Community > Posts By > Sommer41

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:26 AM

there is a guy on here that left me a email not to long ago
that accused everyone in this site that was married or in a relationship would cheat and he said in his profile 99% of the woman in this site were cheaters....THATS A BUNCH OF BULL CRAP!!!!

explode grumble mad :angry:

Ah, so there still people that think like that...

Odd people.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:23 AM

In a certain area, when the weather reaches 30degrees celcius, tv stations close down.

Basically this means that no person can watch TV. To encourage people outside.

What are people's thoughts on this?

Is this control over people, or is a good thing enabling our children to be out in the fresh air?

They must be taking tips from the US...

So this happens in areas of the US?

Noooooooooooooooooo way it would never fly here shshs heck there would be riots if it did.

We still have the freedom to choose what we do in our own homes and those features are not taking away to make us choose otherwise and would never happen in the USA.noway

Ha, ha, I am smiling at this as I know that many Americans would be appalled at this. And I can understand why, it does sound extreme, doesn't it?

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:21 AM

Kids need to get freah air, true, but it should be the parents who decide when and where. To stop broadcasting is not right in my opinion, because there are home bound people who might not be able to go outside and need the tv for company, news, weather, ect.

Good points, I have to say that they are not considering all people.

Which is unfair, for some, especially the elderly, TV may be all they have.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:20 AM

Wow seems like a control issue even though it may be thought it is within good intentions I think we should have that choice.

But............then I don't watch a lot of tv and it don't make me go outside lol just play on the computer more.:laughing: :laughing:

The residents of the area, are used to it and know no different, so for them it normal and they never see it as control.

Like our school, some of them close when the temperatures reach highs. For me that means handing back to the parents responsibility of keeping their children free from the risk of sun stroke and heat problems.

But I thought it would be interesting to discuss with you guys, especially as most of you are in the US, and knowing how the general concensus is on freedom of speech, rights and all manner of things.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:16 AM

In a certain area, when the weather reaches 30degrees celcius, tv stations close down.

Basically this means that no person can watch TV. To encourage people outside.

What are people's thoughts on this?

Is this control over people, or is a good thing enabling our children to be out in the fresh air?

They must be taking tips from the US...

So this happens in areas of the US?

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:16 AM


I smell communism !:heart:

There are still scents of communism here in Austria, given it's history, it is always going to be there.

From the outside, I can see why people would think like that, but I am sitting on the fence, as to whether it is a good thing or a bad.

On the one hand, I think it is good to curtail TV, on the other I can see how people feel about preventing people from doing as they please.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:06 AM
In a certain area, when the weather reaches 30degrees celcius, tv stations close down.

Basically this means that no person can watch TV. To encourage people outside.

What are people's thoughts on this?

Is this control over people, or is a good thing enabling our children to be out in the fresh air?

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:02 AM

I have a question to ask u.

A friend of my from a different site thinks that no one can stay true to just one person.

He thinks that everyone wants more and cheats.Just wanted to have your take on this.

Oh I can remain true to one person.

What do others on this site think about your friend's opinion?

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:00 AM

I have a question to ask u.

A friend of my from a different site thinks that no one can stay true to just one person.

He thinks that everyone wants more and cheats.Just wanted to have your take on this.

Your friend needs to stop speaking for anyone else...before they make themselves look even more stupid.


Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 07:59 AM

The first four children were taken away from the parents after their second birthdays.

These parents were given a couple of yrs with each of the first 4 children, they had plenty opportunities to brush up on their parenting skills.

After the first child was taken, they wouldve been offered help in their parenting skills, why did it happen another 12 times after that?

Im sorry, but i DO blame the parents for not accepting help. if they genuinely wanted to have a family, they wouldve done wat they needed to to get there.

If this woman is so mentally unsound, she should be sectioned.

This is a thread i am merely opinionating on, i enjoy a good debate.

Hi Pink lady.

I am not in any doubting your words or those of the reports, although the Daily Mail is a trashy paper, and will go to town on this story, primarily for political benefit.

I cannot agree that a person who is mentally unstable, should just be sectioned, in the UK, people are sectioned when they are a danger to soceity.

