Community > Posts By > Okami04

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 06:02 PM

If you recognize the what the so called prverbial life is and prefer it then you make a choice I think Evan Tanner was talking about people who do **** and don't realize it

so you recognizing and choosing to live the materialistic life is kinda different then someone who just does without thinking about it ,
and I dont think Evan Tanner implies any hate at all, him and I just want people to recognize what more life has out there to offer.

If you dont believe life should be more than my qoute then be mad about it but be honest with yourself when you do make that connection

What's funny is that I don't live a materalistic life. I don't currently have a steady job, and I'm living off of financial aid.

Sure it would be great to live a carefree life not worrying about anything, but realistically, that's just not the case. I mean, I suppose I could give up everything and become a farmer who plants eggs and grows fried chicken, but that'll never happen.

I think a more important connection is one that involves a more realistic approach.

I don't think you even understand what you quoted, nor it's relevance in modern society.

Your the one not seeming to understand

But you are interpreting it the way you want I interpret it the way I want, and then you have the authors intention

I think you should live your life the way that makes you happy I truly do just strive for greater thing

I believe life is about experiences not stuff I live for the next great adventure ,
I am not talking about being a green freak living off the land and being charitable

all your quotes have been way off , but no worries man your much smarter than me it's cool brah just think your way and I'll think my way and you dont have to like the original post it was just something I thought was profound and from I man I greatly respect , I will be me you be you

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:53 PM

Well, if we go off personal experience I would suggest moving to the other side of the world. Where ever you live you should move somewhere else. Then meet an awesome girl who loves you.

LOL I am with you there brother that is the KEY

or thread starter you can be like meeeee lol just playing

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:47 PM

you should list the author

I never found the author it was something I have kept with me for sometime and I originally found it from a excerpt from a fight article sometime ago

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:42 PM

Freedom is exactly what I am talking about wtf man are you reading

I am free to live my life and I choose to live it the way I want, I wont be a slave to society am just talking about living your life the way you want how hard is that to understand

This is what I'm reading, and I'll break it down for you since I have nothing better to do. This is called Literary Interpretation, so bare with me...

It is a shame that in this society we've been taught to judge a man's worth by what he owns instead of who he is. Everything is surface, and so few look beyond it. A man will sell his soul, he will lie, cheat and steal, for money. If he has it, he can buy respect. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, have the right friends, that's all that matters. Our lives are consumed in a selfish, self absorbed quest for possessions, the latest and the best in a never-ending cycle until the day we die. We forget what it means to be truly human. We forget the things that really matter. We lose the magic of what life should be. I won't live by rules that make no sense to me.

I believe that I am a Rebel but I am one not without a cause, I do have a plan, and I rebel against everyone and everything that gets in the way of me living my life the way I want to live it. I forge my own path in life and I hope everyone else does, or will do the same.

To me at least, it's quite obvious that the above implies a sort of hate if you will upon those who do in fact live the glamorous proverbial life afmorementioned above.

Directly quoting, "we lose the magic of what life should be."

So you; my good sir, tell me - How that isn't telling me what I should, and/or shouldn't do...?

If you recognize the what the so called prverbial life is and prefer it then you make a choice I think Evan Tanner was talking about people who do **** and don't realize it

so you recognizing and choosing to live the materialistic life is kinda different then someone who just does without thinking about it ,
and I dont think Evan Tanner implies any hate at all, him and I just want people to recognize what more life has out there to offer.

If you dont believe life should be more than my qoute then be mad about it but be honest with yourself when you do make that connection

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:34 PM

Few people are leaders.
Many people are followers.
Some people refuse to be led.

But to me...that seems like a natural balance.

Words have never been truer than those
for sure butt,

I would say there are just some people who are way out there and there can be leaders who refuse to be led as well

Yeah....that would be me....

After being in the military I think I will never follow anything quite so structured again lol

so i will have to go with just saying a lead my own life and follow myself lol

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:29 PM

It is a shame that in this society we've been taught to judge a man's worth by what he owns instead of who he is. Everything is surface, and so few look beyond it. A man will sell his soul, he will lie, cheat and steal, for money. If he has it, he can buy respect. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, have the right friends, that's all that matters. Our lives are consumed in a selfish, self absorbed quest for possessions, the latest and the best in a never-ending cycle until the day we die. We forget what it means to be truly human. We forget the things that really matter. We lose the magic of what life should be. I won't live by rules that make no sense to me.

I believe that I am a Rebel but I am one not without a cause, I do have a plan, and I rebel against everyone and everything that gets in the way of me living my life the way I want to live it. I forge my own path in life and I hope everyone else does, or will do the same.

What about women? Do they fall into the same categories?

1. It is impossible to ALWAYS buck the status quo.

2. You may choose to not live by "rules" that make no sense to you, but you will still do it--even if you do not realize that you do so. We are written, we do not write, and even in your rebelliousness, you are following a pattern set by those rebels who preceded you.

