Community > Posts By > Robm248

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:39 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are no affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

So... basically all human beings are bad and harmful no matter what? I won't degrade myself by joining the insult line... but your view doesn't have a scientific basis behind it. Everything living in the world creates a waste product, yes. However, for every waste product that one living thing creates, another thrives on it. In that way things are restored to their original form, minus some extracted energy. And the sun is like a big energy pump, putting more energy in.

Therefore do I refute your argument of us doing the planet/ourselves in. I'm not saying that conservation is bad... waste not want not after all. However, I would rather debate a scientific view of this, rather than name calling each other and/or the human species and/or everything that is alive. So why don't we all drop the liberal/conservative biased comments and actually bring facts to the table?

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:21 PM
Edited by Robm248 on Sun 02/14/10 02:22 PM
Ya know, I'd say we could try judging her by her heart (as another guy suggested) but I can't say that the clothes or profile make a great case. I'd say if you wouldn't wear the clothes to a casual church session with your parents, you probably shouldn't use them in a post looking for a Christian guy.
Now that that's said... there's a bunch of us Christian guys around. I'm one of em. However, please do notice that we are notoriously picky. Realize that it's for the best that we are! After all, no woman wants to settle for someone with whom she isn't a good match.
Wow, this got a bit longer than intended. Good luck to you all, and God Bless!

P.S. They did a wonderful job of cropping my photo to NOT show my face!

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:12 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 01:43 PM
Ah, Camp Perilton. Named thus, of course, for the very dangerous exit off I-5 in Oceanside... home of crazy driving and accidents galore!

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 01:40 PM
News flash... it was never together. In fact, before we had 'Global Warming' we had a form of the same in a big 'Global Cooling' theme. A con is a con and a lie is a lie... which leaves little good to say about Uncle Sam (the D.C. one, for those of you with an uncle named Sam like me).
The truth is, that we only get hemispheric warming. It happens for half a year, and is called Summer.

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 01:36 PM
Heh. Interesting conversation all. I'm around, or maybe I'm a decahedral? This is all so confusing!
Well, point being I'm in the area. In case, like, you know, that's important to someone.
Wonder if it'll be weeks before anyone reads this!!

Robm248's photo
Thu 07/17/08 10:02 AM
Hmmm.... doesn't seem likely. As before these threads seem to die out rather quickly in this area. Heh... if anyone wants to talk about something feel free to try to liven this up!

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 03:07 PM
Shows you. Leave the kiddie rides to the youth!

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 03:03 PM
I'd probably be telling him he's got some explaining to do. He probably wouldn't be staying at my place, or hanging out with me any time soon...

As for her, I'd trust her... but if I found out anything happened with him or someone else it's goodbye. I won't tolerate that, and I don't expect anyone else to. I can forgive... but that would cause a major problem with having a commited relationship.

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:59 PM

I'm good at keeping secrets. The only time I slip up is when I don't remember that it was supposed to be a secret ohwell

I can't lie to people when they ask me about it either. So I just tell them that I am choosing to remain silent. Surprisingly, I haven't had any problems with saying that.

Of course not. That just means that you are trustworthy for them if they have a secret later...

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:58 PM
I pick not caring. I'd probably be more interested if it was real, like the roman gladiator bouts... but then you wouldn't have 'stars' that lasted very long...

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:55 PM

Vote for Obama!!!!!

See you in the bread line comrades!

rofl Bread line? There won't be one... we just won't have any cash to spend on anything and will get our food as a government stipend. Oh, and it's not comrade... but I won't egg on comments for what it would end up becoming if the left wing liberals got everything they wanted...

See Socialism 101.

Saw it. It didn't work. Let's not do that again, ok?

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:53 PM
Sure, why not join in. I'm not on everyday due to work and the like... but I'm originally from and currently living in Northern CO.

You know... these threads never seem to last that long though.

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:50 PM
Depends on if I choose to keep the secret. I can if I want to, but sometimes it's not something I want to keep. Better choose carefully which secrets you want to tell me!

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:49 PM

Vote for Obama!!!!!

See you in the bread line comrades!

rofl Bread line? There won't be one... we just won't have any cash to spend on anything and will get our food as a government stipend. Oh, and it's not comrade... but I won't egg on comments for what it would end up becoming if the left wing liberals got everything they wanted...

Robm248's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:45 PM

ok, here is what i see... Everyone is getting all worked up over Obama and thinking he is the best things since sliced bread. Try looking up his voting record (he's no better than McCain about switching sides or taking money). And more importantly look at what he is saying. Notice how he doesn't get specific about any of his "change" plans? He's out to win votes, not fix anything. If he gets elected you will not see many changes folks. Sorry. Maybe the government will get bigger, but i really don't see a man trying to take back anything for the people.

*applause* That's true for both party candidates. It's just that the mass media is touting Obama so much... and some people simply believe whatever the media says.

I salute your ability to think for yourself and use logic!:thumbsup:

Robm248's photo
Wed 06/25/08 05:09 PM

i dont know how people can respect a president that would CONSIDER leaving iraq in the state it is in today. (regardless of who did it)

and not EXPECT that we need to be in iraq for a long ensure that the situation is STABLE.

and it might never be stable.....
but walking away is not an answer

The Us did not go to Iraq to make it a stable nation . The Us went there for :
1 : The oil .
2 : The permanent military bases .
3 : The domination of Israel of the entire Middle East .
It is worth noting that the Hawks and the neo cons do not see Iraq as a friend but as an enemy .
Also , the Hawks and the neo cons do not work for the UN or the people of Iraq but they work for their interests and the interests of Israel .
I must add that anyone who can not see the reality is blind and also is zero politics .

well..what do u think the ambition of the politcal groups in the middle east are???

do they JUST want to protect there oil??
or are they seeking world domination also??

