Community > Posts By > SteveJarvis

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 04:26 PM
don bachelor is a scammer XD

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 04:25 PM
I don't think it was a personal attack at all Geo. I mean, we don't
know who you are, that was our point. We would love to get to know you

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 04:24 PM
@Kat: DUH, juvenile is a relative term and compared to you I am.


Not all women are sensitive and honestly most women are not drawn to
sensitive dudes. You notice all the "sensitive" dudes on here posting
and whining about how come they cannot find a girl? My advice to them
would be to stop whining like a little titty baby and just go ask a girl

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 04:21 PM
I totally agree Jenn.

I think people without pictures are ashamed of how ugly and weird they
look. I am proud of how ugly and weird I look.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 01:57 PM
She gives some solid advice. You also sort of have to put yourself out
there. I mean three posts? No one here has any idea who you are. You
need to respond so people reading get an idea about your personality.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 01:53 PM
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 01:49 PM

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:39 AM
I think there is something wrong, I am not able to post messages.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:38 AM
I am currently listening to this song called "Heilukaan" but this
Finnish girl band named Tik Tak. My Finnish friend sent it to me and I
cannot stop playing this catchy thing.

just post what you are listening to, and talk about it if you want.
It's up to you.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:36 AM
good that u know i am being funny :p

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:32 AM
How am I bashing them? That was my point: they have babies, and they
don't really cry or complain. But if you don't notice some small thing
they cry? That is just crazy.

Shoot, I love women. My Mom is one, for instance.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:21 AM
I mean, these are people designed to pass something the size of a
watermelon through their pelvis. Like women have a pain tolerance that
would make Hercules look like a pussy ass bitch. So why do women cry
over the dumbest shit?

"Who cares that I didn't get you flowers!?" It's not like a month
anniversary is even shit. It's not like I get a birthday present every
month, or w/e.

I don't like sensitive women. Sensuous, sure, but dating silly little
girls is so awful.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:19 AM
What is like the perfect move to make on a date?

I am all about, "I am going to kiss you." and then kiss them. I think
being direct is the way to go. Also when I am kissing, I like to put my
hand behind a girl's head and like not really massage, but definately
stimulate the back of her neck. Also I NEVER put any tongue in a first
kiss. EVER. I sort of tease it a little bit, and I always pull away

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:11 AM
see, I like the horror thing. The last type of movie I want to take a
first or second date on is some cheesy romance thing. That is so vulgar
at my age. Perhaps when I am like 40 something that is a good first
date movie.

But right now I am all about the zombie movies. Shoot, that is a good
tester anyways; if a girl is not down with horror she can get the hell
out. Unless she has a nice rack or something, then she can get the hell
out after a month.

SteveJarvis's photo
Mon 08/28/06 05:09 AM
I guess she was molested by a man? That is weird because alot of men
molested by men become gay, shoot alot of women molested by men become
strippers. I wonder if she was actually molested by a woman?

SteveJarvis's photo
Sun 08/27/06 09:20 PM
you called me a dumbass. I would call that freaking out. WHO CARES IF
YOU ARE GOING TO GET A PIC. You don't have one right now. So calm down
next time and don't be so sensitive.

SteveJarvis's photo
Sun 08/27/06 08:59 PM
let's just hope the sex was good while it lasted.

SteveJarvis's photo
Sun 08/27/06 06:29 PM

did you just say your ex wants to have a threesome with you and another

how old are you?

SteveJarvis's photo
Sun 08/27/06 06:27 PM
What does "Partying Hard" mean?

Like, when I dance I flail about pretty good, sometimes I even
accidently hit people because I am so animated. I have been known to
dance for like 4 hours straight, so that is pretty hard.

If you mean like drug usage, well, I don't think you need to go to a
party to use drugs.

SteveJarvis's photo
Sun 08/27/06 06:24 PM
you know, you could like, um,turn the flash off, close your eyes

I think there are many solutions to your "problem".

Do you find it annoying looking at like a computer screen too? You know
you are looking at a lightbulb right?

Good luck!