And if that were the case, then there would be a lot of people who are sectioned.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 07:55 AM

I have seen this before and I believe it is an innergenerational thing. She was born in the system ao all she knows is the system.

My guess is the only nutureing she gets is when she is pregnant so she keeps getting pregnant because that being "cared for" is what makes her feel safe or like she has some place in society.

I am sure the press attention and the social workers running in and out giving her attention in some distored way gives her the only attention she gets.

If she were not pregnant would she get public aid or allowed to starve? Or become homeless?

It is pretty clear her body feels normal pregnant at this point so when she is not she is driven to become again.

Sad thing is she will probably eventually die in childbirth. Eventually her body will become so depleated that her health will collasp.

I think you are extremely close here and what a brilliant way of looking at it.

I think it runs far deeper than a woman who just does not care about her children and has this overwhelming desire to make a government pay up and therefore her acts are to be scorned, and Social Services are there to prevent rather than cure, so in taking the children, each and every one that is easier than looking deeper within to see where the real problems are and seek her some help.

My own mother lost care of her children, back in the 70's.

Nobody helped her then, it is something that I and my brother have done now, as adults ourselves. There is the help oit there, she could not find it, she hid from it, because she was frightened and 30 years later she is only now beginning to recover.

Interesting debate.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:15 AM

A letter sent to him by the council said Theresa and Toney cannot keep their children due to "concerns about severe neglect, lack of parenting ability and the consequent risk to any child in their care".

It added assessments carried out over the years "had not revealed any significant change in lifestyle or reduction in risk".

Last night ex-Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe said: "It's scandalous this woman has had so many children. But what can you do? There is nothing the State can do to stop her."

Fellow Tory MP Philip Davies said: "This is a totally outrageous case and clearly highlights the dependency culture that exists in this country."

Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "It's unfair for this mum to simply keep having children in the full knowledge they will be taken into care."

Hi Pink Lady, the highlighted statement, shows me that she is not going to be given a chance, or any help whatsoever...

I agree, that yes, her children should be removed as a very last extreme, but nowhere does it say that she is having any help or support.

And they attended sessions in which they were asked how they would cope with children in various circumstances, such as when they were ill. But they said it was all to no avail. They also insisted they agreed to have private counselling as long as it was paid for by the council.

But social services told them to attend a free group session instead.

They refused, saying they did not want to air their issues in front of strangers.

Concerns are NOT concrete is suggestive, but not concrete.

No, but how many children have died at their parents hands cos SS DIDNT intervene.

It seems to me SS cant do right for wrong, they r damned if they do and damned if they dont.

I don't disagree with you, but SS have the resources rather than just to take children and try to help reunite families, help the parents to be ablt to take care of their own. That is my point.

SS cannot control the children that they do not know about, but they can help, support and protect the families of the ones that they do.

My last post had a quote in it, that suggests they have been encouraged to attend sessions that would help them, they REFUSED. When u refuse help from SS, it doesnt look very good, it looks like u r hiding imo.

Well, that is one way of looking at it...

But I don't think as black and white as that, I like to unwrap a little.

If she is hiding behind the sofa everytime they contact her, then she has something to hide, agreed.

Here in a sentence is what I see, based on the information s far, I see a woman, a woman who lacks integrity, sense, emotional intelligence and is living a vicious repeat of her own life.

SS have allowed it to gone on too long, she has, but they are running rings around each other.

She needs to be ordered to have sessions, by a judge, to enable them to live and love each other, there are family units in the UK, attached to the domestic agencies, governed by the police and social services, centres where families can go under supervision, and be montitored and be supported. Parenting is all about learning, my kids and are 19. 21 and I have to learn a whole new set of parenting skills, because their needs are different from when they were 12 and 5 and 15...

Ordering her to have surgery, just taking babies away now, is not going to help her, and clearly the sister is not going to, she should have help 10 babies ago, one should have set the alarms bells ringing, two should have put the wheels in motion to get them all help and three, should have gotten some damn serious meetings called in what to do...

Thirteen??? If I was in charge, I would have fired the lot of them.

I see a woman, a woman who lacks integrity, sense, emotional intelligence and is living a vicious repeat of her own life.

I see a woman in denial, who doesnt want to be helped., I see a selfish woman who doesnt think about the repercussions for these children, and shows no signs of even caring about them.

