Community > Posts By > daniel48706

daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/11/09 07:01 AM
awwww, I am glad you all like it so much. I have another one I wrote the other day, but I promised not to post it unless she gives me permission first ;-)

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 11:35 PM
thank you

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 11:04 PM
glad to know everything is well and good in your neighborhood again Ladylid. Hope you have a peaceful night's rest.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 10:44 PM
Not only that, but later on down the road, during the sermon at the mount, He also retracts 6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: by saying thou shall not kill.

And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.
6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.


Cool but he says only he can do it since vengeance is his alone.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 10:38 PM

the whole mess saddens me. i'm completely against capital punishment or revenge. this will not bring back those that have lost their lives. it cheapens us as humans to step to their level and destroy a life.

So very true Lulu! It's one thing to kill someone while defending yourself or another person, but once they have been subdued and captured it is no longer self defense, but murder in the first.


daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 10:29 PM

If you see Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, RUN!!!!noway

And whatever you do, do NOT use the bathroom!!!

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:54 PM
close my eyes :lol:

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:53 PM
and also turn on your outside lights, so as to prevent shadows around your house that someone might try to hide in, as well as give a little extra light to the police

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:51 PM
closed up inside, doors firmly shut and locked, and curtains closed tight (except the ones you are peeking through lol) is definitely a very good plan of action!
Let us knw what happens.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:23 PM
As I wrap my arms around, her gently shaking shoulders,
I can not help but wish that there was some way;
Some way, I could step forward and ease her pain,
that I could close the world to her for a day.

She stands tall, and straight, a sturdy bastion of timber,
ready to defend and protect those few within her walls;
yet the steady pounding force of Nature is all it takes,
to wear her down to the ground.

Steadfastly I stand, reaching down to grasp her by the arms,
pulling her back up, bracing her anew with my steel embrace;
my arms wrap around her shoulders, her head lays upon my chest,
two hearts now beat as one.

As she cries out in frustration, tears of anguish falling far,
my hands reach out to stroke her hair, my lips to touch her brow;
I whisper softly in her ear, "Do not worry, I won't let you fall".
As I wrap my arms around, her gently shaking shoulders.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 08:44 PM
G&R would definitely help, I am not denying that! Nothing better than a major concert with songs that describe loving one another and peace among brothers (and sisters lol).

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 08:34 PM
Very well put, and I completely agree with you on this. Every single one of your points is very accurate and very truthful.

Well, since I'm not an American Citizen and my post is purely from the perspective of a casual observer - I'm sure my comments will get flamed.

If you want to restore America to it's past glory:

1) Stop whoring out your industry to 3rd world countries so you can save $3 when you go shopping

Reason: America was at it's peak when it was a truly industrialized nation and it lead the world in industry, technology and financial matters. Now the major American corporations are outsourcing everything to "developing nations", which is destroying your economy.

2) Get rid of 90% of the Unions and stop being so damn greedy.

Reason: The average UAW worker with 10+ years of service made more than a typical doctor. Even American car company executives didn't have to geniuses to realize that in order to recover the money being paid out on ridiculous operating costs, they would have to have their parts made in developing countries where autoworkers are making $17 a day and they're damn happy to have such a high paying job. I used car manufacturers as an example but the same can be said of pretty much all of your major industries.

3) Stop the self segregation - I don't mean that those damn white people are at it again, I mean feeling the need to identify and alienate yourselves by insisting that you are referred to as "African American", "Asian American", "Muslim American", "Jewish American"....why can't you just be "American"?

You can blame every other racial, religious, political, gender or sexuality based group that you want for feeling that you're not being treated fairly but until people can stop self segregating there will always be a battle to demand more rights and freedoms then the other guys.

4) Stop "Americanizing", everything in your education system.

Reason: If todays youth learned anything in school that actually promoted other cultures and nations who have either assisted the United States or that the US has learned lessons from that they have adapted into their culture, there would be much more racial and religious tolerance which means less discrimination/fear/hatred.

5) Hold your government accountable and force them to admit when they screwed something up.

That pretty much speaks for itself...since the civil war, the government has supremely screwed many things up and has either provoked or alienated many many other nations yet both the government and the citizenship usually seems hellbent on justifying their actions and placing blame on everyone else involved. I'm not saying that every American citizen does it every time but the attitude of "supreme overlord of the world", often seems pretty ingrained in the vast majority of Americans.

Okay, I'm done - let the flaming begin. I might check back in a week or so to see when I should expect the lynch mob at my door :)

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 08:25 PM
Name one national event that is based off of a white citizen's culture, and does not encompass other cultures as well.

I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

Why not? White folks have national events??

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:07 PM
I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:54 PM
"The Goonies" as my son watches it in the other room lol

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:52 PM
no it is now illegal for a judge to give a defendent the option of going into servcice, which is a shame (though some judges still do do this, unnoficcially).

In regards to this case t hough, if the mother was able to legally kick him out, and has doen so, then the 16 y/o probably can not be enrolled in military school, or teen boot camp or any of those good programs against his will.

Have him enlisted into the ARMY!

He's 16! whoa

military school then.

if he gets into trouble with the law, they won't give him the option. from what i hear, they aren't doing the whole "military or jail" thing very much anymore.

. . .

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:48 PM
Another 20 or 30 years? pha!!! try right now! thanks to the old law that thankfully got nixxed out, the one requiring businesses to hire a cerain percentage of each culture, whites got forced out more and mroe and more. I am not saying htat somethign didnt need to be done in balancing out jobs between those qualified, but the key phrase is "those qualified".

Businesses were literally afraid of discrimination charges if they hired a white guy over a black guy or a woman when the white guy was more qualified (just as an example; there are plenty of times the minority was the more qualified).

and then we can have Mexican History month and then a Chinese History month and then a Irish History month...

I think as long as we accentuate our differences we perpetuate them

in 20 or 30 years, Anglos will be just another minority. Thats gonna freak out a lot of old white guys but the younger generation doesn't really care

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:44 PM
That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:16 AM

I don't get the free speech connection

Somebody is suggesting that this guy was not at fault in any way because of his freedom of speech. That because he has the freedom to speak, that he has the freedom to harass as well.

and in regards to the suggestion that he might be socially clumsy, I already approached that theory, and stated that due to the fact the he disturbed her peace and made her uncomfortable, then yes the police had the right to charge him with disturbing the peace. And I am sorry, but using myself as an example, I am very shy in real life when I meet someone, especially if I think she is attractive, but even with that being the case I would NEVER say the things he said upon meeting someone.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:35 AM
Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

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