Community > Posts By > daniel48706

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:44 PM
his military records can not be taken into consideration because they were illegally obtained by a person who showed himself willing to break the law to release them, which goes to suggest that he may not have told the entire truth or even any truth at all. Let's say that Major Hassam WAS reprimanded, counseled whatever, for the afore-mentioned issues. What wasnt stated is what came of the discipline. I can gaurantee you that if he HAD been DISCIPLINED for these things, he would also have been booted from teh military.
I can also say, from experience, both first hand and seeing it happen, that the "discipline" could have been challanged and found to be nothing more than discrimination against him due to his Muslim beliefs etc, at which point it has been proven that he has NOt done any wrong doing.
So far no "facts" towards why this happened has been given.

I hate to telly ou this cause your just gonna spout off again about how you are right and everyone else is wrong, but I just spent two hours looking for ANY proof of all the allegations against Major Hassad. The only FACTS that are present right now are the these two facts: A: He has an Islamic religion, and B: He went on a killing rampage.

There is yet to be given any facts, or proof of WHY he went on this tirade. Everything that I am sure has been brought up in this post and others like it are all nothing but hearsay as they are ALL either "anonymous", or they are a persons personal opinion; and neither one may be admisable in an investigation or a court of law as fact and proof.

Now, I am not saying he is not a mmaniacle killer, who acted in a religious sense. I do not know. But I do not know that he IS one either, cause again I do NOT know.

Everybody needs to step back, and literally write all the information that has been released down and seperate them into two piles: fact and hearsay. When you are down throw the entire hearsay pile away, and see what you have left over.
And remember folks, personal opinion is not fact. And in the case of character references, they have to be given by a reliable source; the "colonel" that released Major Hassan's military files and past "disciplinary actions" is not a reliable source because he broke the law in releasing those said files, which means he can not be trusted to do/say what is right or correct.

I never said one way or the other about fighting becoz of their religion nor did condone in any way his act of violence. You are so full of anger. You think you are right but in truth it's attitudes and opinions like your that coz conflict. If your so ready to enilate another life why don't up reup and go over there? You obviously arent dealin with it here. I am not wrong. You are. Decisions made in anger and haste bring only death and destruction. War and death is not always the solution, it only encourages the problem. Let me tell you something I have a long Military history in my family and I have buried my friends and I would stand and do my duty as a citizen any day, so don't go pushing your so special becoz your out for vengence for your buddies. Why don't you turn that into doing it for your Country? Vengence is born of hate and anger. Step on my toes and yes I'm gonna fight back, but to attack people before I know ALL the facts, no. Everyone in this country, American Citizens regardless of religion, have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and since you are not Judge and Jury, then what you presume is only presumption not fact or truth. Honestly your answers are confusing and conflicting. Don't bother answering me, narrow minded people are not worth my time. Blessed Be!

you describe your self not me! evil can not be ignored thats the point! i fight for my neighbor not just me! if i wait till they come cut my throat its kinda late isnt it? those soldiers deserve justice and vengence in my opinion! i'm not narrow minded you are! you wont admit that this guy was a muslim extremist even though clearly the reports show he was! why? because your the narrow mined one!
you dont need a judge and jury to form a conclusion and i have made my conclusion based on the reports!

anger and haste? rightous anger! its been 40 years!

reup? lol.. i am 40 now besides i can help here and elsewhere if i like.

you see my statements as conflicting because you have formed an opinion of me as a bigot and when you read them its contrary. your own bigotry doesnt allow you to accept that someone can form an opinion without needing to be accepted or told what to think! my thoughts are genuine well thought out and always conforming to a value system based on truth! i dont take others opinions and repeat them i form my own! I am a realist true and true!

Actually i stated that my opinion was based on reports. you call it heresay as if we are in a court of law! you see an officer releasing reports as if the documents they have are fake because the col. didnt have the right to release them. yes he should not of released them but they are out now and they are real and this is not a court of law as if discovery needs to be established lol...this is tooo tooo easy! fact they have his military records! real ones! fact he was a muslim! fact witnesses have stated that he screamed those things i wont say out of resect. but its not heresay if there is a witness! fact his military records show that he was an extremist if any logical thought is used. thats all nothing else DUNKED ON!

