Community > Posts By > texasrose9

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:00 PM

We've all heard the saying, "What Goes Around Comes Around." And the other, "You Reap what you Sow."
Sometimes, we are given the opportunity to see Karma in action....sometimes we are able to witness someone reaping what they've sown.
These phrases are often what we tell ourselves and others when we've been wronged in some way. It gives us some comfort... and hope that justice will prevail in the end......
Who among us has stories to share of how Karma played a role in their lives or those they know?

never seems to happen for me, it seems the people who have wronged me always seem happy...:wink:

That was pretty much what I was thinking as I'm reading this thread. The more a person hurts me, the better their life starts to turn. I keep wondering if I was just that rotten in a past life. I hate to think that.

Moondark, I've often thought of it this way. What WE think may be proper justice may not be anywhere near what will actually make an impact to those who have hurt us. Circumstances can be deceiving, and though some folks appear to be happy, we have no way of knowing what the universe has in store for them....
For instance, if this person's life seems to get better and better...maybe they will get everything they think they ever wanted...and when they least expect it...and poof! Something will happen and they will lose it all......

Yeah, only it is actually wrong to hope that it happens, or at least I feel a twinge of guilt when I catch myself thinking that.

Just remember....if they did the deed...they planted the seed!

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:56 PM

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:54 PM
Debbie, I know how those longings can tear at you. I did not have your condition, but I remember the despair I felt in my early thirties.....clock ticking... watching my sister have kids...friends have kids...and wanting a family of my own. I had my daughter when I was 34.
Just remember, you are no less a woman or loving, human being if you do not have children. Never give up hope...... and never give up on yourself. You have that love and gift in your heart......... use it however you are able.flowerforyou

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:46 PM

We've all heard the saying, "What Goes Around Comes Around." And the other, "You Reap what you Sow."
Sometimes, we are given the opportunity to see Karma in action....sometimes we are able to witness someone reaping what they've sown.
These phrases are often what we tell ourselves and others when we've been wronged in some way. It gives us some comfort... and hope that justice will prevail in the end......
Who among us has stories to share of how Karma played a role in their lives or those they know?

never seems to happen for me, it seems the people who have wronged me always seem happy...:wink:

That was pretty much what I was thinking as I'm reading this thread. The more a person hurts me, the better their life starts to turn. I keep wondering if I was just that rotten in a past life. I hate to think that.

Moondark, I've often thought of it this way. What WE think may be proper justice may not be anywhere near what will actually make an impact to those who have hurt us. Circumstances can be deceiving, and though some folks appear to be happy, we have no way of knowing what the universe has in store for them....
For instance, if this person's life seems to get better and better...maybe they will get everything they think they ever wanted...and when they least expect it...and poof! Something will happen and they will lose it all......

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:39 PM
Love...... is much harder to come by than money.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:36 PM

I learned at a very early age about treating people with respect. I command it because i deserve it. You do not lie to people, you do not take what doesn't belong to you, you do not fabricate stories to offend someone, you do not make fun of the unfortunate, You help people when you can, you be a man/woman and you stand for what is right. These things were instilled upon me by mt father and grandfather, My mother and grandmother. I was fortunate to come from a decent God fearing family, now i told you that to tell you this....

In late October 05, My home was broken into. They took all my guitars, three of which were 30 years old and bought by my father, the others were paid for by me. They also took all my guns, all toll to the tune of fifteen thousand dollars.

So, i'm sitting on the couch, my g/f comes over, my mom, and her husband....I'm in total disbelief at what has happened and my g/f says "it's karma baby" Karma??????for what? I have never ever done anything to hurt someone like this. Needless to say we are no longer a couple.I have a bit more pride than that.

Despite having all the serial numbers, nothing has been recovered. Will it be Karma? or Gods way or another...Whoever did this will pay....I may never know...but it will bite i'm confident of that. :wink:

Good story Markecephus. I, for one, don't believe that many persons who were victimized or harmed in some way deserved it. Many times we do NOT deserve what may befall us, and it is not karma in action. I DO believe, that for those who perpetrate evil deeds on the other hand, will at some point pay for those misdeeds.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:26 PM

I thank the heavens and stars every day that I dont get what I deserve.....

I suppose that's why a person should always strive to be honorable and honest, and remain fit for themselves to know. Life is so much simpler and easier that way. No excess guilt and regret to lug around....

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:18 PM

Pete is right. Sometimes, the punishment takes place in the soul.

Ok, I was half joking when I said my life is punishment for evil deeds I did in a past life. But I sincerely believe that everything is balanced ultimately.

I believe a murderer will be a murder victim in another life; a rapist, a rape victim etc.

But then, that raises the issue that victims of abuse deserve what they get (in a universal way)... oh man, this is a philosophical can of worms...

laugh laugh I guess it could be a can of worms, couldn't it? I agree with you on everything ultimately balancing itself.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:14 PM
Come on folks! There's got to be some true stories out there......

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:13 PM
Debbie, what do most of the doctors tell you are the chances?

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:10 PM
I would want to know why, and what drove them to such despair.... and how they are mentally in the here and now first..

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:07 PM

We've all heard the saying, "What Goes Around Comes Around." And the other, "You Reap what you Sow."
Sometimes, we are given the opportunity to see Karma in action....sometimes we are able to witness someone reaping what they've sown.
These phrases are often what we tell ourselves and others when we've been wronged in some way. It gives us some comfort... and hope that justice will prevail in the end......
Who among us has stories to share of how Karma played a role in their lives or those they know?

never seems to happen for me, it seems the people who have wronged me always seem happy...:wink:
:wink: I
And so man really bad PEOPLE murderers, sex offenders, ect,,,,THEY LIVE FOREVER! some never to be put behind bars,GRRRRRR:heart:

They'll get what's coming to them. Of this, I'm sure.

The Eyes Of Truth are always watching you.

Pete is right. Sometimes, the punishment takes place in the soul.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:04 PM
That's the thing about karma. It may be years later when it comes to them......

I knew a lady whose husband ran off with another woman. He was gone for over a year. During that time, the woman did not divorce her husband. The woman he ran off with turned out to be much different than what the husband expected. One day, the wife opened her front door and there he was. He got down on his knees on the porch and begged her forgiveness for everything he had done.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:59 PM
Karma works in good ways too! What good we do also comes back to us.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:58 PM
It's interesting that if someone could "feel" and experience the pain they've caused others, that would be true justice.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:51 PM
We've all heard the saying, "What Goes Around Comes Around." And the other, "You Reap what you Sow."
Sometimes, we are given the opportunity to see Karma in action....sometimes we are able to witness someone reaping what they've sown.
These phrases are often what we tell ourselves and others when we've been wronged in some way. It gives us some comfort... and hope that justice will prevail in the end......
Who among us has stories to share of how Karma played a role in their lives or those they know?

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:40 PM
Big waterbugs or cockroaches...BLECH!

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 02:00 PM
Lover...if he was ALSO my friend.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:51 PM
Unfortunately, there will be a lot of people voting for just those reasons......for either Obama OR Hillary. I'm not against a female president...just not HER.

texasrose9's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:41 PM

Well i'm voting for Hiliary i think that is what we need!

Did you forget about the Whitewater incident?
Did you forget about all the illegal activity that went on while they were in office? All the illegal contributions, all the people that died at their hands?
Probably not

Way too much murky stuff attached to her..... I read a book once written by a former Secret Service agent, who had served in the White House for several generations of presidents. His experience with the Clinton administration, and in particular with Hillary, caused him to leave the service.....