cosby on 'Ebony' cover enrages, gratifies Twitter

Maria Puente, USA TODAY
Ebony, the leading black lifestyle magazine, put Bill Cosby on its November cover, sparking both satisfaction and rage on Twitter from the army of Cosby foes and his dwindling band of defenders.

The cover picture is actually two decades old — a group shot of Cosby with The Cosby Show co-stars, including Phylicia Rashad, who played his wife, and four of the actors who played his children.
But Cosby's grinning face is nearly obscured by an image of shattered glass.
#ICYMI - our November issue separates Cliff Huxtable & Bill Cosby. Start the conversation:

— EBONY MAGAZINE (@EBONYMag) October 16, 2015
The picture of an iconic black American TV family is the illustration for the magazine's issue on black families, with an examination of the real Cosby versus the beloved father figure he played, Cliff Huxtable.
Like the dramatic cover, the real Cosby's image has been shattered over the last year by the reemergence of accusations that he drugged and raped more than 50 women in encounters dating back decades, including when he ruled American sitcom TV from The Cosby Show.
The magazine is not even on newsstands yet, but after Ebony posted the cover on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on Wednesday, posts and tweets piled up, ranging from how-could-you comments to it's-about-time reactions.
Bill Cosby shattered his own image, Ebony just printed the cover

— MonsterKing (@CerromeRussell) October 16, 2015
This Ebony cover of the Cosby show pulls no punches. Whew.

— James Jolly (jo lee) (@jamesjolly) October 15, 2015
Do not like this issue of ebony cover I understand what Bill Cosby did was disgusting but they cover brings down the legacy of a blk family!

— Zee (@LovelyZinga) October 15, 2015
I dont like that new Ebony mag cover. Im sorry but u cant erase the legacy of Bill Cosby.....he has done wayyyyyyyy to much 2 much!

— August AlSigma (@StarchildBarr) October 15, 2015
Editor-in-chief Kierna Mayo said on Facebook (before the post was deleted) that the cover wasn't an easy decision but it was necessary to have an honest conversation.
"I believe with everything that our collective healing (from this and all traumas) is tied to baring truths, confronting selves, and dismantling crutches," she wrote. "We aim to uplift. However, sometimes before you rise up, you break down."
Fascinating to witness how divided we are on the subject of #CosbyvsCliff . Keep talking people. Keep talking.

— Kierna Mayo (@kiernamayo) October 16, 2015
#BlackTwitter vs #BlackFacebook. #CosbyvsCliff has some Black people maaaaad and some Black people glaaaaad. I love us. #BlackFamilyIssues

— Kierna Mayo (@kiernamayo) October 16, 2015
On Friday, Mayo, who has been top editor only five months, was interviewed on CNN and confessed she had not slept for two days. She said she knows some African Americans think this sort of public discussion of the consequences of the Cosby scandal is "airing dirty laundry" and threatening to the image of "black-family perfection."
But neither Cosby nor his effect on black America, good or bad, can be ignored, she said.
"The bottom line is this is an urgent conversation we're having in black American and it was going to happen whether we did this or not," she said. "Ebony is not the reason we're talking about something that's been fractured...Ebony is not shattering anything. We're just asking African Americans to have an honest, forthright conversation about what (the Cosby scandal) means."

Confused about Bill Cosby's legal problems?

Some critics of the cover were concerned that it also tainted Cosby's co-stars, most of whom have continued to support Cosby, including Malcolm-Jamal Warner, who played son Theo on the show
Warner, who appeared on The View Friday, has been speaking out recently about his love for Cosby and his dismay that The Cosby Show legacy — as a counterweight to negative stereotypes of black people on TV —has been damaged by the allegations against Cosby.
Mayo said the Ebony cover meant no disrespect to Warner nor anyone else who appeared on the show. .
Other black media voices tweeted approval.
Ebony’s new cover shows just how far Bill Cosby has fallen with black America

— Mic (@micnews) October 16, 2015
The November issue of @EbonyMag: We can't ignore this conversation about The Cosby Show

— HuffPost BlackVoices (@blackvoices) October 16, 2015
The powerful cover of the new @EBONYMag hit us right in the feels:

— Complex Pop Culture (@ComplexPop) October 16, 2015
The reality of that Ebony Cosby show cover is just WOW! That show was so iconic...#Sad

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Sat 10/17/15 06:16 AM
Ebony 'Cosby Show' cover causes stir -

I don't see how or why Ebony magazine is getting any heat by CNN or anyone, for the cover.
Ebony is a very famous magazine & IMO should of taken a stronger stance LONG least in June or July when everyone else picked the story up. That is what they should be taking heat for.... Ignoring it, like it may go away soon. slaphead

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Sun 10/18/15 08:37 AM
I was watching an interview where Janice Dickinson, was crying about how it made her feel. Even though I can't stand her, I really felt for her. I suppose when you feel you can relate to something such as this, it's going to have that effect. I can't blame her for not wanting to talk about it for long.