SS have allowed it to gone on too long, she has, but they are running rings around each other.

So its SS fault again, its kinda strange considering SS have been accused of not supporting her, yet they have offered her help that she doesnt want. They cant force her to not have children, they can offer help, which she doesnt to take, that would be regarded as being unco-operative, and unwilling to change.

Its funny, u have assumed she hasnt been offered help, and u have assumed her sister is non genuine, yet u have no evidence to back that up. The woman and her sister were at least on speaking terms as conversations have occurred regarding the "why"s of her child bearing.

If wat her sister says is true, she doesnt give a **** about the kids, she just wants the government to pay up.

No, I have not said it is Social Service's fault, I don't think apportioning blame here will do any good.

I have not assumed anything, I have stated that I do not think that this has been handled well.

Social services are the ones who are supposed to be able to deal with situations like this and here we have a woman who is pregnant again, trying to keep a child, I also think that is not the best way forward, adding a new child to an already complicated case. Also, I cannot dismiss that there are another 13 children involved here.

Here we have a woman, who is not what I would call mentally stable, is fighing in an bad way to have a child. Social services will take this one away, there is no doubt about that.

She is also being named by her own sister, as one who should be sterilised and has been quoted rather crassly that she does not give a ****'

This is a deep dark place for the mother here, who on the surface, is seen as a money, grabbing, not giving a crap about her babies and is trying to screw a government, I see a woman, that just maybe, just maybe, completely mentally suffering for the loss of her children, that she did not know how to handle and how to receive help, and was fearful of authority, scared, frightened and unable to negotiate her way through this and lashing out.

I can't be so blase as to say, what the papers are displaying, that she should be forced a sterilisation.

I never knew how to take care of children when I had mine at the tender ago of 19, but I learned as I went along. As any mother does, and I cannot possibly say how I would feel if I had 13 babies taken away from me.

But I can look a tad deeper and not pour scorn on one very, very sad woman who has to be ordered of receiving some help to give her and more importantly her child, a chance of being a family.

SOmething that should have happened a long time ago.

That is my opinion, not in an way prejudiced against yours or anyone else's for that matter.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 06:01 AM

I spent 400.00 dollars on two kids...well I did get a few things other then school stuff I was shocked...and my daughter has yet to get shirts...

Hi there.

So I am assuming your children have no uniforms?

That is alot of money, admittedly.

It was easier to budget with mine, because of the uniforms and we could plan in advance for that.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:56 AM
I am a teacher and our school does not begin for another month.

It is expensive and I know myself from my own children, and we had to have uniforms too.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:47 AM

She clearly does need help, in raising her children and who doesn't? She has not got the family, only a venomous sister who has displayed that, she has lost 13 children, so her state of mind is not going to be the best, her lack of emotional intelligence in that 'I'll keep getting pregnant until they let me keep one' is obviously not going to get her what she clearly wants, asking for help, will, she needs to have a social worker attached to her, so that she and the ssw can get to the point where mother and child can be safe, and together in a family unit, that with this pending birth could be done and with the support that is in the community available, it is there, just that the support networks and the community do not know how to utilise it. The mother is I would speculate pretty terrified that her child will be removed, and is resporting to last resorts to do keep the child.

Dont u think they have tried this after the other 13 children were born?!


I don't know that and nor would I be so brave as to claim that I do.

and then some guy from the British Taxpayers Association coming out with frankly, crap, about 'this woman having babies when she knows they will be removed' just smacks that the system has given up on her and will simply take the children, if she has done it 13 times, what's to say she is not going to do it another 13 times?

Actually, i disagree that wat he said was a tax payer, so i am paying for her children that she couldnt cope with. Its a valid point...why the hell should i pay for her to have children she cant look after cos she is in denial about being a risk to them?

I am a tax payer too, in two countries, but I can safely say, I would rather my taxes went to keeping families together, than filling a system that has clear leaks in it and the money dribbles through and is then washed away with baby after baby being born.

The only way she can get wat she wants, is by accepting the right help, and yrs of cbt to get her away from this obsession of having children when she is not mentally able.

THEN, maybe keeping her children would be an option.

I don't disagree with you there, at all.

