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Topic: WD-40 ....Did You Know?
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Mon 03/19/07 01:01 PM

Protects silver from tarnishing.

Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.

Gives floors that 'just-waxed' sheen without making it

Keeps flies off cows.

Restores and cleans chalkboards.

Removes lipstick stains.

Loosens stubborn zippers.

Untangles jewelry chains.

Removes stains from stainless steel sinks

Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.

Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.

Removes tomato stains from clothing.

Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.

Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.

Keeps scissors working smoothly.

Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes.

Gives a children's play gym slide a shine for a super fast

Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of
handling on
Riding mowers.

Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises.

Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them
easier to open.

Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.

Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as
As vinyl bumpers.

Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.

Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.

Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles
Easy handling.

Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them

Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other

Removes splattered grease on stove.

Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.

Lubricates prosthetic limbs.

Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).

Removes all traces of duct tape.

Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to
Arthritis pain.

Florida 's favorite use is: "cleans and removes love bugs
Grills and bumpers."

The favorite use in the state of New York --WD-40 protects
Statue of Liberty from the elements.

WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a LITTLE on live bait or lures and
you will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper
than the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep
in mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing are
not allowed in some states.

Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away
immediately and stops the itch.

WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the
mark and wipe with a clean rag.

Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has
washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the
lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! Lipstick is gone.

If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would
displace the moisture and allow the car to start.

It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor.

Use WD-40 for those nasty tar and scuff marks. It won't harm
the finish and you won't have to scrub hard.

Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed
Use WD-40.

P. S. The basic ingredient is Fish Oil

juju2680's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:10 PM
thank u.....i need it for several on the list
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

joe1973's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:12 PM
yes but did you know that FLUID FILM works MUCH better on metal than the
Water Displacer that is good for as cold as -40.why do you think it is
called "WD-40"?fluid film stinks BUT works real good on loosening metal
stuff.i swear by fluid film.

beerrunner13's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:12 PM
It will also detangle horses manes and tails

tigerman1956's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:22 PM
:wink: :wink: laugh laugh laugh

daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:24 PM
if it works with horses hair and manes I wonder if it would help with a
humans long hair? lol. nyone willing to try it?

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:56 PM
Best way to get those big burrs out of the horses tails and manes also
works like a charm and leaves there mane and tail shinning bigsmile

smilewithme's photo
Mon 03/19/07 01:58 PM
that sounds like one happy horse

horseracer's photo
Mon 03/19/07 04:30 PM
wow!!!!!!!! i did'nt know all that here i''ve ben bying babby oil(it
works good) by the gallons for my horses tailand mane.
never heard of fluid film (it shows never to old to lern)

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:11 PM
I tried using it to get those ugly black burnt looking spots off my
glass top stove and it didn't work so well. I read that it would clean
it somewhere.

erinestrella's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:09 PM
That really is good to know!
Im not sure about the "keeping flies of cows one"

mrsart4all's photo
Mon 03/19/07 08:30 PM
Thanks for the list, never knew it did all that! happy

ChristianCountryGirl: Try using those Mr. Clean White Erasers for those
stubborn spots on your stove. These work great too!


no photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:22 PM
yep... its a do all!

Greyhound's photo
Tue 03/20/07 01:22 AM
If I use WD-40 on my ex-husband will it make him go away for good?

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 08:09 AM
Ty on the stove cleaining and ya know I was thinking if the wd40 makes
the horse mane and tail all shiny - will it work on the rest of the
horse? And if so - I would assume you would apply it after putting the
saddle on - otherwise it would be like armoralling your stearing wheel
and then trying to drive - LOLOL

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:52 PM
put on fishing lures and the fish bite more!:smile:

bigpappa4331's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:34 AM
ok but remember it also build's up and periodically need's to be removed
from some of these thing's but yes it is great for crayon and scuff
mark's and starting car's [spray it in the carb]or drying the dist.
excellent for removing sticky stuff i.e. duct tape stickers etc.. i
don't recommend it for hinges and such[squeek's ]just use old fashioned
grease you won't need to clean it off and it last's along time too

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:15 AM
WD-40 works great as a lubricator for things like door hinges, fan
motors, etc. However, it will evaporate and doesn’t continue to
lubricate for a long time.

But here’s a tip:

If you spray WD-40 into something like a hinge or bearing first, before
adding a drop of regular motor oil, the WD-40 will help the regular oil
find its way deeper into the bearing surfaces. And then the regular
oil will keep it lubricated for a longer time.

Often if you just put the drop of regular oil on it, the oil won’t
penetrate as deeply on its own. So it’s good to use the combination,
because the WD-40 by itself won’t last nearly as long as the regular oil
before it evaporates. Together they solve both problems. WD-40 goes on
first, then the drop of regular oil.

davinci1952's photo
Mon 04/23/07 04:08 PM
I've used it to remove tape glue crap from windows after banners
etc have been scotched taped on the glass...bigsmile

rrr1952's photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:53 PM
I didn't know about the fishing. I'll give it a try.

Did you know the best thing to loosen pliers, side cuts, and needle nose
pliers is lighter fluid? It cleans real well; and provides a little

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