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Tue 10/20/15 09:39 PM
Cosby's long time lawyer has quit.... that is usually the sign of one of 2 things

1)the other shoe is just about to drop

2) Even his long time lawyer does not believe him anymore

Either way it is not good for Ole Bill... not good at all.... Lol

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Tue 10/20/15 10:11 PM
No one on Mingle defends him anymore either... Not even Soufie or MsH. :cry:

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Tue 10/20/15 10:47 PM

No one on Mingle defends him anymore either... Not even Soufie or MsH. :cry:

What!!!!!... not even MSH?.... SAY IT AIN'T SO.. LOL

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Tue 10/20/15 11:46 PM
The last 48 hours...

LA Times - Bill Cosby removes Marty Singer as his attorney in sex abuse suit

Two Months Left to Put Bill Cosby in Jail - The Daily


Bill Cosby Replaced by Kim Jong-Un on Iconic Washington, D.C. Mural

Bill Cosby loses honorary degree from Franklin & Marshall College |

Eddie Murphy Impersonates Bill Cosby While Accepting Mark Twain Prize - NBC News
* Video on link*

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Wed 10/21/15 12:09 AM
Martin Singer No Longer Representing Bill Cosby

Testimony Bill Cosby Gave in Friday Deposition May Be Unsealed in December

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Wed 10/21/15 07:35 AM
Mr Singer should also be named in the defamation suits, he really should have been more careful discrediting the victims. mad

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Wed 10/21/15 05:45 PM

Mr Singer should also be named in the defamation suits, he really should have been more careful discrediting the victims. mad

:thumbsup: yep.

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Wed 10/21/15 06:02 PM
I think Singer was relieved to get out of Dodge with at least a bit of dignity left to his professional career.. just a bit.

Funny how this happened after the deposition...

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Thu 10/22/15 02:18 PM

I think Singer was relieved to get out of Dodge with at least a bit of dignity left to his professional career.. just a bit.

Funny how this happened after the deposition...

He probably had ambulances to chase.

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Thu 10/22/15 02:26 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Thu 10/22/15 02:28 PM
I think Singer was relieved to get out of Dodge with at least a bit of dignity left to his professional career.. just a bit.

Funny how this happened after the deposition...

I agree. Cosby was questioned for 7 hours. And she/ Alfred, wants to go at him again. Cosby may not have followed his lawyers instructions or something.
Or maybe his lawyer is just feed up with it all. I am sure this ordeal has monopolized his life as well.

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Thu 10/22/15 02:40 PM

I think Singer was relieved to get out of Dodge with at least a bit of dignity left to his professional career.. just a bit.

Funny how this happened after the deposition...

I agree. Cosby was questioned for 7 hours. And she/ Alfred, wants to go at him again. Cosby may not have followed his lawyers instructions or something.
Or maybe his lawyer is just feed up with it all. I am sure this ordeal has monopolized his life as well.

Yea, Cosby's guilt and denial has affected a lot of people. Shows what kind of man he is.

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Fri 10/23/15 08:42 PM
2 more have come forward. One was auditioning for a role on the Cosby show. claims Billy Boy drugged and raped her.... she didn't get the job, but she did get a authentic Cosby show sweatshirt as a exit gift...not only is he a rapist... but a cheap bastard too.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/23/15 10:23 PM
What I can NOT understand is why many of these women don't sue in Civil court for damages against the hotels and TV lot that allowed many of these assaults? It sure seems they had to know what was going on. How many of these women were taken out of his "area" in substandard condition? Why is there no expectation of safety or the Labor Relations Board action, or even Screen Actor's Guild intervention in any of these cases?

It tells you how little protection women get in this country; or demand.

I think Women, and their supporters, have to get nad as hell and demand that private property police forces are held accountable just like Police Departments or have their pants sued off. To me some of these women were not just Bill Cosby's victim but all the creeps that covered it up.

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Fri 10/23/15 10:27 PM
It tells you how little protection women get in this country; or demand.

I think Women, and their supporters, have to get nad as hell and demand that private property police forces are held accountable just like Police Departments or have their pants sued off. To me some of these women were not just Bill Cosby's victim but all the creeps that covered it up.


Really scary how many people knew.
Men & women

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Sat 10/24/15 12:33 AM

It tells you how little protection women get in this country; or demand.

I think Women, and their supporters, have to get nad as hell and demand that private property police forces are held accountable just like Police Departments or have their pants sued off. To me some of these women were not just Bill Cosby's victim but all the creeps that covered it up.


Really scary how many people knew.
Men & women

Including his wife... I don't let her off the hook either... she knew... she knew dam well.. but was not about the stop the gravy train.