Community > Posts By > creativesoul

creativesoul's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:30 AM
The real problem, on my view at least, is the overwhelmingly popular idea that it is ok for those with power over the people to be allowed to and/or get away with spreading lies, and/or saying things that quite simply are not true.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:18 AM
Yup... some folk don't want(or don't know how) to do the work it takes to find out the way things are, what is the case, etc...

Easier to find another 'expert' opinion which agrees with our own.


creativesoul's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:04 AM
Hillary doesn't even stand a chance to win the primary, let alone be in the presidential election.

Elizabeth Warren, should she choose to run, would win.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:00 AM
It's a drawback of freedom of speech, a ncessary evil as it were. Problem is that other dumbarses will believe it. There are a lot of those.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 11/01/13 09:47 AM
Entire thread, save a few points, looks like unjustifiable spewing of ignorance based opinion.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 10/28/13 05:01 PM
"Ayn Rand" and "philosophy" are contradictory terms...

"Who is John Galt?"...

Who cares???


The scientific method IS philosophy. Philosophy is the parent, science the child. That is not to say that science is less than philosophy. To quite the contrary, philosophy shows us that we're fallible creatures, science is simply the method which lessens the likelihood for mistakes.


creativesoul's photo
Tue 10/15/13 07:03 PM
Poor grammar in an OP title. laugh :wink: laugh

creativesoul's photo
Wed 10/09/13 07:49 PM

For sure 'Not all we KNOW is REAL'.

No? How so? I mean what makes something qualify as being "real"?

creativesoul's photo
Wed 10/09/13 05:02 PM
Could you explain the purported difference in terms other than "a world of difference"?

First we have to know what is real, and perhaps what it takes to be so. Second we have to know what we know, and what makes it so. Then, we can compare the two.

Up for it, or are you just asserting an unsupported opinion on the idea?


creativesoul's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:21 PM
I am predictable... lot's of folk like that about me though... lol...

creativesoul's photo
Tue 10/01/13 05:50 PM

Third eye? What on earth is that? What does it look like, feel like, or some such. I mean, stimulation happens on a physical level. Is this so-called "third eye" a physical feature?

If not, then how does the question make any sense at all???

Oh so what you are saying is that if YOU can't see it or touch it, then it doesn't exist. Okay.


Not sure what's so funny... Odd actually. I said no such thing, nor did what I said necessarily imply such a thing. May I suggest that you reread what I wrote and reinterpret accordingly?

Your question is what is so funny to me. (Odd actually.) I find it funny that you would even ask the question when you have the world wide web at your fingertips and can get all the answers you want and decide for yourself.

If you want a general description of what is meant by the third eye, then check the Wikipedia post I left.

If you need a physical organ to look at or see then it is thought (by some people) to be related to the pineal gland which is said to look like a pineapple. (You can believe that or not.)

If you actually want to know about the third eye and what is meant by that, then research it and make up your own mind.

(Otherwise, it appears that you are just wanting to challenge someone or start a debate about it.)

That is okay too.

But when someone understands something they sometimes respond with "I see!"

What they really mean is that they understand because they are not actually 'seeing' anything except in their own minds.

Maybe the "third eye" is understanding or conscious awareness of something.

It is the mind's eye that understands. That is why it has been called "the seat of soul."

It is the observer's post.

See if this helps you to understand the question being asked. Hopefully it will not seem so odd to you by the time you've read this reply...

As you've just attested to, there are many different uses and/or meanings for "third eye". That much said, usually it means something like a higher level of understanding. That kind of 'thing' isn't physical. Soooo...

Since stimulation verifiably and falsifiably happens on a physical level, I wanted to know what sense it makes for us to talk about stimulating your, my, his, or her third eye if it is - in fact - not physical but mental/immaterial.

I understand your question just find.

Have you ever heard of someone stimulating their imagination?
How about stimulating your mind?
How about stimulating your desire?

Yup. Those are all fine examples of exactly the same problem I'm pointing out. They are very poor ways of describing what is actually happening in each respective case.

Why do you believe that a thing must be physical in order to stimulate it?

Because every verifiable example of stimulation happens on a physical level. We can watch it. We can record it. We can know it is happening. We can know it's effects. The better question is why ought I believe otherwise?

Why do you believe that "stimulation" must be verifiably and falsifiably on a physical level?

See above.

Answers of a classic materialist.


Not "classic" so much, however, I'm not the typical dualist either.


creativesoul's photo
Fri 09/27/13 09:45 AM
Knowing that some guys will say and/or do anything to get a girl in bed does not warrant being "over"protective. Does it?

I mean, I would think that knowing that much and informing the daughter of that, in addition to teaching her sound judgment by virtue of teacher her how to recognize that does not constitute being an "overprotective" father. It constitutes being a protective one.

Overprotective, by my lights at least, is not being able to see that we must allow our kids to make some mistakes in order for them to be able to grow as responsible people. It seems prudent to me to allow those mistakes to happen early on, but also to let them be of a nature that can be learned from without too much harm. Not ever allowing our child to make mistakes, to live and learn through them, qualifies as being "overprotective" on my view. It often backfires as well, for we must all walk our own path for our own reasons. If that path is blocked then the child will not have as much real life experience to reflect upon and thus hopefully mkae better choices in the future.

One more side note here...

It does not follow from the fact that some guys need protected from, that all guys do.


creativesoul's photo
Fri 09/27/13 08:51 AM
Oh geez...

The question is a poor one. The answers to it are as diverse as the circumstances in which one lies. At the root of it all however lies a commonality which krupa pointed towards earlier...

All folk, including but not limited to "men", lie in order to get what they want, so to speak.

