Community > Posts By > tribefan73

tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:58 PM

The real question that you didn't ask is, "Why do Conservative Christians hate homosexuals", right?

And by hatred, I mean that whenever someone disagrees with a person over the rightness or wrongness of this "life" style, we're labeled as being bigoted & hateful. A REAL Christian doesn't hate homosexuals or any other sinner including themselves (as sinners I mean). The problem comes from those misguided individuals who call themselves "Christians" but really have no clue about how to deal with people & their situations.

Because same-sex couples can not propagate without extraordinary measures, the survival of the "species" relies on recruiting from without, despite the common misconception that someone is "born" into the life style not "shaped" into the life style. If the homosexual community real believed this, then why the aggressive marketing in the public schools of "Questioning Your Sexuality" & the like. I disagree with the "life" style but I do not hate the person. I disagree with them just as much as I do the liar, adulterer, murderer, gossip, cheater, thief & etc.

The major difference is that the homosexual "life" style is often fraught with misery & early death. Suicide, drug abuse & domestic violence are leading causes of death, not AIDS, as many believe. Why does someone argue so strongly to freely practice such a destructive "life" style?


Well you proved the OP with your

YOu stated you disagree with homosexuals like you do the liar, adulterer, murderer, gossip, cheater, theif etc... Claiming homosexuality as a crime of some kind and then go on to tell them it is a choice not a born state and THEN move forward to say they are wrought with misery for their lifestyle.

Talk about hate and prejudice,...loll


The key word I used that you missed was "sinner". These are all sins as God clearly states in His word. I never equated any these with any kind of crime. Since when does speaking truth equal hatred? As I said to Ladylid, check the facts see if I'm wrong about the leading causes of death in this community. I know it makes no sense to you that I could possibly be saying these things out of love. It's no different then the pleading I made to my mother over the years to quit smoking. Until 1 day the cigarettes claimed her life. It does no one any good to suppress the truth.


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:49 PM

The real question that you didn't ask is, "Why do Conservative Christians hate homosexuals", right?

And by hatred, I mean that whenever someone disagrees with a person over the rightness or wrongness of this "life" style, we're labeled as being bigoted & hateful. A REAL Christian doesn't hate homosexuals or any other sinner including themselves (as sinners I mean). The problem comes from those misguided individuals who call themselves "Christians" but really have no clue about how to deal with people & their situations.

Because same-sex couples can not propagate without extraordinary measures, the survival of the "species" relies on recruiting from without, despite the common misconception that someone is "born" into the life style not "shaped" into the life style. If the homosexual community real believed this, then why the aggressive marketing in the public schools of "Questioning Your Sexuality" & the like. I disagree with the "life" style but I do not hate the person. I disagree with them just as much as I do the liar, adulterer, murderer, gossip, cheater, thief & etc.

The major difference is that the homosexual "life" style is often fraught with misery & early death. Suicide, drug abuse & domestic violence are leading causes of death, not AIDS, as many believe. Why does someone argue so strongly to freely practice such a destructive "life" style?


The op said nothing about homosexuality....and who are you to judge why one would be self destructive? Have you lived their life, have you walked in their shoes, do you know their heart...I think not. That is why your God has said judge not...

It's typically what most mean when they ask that question. There is no other hot button issue that will cause someone to ask that question, that way. I've been in enough of these discussions to know.

And to answer your questions, no, I haven't lived the life, but I can read the facts. I hear can the testimonies of former homosexuals that prove it was a matter of choice not of birth. Check the facts & see if I'm right.

Lastly, the oft misused & abused verse you mentioned of Jesus saying judge not. He didn't say never judge, he said just be aware that the standards by which YOU hold others to, will be applied to YOU as well. So if YOU measure up fine, if not then YOU will be held accountable.


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:38 PM

I Just finished watching, listening to this movie again.
I love it, love the songs, love the story...
I realize it was a bit much for many back in it's day.
Anybody love this play, movie as much as I do?

Nope. Mr. Webber's "Jesus" is not the Jesus I serve. BTW, the movie/play should NOT end with "Jesus" hanging on the cross. The believer's hope for an eternal life with their Lord lies in Jesus being resurrected on Sunday morning, not with Him left hanging on the cross.

If you want a more accurate portrayal of Jesus' ministry watch the "Jesus" film. And if you really want to cry watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". Despite his recent misadventures, Mr. Gibson's film is by far the most realistic & fairly accurate portrayal of Jesus' last days on earth.


I am not a Christian....I have no interest in watching Mel Gibson's more violent version. I like the music, I like the "different" story. I like the clothes they the captain's groovy!

As long you realize it's fictionalized clap-trap & not representative of the real story of Christ, then fine. The problem is, the "Jesus" that Mr. Webber purports is the 1 that most would rather embrace, not the 1 who really created all that we see, loves us beyond all human understanding to be born to die & was not "groovy" but holy, blameless & upon His return to heaven, found worthy to be seated at His Father's right hand.


dude..I'm not a christian..I don't care about all that. This isn't a religious thread....

I am aware of your Non-Christian status as you have stated elsewhere. I just wanted to make sure my Lord is being represented well.


