Community > Posts By > ronny4dating

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Tue 12/08/09 09:27 PM
Bo Derek!drool

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Tue 12/08/09 09:25 PM
shirts with padded shoulders

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Tue 12/08/09 09:24 PM
the internet....oh and it was tim berners not al

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Tue 12/08/09 09:23 PM
The IBM Personal computer

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Tue 12/08/09 09:19 PM
Etheopian jokes!

with your index finger and your thumb form a small circle. What is that? An etheopian choke hold.

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Tue 12/08/09 09:17 PM
Margaret Thatcher, loved that woman!

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Tue 12/08/09 09:16 PM
Nike Air

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Tue 12/08/09 09:14 PM
Princess Di

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Tue 12/08/09 09:12 PM
The Yugo!

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Tue 12/08/09 09:05 PM

I LOVE The Cure! :tongue:

The Cure is the Bomb dude! My ex wife and i broke up in 1989, i sent her a single on cassette in the mail of the cure "love song" she was back in three days! hhhmmmm well i did get three kids out of the deal!

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Tue 12/08/09 08:48 PM

What's love??? what

A four letter word. :banana:

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Tue 12/08/09 08:46 PM
Cool political veiws man!:thumbsup:

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Tue 12/08/09 07:57 PM
:banana: He needs to work on him game cause thats a pretty lame excuse! I always use my kids need new shoes!:banana: Works like a charm!

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Tue 12/08/09 07:47 PM
As long as there is lot's of sex involved ride it like a roller coaster!

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Tue 12/08/09 07:38 PM

I'm not about killing innocents and that's what happens when you pay villagers to report targets and then drop bombs on them from 3000 ft or more.

Some of those targets required days before US forces could even reach to identify whether or not civilians were killed.

That's a cowards way to fight.

Get off your testosterone kick Glen. We go to war to kill people, not to be killed or to put our kids in harms way unless there is NO other way. You were in the Army during peacetime and while I applaud your service, the closest you got to combat was watching Stripes at the theater on post so don't come off as Sgt. Rock. It's embarrassing. Hell, my DAUGHTER took small arms fire on patrol in the big sand box as well as losing two friends to enemy fire. THAT is someone's opinion that is based in reality rather than reliving MASH reruns.

On a lighter note, off the politics in which we enjoy sparring, how are you Fanta? Still troubleshooting PLC's?

Where is the glory of killing goat herding peasants, who fight with sticks and 40 year old soviet AKs and vastly outnumbered and yet able to hold off the "most advanced military" and almost beat them back?

well you would have to make an accurate statement we are vastly outnumbered not them thats the problem!

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Tue 12/08/09 07:29 PM

What I'm talking about doesn't call for bombing by aircraft either.
Not unless the target is identified by an American on the ground with his own eyes. No more of this second hand crap.

I'm talking about conventional, feet on the ground, man to man, face to face, grunt warfare.
300,00o grunts and all the artillery they need!

Funny i got a feeling you never where in the military! Why the hell does a soldier want to risk his life fighting on the ground when his enemy hides behind the skirt of his woman? Micheal savage says it best why the hell do we spend all that tax money on nukes if we won't use them? Full scale war to desimate them and have them on their knees begging for surrender thats how you defeat an enemy! Soldiers don't want to be their fighting for no punk azz wimp like Obama! Bush was bad enough but this guy is even worse, he should of given the general 90,000 troops and the freedom to kill more freely and that would have made the soldiers happy! Obama is for himself and his skewed ideology!

You'd be wrong.
SGT 11B (Infantry)

I seved in the 4th ID, the 3rd ID, and the 5th ID.

How about you?

Strange then.... i would think your allegence would be to them! 91 Lima 25th ID light 5th of the 14th HQ platoon. 1986 - 92, war vet, airborne and yes i loved every second of it!

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Tue 12/08/09 06:50 PM
They eat it up like candy! just be sure to be honest in your flattery they can smell it a mile away if your not. But hey there is a positive side to every women just gotta find it. Well almost every one. But if you want to get laid this is the key to unlock the knees!devil

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Tue 12/08/09 06:38 PM
Richard Dawkins a well known atheist wrote a theory called "the Selfish Gene", in it he explains "meme". The therory has to do with spirituality, even a well known atheist in his studies as a scientist did not deny spirit. He did however try to come up with an explanation of it's exsistance. Look it up, there are vidoes and text on the entire therory quite interesting. No matter your beleif there is one scientific fact that has yet to be hurdled by the scientific community. The evolution of nothing into something. Even light, gas, an atom of the simplest element or black space itself is something! But then again God is something as well right? Well I can only speak from my relgious beleif but the bible's explanation is man has not the capacity to understand God. But really if you think about it honestly and objectively it had to start somewhere and the thought that it just "poof" was there without a God is equally as hard to beleive. Then again i am no where near as smart as Richard dawkins or most scientists. But they do tend to be biased sometimes, i beleive its a reverse descrimination at this point!

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Tue 12/08/09 06:12 PM
I like to move extremely quickly thru my workout! Regardless the excersise I do them strict and fast thru the reps and little rest between sets. I ussually include burnouts at the end!

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Tue 12/08/09 06:07 PM
Mike tyson knocks out uumm just about everyone until buster douglas!

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