Ultimately, you will live by those rules because you will desire a goal that can only be achieved by doing so.

3. To choose to rebel against everyone and everything that gets in your way is a selfish path. Without empathy and understanding for others, we are no more than animals who strike out blindly at perceived enemies. To be empathetic is truly to be human.

4. You advocate that everyone forge his/her own path and ignore the rules that make so sense--why follow any rules? Let the mass murderer have free rein; let pedophiles have their way.

People who promote anarchy don't really want anarchy; they want the way of the world to be their way. You advocate anarchy. You would not like the results of your advocacy.

5. If in forging your path it crosses mine and I don't like your path--I should follow your suggestions and rebel against you. This could mean removing you from the face of the earth, eh? How long would any society last if we all decided to do this?

6. Empathy fuels the humane side of humans, but to say that seeking material possessions isn't what being human is all about, you are incorrect. Humans evolved by seeking possessions, seeking comfort, and seeking to be better than others. It is how we survived.

7. As I wrote, rebels conform to those who precede them. I have never met a "rebel" who was truly creative and innovative in his/her rebelliousness. Not only that, but successful rebels lose their edge when their goals are achieved--read about Lenin, Mao, Castro, and other rebels who sought to better the condition of their countries; they became caricatures of themselves.

I have become a chameleon.

I am just saying what evan tanner is saying dont let the pursuit of possessions run your life

I am not advocating anarchy, I talk about my professional life as well as I am a Pro Fighter so I hope that puts things in perspective and you read my post knowing that you will see you take a new meaning from it, when I talk about removing people in my way

As for being a uncreative rebel and you think I am selfish that is fine I am selfish in my own way , as for uncreative probably but I do what makes me happy and the way I do it is my way and off course it would follow some sort of pattern everybody has some sort of pattern so that makes little sense to point that out

And I dont want the world to be my way I want my world to be my way there is a difference

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:21 PM

Nah nothing stirred me up I just talking about all walks of life I was in the Military and I am a fighter so there is always fight in me that burns rather violently lol thats a slight exaggeration but I do have fight in me. I just tend to rebel against things that try to control and dictate my life, you know what I mean?

Yes, I do know what you mean.

And how exactly is this any different? You quoting someone suggesting this intagible betterment of being or someting.

I understand what you're saying, but I respect freedom more.

Freedom is exactly what I am talking about wtf man are you reading

I am free to live my life and I choose to live it the way I want, I wont be a slave to society am just talking about living your life the way you want how hard is that to understand

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:12 PM

Few people are leaders.
Many people are followers.
Some people refuse to be led.

But to me...that seems like a natural balance.

Words have never been truer than those
for sure butt,

I would say there are just some people who are way out there and there can be leaders who refuse to be led as well

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:00 PM

Hummmm let me see if I got this right it is wrong to judge one for only what they have. is okay to run over anyone just to get what you want?noway noway

Myself I could careless what anyone has nor care if they like me for not having those things. I'm who I'm and I try very hard to treat others as they treat me.....bigsmile

In the fight world yea my opponents are always in my way and I have to break their will before they break mine so of course I will run them over.

and I never said run anyone over I just said Rebel I create my own path not follow one already created

why do you have to rebel to forge your own path? you sound a little angry or is that just the "fight" in you?flowerforyou Did something happen to get you all stirred up?waving

Nah nothing stirred me up I just talking about all walks of life I was in the Military and I am a fighter so there is always fight in me that burns rather violently lol thats a slight exaggeration but I do have fight in me. I just tend to rebel against things that try to control and dictate my life, you know what I mean?

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:42 PM

I think i just gave the credit due i just didnt put it in the first post my bad but it doesnt end any confusion for some reason everyone is hating which is cool I just am confused why this particular post would stir that

If everyone is hating, that should be the first clue. This society you spoke of (especially western society) isn't very cordial to pretenious gibber jabber.

If money isn't everything, I'd like to see you live without it, player.

Even though you'd hate to admit it, if you had nothing you wouldn''t be very happy. I'm sure you'd like to claim as such, but the bottom line is I know better than that so, yeah... pratice what you preach, brother.

If it means that much to you why do you have a computer? And even better, why aren't you out volunteering right now?!

Either way - If you carry expectations, you're gonna be disappointed.

I have expectations for myself and what is this volunteering crap you speak of , we live in a modern world for sure,

and I have spent most of my adult life in Asia where I was broke as **** for some time and all I did was train in thailand at a poor gym sleep in a small thai house in a thai neighborhood with a squat toilet in the tropics with no air con or electricty and you know what I was the happiest I ever been , I had a thai g/f ate 3 meals a day and literally fought in the ring for my living and it was wonderful and it was what I wanted to do so try again man.

