“Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, because you never know who might fall in love with your smile.” When Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez said these words, he probably wasn’t thinking about face masks. The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world upside down in many ways. From face masks and social distancing to quarantines and lockdowns. COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in everything involving human social relations. This has had a unique effect on the world population. …
Tag: covid-19
In Relationship Advice for CouplesTags covid-19, dating, during, ideas, quarantines, tips335 ViewsLeave a comment
Just when the world was getting accustomed to the new online dating rules of swiping left and right, the global pandemic hit and the dating scene started to become stranger …
In Relationship Advice for CouplesTags covid-19, dating online, Long-Distance, maintain, quarantines, relationship, tips303 Views1 Comment
The coronavirus outbreak has brought the world to a standstill. All major economies are shut down as the government continues to contain the spread of Coronavirus. For everything that they do, …
In Relationship Advice for CouplesTags best dating app, best dating apps, best dating sites, corona, covid-19, Dating tips for men, love, pandemic, relationship, tips, virus284 ViewsLeave a comment
Thank God for the dating sites available these days! Couples can find their love and stay in touch through the Internet. However, as the world is reeling under the influence …