Community > Posts By > LTme

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 02:34 PM
Thanks mm.
It would have had to have been.

Aren't these jokes a little funnier?
The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

No matter how much you push the envelope, it's still stationery.

you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish

to write with a broken pencil is pointless.

When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate.

When the smog lifts in Los Angeles U.C.L.A.

The batteries were given out free of charge.

A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.

A will is a dead giveaway.

Or maybe it's just me.

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 01:57 PM
What an excellent topic!

What thoughtful, insightful replies!

Not much to add,

BUT !!

Joined Wed 03/11/15
Posts: 1000

Congratulations SassyEuro on reaching the four digit mark here @m2.

As has already been observed, no answer is an answer.
I agree, a polite response is preferred.
Welcome to the 3rd Millennium, where 10 fingered beings type with their thumbs.

R U ok w/ that?


LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 01:03 PM
"McCain didn't lose because of Bush.
McCain lost, because he's a douche canoe." RG

It's surely an obvious point, and one difficult to convincingly refute.

But I can't believe the Republican brand isn't being punished.

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 12:32 PM
Clarification / correction:
" The traitor you called a "decorated war hero" " SS

The term I used was:
"decorated U.S. military combat veteran" LT

It is you that added the word "hero".

In addition, I've read McCain has a military decoration.
All that's needed is one, to be counted as "decorated".
I'd be surprised if he doesn't have a Purple Heart.
And I consider that a prestigious medal of high honor; but in any case more than enough to be correctly referred to as a:
"decorated U.S. military combat veteran"

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 12:09 PM
"Number 1.... The traitor you called a "decorated war hero" is better known as the Hanoi Songbird. A traitor who spilled his guts to the NVA without being tortured." SS
traitor (trâ´ter) noun
One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin trâditor, trâditor-, from trâditus, past participle of trâdere, to betray. See tradition.] *

I don't know where you come by this:
"without being tortured" insight.
But this is the first I've heard of it.

And as I am an honorably discharged United States military Vietnam [1] era veteran, such matters are of more than mere passing curiosity to me.

I eagerly urge you to provide your evidence for this character assassinating certitude you have posted.
But until you do, and until I have vetted it, I'll remain skeptical about it.
"But because "daddy" was a decorated Admiral in the USN he came home to a heroes welcome" SS

a) Please do not take me for a fool.
Your post hoc ergo propter hoc claim here is not supported by that history, as I've studied it.

b) Yes. McCain's pappy was an Admiral.
But according to what I've heard / seen / read of it; because of that high rank, McCain was offered early release from the Hanoi Hilton. And many a man that had been broken might have accepted. It takes a man of great character and stamina to decline such an offer; as I have read McCain did. I believe McCain's reply was: I'll leave when we (all his fellow POW's) can all leave.

One other thing.
Senator McCain can't raise his arms above his own shoulders, reportedly because of the way he was permanently injured when he was tortured.

I don't have much patience for character assassination.
But stating as certitude that a life-long faithful servant of the People is a "traitor" is beyond the pale.
If you can prove it, please do.
If you can't, or pretend you can but don't; please do not assassinate character in these fora.

“Adversity doesn’t test your character, it reveals it.” U.S. President Bush (the elder)
"while the other prisoners of the "Hilton" were sworn to silence.... tho many talked and were silenced in the press." SS

Your proof is welcome.
"Rand Paul will be attacked by both sides because of his dedication to Constitutional rights and peoples individual freedoms." SS

1) Sad but true.

2) Jindal didn't criticize Paul's dedication to the Constitution.
Instead, Jindal specifically criticized by asserting:
Paul is "unsuited to be commander-in-chief" for saying foreign policy hawks in the GOP led to the rise of ISIS.

"Most of the Repulsicon candidates are nothing but RINO Demoncraps" SS

I've noticed, and have said as much, particularly about blokes like Gov. Christy.
"For anything to change in DC we need a Rand Paul or Mike Lee." SS

Why do you think I opened the topic?
"Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and the rest of those self serving idiots are nothing but more of the same and maybe worse!" SS

I like Rubio. But he's too young and inexperienced.

I may vote for him someday, but not in 2015 or 2016 (I hope).

Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

This is a legal distinction. I've never been to Southeast Asia. I've never been in an active U.S. military combat zone.
I'm a Cold Warrior.
Yeah. We won that one.
You're welcome.