That said, there is an underlying issue pervading this thread. That being that there are many different notions of what "a lie" actually is. To me, it makes the most sense to say...

A lie is a deliberate misrepresentation of one's own thought/belief.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 09/27/13 07:58 AM

Third eye? What on earth is that? What does it look like, feel like, or some such. I mean, stimulation happens on a physical level. Is this so-called "third eye" a physical feature?

If not, then how does the question make any sense at all???

Oh so what you are saying is that if YOU can't see it or touch it, then it doesn't exist. Okay.


Not sure what's so funny... Odd actually. I said no such thing, nor did what I said necessarily imply such a thing. May I suggest that you reread what I wrote and reinterpret accordingly?

Your question is what is so funny to me. (Odd actually.) I find it funny that you would even ask the question when you have the world wide web at your fingertips and can get all the answers you want and decide for yourself.

If you want a general description of what is meant by the third eye, then check the Wikipedia post I left.

If you need a physical organ to look at or see then it is thought (by some people) to be related to the pineal gland which is said to look like a pineapple. (You can believe that or not.)

If you actually want to know about the third eye and what is meant by that, then research it and make up your own mind.

(Otherwise, it appears that you are just wanting to challenge someone or start a debate about it.)

That is okay too.

But when someone understands something they sometimes respond with "I see!"

What they really mean is that they understand because they are not actually 'seeing' anything except in their own minds.

Maybe the "third eye" is understanding or conscious awareness of something.

It is the mind's eye that understands. That is why it has been called "the seat of soul."

It is the observer's post.

See if this helps you to understand the question being asked. Hopefully it will not seem so odd to you by the time you've read this reply...

As you've just attested to, there are many different uses and/or meanings for "third eye". That much said, usually it means something like a higher level of understanding. That kind of 'thing' isn't physical. Soooo...

Since stimulation verifiably and falsifiably happens on a physical level, I wanted to know what sense it makes for us to talk about stimulating your, my, his, or her third eye if it is - in fact - not physical but mental/immaterial.

I understand your question just find.

Have you ever heard of someone stimulating their imagination?
How about stimulating your mind?
How about stimulating your desire?

Yup. Those are all fine examples of exactly the same problem I'm pointing out. They are very poor ways of describing what is actually happening in each respective case.

Why do you believe that a thing must be physical in order to stimulate it?

Because every verifiable example of stimulation happens on a physical level. We can watch it. We can record it. We can know it is happening. We can know it's effects. The better question is why ought I believe otherwise?

Why do you believe that "stimulation" must be verifiably and falsifiably on a physical level?

See above.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 09/26/13 05:39 PM

Third eye? What on earth is that? What does it look like, feel like, or some such. I mean, stimulation happens on a physical level. Is this so-called "third eye" a physical feature?

If not, then how does the question make any sense at all???

Oh so what you are saying is that if YOU can't see it or touch it, then it doesn't exist. Okay.


Not sure what's so funny... Odd actually. I said no such thing, nor did what I said necessarily imply such a thing. May I suggest that you reread what I wrote and reinterpret accordingly?

Your question is what is so funny to me. (Odd actually.) I find it funny that you would even ask the question when you have the world wide web at your fingertips and can get all the answers you want and decide for yourself.

If you want a general description of what is meant by the third eye, then check the Wikipedia post I left.

If you need a physical organ to look at or see then it is thought (by some people) to be related to the pineal gland which is said to look like a pineapple. (You can believe that or not.)

If you actually want to know about the third eye and what is meant by that, then research it and make up your own mind.

(Otherwise, it appears that you are just wanting to challenge someone or start a debate about it.)

That is okay too.

But when someone understands something they sometimes respond with "I see!"

What they really mean is that they understand because they are not actually 'seeing' anything except in their own minds.

Maybe the "third eye" is understanding or conscious awareness of something.

It is the mind's eye that understands. That is why it has been called "the seat of soul."

It is the observer's post.

See if this helps you to understand the question being asked. Hopefully it will not seem so odd to you by the time you've read this reply...

As you've just attested to, there are many different uses and/or meanings for "third eye". That much said, usually it means something like a higher level of understanding. That kind of 'thing' isn't physical. Soooo...

Since stimulation verifiably and falsifiably happens on a physical level, I wanted to know what sense it makes for us to talk about stimulating your, my, his, or her third eye if it is - in fact - not physical but mental/immaterial.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 09/25/13 06:08 PM

Third eye? What on earth is that? What does it look like, feel like, or some such. I mean, stimulation happens on a physical level. Is this so-called "third eye" a physical feature?

If not, then how does the question make any sense at all???

Oh so what you are saying is that if YOU can't see it or touch it, then it doesn't exist. Okay.


Not sure what's so funny... Odd actually. I said no such thing, nor did what I said necessarily imply such a thing. May I suggest that you reread what I wrote and reinterpret accordingly?

creativesoul's photo
Wed 09/25/13 05:38 PM
Third eye? What on earth is that? What does it look like, feel like, or some such. I mean, stimulation happens on a physical level. Is this so-called "third eye" a physical feature?

If not, then how does the question make any sense at all???

creativesoul's photo
Sat 07/20/13 06:02 PM
Ahhh... what to say what to say...

They can be wonderful and enlightening. Beautiful and mysterious. They also come with expectations both implicit and explicit. Mine ended in friendship and in heartache. I wouldn't trade my expereinces with them for anything else though, for the one was with one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, arguably the most.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 07/20/13 04:05 PM
Cool. Hey Sherrie! How are ya? Neat math ya have there!


creativesoul's photo
Sat 07/20/13 03:56 PM
Interesting how often those who ask for "proof" have no idea of what it requires.


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