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:38 PM

Not you Daniel I agree with you

Lol thanks Cathey. i wondered at first till I read the whole thing, lol.

And tha is the very basis of my argument here, that there are no FACTS other than his having a muslim religion, and the fact that he did this horrible crime. Oh and fact that he is an American, born and raised on American soil.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:36 PM

psychopath n 1. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one mainfested in aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behavior.

No where in this definition is there any indicant that the person isn't or cannot be held accountable for his behaviour or not being in his right mind.

nice try.. next.

and are you really asserting that Maj Hasan should not be held to account for his actions?? really????

yes that is a dictionary definition of the term. NOW, go look up the American Laws concerning people who suffer from Psychosis, and also reference historical court cases involving people who suffer from various psychosis. In a case where a man claims to suffer from a psychosis the judge is required by law to immediately order the accused into psychiatric evaluation, and the case is postponed until that review has been given. In many cases a judge will require two or three psychiatrists to make a determination in order to make sure it is as accurate as possible.

So nice try to you for trying to confuse the issue. However, I rest by my words, and by what I have seen and watched happen. In regards to Major Hasan, I say he should undergo a psychiatric exam, by civilian doctors (yes civilian, because he is not going to receive an unbiassed exam from military professionals), and determined whether or not he was suffering from anything that would suggest he was not in his right frame of mind at the time of his actions.

Whether you like it or not buddy, the United States is a great place because it gives freedom to due process, and the right to be innocent until proven guilty to every single person, no matter the situation or personal feelings of others involved.

This Major has the right to be seen by a medical professional, and determined whether or not he was sane.

typical.. loosing the arguemnt so you attempt to shift the ground.. you assert that a psychopath can't, by law and by definition, be held responsible for his actions etc because he's not in his right mind... then bring me the word "psychosis"

ok, again from American Heritage Dictionary

psychosis adj. A severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning.

Ok.. that's a different animal than psychopathic

psychopathic adj. 1. Of, or related to, or characterized by psychopathy. 2. Relating to or affected with an antisocial personality disorder that is usually characterized by aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behaviour.

Ok? so there are two different terms you want to play here..

Your orinal assertion

By the very definition of the term "psychopath" a person who suffers from this affliction can not be held accountable because he is not in his right frame of mind!

psychopathology isn't a specific affliction. it characterizes a class of afflictions and doesn't indicate, by definition or by law, that the person isn't in his "right" mind.. it just means the person is antisocial, aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral

then you bring in the red herring "psychosis", a specific term relating to having suffered a break with reality.(again, shifting the ground of the debate)

equating the two is a false premise. and you know it

your arguement fails.. drinker

Now.. Does Maj. Hasan deserve due process? By American Law? yes.. of course, he does. anyone charged with a crime does.

I get the feeling you just like arguing against me..

here's a new topic..

"The sun rises in the east"

Oh my god Raider you finally said something that is correct! Yes the sun DOES rise in the east.

Now back to your argument. You are basing your arguments off JUST the written letter of the issues (generally speaking when I say issues). What you are still not doing and refuse to do, is look at past court history to see what the LAW dictates has to happen in ANY case that involves mental health questionability. The law is very specific in that anyone who possibly suffers from mental health issues has to be evaluated, and deemed sane and capable of standing trial, normally by a PANEL of psychiatrists, not just one, before they can go up in court for trial.

And in the case of Major Hassan, it may well prove that he is NOT competent to stand trial, and that he was in fact not in his right frame of mind when he pulled the trigger. Which means he would face life in an asissted living environment, or for however long it takes for him to come back to the right state of mind, at which point he WILL stand trial for the killings he has done.