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:29 PM
The real question that you didn't ask is, "Why do Conservative Christians hate homosexuals", right?

And by hatred, I mean that whenever someone disagrees with a person over the rightness or wrongness of this "life" style, we're labeled as being bigoted & hateful. A REAL Christian doesn't hate homosexuals or any other sinner including themselves (as sinners I mean). The problem comes from those misguided individuals who call themselves "Christians" but really have no clue about how to deal with people & their situations.

Because same-sex couples can not propagate without extraordinary measures, the survival of the "species" relies on recruiting from without, despite the common misconception that someone is "born" into the life style not "shaped" into the life style. If the homosexual community real believed this, then why the aggressive marketing in the public schools of "Questioning Your Sexuality" & the like. I disagree with the "life" style but I do not hate the person. I disagree with them just as much as I do the liar, adulterer, murderer, gossip, cheater, thief & etc.

The major difference is that the homosexual "life" style is often fraught with misery & early death. Suicide, drug abuse & domestic violence are leading causes of death, not AIDS, as many believe. Why does someone argue so strongly to freely practice such a destructive "life" style?


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:00 PM

I Just finished watching, listening to this movie again.
I love it, love the songs, love the story...
I realize it was a bit much for many back in it's day.
Anybody love this play, movie as much as I do?

Nope. Mr. Webber's "Jesus" is not the Jesus I serve. BTW, the movie/play should NOT end with "Jesus" hanging on the cross. The believer's hope for an eternal life with their Lord lies in Jesus being resurrected on Sunday morning, not with Him left hanging on the cross.

If you want a more accurate portrayal of Jesus' ministry watch the "Jesus" film. And if you really want to cry watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". Despite his recent misadventures, Mr. Gibson's film is by far the most realistic & fairly accurate portrayal of Jesus' last days on earth.


I am not a Christian....I have no interest in watching Mel Gibson's more violent version. I like the music, I like the "different" story. I like the clothes they the captain's groovy!

As long you realize it's fictionalized clap-trap & not representative of the real story of Christ, then fine. The problem is, the "Jesus" that Mr. Webber purports is the 1 that most would rather embrace, not the 1 who really created all that we see, loves us beyond all human understanding to be born to die & was not "groovy" but holy, blameless & upon His return to heaven, found worthy to be seated at His Father's right hand.


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 06:52 PM

I Just finished watching, listening to this movie again.
I love it, love the songs, love the story...
I realize it was a bit much for many back in it's day.
Anybody love this play, movie as much as I do?

Nope. Mr. Webber's "Jesus" is not the Jesus I serve. BTW, the movie/play should NOT end with "Jesus" hanging on the cross. The believer's hope for an eternal life with their Lord lies in Jesus being resurrected on Sunday morning, not with Him left hanging on the cross.

If you want a more accurate portrayal of Jesus' ministry watch the "Jesus" film. And if you really want to cry watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". Despite his recent misadventures, Mr. Gibson's film is by far the most realistic & fairly accurate portrayal of Jesus' last days on earth.


yeah yeah yeah whatever

So... are you saying pish, posh or what?


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 06:45 PM

I Just finished watching, listening to this movie again.
I love it, love the songs, love the story...
I realize it was a bit much for many back in it's day.
Anybody love this play, movie as much as I do?

Nope. Mr. Webber's "Jesus" is not the Jesus I serve. BTW, the movie/play should NOT end with "Jesus" hanging on the cross. The believer's hope for an eternal life with their Lord lies in Jesus being resurrected on Sunday morning, not with Him left hanging on the cross.

If you want a more accurate portrayal of Jesus' ministry watch the "Jesus" film. And if you really want to cry watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". Despite his recent misadventures, Mr. Gibson's film is by far the most realistic & fairly accurate portrayal of Jesus' last days on earth.


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 05:51 PM
The only "Twilight" I care about is Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone".

How about Twilight verses Underworld? Now THAT would be a hoot!!!


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 05:38 PM
Good question. Christians should welcome questions & conduct open dialog about such topics, but unfortunately most do not. Either because they are woefully ignorant about what the bible teaches about what we should believe & how we conduct ourselves or, they're chicken. Bottom line, Christianity itself should not be considered a "religion". Religion is what Jesus encountered when confronting the Jewish leaders in His time on earth. It was all about appearances & doing as I say not as I do. Christianity is supposed to be considered a life style instead. I know that much harm has been done in the name of "Jesus". But the offenses committed being those organizations & individuals do/did not represent Christ, but were mostly self serving.

