Community > Posts By > Rachel78745

Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:45 AM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Wed 10/06/10 06:46 AM

the op was an ASSESSMENT of certain events in history, anyone can tie events together and give their opinion of them,,,

for example, I will do so now..

the idea of free market is a false premise that has never existed here in america anymore than true socialism has or will

dont believe me,,need facts?

pick an industry that has operated in the free market and done well for themself

banking, credit cards, oil, insurance, drugs
they all make the most profit SCREWING over the common man for another buck

when people are only valued by a dollar sign, its not going to work for too long,,,not that anything will when you have a large number of human beings involved

here is an article with some isolated FACTS surrounded in opinion, I just dont wish to post a whole book

Actually no, you obviously didn't dead the post. Typical. If you had read the post you would know EXACTLY what point you would need to debate. If you are too lazy to read the ENTIRE post I am not going to help you by telling you what you are missing. READ, EDUCATE YOURSELF!

oh, I read it (especially nice are the little references to 'race')

and I still have enough reading comprehension to recognize facts from opinions,,,


A black woman is the first one to pull the race card!! LMAO!!!

Let me let you in on a little secret. I grew up in the ghetto in girls homes with nothing but black women. BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE MOST RACIST PEOPLE ON THE ****ING PLANET.

As you just PROVED , you guys are the first one's to pull the ****ing race card. Get over yourself I have no patience for that pathetic argument. That **** makes me so angry I could spit!

You were NOT a slave so you will get NO pity from me! Especial when YOU get more help to make it in this country than I DO!!!!!

Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:40 AM

the op was an ASSESSMENT of certain events in history, anyone can tie events together and give their opinion of them,,,

for example, I will do so now..

the idea of free market is a false premise that has never existed here in america anymore than true socialism has or will

dont believe me,,need facts?

pick an industry that has operated in the free market and done well for themself

banking, credit cards, oil, insurance, drugs
they all make the most profit SCREWING over the common man for another buck

when people are only valued by a dollar sign, its not going to work for too long,,,not that anything will when you have a large number of human beings involved

here is an article with some isolated FACTS surrounded in opinion, I just dont wish to post a whole book

LOL All of those markets have done quite well for themselves. LOL I bet you didn't know that your lovely democratic president is the one who made those companies have free reign to do what they wanted. The companies you speak of are only allowed to steal because of Clinton. Yes, things have gotten out of control but you don't abandon a working system just because it has a few problems and because one democrat tried to sabotage it. You correct the issues and move forward REFINING the idea . Any human drawn to a position of power like that is going to have to be kept in check. in a sense keeping a lion in it's cage. That's what laws are for bigsmile


what I posted is look at those who have done well for themself,,,

and no, the US PRESIDENT didnt single handedly hand over a silver spoon to ALL THOSE INDUSTRIES

and no, CLINTON didnt single handedly inject greed and corruption and the acceptance of greed and corruption into any of those industries

we can agree things have gotten out of control, we just disagree about why, its no single system or person with all the answers its a matter of americans working together to improve AMERICA and not just their personal little corner,,,

I just told you greed is a NATURAL part of the personality of people attracted to power what Clinton did was allow them to ACT on that greed!!

You didn't know that did you?

Oh and yes it's true all of the liberal cities are declining, and they are all moving to the south (conservative cities). If you read the post you would know the exact reason why they are failing too. He states each reason word for word. I am guess if you did read the post you just don't want to admit that part. You know it takes a lot of guts to look at the facts and admit you are wrong. If you cant see that then maybe you should stay off this topic. It's annoying to me to have to clarify things and debate things with you that are actually proven facts . You cannot deny that liberal cities are dying, you cant deny that liberal environmentalism has killed millions of jobs and sunk entire states. Try to tell that to all of the family's that cant pay they're bills because now they're dad cant go drill for oil anymore. You just don't get it do you? It's annoying that your blind arrogance and ignorance actually effect so many people that you claim to care about.

Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:32 AM

obviously written by a capitalist....spock

housing, education, healthcare, food are rights NOT priviledges

Yes right's that people have the ability to provide for themselves. It's not anyone's responsibility to care for those who don't want to work. Even if you were a cave man you would still have to work or die!
It's the natural way and it's healthier for people to work instead of sitting on they're butt all day.

Well, to be totally self-sufficient you would have to be a cave man. Not even the Amish smelt their own metal these days, and some things, like 'sugar' are just not that available in the fields of the U.S.A. - and the capitalists of our modern society have lost touch with having to 'barter' goods for goods when all those goods are not produces by our own hands or even in our own country.

The point is, that as society advances technologically, we become more dependent on our social structures - in fact most of those social structures were created by governments so we could get out of the fields. The more populated a land mass becomes, the more necessary it is to bring recources in.

Even if we wanted to build a great wall aroung the entire continental USA, we no longer have sufficient resouces to support the population within those walls.

