guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/25/10 09:37 AM
Hmmm....mingle with jingle pervs? Just wondered why men like to be known as a pervert? In the real world it just doesn't make sense....would you be perving the girl sitting next to you on the bus or train or at makes me feel sick! You know gals the ones that like to get a kick out of you...not champagne I hasten to add all for what? Is there real justification in males perverting the cause of justice in just being truthful....honest, oh you know the type of mail that says I feel horny....It is a defo no no for me so anyone have any views on perverts?

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/25/10 09:00 AM
I know exactely what you are talking about....I think it is something that the site try to get us to do? None of mine are matches either ....?

guardian1angel4u's photo
Thu 06/24/10 08:26 AM
Hmmm as all of you are from the US...something I dislike is liars!

guardian1angel4u's photo
Wed 06/23/10 06:37 AM

These headlines are frustrated frustrated frustrated

- Checking things out
- Is this site real
- Any real girls out there
- Friends First

They all equal "waste of time" laugh

I have to agree and disagree....sometimes some sites are not suitable once you have signed in. I come from England and to be honest not many english people contact me. From experience for some guys that may get scammers in their mail box and likewise for us females.

As for the friends first no relationship can really last until a friendship has been developed it is to me the base of a relationship.

But I also agree with you too as there are some real people who mess about all the time and yes there are time wasters.

guardian1angel4u's photo
Tue 06/22/10 09:40 AM
Have you ever experienced someone playin a game with you? I have loads of times and I can assure you it isn't very nice.

Why do men and women play games with each other after all why can't we all be normal and civil to each other? Games are not funny....unless they are games of a better spirited nature lol.

So no game playing guys and aint neccessary!!

guardian1angel4u's photo
Tue 06/22/10 09:36 AM
Now let me see:-

My description says: ?

My photo is ? that the real me?

I can assure you I can tell fakes when I see them.

Do you know if who are talking to is real or fake?

and yes that is me lol

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/18/10 02:46 PM I put on my profile a load of untruths do I?

how do we know that what they write in an epic is true of them?

Surely being honest is good...I wonder why those who type ask me in their profile?

So being truthful in a profile is great but then are we all?

That is something that one has to find out if you think it is worth the effort. I detest those who play games with you because they have been hurt, or are simply scared....hmmmm better watch out I am scary lol....

Oh sometimes I am also sure that profiles are put when people are drunk lol hic hic hic

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/18/10 02:28 PM
Hmmm....over dressing or underdressing lol, first impressions count.

Also someone who loves the sound of his own voice ....constantly interrupting.

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/18/10 02:20 PM
Emotional abuse is in no doubt in my mind very damaging, it feels like someone wants to mess with your head. It feels so hurtful to have words of hate thrown at you. Why do we do this to each other as human beings I wonder? Words of dispite and hatred are evil. We should be well spirited to each other instead rather than put each other down all the time too!

guardian1angel4u's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:20 AM
Do you really want an honest opinion from a true English woman. Not that any of you americans really care.

For a starters I was new last week and not one of you guys made me feel welcome, I used to believe that americans loved us Brits but I am beginging to feel that this is not the case.

How are you going to make friends if none of you say hi to each other for a start and well not one of you really makes us feel any more welcome so ....we only let you have that goal to keep up our so called ally with you. lol

I have said hi, been posting and well I give up with you americans in the way you are with us.

Do I care...not really but just thought i would give you guys something to ponder with when people use this site.


guardian1angel4u's photo
Mon 06/14/10 03:25 AM

Don't look at it as women being picky. Look at it as some azzhole in her past made her very awareof what she DOESN'T want so now she knows better.

I totally agree...first there has to be physical attraction and then they have to have a decent conversation some don't even open their mouths (usa). Oh well we drew with you on the football only because we let you now we are evens lol.

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 11:22 AM
:wink: ....take your dog with you cause he has to love you and your petslaugh ....and if you get whiff that he is a liar or a cheat at least the dog can bite back at him....then take dog for a good evening stroll laugh

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 11:16 AM
:smile: ....hi and welcome mollydolly, think this thread is to just make friends?

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 09:09 AM
Your right we do put our trust in someone new straight away without checking them out via the PNC:wink: is one of the biggest killers within a relationship but we do say that word a lot of time also in conversation like trust me I know the way, trust me you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress, trust is something to me that has to be earnt.

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 03:12 AM

new to this site as from Wednesday and for some strange reason I keep getting messages that say I have reached my daily limit but I can't find this information anywhere yet!

What is the daily allowance and well I have not sent many messages at all today and it says I have reached the maximum limit by just sending a few.

Can you help?

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 03:09 AM
Hi Kim,

Can you please tell me why when I looked at the mutual matches none of them have been online for over a month?

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 03:06 AM
Being a carer here in England I would wish all my service users to have better health, legs to walk with, no alzheimers or dementia, no motor neurone disease.

I would wish to provide for young people in Ramsgate.

Wish all those who have money to invest in rebuilding communities, helping the homeless, drug dependers and alcohol, violent and sexual abuse.

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 03:01 AM
Relationships fail for many reasons and not just falling out of being in love.

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 02:14 AM
Some guys find it hard to say things to be honest with you, I thought that they normally keep their feelings to themselves? I know my ex husband did. He was never forthcoming with anything complimentary or loving.

I coming from England ....there is always a saying here 'do you come here often?' as a chat up line

Would love to meet ...., you fancy a coffee..., would you like a drink....,

guardian1angel4u's photo
Fri 06/11/10 01:59 AM

Did you say he texted you and said he loved you but wasn't in love with you?
I see that you love him back too hence you also mentioned you care for him which we all do with our relationships wether or not it is bf/gf or our friends. So you both love each other from what I can tell but the bit that is concerning you is the fact that he has told you he isn't in love with you.

Can I just say met him in March it has only been a few months of you being together and you want him to be in love with you already? Maybe he just needs time to grow to love you more after all it does take time and does not happen over night. Let him know how you feel again but don't pressurise him into wanting more from this relationship as he might back off completely?

Wish you well and hope it all works out?

Take care

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