That is something else a lot of people are misinformed about. A person who is deemed incompetant to stand trial doe snot get a stay of execution so to speak. The trial is simply postponed until the day that the person CAN stand trial in their right frame of mind, and then if they are fuond guilty, they are sentenced and have to serve their punishment, whatever it may be.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:27 PM

The truth can be mocked but not defeated!

Tell a lie long enough it becomes truth to the masses!

In lock step they follow to the beat of their facist drums while singing freedom and peace.

History while greatly unapreciated has shown the strong is usually unpopular until the steps of war are at your feet then the weak asks the strong what to do?

I agree that truth can be mocked, but not defeated. The truth will always be the truth even if not a single person in existence anywhere in creation agrees with it.

I also agree that if you tell a lie long enough, it is POSSIBLE to make the masses believe it. Won't ALWAYS happen, but it definitely can and has. Perfect example here is the FALSE statement that the Muslim faith(s) are all for war and annialation(I kwo there is an h in there somewhere lol). The masses do not realize anymore that the Muslim faith(s) are all based upon peaceful coexistence, and tolerance of your neighbor.

I also agree not that the strong is continually unpopular, but the right and truth is often unpopular. Look here for example. Truth and fact dictate that it is possible that Major hassan is a victim of being pushed to the side and ignored for medical treatment that he MIGHT have needed in order to prevent this tragic occurance from happening. Nobody wants to believe that this tragedy could in fact be blamed entirely on the military's flawed belief that there is no such thing as mental health disorders. That would mean Major Hassan is a victim instead of the bad guy, which would mean he could not be held liable and the responsible party would be one we do not want to believe is bad.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:11 PM
I hate to telly ou this cause your just gonna spout off again about how you are right and everyone else is wrong, but I just spent two hours looking for ANY proof of all the allegations against Major Hassad. The only FACTS that are present right now are the these two facts: A: He has an Islamic religion, and B: He went on a killing rampage.

There is yet to be given any facts, or proof of WHY he went on this tirade. Everything that I am sure has been brought up in this post and others like it are all nothing but hearsay as they are ALL either "anonymous", or they are a persons personal opinion; and neither one may be admisable in an investigation or a court of law as fact and proof.

Now, I am not saying he is not a mmaniacle killer, who acted in a religious sense. I do not know. But I do not know that he IS one either, cause again I do NOT know.

Everybody needs to step back, and literally write all the information that has been released down and seperate them into two piles: fact and hearsay. When you are down throw the entire hearsay pile away, and see what you have left over.
And remember folks, personal opinion is not fact. And in the case of character references, they have to be given by a reliable source; the "colonel" that released Major Hassan's military files and past "disciplinary actions" is not a reliable source because he broke the law in releasing those said files, which means he can not be trusted to do/say what is right or correct.

I never said one way or the other about fighting becoz of their religion nor did condone in any way his act of violence. You are so full of anger. You think you are right but in truth it's attitudes and opinions like your that coz conflict. If your so ready to enilate another life why don't up reup and go over there? You obviously arent dealin with it here. I am not wrong. You are. Decisions made in anger and haste bring only death and destruction. War and death is not always the solution, it only encourages the problem. Let me tell you something I have a long Military history in my family and I have buried my friends and I would stand and do my duty as a citizen any day, so don't go pushing your so special becoz your out for vengence for your buddies. Why don't you turn that into doing it for your Country? Vengence is born of hate and anger. Step on my toes and yes I'm gonna fight back, but to attack people before I know ALL the facts, no. Everyone in this country, American Citizens regardless of religion, have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and since you are not Judge and Jury, then what you presume is only presumption not fact or truth. Honestly your answers are confusing and conflicting. Don't bother answering me, narrow minded people are not worth my time. Blessed Be!

you describe your self not me! evil can not be ignored thats the point! i fight for my neighbor not just me! if i wait till they come cut my throat its kinda late isnt it? those soldiers deserve justice and vengence in my opinion! i'm not narrow minded you are! you wont admit that this guy was a muslim extremist even though clearly the reports show he was! why? because your the narrow mined one!
you dont need a judge and jury to form a conclusion and i have made my conclusion based on the reports!

anger and haste? rightous anger! its been 40 years!

reup? lol.. i am 40 now besides i can help here and elsewhere if i like.

you see my statements as conflicting because you have formed an opinion of me as a bigot and when you read them its contrary. your own bigotry doesnt allow you to accept that someone can form an opinion without needing to be accepted or told what to think! my thoughts are genuine well thought out and always conforming to a value system based on truth! i dont take others opinions and repeat them i form my own! I am a realist true and true!