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 11:02 AM
Jindal Says Rand Paul 'Unsuited' to be President - ‎37 minutes ago‎

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal went after Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul on Wednesday, releasing a statement saying Paul is "unsuited to be commander-in-chief" for saying foreign policy hawks in the GOP led to the rise of ISIS.

U.S. President George W. Bush has done as badly by his (Republican) party as he has done by his nation.

Bush (younger) has so badly tarnished the Republican brand, he caused a decorated U.S. military combat veteran (Senator McCain (R-AZ) to in time of War lose to a citizen that has never served in the military.

Four years later, in time of economic malaise a talented $money $man (Governor Romney R-MA) was again beaten by the Democrat.

The GOP is stumbling badly; groping for a refreshed party platform they can actually beat the Democrats with.

But there is none in conspicuous evidence.

So now, the circular firing squad has begun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), a "tea party" favorite, is under attack by his fellow GOP's.

What can be done?
Is there a Republican that has the intellect, the political skill, the charisma to get the GOP ducks in a row?

Or is Bush's smoldering crater so devastated, that it'll take grass-roots realignment to build a winning political platform for 2016 & beyond?

Though it is early, which Republicans do you want to see in the first debate (limited to ten candidates).

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 10:19 AM
Welcome c1

I'm from New York.


I'm not questioning your taste. Most of the guys here might post much the same.

But it's obviously not working for you; and in my opinion is not likely to.

If there's a college nearby, even a commuter / community college, sign up for a psychology course.
Even a good Psych. 101 course should give you some insights into why what you're doing isn't working.

You'll be around a lot of fellow students. And if you spend enough time in the right place in the library (might pay off to review the Dewey Decimal System) you may just meet Miss Wright.

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 10:03 AM
Thank you L2.

You too, charming lady, may be a senior, someday ...

LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 09:39 AM
Perhaps I'm the "dope" here, but I'm exceedingly skeptical about the lead post in this thread.

Planet X637Z-43?

a) We only started detecting planets beyond our own solar-system a few years ago.

b) I gather most of those we've found are "gas giants" like our Saturn and Jupiter.

c) Photosynthesis is not likely on such spheres. The atmosphere is too deep (thick), the winds may be too strong, and the other life-forms necessary to compose an ecosystem would likely not be present.

d) It's difficult enough for police to detect THC in a traffic stop. How that would be done from many light-years away is beyond my imagining, and quite likely beyond current technological capability.

I assume it's a The Onion type spoof.
If everyone here already figured that out, please pardon me.
- It's only my second day here, &
- I'm very literal-minded (& have a science / technology background).

According to my calendar, today is NATIONAL SENIOR HEALTH & FITNESS DAY.


LTme's photo
Wed 05/27/15 08:58 AM
To be blunt, the Kim Jong dynasty of North Korea is a totalitarian Hell hole.

Christopher Hitchens reported that North Koreans are so chronically malnourished they on average are about 4" shorter than their South Korean cousins.
Sadly, (horrifyingly), it is not merely their physical stature which is diminished. Similar affects are reported for their intellect.

It is a horror so grotesque even gallows humor fails to soothe the grim reality:
- millions have starved in North Korean famine
- the good news is, the North Korean's are now eating lawn clippings, and tree bark to survive
- the bad news is, there isn't enough to go around

NK is essentially a prison nation, a "hermit kingdom".
A few manage to escape INto China, for the freedom and improved living conditions.

But as bad as the prison nation of NK is, there are prisons within the prison.
It's difficult for outsiders, Westerners to know the details.

But North Korean prison camp #14 had an escapee named Shin Dong-hyuk.

The stories he recounted to his South Korean custodians are harrowing. Prisoners there live lives of neglect, starvation, mental cruelty, and abuse. Some of the stories he told, such as having cigarettes extinguished on his back, are born out by his scars, consistent with such abuse.
And while the world might have been done a favor if NATO & South Korea had simply nuked Pyongyang ten years ago, the opportunity to do that may be disappearing, as NK builds its nuclear and other military capabilities.

What do you think we should do?

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 04:12 PM
"good thing obama is bringing down the debt..." t8

He's bringing down the deficit, but not the debt.
The most recent president to do that was Clinton*.
"Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president." t8

It's very discouraging.
Of course, Senator Obama didn't run for president as a fiscal conservative, the way for example Governor Reagan did.