And the world runs on money i understand that , but brother you are completely mis understanding me

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:30 PM

oops i like you okami! and its ok to post your opinion

Thanks I just read this today and thought it was profound and wanted to share was all , the man who wrote this was a very humble man named Evan Tanner he was a champion at one time but he always lived his life the way he wanted to live it

and I pride myself b/c I feel i do the same

sorry for any confusion

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:27 PM

I wish I had a dollar for every young man I've met who thinks he has discovered something new by becoming rebel that envies the guys driving the hot cars and taking all the hot women.

I'd be living the good life in Tahiti.

I don't think I was talking about envy and the first paragraph was a excerpt from a great man who I respected the 2nd paragraph was mine

but I am not a fan a materialism and the most expensive thing I have ever bought have been plane tickets and I have has the hot girl a few times but I respect the people who do their own thing, I use the word rebel to describe it but it shouldn't be looked at as a negative term

If you quote someone and take his words as your own it's called plagiarism. Give credit where credit is due and you'll end a lot of unnecessary confusion.

I think i just gave the credit due i just didnt put it in the first post my bad but it doesnt end any confusion for some reason everyone is hating which is cool I just am confused why this particular post would stir that

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:25 PM

how do you get that hes self absorbed brat by the above comments

Basically because he's placing the blame on others rather than himself.

"It's the material world's fault, and it "they" didn't think this way then...

It's all judgemental if you ask me.

Instead of letting whoever be whoever they wanna be this instilled pseudo-intellectual bull**** is applied, and disappointment insues. indifferent

i think yall just misinterpreted what he said... or maybe i did... something, anyway

LOL no they just dont like me brah they have disagreements with me in other posts is all

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:20 PM

how do you get that hes self absorbed brat by the above comments

Basically because he's placing the blame on others rather than himself.

"It's the material world's fault, and it "they" didn't think this way then...

It's all judgemental if you ask me.

Instead of letting whoever be whoever they wanna be this instilled pseudo-intellectual bull**** is applied, and disappointment insues. indifferent

LOL are you serious I am saying be what you want to be not what people want you to be, unless that who you want to be I guess but not the aim in my mind

and who am I blaming I blame noone I say I will over come anything to be who I want to be and do what I feel I need and want to do

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:16 PM

I am Taoist but I don't believe in Karma I am the master of my own destiny

Life is more complicated than that...
Relax Okami. Everything will be all right!

Relax lol

all I am saying is what goes around does not always come back around or vise versa

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:12 PM

I always seem to blend in with whichever crowd I am around...
But, I dont fit into any mold.

Blending in is cool not everyone has to stand out I am not trying to pretend like a non conformist like the episode of south park lol

I am just saying do what you want and don't do things b/c other people think it's right do something because you think it's right, and because you want to

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:08 PM

Hummmm let me see if I got this right it is wrong to judge one for only what they have. is okay to run over anyone just to get what you want?noway noway

Myself I could careless what anyone has nor care if they like me for not having those things. I'm who I'm and I try very hard to treat others as they treat me.....bigsmile

In the fight world yea my opponents are always in my way and I have to break their will before they break mine so of course I will run them over.

and I never said run anyone over I just said Rebel I create my own path not follow one already created

What goes around, comes around. Good luck.

I am Taoist but I don't believe in Karma I am the master of my own destiny


And, I am done talking to self absorbed brats.

Brats you say haha very funny indeed

I am also fed up with women who think they are self righteous, but really they are just alone and full of crap

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 04:05 PM

I wish I had a dollar for every young man I've met who thinks he has discovered something new by becoming rebel that envies the guys driving the hot cars and taking all the hot women.

I'd be living the good life in Tahiti.

I don't think I was talking about envy and the first paragraph was a excerpt from a great man who I respected the 2nd paragraph was mine

but I am not a fan a materialism and the most expensive thing I have ever bought have been plane tickets and I have has the hot girl a few times but I respect the people who do their own thing, I use the word rebel to describe it but it shouldn't be looked at as a negative term

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 03:15 PM

Hummmm let me see if I got this right it is wrong to judge one for only what they have. is okay to run over anyone just to get what you want?noway noway

Myself I could careless what anyone has nor care if they like me for not having those things. I'm who I'm and I try very hard to treat others as they treat me.....bigsmile

In the fight world yea my opponents are always in my way and I have to break their will before they break mine so of course I will run them over.

and I never said run anyone over I just said Rebel I create my own path not follow one already created

What goes around, comes around. Good luck.

I am Taoist but I don't believe in Karma I am the master of my own destiny

Okami04's photo
Fri 01/28/11 03:13 PM
This Poem is not my own but ever since reading this poem I always go back to it and reread it for inspiration. Hope you all like it as much as I do.

Out of the night the covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods that may be,

For my Unconquerable Soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not wineed no cried aloud.

Under the bludgeoning of chance

My head is bloody, but not bowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade

And yet the mence of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my Fate

I am the Captain of my Soul.

1 2 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 24 25