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 08:33 AM
Edited by daniel48706 on Sat 11/07/09 08:35 AM
psychopath n 1. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one mainfested in aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behavior.

No where in this definition is there any indicant that the person isn't or cannot be held accountable for his behaviour or not being in his right mind.

nice try.. next.

and are you really asserting that Maj Hasan should not be held to account for his actions?? really????

yes that is a dictionary definition of the term. NOW, go look up the American Laws concerning people who suffer from Psychosis, and also reference historical court cases involving people who suffer from various psychosis. In a case where a man claims to suffer from a psychosis the judge is required by law to immediately order the accused into psychiatric evaluation, and the case is postponed until that review has been given. In many cases a judge will require two or three psychiatrists to make a determination in order to make sure it is as accurate as possible.

So nice try to you for trying to confuse the issue. However, I rest by my words, and by what I have seen and watched happen. In regards to Major Hasan, I say he should undergo a psychiatric exam, by civilian doctors (yes civilian, because he is not going to receive an unbiassed exam from military professionals), and determined whether or not he was suffering from anything that would suggest he was not in his right frame of mind at the time of his actions.

Whether you like it or not buddy, the United States is a great place because it gives freedom to due process, and the right to be innocent until proven guilty to every single person, no matter the situation or personal feelings of others involved.

This Major has the right to be seen by a medical professional, and determined whether or not he was sane.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 08:24 AM
makes you a coward, and makes you dishonest as well. One of the biggest ones that truly peeves me big time is how your military records are private and confidential; releasing someones records can gt you in very serious trouble, yet when a soldier comes into the public eye, their records are "anonymously released" to the entire damn world. I don't care what's going on with the soldier, what they have or have not done, they still have the legal rights to their records being kept private and secret. The person "giving this information" needs to be court-martialed to the fullest extant.

Another big issue of mine, is the "anonymous" releases tot he press formt he white house, and other government agencies. This information has been deemed secret, classified whatever; and most likely has good reasons for being classified as such. If you were to release this information to say the Soviet Union, or China, you would be sentenced to death for Treason. So what is the difference in releasing it to a reporter or journalist which will ltimately end up utting this information in the hands of those we dont want having it.

I personally say, that ANYONE who releases information without the authority to do so, should be tried for treason (punishment varies upon degree of whether it was intentional or accidental release).

omg I am not the only one?! lol

Nope, I agree too! If you're gonna talk, then have the balls(?) to level up to it personally. Speaking from hiding makes you a coward.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:49 PM
omg I am not the only one?! lol

daniel48706's photo
Fri 11/06/09 12:10 PM
roflmao, you take the cake man...

By the very definition of the term "psychopath" a person who suffers from this affliction can not be held accountable because he is not in his right frame of mind!

The media are reporting he was from a Jordanian Palestinian origin.
He was going to be deployed to Iraq and he did not want to go . Also his entourage people were teasing him constantly about being Muslim .
Also the media are reporting an increase in the military suicide, family violence and abuse and post stress crap.......etc .

The Military as a whole has a new policy where the are downsizing servicemembers throughout every branch. One of the quotes for a source in Washington stated "Servicemembers are and continue to be our greatest expense, every one we can downsize frees up money to be spent elsewhere" well what this is causing is them overworking Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen. Pushing them to work 18+ hours a day and often not in a job that they are remotely qualified for. Causing accidents, and soldiers to completely burn-out. I think this is an EXTREME case of burnout, but I still blame Washington, and the money grubbing bean counters there.

yeah you're so right!