That being said just to scratch the surface, true Christianity alone has been responsible for the Underground Railroad, the ending of the slave trade & slavery in the States & in the British Commonwealth. Numerous orphanages & health clinics throughout the world (Mother Teresa's orphanage in India is just 1 example). Christian based clinics are at the forefront of battling AIDS in Africa & dealing with the resultant orphans created by the runaway death rate. The Red Cross, Salvation Army & prison out reach programs. Christians based relief teams are often counted among the number of organizations who respond after hurricane disasters. Just to name a few.


tribefan73's photo
Sun 11/01/09 05:05 PM

Never give up! bigsmile

Never Surrenderbigsmile

rofl :banana: GALAXY QUEST fans unite!!! :banana: rofl

tribefan73's photo
Sat 10/31/09 06:24 PM

what would you rather be doing than what you are at this present moment? whoa

Eating a ..... nothing compares to it

I can't say I disagree with that one! Man, do I miss....


tribefan73's photo
Sat 10/31/09 06:20 PM
Edited by tribefan73 on Sat 10/31/09 06:20 PM

Some of you travel all the time, my lifestyle doesn't allow that... So what do you do if you are interested in someone but they live too far away... then you think, why can't you find that someone special closer to home. hmmm... **ponders Then if you ever meet, will it be everything you had hoped it to be? **ponders more

Been there & done that. I am in Ohio & almost all of the women I find intriguing are elsewhere. North Carolina, Missouri, you name it. I've asked essentially the same question previously myself. It seems to be the mystery of the online experience. There was even 1 woman here in Ohio, but 2.5 hours away. Not very conducive for budding romances.


tribefan73's photo
Sat 10/31/09 06:09 PM
Jeremy Camp's "Empty Me" is a personal worship favorite of mine. Here is a link to a live version.

And "Wonderful Maker"


tribefan73's photo
Sat 10/31/09 05:46 PM

I never was into being all godly and stuff, but recently some cristans came over and invited me to thier church, but before I go and become cristan, I just wanna know- what is the cristan beliefs?

I think it's great that you're considering attending your friend's church. But, to answer your question in this thread would be too lengthy & misplaced. We can approach this 1 of 2 ways. We could either start another thread or you could email me directly.

As for the cat calls & such, shame on the so-called "Christian" community. Especially for ignoring this person's question.


tribefan73's photo
Wed 10/28/09 06:55 PM

thank you for taking the time to put up the links! the music is so beautiful in its different forms and yes I agree the bands are great to their fans!!! :)

You are most welcome. It's something I immensely enjoy doing when my schedule permits.

While I'm here, I guess I should post some more. How about dat?

Manic Drive with "Blue"

Lecrae with "Don't Waste Your Life"

Stellar Kart with "Me and Jesus "


tribefan73's photo
Mon 10/26/09 04:06 PM

skillet is good also

Yes they are & I have said so with a link for one of their songs, "Savior" on pg 1. I & my middle son had a chance to meet John Cooper(the lead singer), his wife & the rest of the band 2 yrs ago after a performance. Very sold out to God. Love their message & ministry.


skillet was the first christian concert my son and I went to. we got an autograph but did not have a camera so no pics. my sons wall is full of autographs from these bands, on mothers day he took me to see house of heroes, if they have not been mentioned, try to listen to "serial sleepers" and "buckets for bulletwounds" ....excellent, also listen to radial angel, ever stays red, and falling up (falling up is one of our faves)

just heard a song called monster by skillet on the radio this week, is this a new one of theirs?? very good also...

It's great that you & your son share the concert experiences together. I like Falling Up as well. Saw them in concert 3 yrs ago. How about a song by them? "Broken Heart"

House of Heroes was founded & is based in OH, where I am. Reliant K is as well. Here is "Serial Sleepers".

I love Skillet. Yes, "Monster" is their latest release. Here it is.

The brunette on guitar in the video is John Cooper's wife. You'll find that all of the Christian rock bands are very approachable.

Enjoy & God bless,

tribefan73's photo
Fri 10/23/09 09:08 PM
Greetings to all of you Christian rock fans. Sorry I've been MIA for awhile. Other parts of me life getting in the way. Anyway, I've been on a metal kick lately, so boys & girls guess where we're going?

1st up We As Human & their song "Dead Man"

I recently picked up Demon Hunter's Live in Nashville CD. Awesome stuff. 1st is something from their 1st CD it's called "Infected" followed by "Undying"

Some other metal bands to look for Living Sacrifice, Oh Sleeper, Famine & Advent.

As always enjoy & God bless.

tribefan73's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:14 PM
I am 1st & foremost an Indians fan. Obviously they're not in the post season & seeing how Charlie M. was a former tribe skipper & the best pitcher in this years' post season (Cliff Lee) is a former Indian & the fact that I HATE THE YANKEES, I'll be rooting for the Phils.

Little known fact. The last time a National League team won back-to-back titles was the 1907 & 08 Chicago Cubs.


tribefan73's photo
Fri 10/23/09 07:45 PM
Edited by tribefan73 on Fri 10/23/09 07:48 PM

Im thinking of moving on. Not much happening here anymore:cry:

that's not sounding good to me.. moving on to where..and will you be able to see us from there..flowerforyou flowerforyou
I cant say where Im moving on to on the thread. I may delete myself, Im not sure.......

Liz!! flowerforyou My favorite Missouri woman. Don't go. :cry:

You are welcome to physically move closer to 1 of us & then maybe "something" would start happening. :wink: You are way too popular with the man types to just up & leave. frustrated Please reconsider.

BTW, your current profile pic is my personal favorite.


tribefan73's photo
Fri 10/23/09 09:48 AM
Edited by tribefan73 on Fri 10/23/09 09:48 AM

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