And though Governor Reagan gave fancy lip-service to balancing the budget, and paying down the debt; once in office not only did Reagan run up more debt than Carter, whom Reagan criticized for it during the campaign.
But once President Reagan was in office; not only did he run up more U.S. federal debt than Carter, the Democrat before him.
President Reagan ran up more U.S. federal debt than all the other U.S. presidents before him, COMBINED!!

It's too bad we voters can't simply vote for the party that's more fiscally responsible.

But neither is!

And further, it's selective to criticize Obama's "stimulus package" to help U.S. recover from the Bush / Cheney / Paulson economic downturn, the worst since the Great Depression.
They did their own wild spending; $700 $Billion $TARP.
$TARP wasn't intended to recover the U.S. economy.
It was merely designed to be the minimum spending necessary to prevent the Bush economy from slipping into full blown economic depression.

Pretending there's a lot of difference between Republicans and Democrats in general, or Bush & Obama in particular; is ridiculous.
We know better.

* albeit by fudging Social Security revenues
But we've been doing that for decades

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 03:36 PM
"it depends but they seem to have at best the affect of breaking the ice" e2

Yes, BUT !!

Unless it's hilarious, one must be wary of making matters worse.

Approaching a woman unknown to you and introducing yourself by asking her what she'd like for breakfast tomorrow, would likely fail on any woman you'd actually want.
And what do you do if it works on a woman you don't want?

Most intelligent people (which oddly enough includes women) can read between the lines.

And a sensible woman will know, if a guy hits on her with a poorly chosen, rude, childish, or prurient pickup line that he's a loser because:
- He's so lonely he's memorized pickup lines
- he's either got such poor taste, or thinks so little of me, that he chose that one for me
- & not merely that, but, THIS is his BEST foot forward? If so he should get it out of his mouth.

I might be more likely to use a pickup line on a 2nd or third date, just to start things off on a lighthearted note.

But for initial self-introduction, I suspect a handshake posture, winning smile, and self identification may make the most sense.

Be charming.
Be popular.

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:47 PM

Last I read, it was ~1,100.

I've also read, but have not been able to corroborate:
heat kills more humans than all other meteorological phenomena combined.

Heat kills more than:
- floods
- cyclones
- tornadoes
- hurricanes
- cold
- blizzard
- hail
- lightning

For those that like to conserve energy, and be more comfortable, a brief comment on cars:

A few decades ago, stock car race hoods were often painted flat black. The theory was, less glare for the driver.
But one race team tried an experiment, and discovered, by losing the flat black hood, and painting the hood the same as the rest of the car, it dropped the cabin temperature by a reported 30F degrees.

So, if you live where your car has an air conditioner which you use; you may both save $money, and feel more comfortable in a light colored car both inside and out.

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:06 PM
"obama is a clown" t8

Perhaps you're referring to his Washington Correspondence Dinner performances.

Yes. Some of that is pretty entertaining. But that's so for most of the presidents that have participated.
“My next 100 days will be so successful, I will complete them in 72 days.” President Obama, at the Washington Correspondent’s dinner

By and large Obama is criticized not for being too clownish, but for being too dry, too reserved.
"and no its not the NRA's fault that people murder police." t8

a) I'm an NRA life member.
b) Our organization is responsible for advancing the political and legal agenda of private gun ownership, including concealed carry.
c) I'd be astounded if anyone could prove that no gun the NRA helped into private hands, has ever murdered a COP.
"stop and frisk does violate civil rights under the fourth amendment" t8

But that doesn't mean it didn't also help save lives.

Post hoc ergo proper hoc; after that therefore because of that; a logical fallacy known to be false, even by the ancients. The rooster's call does not cause the sun to rise.
"probably even wish for Hoover to be back!" C7

"2013 happened to be the lowest number in the past 35 years

so the increase would happen one way or another" mh

Obama set a very low baseline.
I suspect if we take the median of the Obama years, it may be lower per capita than other recent presidents.
Not sure.
Let's look.

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 01:00 PM
"When you're a super power you have to buy these insurance policies" C7
"... today there are over 320,000 [U.S.] Army troops alone, deployed in 120 countries overseas. That's more than 60% of the entire [U.S.] Army." NBC-TV Nightly News March 9, '04

It's too much!

I gather there are about 28 NATO member nations.
Not only does the U.S. spend more than any other NATO member nation on military.
The U.S. is reported to spend more on military than all the other NATO member nations COMBINED!!

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 23 May 2015 at 08:28:11 PM GMT is:
$ 1 8 , 1 5 6 , 5 7 2 , 6 3 3 , 1 4 9 . 2 7

The estimated population of the United States is 320,641,619
so each citizen's share of this debt is $56,625.75.