I do state, however, that this should have been done a long time ago...

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:38 AM

A letter sent to him by the council said Theresa and Toney cannot keep their children due to "concerns about severe neglect, lack of parenting ability and the consequent risk to any child in their care".

It added assessments carried out over the years "had not revealed any significant change in lifestyle or reduction in risk".

Last night ex-Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe said: "It's scandalous this woman has had so many children. But what can you do? There is nothing the State can do to stop her."

Fellow Tory MP Philip Davies said: "This is a totally outrageous case and clearly highlights the dependency culture that exists in this country."

Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "It's unfair for this mum to simply keep having children in the full knowledge they will be taken into care."

Hi Pink Lady, the highlighted statement, shows me that she is not going to be given a chance, or any help whatsoever...

I agree, that yes, her children should be removed as a very last extreme, but nowhere does it say that she is having any help or support.

And they attended sessions in which they were asked how they would cope with children in various circumstances, such as when they were ill. But they said it was all to no avail. They also insisted they agreed to have private counselling as long as it was paid for by the council.

But social services told them to attend a free group session instead.

They refused, saying they did not want to air their issues in front of strangers.

Concerns are NOT concrete is suggestive, but not concrete.

No, but how many children have died at their parents hands cos SS DIDNT intervene.

It seems to me SS cant do right for wrong, they r damned if they do and damned if they dont.

I don't disagree with you, but SS have the resources rather than just to take children and try to help reunite families, help the parents to be ablt to take care of their own. That is my point.

SS cannot control the children that they do not know about, but they can help, support and protect the families of the ones that they do.

My last post had a quote in it, that suggests they have been encouraged to attend sessions that would help them, they REFUSED. When u refuse help from SS, it doesnt look very good, it looks like u r hiding imo.

Well, that is one way of looking at it...

But I don't think as black and white as that, I like to unwrap a little.

If she is hiding behind the sofa everytime they contact her, then she has something to hide, agreed.

Here in a sentence is what I see, based on the information s far, I see a woman, a woman who lacks integrity, sense, emotional intelligence and is living a vicious repeat of her own life.

SS have allowed it to gone on too long, she has, but they are running rings around each other.

She needs to be ordered to have sessions, by a judge, to enable them to live and love each other, there are family units in the UK, attached to the domestic agencies, governed by the police and social services, centres where families can go under supervision, and be montitored and be supported. Parenting is all about learning, my kids and are 19. 21 and I have to learn a whole new set of parenting skills, because their needs are different from when they were 12 and 5 and 15...

Ordering her to have surgery, just taking babies away now, is not going to help her, and clearly the sister is not going to, she should have help 10 babies ago, one should have set the alarms bells ringing, two should have put the wheels in motion to get them all help and three, should have gotten some damn serious meetings called in what to do...

Thirteen??? If I was in charge, I would have fired the lot of them.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:26 AM


My impressions of that article, although well reported, is certainly out to slant the reader to viewing these people in a negative light.

I would be very curious to learn why each child was taken from them...I wonder whether a precedent has been set now, and there is not much investigation done, into the care of the child in question, at the time..

The sister? Vitriolic!

I notice she didn't take responsibility for any of her nieces or nephews...that speaks volumes to me, and diminishes what the sister has to say.

I wonder, with close monitoring, if this couple could prove themselves to be fit parents...seems they dont get the opportunity to.

Welcome to the site and to this thread Sommer.waving flowers

Her sister has been interviewed, and in the interview she states her sister and her partner are not fit to raise children because of their violent behaviour. The lady ( the baby factory mum) has also stated both her and her partner have been violent ( although not to the children) But; and here's the but, she has never asked for help in any way.I think she is trying to prove she can be a good mother, without some form of counseling I doubt she can do it on her own.

I am not sure how the courts stand on this one,can they make a ruling that this unfortunate woman and her partner receive counseling and parenting classes. (?)

BTW, I don't trust the Social Services, remember baby P, Victoria Climbe and the unmamed torso of a child they found in the Thames ( Social Services were called in a number of times by the neighbours) then the child disappeared only for his torso to show up in the river.

Hi and thank you for the welcome, Bonny.