None of the blame should be place on the a-hole who strapped a couple pistols to his belt and walked into the processing center, yelling Allahu Ackbar! and started shooing up the place..

yepp.. not his fault.. people were teasing him..

not his fault.. washington is "downsizing" the military (Shades of the Clinton, anyone?)

not his fault.. he was forced to see all those casualties from overseas..

not his fault.. his mommy didn't love him enough..

not his fault.. he grew up in a socio-economically depressed area..

not his fault.. his high school baseball coach cut him from the team..

not his fault.. his girlfriend dumped him before prom..

not his fault.. he sat in his room playing World of Warcraft 16 hours a day..

not his fault.. blah blah blah blah..

When are violent psychopaths ever held responisble for their actions?

daniel48706's photo
Fri 11/06/09 12:06 PM

So you are saying someone like the guy that brought down Nixon should have been put in jail? Woodward as well? He didn't disclose his anonymous source for 30 years. Interesting concept.

Depends on the process in which the person used to "bring down Nixon". I don't know who said what, to whom or how, so I can not give an opinion on that. I CAN say however, that if it was confidential and secret material, that the only legal way he would have had to do so, was to file a report with someone in authority that has the right to that information. Would that be easily done? probably not, but it's still the right way to do it, and the legal way.

With woodward, I believe you are referring to a journalist or reporter of some kind? Or do you mean a lawyer or even a priest?
reporters, journalists, etc do not have the legal right and obligation to withold their sources. A lawyer and a Priest both do, and I believe both, I know in a lawyers case it is true, they both have to disclose if someone says they are going to commit a crime in the future.

With a lawyer, yuo can admit to murder, rape, arson, whatever yuo did, and the lawyer can not do anything other than remove himself as your lawyer (if he is your hired lawyer when you tell him); this holds true for all lawyers who work even in the same office as said lawyer. However, if you go in and say I am going to go rape the little lady down he street this afternoon and then....... the lawyer is legally obligated to call the police and report you.

A priest, has the legal right to withold confessions. I am not sure if they are required to report plans of a crime or not.

I hope this answers your question

daniel48706's photo
Fri 11/06/09 11:58 AM
I am not saying take freedom of speach away. If say, a congressman wants to publicly state that he can not stand President Obamma, that is his choice and right. HOWEVER freedom of speech does not include giving out information of any] kind. it is the freedom t talk about your beliefs and opinions, so long as they can not harm another person or group.
Also, speeking about someone elses professional record which is supposed to be a secret is also not covered under freedom of speech, and should be punishable without the person who's record was revealed having to take it into court. Nor is any of what I have said covered by freedom of the press.

I DO however agree with you that 99% of the media is fabricated in t least some way, and in a lot of cases the reporters fabricating that information are guilty of defemation or even outright slander; but are they prosecuted for htis? no. They claim freedom of the presss and when proven to eb wrong about something they claim it was an honest mistake.

you sound like a nazi buddy.. Free speech is a protected right and if someone is to be persecuted for it theyd be stupid not to do it incognito... if the goverment went after the media itd be a disaster for them...Theyve gone against the people enough as it is..Its not an americans duty to serve the or protect the interests of government its the other way around... if our government continues the way it is by systematically eliminating our rights in the name f "national security".. then we will have come to the point where out founding fathers told us its time to eliminate our government and rebuild one that is again of and for th people not the corporation that government had do i see that happening never... but its a simple fact "Being told you are free , does not make you free".. and

and as far as almost all of them bing able to be proven as incorrect .. the entire of news is like that if you are wachting it you should just keep telling yourself theyre lying to me... i was personally involved in multiple incidents that were on the news and EVERy time the story was sensationalized to the point of using incorrect "facts" about the incident... its amazing what one or two changed wrds can do.. being that the person is hiding their identity Someone didnt want them saying what they were saying and itd pretty easy to "PROVE" even an absolute truth as a fabrication if that was ones goal..

daniel48706's photo
Fri 11/06/09 07:38 AM
I do not know abuot anyone else, but I personally feel that newspapers, tv news reporters etc, should not be able to take "anonymous" reports and tips, as they are nothing but hearsay, and most of the time it can be proven to be false too.