We can't afford to continue to be the solar system's vigilante.
God grant me a good sword and no use for it. - Polish aphorism

"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 12 June 1815

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 12:17 PM
There's chronological age.
And there's behavior, activity, taste, and other factors.

I've been on dates with women that seem more interested in their smart phone than they are interested in me.

I'll be 61 in July.
To me that simply seems rude; quite akin to reading ones own mail in the company of a guest; a cliche' social faux pas.

I don't know what I'd have in common with a 30 year old woman.
But I don't m/any women my own age that could keep up with me.
It's not a competition.
It's just that I'd like a lady that would be willing to go swimming with me, or camping, or bike riding (I've got a Schwinn & a Yamaha, pick one!). I'm not ready to sit at the kitchen table playing pinochle, and cutting coupons out of the Penny Saver.

But as far out in the country as I am, eligible women are as scarce as hen's teeth.

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:44 AM
"not so fast on Mossy!" C7

Thanks for the link C7.
But due to bandwidth limitations, I don't follow every link.
You're welcome to post a teaser quotation.
If it's relevant, and informative, I may then check it out.
Over decades of experience, the vast majority of the time, it is not one or the other, and sometimes is neither.

SS is precisely right, and well stated SS.

We never should have done that, and President Truman knew it, and refused.

When the CIA bounced it off the newly elected President Eisenhower, Ike like.
The rest is history.
We're still paying the price today.

We should NOT be making enemies in the community of nations. We should be making friends.
We should not be proving ourselves treacherous, dangerous.
We should be beloved, trusted, and perhaps even protected.

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:10 AM
"how else would he institute a National Police?" C7

a) We already have that. It's called the "FBI".

b) I haven't reviewed the most recent crime statistics. They tend to lag by a year or two, but that's still well into the Obama administration.

But does it make more sense to blame Obama, than to blame the NRA?

There are terrible floods in Texas. Some say they're floods of Biblical proportion.
Blame that on Obama too?
Obama isn't the police chief.
He's the Commander in Chief.

And there are other factors.
NYC Mayor DeBlassio didn't like NYC's long-standing "stop-&-frisk" policy; apparently objecting on civil rights grounds.

So I gather now "New York's finest" don't do "stop-&-frisk" anymore.
And some claim NYC COPs are so upset about that, they're allowing crime to skyrocket, just to make Mayor DeBlasio look bad.

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 10:55 AM
" Militarily, we kicked everythings azz that was thrown at us in Irag. If you wanna blame politicians for fricked up decisions, then do so.....but leave our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines out of your rant, especially today." RA

It's easy to dismiss ISIL's rout of Iraq's military as simple cowardice.
And cowardice may surely play a role.
But the most significant gains against ISIL in Iraq seem to be by clan militias.
The Kurds seem to be having some success in defending their own territory.

As early as General Abizaid's rule of Iraq, there was discussion about dividing Iraq up into territory each clan;
- Kurd
- Shi'ah
- Sunni
would defend.

Seems to me had we done this, the clan militias would have been more persistent in defending their People.
"blame politicians" RA

I do.
Primarily U.S. politicians.
And primarily Republican U.S. politicians.

But the time Obama got his hands on it, the die had been cast (pun, if any, not intended).

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 10:40 AM
"Iran used to be a stronger ally than Israel until we imposed a dictator on them that robbed them blind and tried to destroy their Muslim principles in favor of western capitalism and ideologies." SS

Thank you for mentioning our CIA's leveraged ouster of Iran's duly elected Mossadegh SS.
I agree.
The U.S. turned down a dark path by installing the Shah, and it seems we've been on that Machiavellian path ever since (to one degree or another).
"Seems to be our "method of peace and democracy" in the world. Making more enemies than friends in favor of our biggest exports......weapons and the wars they fuel for corporate profits" SS

You make a painfully sharp point here SS.

We kill people without trial, with predator drone strikes, and have enraged the Peoples in whose lands we do so. The Pakistanis are furious with U.S., and rightly so.

And while we're changing regimes, and murdering people without trial, China is making friends building roads, digging wells for fresh water supply, to help those, in Africa for example, avoid diseases that are rare to nonexistent here; simple waterborne diseases.

We're waging Wars, and making enemies at enormous cost.
While China is making friends, at a fraction of the cost.
"Houston! We have a problem!"
Apollo 13

[this is #3 for LT]