JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Tue 07/27/10 12:40 AM

Are you a bath/shower before bed or shower in the morning person?

Heck! I'm still waiting for those water people to run those water pipes out this way.frustrated been waiting for three years nowmad Its getting to be a big hassle for me to drive the 65 miles to the public swimming pool at midnight so I can bathefrustrated

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Tue 07/27/10 12:28 AM
Unless its the woman thats in the " Shes the breast shot" thats in the joke sectiondrool

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Tue 07/27/10 12:21 AM

peanut butter. <3
^^ What she said^^ If you make me some, I will be your slavedrool

YOU bake ME some.
You would'nt like them. The last thing I baked, you could have dropped and shattered it.

oh fine.
I'll just bake my own.
But, can I still be your slave?

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Mon 07/26/10 03:22 AM
huh Of all the guys that are around you, you just LUCKLY happen to meet a guy that HAPPEN to have FAMILY near where you live?what Now. What are the chances of that happening? %%% wise? I would be asking him for their phone# so I could talk to them.
And he just so happens to be going back there right about the same time you are??what huh Whats the % of that?
And wanting to move in with you without even REALLY knowing you?huh HOW WIERD!!!!

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Mon 07/26/10 01:42 AM

peanut butter. <3
^^ What she said^^ If you make me some, I will be your slavedrool

YOU bake ME some.
You would'nt like them. The last thing I baked, you could have dropped and shattered it.

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 01:44 AM

flowers smitten

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 01:42 AM

Seems to be the hottest trend among my acquaintances..

i know two different people that are in relationships with women that aren't bearing there child but someone else's

im not one to judge smokin

Would you do it ?


why not ?
scared scared

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 01:38 AM
My 1st exwife took the time to get to know the REAL me.
Which in turn allotted me to have my face buried under her skirt 85% of the time

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 01:26 AM
tears tears I just had a flashback of my other lifesad sad

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 01:18 AM

peanut butter. <3
^^ What she said^^ If you make me some, I will be your slavedrool

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 01:07 AM
****. I'm still waiting for GE to come out with the dryer that has a light bulb in it. Getting tired of all my right footed socks going to sock heaven.frustrated

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 12:54 AM

Ok, I think I'm ready. I can do this! And to bring an end to the thread. Here is the dress. Thanks guys.

drool drool VERY HOTdrool drool flowers flowers

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 12:43 AM
Don't sweat the small stuff. And everything is small.

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 12:18 AM
Or when I take my record player( with the receipt for when I bought it ) in the pawn shop to pawn. And they tell me they don't loan money on antiques.

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sun 07/25/10 12:14 AM
Whenever I am listening to my 8tracks, and my neighbors asks me what they are.

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sat 07/24/10 02:19 AM

I used to do that very thing when I was in high schooldrool

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sat 07/24/10 01:52 AM

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sat 07/24/10 01:49 AM

i always liked the ones that send me a message telling me that she liked my pic and wants to meet up somewhere. sad thing i never posted a pic on that site.

I love the ones where they have this weird miscombination in where they're from, like "Bogota, Alaska," or "Vladivostok, Arizona."

I had one IM me the other day. Her first five questions were stuff that is in the first couple of paragraphs of my profile. Finally she says, "So, what do you do?" and I said, "I know you said you read my profile but I think you should go back and read it again, because all of the answers to the questions you're asking me are in there."

And she said, "Fine, so what do you do?"

I always write back to them asking if they were beat with a forest of ugly sticks. Then I tell them to show me a picture of their mother.

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sat 07/24/10 01:38 AM

When I was actively looking and wasn't quite sure about someone. I would ask for them to take a pic of themselves holding a note with my name on it. :wink: Sounds ridiculous:laughing: , but unfortunately I have fallen victim to these fakes as well. And its a great way to see who you are REALLY dealing with. rofl
^^ Great idea^^

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sat 07/24/10 01:34 AM

You could start your life over again when you reach the ripe old age
of 75, AND you would remember your past, like your children and all your relatives BUT they would not remember you, would you do it? You'd have a chance to relive your life in a different format so to speak, would you do it? You'd have to be "reborn" again by a different mom, remember you would somehow remember your pastlife.

Absolutely. I don't have any relatives or anyone in my life to miss, so it's a no-brainer.

^^ What he said^^ Being an orphan, and growing up never meeting my family. It would be no biggie.

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