Not only that, but all this nonsense in the current society of, officials making anonymous reports because they are not allowed due to security and law to make them otherwise... Most of the time, I honestly believe the so-called "high official anonymous report" is nothing but a pure and outrageuous fabrication. But if it does happen to be true, then I fullt believe that our government needs to step in and arrest the reporters etc for taking the anonymous information, knowing it is illegal to do so, and to do it's (the government) level best to find these "anonymous confessors" and arrest them on treason charges.

That is what used to happen; people were held accountable for their actions and their words, and when someone spoke "anonymously" they were investigated out and then arrested and charged accordingly.

A far as I am concerned, if you are not authorized to speak about something then you need to be prosecuted to the highest extant for doing so, and so should those who take your statement.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 11/06/09 07:26 AM

Rocky Mountain Oysters...! LOL!

lol, now I will be honest and say I dont know if I coudl ever get myself tt ry those or not

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 07:56 PM

"Needing mental help"

He is a psychiatrist. He was stationed at Walter Reed. Never been in combat.

Your theory doesn't add up.

you really think because he was stationed at walter reed for a few years that this means he has never been deployed? Althogh not impossible, it is highly unlikely that he has been in the army long enough to attain the rank of Major and NOT deployed somewhere.
And even if he hadn't, the fact that he was at walter reed for several years gives me enough reason to wonder whether or not he suffered from ptsd after dealing with all the wounded coming back from over seas. I have been stationed at a military combat support hospital, and deployed with them, so I can tell you from first hand experience that it is traumatizing, severely so to wotk with all those people who have been out in conflict, or danger, and now are being sent home with less than they went out with. I have seen MANY doctors, have nervous breakdowns just from dealing with the every day stress of working with the wounded.

Now let me ask you one question: I am asusimng it was released that he had served at walter reed, and I know several "reliable sources" have dictated that he has never deployed, but that is all hearsay at this time. So how can you say without a doubt that he has never deployed? Or, assuming that he hasnt, that e has not faced so much stress that he had a major breakdown? You can't. Neither can I, which is why I am nt saying he DID havea breakdown.

What I am saying however, is the "information" that is being released so far does not add up to make anything of sense. A majority of it contradicts itself.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 06:58 PM
I find it hilarious that every single person here has jumped on the bandwagon in saying that this was a crime of religion or nationality. So far there has been nothing to even suggest this except the name of the shooter being Islamic, and a couple of "press releases" from former coworkers in the military, which is nothing but hearsay.

So far there is no evidence of anything other than a tragic shooting, on a military base. Yes history has shown us that SOMETIMES this can be due to a persons background or religion. However history has also shown us that this is even more likely to be a case of the guy needing mental help and not getting it because the military was too stingy to provide proper comp time, and treatment for those who have been under stressful situations.

Now, I am not saying he is an innocent person who was left to explode by the system, but I am not saying he was a religious jihaid (sp?) operative either. Until the fact s are known, nobody knows what the truth is.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 06:17 PM
I can answer one question for you Txs: Since he was active duty military, he will be tried and sentenced under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That will take precedence over any wrongful death suits that families may decide to go for in regards to their rights.

The military does offer capital punishment, but I don't know what all circumstances it can be administered, other than obviously going awol from a deployment, or treason etc.

Thomas I will back track my comment for it does seem it does matter at this time what his beliefs were. Since it may have to do with his beliefs that caused him to react the way he did. He should have never been let in the Military if it was that well known of the way he did believe.

To bad the Military did not see this in time for this bloodbath not to happen. I do feel that the death penalty would be too good for him since he is within Texas who knows what will happen since he is Military as well....

So thanks for posting the facts...........

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 06:12 PM

First off it is totally relevant what his religious beliefs are since this whole frickin war is based on the religion of Islam and it's followers including those living here in the United states.

For you to believe the war is based off of religion, suggests that yuo need some major time with a tutor, because the last I knew the war was about nothing except terrorism.

Second he was a Muslim and according to reports he was diciplined for preaching radical Muslim and was against the war.

So what if he was a Muslim? He was also an American citizen, and American citizens have the right to practice whatever religion they choose to practice, without being told they are worng, or being disciplined for it.

Third if anyone has served in the military they know it has more than it's fair share of mentally disturbed people who are often dangerous to not only the command but the public in general.It was a fairly common occurence to have people kicked off my command and thrown into psyc wards for threatning to harm or kill people.It seems stupid to me that if someone is raising red flags to ignor it.

You are talking to a veteran, and as I have stated previously, he could not legally be written up or disciplined for preaching Islamic views. The only way he could have been written up for it is f he had been preaching the downfall of Americas army, president, country, etc. And I promise you that if that had been the case, he would also have been tried for treason, and no way in hell would he havemade it to the rank of Major.

Forth So what if they joined the military and raised their hand?Does that mean they automatically get a green light to be excused for their actions?Do you know how many thousands of people every month are kicked out of the military for all sorts of dumb reasons?This guy wasn't a hero,was against what the Army was doing,and never saw a single day of combat.He was nothing more than metally unstable soldier threatning mutiny,who was not supporting the mission and trying to convince other soldiers to join his cause which is the same as the enemy we are fighting.

In regards the beginning of this statement. I never stated that by raising his hand he gets a green light to do whatever he wants. I stated the exact opposite. By raising his hand and swearing an oath, he gave up his rights to act out due to a disagreement with political beliefs.

You want to honor this dead soldier by saluting and thanking him for his service go ahead.I will join the 99% of the others serving and say that this guy should have been kicked out a long time ago for his actions.Much like much criminals in America who go on a killing spree.This man gave plenty of warning signs beforehand he was a loose cannon.

I never said I would honor his last actions. However I DO strongly believe in soldiers needing mental health decomp after EVERY mission no matter what. This is one more sad example of why. And before you claim he had never dep[loyed before, that's exteremely unlikely as he had the rank of Major, which means he had been in the army at LEAST 7 or 8 years inmost likelihood. There is no way a Major would have been able to miss out on deployment for that long of a time frame.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 05:51 PM

yeah hominy rocks, fried in butter pile it up with some over easy eggs on top. wish my gramma was still around. kalitas and vegalagas (speelcheck on those) looked like weeds to me but man how she could cook em up. still trying to get inspired bout dem guts though.

Nothings wrong with eating the guts, lol. Do you eat organs? I.E. liver, heart, kidney? I eat just about anything. I have tried just about everything it seems lol. I can not eat organ meat due to how strong it is; it kicks my gag reflex every time I try, though I can and do cook with chopped up liver, heart and gizzards. I also eat ssquid, escargote (sp?), and hope to someday try frozen monkey brain (sorry Earthy).

As long as you can get past the fact of what the organs do and still eat them, then there is no reason for you to be squeemish over intestines ;-) Good luck, and bon appetite!!

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 05:41 PM
If the light bulb you are upset about is sold on the open market (and I am pretty certain it is the same kind I prefer to use but can not afford lol), and your landlord pays the electric bill then you are stuck with using whatever bulbs he puts in. These bulbs would not be available if they were "validated toxic", and since yuo are not paying the bill for using them you d not have the right to change them out.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 11/05/09 05:34 PM

some guy on cnn just tryed to compare this to work place viloince

you sound like that is an inconceivable notion. The truth is, it is very much comparable to work place violence. Yes the soldier deals with more stress than the average person in the civilian work force, in regards to personal safety and such. However, stress effects all people differently, and what can be considered highly stressful to w factory worker, would not automatically be stresssful to you or me.

IF this is a case of stress nad combat fatigue, or post traumatic stress, then it dosnt matter what CAUSED the trauma in the end; what matters is teaching the person how to cope with it and to nt let loose in violence.

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