Community > Posts By > funguymd

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:44 AM

Maybe they had some interest in the beginning, and they've simply pursued it to it's natural end. I doubt it's malicious for most. Some, sure. But not most. If you've flirted with more than one, consider that they must, too. We can't run off into the sunset with every single person that sparks our interest.

Casual flirting is an efficient and socially acceptable way to find out more about someone. The odds of adoring everything you find out are slim enough that accepting the process seems like the best way to have fun meeting people without feeling disappointed. Another way to look at it: Maybe be thankful to them for the opportunity to polish your own flirting skills in preparation for the right one.

good point. i suppose if I had expected internet dating to be any different than going to a bar, I was wrong, some people just flirt to flirt. however, the wider you throw out your line, the more fish you should be able to catch. but i suppose it depends where you throw the line... throw it in a dead lake, you wont catch a thing

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:39 AM

I have flirted, nudged emailed. Women flirt back, then I go to chat or email, nothing!! why bother flirting back when you're not interested?
Are the women playing by "The rules"? ya know, wait til the guy calls you 3 times before you answer him--you know, the reason why so many women who go by the rules are single.

And I thought I was analytical...why does it matter? I'm serious here, so what if some play by these so-called "rules"? There are surely some that don't care about these "rules", I mean, with a population figure of roughly 150 billion you would think there is at least 100 million. Logic is fun, I think, it just isn't fun when it is twisted into some sort of pity party for someone or when you form such ridiculous rules in your own head to validate why something isn't happening to you without considering that perhaps...just are in fact doing it wrong.


f*** youlaugh

actually, you're right. i wasn't asking for a pity party though, I was asking for why. and I believe I got some answers. your answer is a non-answer, as in, there is no reason. but I don't know how you can do flirts wrong, or a nudge wrong? an email, yes, you could say something that just completely turns the other person off, but a nudge, or I like your photo or something? but, in any case, thank you for putting this into perspective

funguymd's photo
Fri 12/18/09 06:50 PM
thanks for the advice. I think pictures are neccesary. I mean when you meet someone not online, you have the advantage of knowing what that person looks like. You also know whether there is some physical attraction. While physical attraction is not everything, it counts.
However, I always thought the less said, the better, But i guess I am not sure what to add??

funguymd's photo
Fri 12/18/09 06:39 PM
I have flirted, nudged emailed. Women flirt back, then I go to chat or email, nothing!! why bother flirting back when you're not interested?
Are the women playing by "The rules"? ya know, wait til the guy calls you 3 times before you answer him--you know, the reason why so many women who go by the rules are single.

funguymd's photo
Fri 12/18/09 06:34 PM
I have emailed, flirted and nudged and all that with plenty of women. NOT A SINGLE BITE YET. I think it is the women who are either to afraid to risk meeting someone, or whatever. Either that, or they are looking for Mr. perfect, not just "mr right for me". I also think that 1/2 the women aren't even on this site anymore. "last seen over a month ago" appears in almost every profile.

the same could be true for the men.

funguymd's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:44 PM
I could probably use some advice on my profile. I have already gotten advice on my topic "photo advice in 6 stetps". but, any advice would be appreciated , thanks all

funguymd's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:15 PM
YOU ARE HERE is great, however, a little long. It really puts our existence and importance into perspective.

However, I noticed a slight error, or incongruity. It states that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, but it is 93 billion light years wide. Assuming the universe started out as a singularity (single point) then it would have to have expanded must faster than the speed of light.
the only way I can account for this (I am NOT a physicist), is that the speed of light is constant in whatever medium it passes through. So, possibly in the medium of space (whatever it consists of) then the speed of light is approx 186,00 mps. But, I suppose in the medium of nothing, perhaps it can go much faster.

Any other theories??

funguymd's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:02 PM
I agree that suffering is something we hold on to. But pain is also in the mind and can be eliminated. There are people who can in essense, think away their pain.

I participated in an exercise at a workshop where we "disapeared" pain. It works.
You simply concentrate on the location of the pain, for about a minute. then you concentrate on the intensity, for a minute or so. Then you imagine what it would be like if that pain was the only thing you felt. Then you imagine what life would be like without that pain. I forgot the last step (it has been years since I attended that workshop):smile: . However, it does work.

I have chronic headaches. After the exercise, the pain was greatly reduced. It wasn't gone, but it wasn't somehting that concerned me any more (at least for 5 hours afterwards). But, I suppose, If I continued doing that exercise daily, I probably wouldn't feel the pain at all.

funguymd's photo
Thu 12/17/09 01:49 PM
I dunno, I've been friends with women before. Guess what, you end up being "just" friends. And, if a guy is interested in being more than just friends, forget it--it doesn't work. But, no, I am serious in finding a woman to date and maybe more. I think there are guys out there who would just wanna be "just" friends though. But, you might not be their type.laugh

funguymd's photo
Thu 12/17/09 01:44 PM

I have some advice for the women (and I'm sure women will have even more advice for me) and the pictures they post in their profiles.
There are a few rules that I think would be helpful, as a guy who has been on many single sites.

1. NO GLAMOUR SHOTS! These pics look phony, men want to see the real you. A picture in jeans and a t-shirt is worth 10 glamour shots. If you have multiple pics, then 1 glamour shot is ok. I mean, you paid for them, right?