I think you have given me a different spin on this, one that makes me rethink the whole story, as it can be looked at from so many angles, My inital reaction, was the paper, then the sister, then of course looking at the mother. There is no smoke without fire, I believe there has been neglect and abuse here, but then some dork sitting in a white tower and ordering the removal of baby after baby and then some guy from the British Taxpayers Association coming out with frankly, crap, about 'this woman having babies when she knows they will be removed' just smacks that the system has given up on her and will simply take the children, if she has done it 13 times, what's to say she is not going to do it another 13 times?

She clearly does need help, in raising her children and who doesn't? She has not got the family, only a venomous sister who has displayed that, she has lost 13 children, so her state of mind is not going to be the best, her lack of emotional intelligence in that 'I'll keep getting pregnant until they let me keep one' is obviously not going to get her what she clearly wants, asking for help, will, she needs to have a social worker attached to her, so that she and the ssw can get to the point where mother and child can be safe, and together in a family unit, that with this pending birth could be done and with the support that is in the community available, it is there, just that the support networks and the community do not know how to utilise it. The mother is I would speculate pretty terrified that her child will be removed, and is resporting to last resorts to do keep the child.

A messy, convulated, detailed case that I'm sure has a file as thick as a tree trunk.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:02 AM

A letter sent to him by the council said Theresa and Toney cannot keep their children due to "concerns about severe neglect, lack of parenting ability and the consequent risk to any child in their care".

It added assessments carried out over the years "had not revealed any significant change in lifestyle or reduction in risk".

Last night ex-Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe said: "It's scandalous this woman has had so many children. But what can you do? There is nothing the State can do to stop her."

Fellow Tory MP Philip Davies said: "This is a totally outrageous case and clearly highlights the dependency culture that exists in this country."

Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "It's unfair for this mum to simply keep having children in the full knowledge they will be taken into care."

Hi Pink Lady, the highlighted statement, shows me that she is not going to be given a chance, or any help whatsoever...

I agree, that yes, her children should be removed as a very last extreme, but nowhere does it say that she is having any help or support.

And they attended sessions in which they were asked how they would cope with children in various circumstances, such as when they were ill. But they said it was all to no avail. They also insisted they agreed to have private counselling as long as it was paid for by the council.

But social services told them to attend a free group session instead.

They refused, saying they did not want to air their issues in front of strangers.

Concerns are NOT concrete is suggestive, but not concrete.

No, but how many children have died at their parents hands cos SS DIDNT intervene.

It seems to me SS cant do right for wrong, they r damned if they do and damned if they dont.

I don't disagree with you, but SS have the resources rather than just to take children and try to help reunite families, help the parents to be ablt to take care of their own. That is my point.

SS cannot control the children that they do not know about, but they can help, support and protect the families of the ones that they do.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:43 AM

A letter sent to him by the council said Theresa and Toney cannot keep their children due to "concerns about severe neglect, lack of parenting ability and the consequent risk to any child in their care".

It added assessments carried out over the years "had not revealed any significant change in lifestyle or reduction in risk".

Last night ex-Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe said: "It's scandalous this woman has had so many children. But what can you do? There is nothing the State can do to stop her."

Fellow Tory MP Philip Davies said: "This is a totally outrageous case and clearly highlights the dependency culture that exists in this country."

Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "It's unfair for this mum to simply keep having children in the full knowledge they will be taken into care."

Hi Pink Lady, the highlighted statement, shows me that she is not going to be given a chance, or any help whatsoever...

I agree, that yes, her children should be removed as a very last extreme, but nowhere does it say that she is having any help or support.

Sommer41's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:23 AM

That's what has me very curious... and the sister, has me rather suspicious of also.

Please don't get me wrong, children are not removed from a home unless the social worker feels the child is at risk, and at the mother's own admission, she agreed the first few little ones probably were safer away from her.

To me that shows maturity, and also some insight into what is the appropriate and inappropriate way to raise, and care for a child.

In my experience, once any governmental institution, no matter which, has labeled you, the label sticks, and is neigh to irremovable.

Hi invisible

Oh indeed, mud sticks, but this speaks for the social services system as a whole, and the flaws in their system.

While the mother agreed that her little ones where safer away from her, which indeed they probably were, the system is where my beef lies.