They seek the same thing as Americans. To run their own country in the way they see fit and not have their affairs dictated by another nation!

World domination is not within their power!

did u cry when Saddam Hussein was hung??
i believe he was convicted against crimes against humanity.
is that hogwash??

i believe the middle east needs our help.

No why would I cry?

You believe too much of what Bush tells you and dont read the facts enough!
What facts are you using for all your assumptions?
Why would you think the ME needs our help?

Your turn! Lets here your answers! just guessing at everything..
bush and i dont have an intamite relationship..
i stopped answering his phone calls months ago.

i would like to go check the situation out for own eyes.. a great nation..
somehow many nationalities..many backgrounds..the rich and poor...
manage together realitvely well even with all of our freedoms..

well except the indians...we kinda blew them away mostly and forced them to change their lifestyle..

So you have no facts to back your assumptions.
You dont even acknowledge the problems America has with race tolerance within our borders!
Oh boy, I wished I had a pair of those Rose colored glasses!
Have you ever left your home town?

Wow, and what are your sources? Let me guess... the news?? If so take a second look, because they don't report anything they don't want to report... and they don't report anything without their own spin being placed upon it. Your so called facts may be facts... or they may be so much of the drivel that is fed to Americans who refuse to think and research for themselves (or even cross reference with other sources).

Robm248's photo
Wed 06/25/08 05:05 PM

LOL. I'm an antipartitionist (someone who believes that party guided politics are a massive failure for our nation, and that the issues are what is important) and I have to say that the only thing desperate in politics (including members of both parties) is the need for people to wake up and think for themselves. I don't think the republican party is desperate (at least they haven't been on the mudslinging offensive as much as the democrats have been...)

Personally, I'm sickened by how much BS the people in this country are willing to believe and accept from our media and politicians without even looking into it for themselves!

Of the two (Obama and Mccain) I'd rather see Mccain for president, yet even so I would feel that the people of the U.S.A. are getting jipped in general. We have a horrible selection of candidates for president, and a similarly poor field of choices in our congress and senate.

I think the public should have yet ANOTHER choice when voting: "DO IT OVER AGAIN TIL WE GET A CANDIDATE FOR THE PEOPLE!"

LOL...Oh boy! Wouldn't that be something... Do you think enough Americans would actually bother looking the next time around? LOL

No, we'd probably end up without a president for about 18 years while the political system caught up with us...

Robm248's photo
Tue 06/24/08 11:00 PM

I don't like Presidential dynasties.

That's why I could not in good conscience vote for Hillary.

oh know seriosuly that the best coment..

the kennedys aint the clintons..
and the bush'es they are done..

who next..
froget te past (like a bad divorce)

who is best..
nooooooo parties allowed..

cuz parties mean balloons and this does not

Yeah...political parties have actually changed over the years....

I still like the idea of having doctors, teachers, and astronauts in congress.....


Yeah... froget te past is a horribly massive typo.

And our politics have gotten way too party based. drinker to you on that one.

As for doctors, teachers, and astronauts... our doctors are too busy overcharging patients, our teachers are too busy trying to reduce our already pathetic school curriculum to the level of the least interested student who wouldn't learn for anything, and our astronauts are missing... we haven't had a lot of missions up in recent years.

I'd rather see a congress made up of people who are free thinkers. Just a group of blue collar and white collar people who care to actually think about the issues, discuss them with public interest in mind, and actually control our overgrown governmental body with a big chainsaw of a hedgetrimmer. That would be of benefit!

Robm248's photo
Tue 06/24/08 10:55 PM

Look this is a woman!

Wajeha Al-Ani

Sultan Qaboos University.

College of Education,

Department of Foundation of Education and Administration

Place of Birth: Baghdad, Iraq

Date of Birth: July 1, 1953.

Nationality: Iraqi, Moslem.

Language: Arabic & English

Social Status: Married


- Master in Education.

- PhD in Educational Philosophy

Current Job:

Assistant Professor in Department of Foundation of Education and Administration


- Major: Educational Philosophy

- Minor: Foundation of Education

Certifications and Degrees:

1. Bachelor degree, Faculty of Arts, University of Baghdad,1975.

2. Master degree in Foundation and Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Education, Kansas State University, U.S.A, 1980.

3. Doctor of Philosophy in Foundation and Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Education, Kansas State University, U.S.A, 1984. Title of Ph.D. Dissertation (A Comparison of Influences That Motivate A Desire In Woman Participants Age 15-45 From Rural And Urban Areas Of Iraq To Continue Their Education After Completing Peoples School).

1. Training Teacher Institute, Ministry of Education, 1975-1979.

2. Graduate Students, Kansas State University, 1979-1984.

3. Training Teacher Institution, Ministry of Education, Iraq. 1985-1991.

4. Faculty of Education for Women, Baghdad University, Iraq, 1991-1995.

5. Faculty of Education, Yarmok University, Jordan, 1995- 2003

6. Faculty of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, sultanate of Oman, 2003 till now

Notice, women in Iraq were not mistreated and were afforded all the education and oppurtunities as men!

Yep... same educational opportunities were possible for them (not given, but possible). However, they were also put to death just as quickly if they said a single word that sounded like it might be derogortory toward Sadam or any other ranking official... or for one of a hundred other little things. I don't know about you... but I'll take a big helping of not having lived in Iraq while Sadam was in charge...

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