2. NO MEN IN YOUR PICTURES! Again, if you show a guy next to you hugging you or whatever, the only thing a guy will think is that you are either not over your ex, or the guy is your current one. As with rule 1, however; as long as you have multiple pics, 1 with a guy in it is ok. (brothers, fathers, children accepted).

3. DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN ONE WOMAN IN THE PICTURE! (unless both come as a pair;) ). When there are 2 or more woman in the picture, a guy doesn't know which one of you is the one in the profile. I just skip those, too confusing for a simple guy.

4. SMILE!!!!! The importance of this cannot be understated. When you smile, you look prettier and you look like you actually want to be on the site. No smile, no interest. And the best smiles are natural. Think of a real funny joke and then snap the picture.

5. USE AT LEAST A 2 MP CAMERA! Those grainy shots are just too hard to tell what the woman (or guy for that matter) looks like. What's the point of posting a picture which is fuzzy or grainy?

and last but not least

6. HAVE AT LEAST 1 PICTURE OF YOURSELF IN YOUR PROFILE! No picture, either you haven't mastered uploading pics to the internet, or you are trying to hide something. Either way, no pic, no second look.

Following the above rules should help increase your chances of getting someone interested in you. You have to put yourself out there. Barring dangerous ex-boyfriends, husbands, being in the witness protection program, or whatever (which are legitimate reasons not to post a picture), post at least one.

to add to it:

I should also add that, yeah, it's ok for a guy to have pics of women (I have been told that women find a guy more attractive if he is with other women, but men find women less attractive if they see women with a guy).

Also, I have found after perusing many singles sites, if you are a woman and have pics with other women, then I tend to say "wow the other one is hot, but the one in the profile isn't". So make sure the other women are not as pretty as you are, that way you will stand out.

But, hellkitten54 is right, if there is no pic, or it isn't good, I'll just move on.

The other commenter is right about photos showing what you like to do. Good one

I also like the comment from LewisW123 about the look of euphoria. Yup, that would probably get a woman more mail. I would more than nudge that:wink:

And smiles are easy to put on, anything that gets you to smile is good, as wux suggested.

And I will get around to practicing what I preach. My photo is pretty good, though I have to get others with better quality.

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/14/09 01:53 PM
Edited by funguymd on Mon 12/14/09 01:55 PM
i think they are random, by location. nothing to do with interests or what the other person wants in a prospective mate. but like wildbill92 says, hey, it gives one hope:smile:

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:32 PM
reply to franshade

hey, looks like a good time to go to florida:wink:

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:29 PM
thanks for the advice. It is always good to honor your elderslaugh

but I really would like to leave some mystery, so my profile is short. the pics on the other hand, I am working on better resolution and more of them. thanks for the advice

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:27 PM

3. DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN ONE WOMAN IN THE PICTURE! (unless both come as a pair;) ). When there are 2 or more woman in the picture, a guy doesn't know which one of you is the one in the profile. I just skip those, too confusing for a simple guy.

I see this a LOT, and it's annoying. Here we have two or three women in a pic, with no indication of which one the profile actually belongs to. Inevitably, one of them looks like Uncle Ned wearing a duck mask or something. You never know.

I'm not a detective and I don't want to have to play "Guess Which?" so I skip these, too.

same here. that's why I try to give some advice. but I also take it, like the couple who said my profile only has a few lines and one photo.

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:26 PM

Hmmm Just looked at your profile, and you fail to practice what you preach... your only pic posted is not clear, I can't even tell if you brush your teeth, way to dark....just a sugestion tho....

NO, there are no PHOTO POLICE, only THOUGHT POLICE laugh

I know, I realized that my photo is not that clear, but it is better than the blurry ones or the ones with 1/2 MP resolution. I was eating lunch at the time, so it is probably better that I didn't show my teeth. I will have to get to posting better resolution photos when I have a chance.

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:26 PM

Hmmm Just looked at your profile, and you fail to practice what you preach... your only pic posted is not clear, I can't even tell if you brush your teeth, way to dark....just a sugestion tho....

NO, there are no PHOTO POLICE, only THOUGHT POLICE laugh

I know, I realized that my photo is not that clear, but it is better than the blurry ones or the ones with 1/2 MP resolution. I was eating lunch at the time, so it is probably better that I didn't show my teeth. I will have to get to posting better resolution photos when I have a chance.

funguymd's photo
Sun 12/06/09 06:04 PM
though I must admit, my OWN pic is a little on the grainy side. I'll have to improve that and get a better camera. My cellphone only has a 1 MP lens.

funguymd's photo
Sun 12/06/09 06:00 PM

Well I have been for some time, but would like an opinion on whether the pics that I have pass and if they are good

they pass, but maybe you should be in a different position? like standing up?? (just a suggestion)

funguymd's photo
Sun 12/06/09 05:54 PM
Does a thread automatically end at the end of a screen? I have never seen that to be the case, but it sure seems like it?

funguymd's photo
Sun 12/06/09 05:36 PM

Hi and welcome.

(wonder if I passed?)think what

Except for the first pic which is blurry (musta moved), they do fit the rules GOOD JOB:smile: