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Thu 03/22/07 07:02 AM
Hi Country, First and foremost Thank You for fighting and risking your
life so the rest of us can be free. We truly appreciate what you do.
2nd, you mentioned passing the mental exam, couldn't you pretend a
little bit and fail it????? Will they give you another one after the
back heals?

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Thu 03/22/07 05:38 AM
I finally got it to work. The problem is that the software wouldn't
launch after it died the first time. Thanks for everyone's suggestions
and help.

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Wed 03/21/07 05:24 AM
Hi Rain, Friends are great, but sometimes when they become roomies -
things change because living w/ them is different than just being
friends. It's good to have a back up plan incase you wind up finding the
person is difficult to room with (like not paying bills on time if
that's a peave of yours, using your personal items that you really
wouldn't want to use after someone else has, not picking up after
herself or being a clean freek). There are zillions of other little
things that we don't think about till they happen but they bug the crap
out of us when they do. Then there's the guilt of leaving them w/ all
the bills if it don't work out. Might be a good idea to make an
agreement that we know we won't room together for ever and in the event
that one of us moves cause we get married or something, we will give the
other one this much times notice and will pay all our half of the bills
untill that date or something like that.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:44 PM
I tried run as and it gave the window saying that there was a problem
and it had to close. I just moved this window to see it again and it
was partially there (like one corner showing) - when I clicked it it was
the old window saying it timed out and to close it. I closed it and
tried again and guess what - it's working now (or appears to be). Guess
that hidden window is what was causing the problem. I sure hope it
works this time or I'm gonna have a very upset pre-teen in the morning
cause the songs aren't on the mp3 player. Thanks for your help.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:33 PM
I had downloaded the software that came w/ the mp3 player that takes
your downloads and makes them work on the mp3 player - that is the ZAPP
program. I paid for the music downloads and was downloading the songs
and I had launched the ZAPP program. It immediately connected to
Windows and began updates. Both software update downloads and music
downloads were taking place when I lost my internet connection (for a
long time). Both programs tried to continue for a bit and then just
stopped. I got the music downloads (to the computer) taken care of.
But it's the mp3 player software that won't work now. I launch it pops
a window and disappears. I uninstalled and reinstalled and still having
same issue. I'm trying again now.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:20 PM
Just make sure it wasn't the recalled PB.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:11 PM
well, the marshmallows will stick.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:10 PM
Ok, I'm not computer illiterate, but never done the MP3 thing before and
I had everything loaded and songs downloading - and the ZAPP program to
upload it to the mp3 was getting updates and the darn connection went
down and now the ZAPP program won't work. I click it and it pops up for
a second and dissappears. I put the disk back in and choose repair -
same problem. Uninstalled the software and re-installed it and it's
doing the same thing - any suggestions before I kill it?

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:07 PM
Mine says roofing tar. Is that ok?

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 01:11 PM
Ok Papa - Buttons don't have time to help me - so who is your

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Tue 03/20/07 09:42 AM
I got a big spoon of chocolate cake icing straight from the jar!

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 08:09 AM
Ty on the stove cleaining and ya know I was thinking if the wd40 makes
the horse mane and tail all shiny - will it work on the rest of the
horse? And if so - I would assume you would apply it after putting the
saddle on - otherwise it would be like armoralling your stearing wheel
and then trying to drive - LOLOL

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:57 AM
Thanks Grieving. We've all been done wrong at one time or another and
it is easy to think that all men or women are the same and there are no
good one's left. Trust me, I've believed that about men, but I was
wrong. There are still good ones out there, it's just that there are so
many bad ones, that it makes it hard to find the good ones.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:53 AM
OH, Excuse me - the question is open to all.

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Tue 03/20/07 07:47 AM
OK Buttons - I'm new here, but who do you think ya could hook me up

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Tue 03/20/07 05:37 AM
I never said God was evil, cause He's not.

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Tue 03/20/07 04:10 AM
I agree, children are very susceptible but others can be too. We are
all looking for something and we all get decieved. We choose whether we
let the deception turn into brainwashing or not. I think people w/ low
self esteem, co-dependants, elderly, and those who have been taught to
do what they are told w/o questioning it are the most susceptible.

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Tue 03/20/07 03:57 AM
Nicely put Saylors.

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Tue 03/20/07 03:52 AM
Glad someone's chipper this morning. I hit snooze for half an hour and
still feel like I'm sleep typing.

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Mon 03/19/07 08:08 PM
That is beautiful and it almost made me cry.