We are not self-sufficient and our social structures are in place to bridge the gap that is created in the process of capitalism.

LOL Honestly? That's your response? Maybe if those lazy people would get off they're lazy ***'s they wouldn't have to worry about being cave men and smelting they're metallaugh now would they?? We have had the technology to be completely self sufficient for a VERY long time.

Conservative approach:
Give a person a person a fish they eat for a day teach them to fish they eat for a lifetime, or starve and die because they are to stupid to fend for themselves. In which case they are weak and should be left to die so they do not infect our gene pool with they're weak and un natural genetics.bigsmile

Liberal approach:
Feed the person fish because the poor soul deserves to eat. We all deserve food! Then after the person meets a woman and they have a child and they still wont work. The liberals approach. Feed the family! Build them a house and give them a car and a cell phone and free health care ! And then what happens, the people sit back enjoying the good life, never working soaking up community resources while breeding kids with no respect or morals and no work ethic and then they rob and steal and what do the libs do? BLAME THE REPUBLICANS FOR MAKING EVERYONE POOR!!!!


The kids watch the parents do it and then the kids breed ans they're kids do it too because NONE OF THEM KNOW HOW TO WORK ANYMORE!

You people are ruining people by enabling them instead of helping them!

Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:18 AM

the op was an ASSESSMENT of certain events in history, anyone can tie events together and give their opinion of them,,,

for example, I will do so now..

the idea of free market is a false premise that has never existed here in america anymore than true socialism has or will

dont believe me,,need facts?

pick an industry that has operated in the free market and done well for themself

banking, credit cards, oil, insurance, drugs
they all make the most profit SCREWING over the common man for another buck

when people are only valued by a dollar sign, its not going to work for too long,,,not that anything will when you have a large number of human beings involved

here is an article with some isolated FACTS surrounded in opinion, I just dont wish to post a whole book

LOL All of those markets have done quite well for themselves. LOL I bet you didn't know that your lovely democratic president is the one who made those companies have free reign to do what they wanted. The companies you speak of are only allowed to steal because of Clinton. Yes, things have gotten out of control but you don't abandon a working system just because it has a few problems and because one democrat tried to sabotage it. You correct the issues and move forward REFINING the idea . Any human drawn to a position of power like that is going to have to be kept in check. in a sense keeping a lion in it's cage. That's what laws are for bigsmile

Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:12 AM

It sucks because I live in Austin and I have been here since 1994. I have watched all the people from California move here and they are destroying our great city. It's like they are infected with a virus and they don't even know it. People never realize it till it's too late :(

Well – all those NEW people might explain some of the increase in employment Austin seems to have been experiencing.
Unspent stimulus billions in Texas causing growing unease

And while the money isn't being spent the controversial matter of translating that spending into jobs becomes even murkier. Texas is reporting that stimulus spending has resulted in 43,481 jobs created or retained through March 31, according to However, 29,884 or almost 70 percent of those jobs were reported for a single ZIP code - 78701 - Austin. Four of the top five and five of the top 10 ZIP codes, almost 35,000 jobs' worth, were in Austin. Houston, by contrast, made the top 10 once, with 282 jobs.

Comptroller’s Economic Outlook
Updated October 4, 2010
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the U.S. economy peaked in December 2007 and entered recession. The Texas economy continued to grow through most of 2008, with employment peaking in August that year, then Texas joined the nation in losing jobs. During 2009, Texas’ gross state product (GSP) declined more slowly than the U.S. economy (-1.4 percent versus -2.4 percent.)

Of course the news from Texas is not all bad, after all, as the Comptroller’s outlook indicates,
The Texas economy, the world’s 11th-largest, continues to fare better than those of many other states.
However, it certainly is not number one on the chart (so to speak).

In fact, according to that same article:

•Texas’ August 2010 unemployment rate was 8.3 percent, up from 8.2
percent in July.
•Total nonfarm employment in Texas decreased by 34,200 jobs in
August. Between August 2009 and August 2010, Texas gained 129,100
•The U.S. lost 54,000 nonfarm jobs from July to August 2010. Between
August 2009 and August 2010, the U.S. economy gained 229,000 jobs.
•The U.S. unemployment rate increased to 9.6 percent in August 2010,
from 9.5 percent in July.
•The Texas unemployment rate has been at or below the national rate
for 44 consecutive months.

Of course these figures may not be as apparent to people who live in Austin. It’s probably a good thing that the Texas unemployment insurance didn’t go bust, and that all those billions of dollars in Federal stimulus money (SOCIALISM) found its way into the Texas system.
Next post – I’ll argue the OP.

Please don't try to take credit for Texas. Why do you think they all moved here? Did you think they all moved from sunny California for lake Travis? No maybe it was 6th street.:banana:
They came here because Texas is THRIVING and why are we THRIVING? BECAUSE WE ARE A CONSERVATIVE STATE!!!!!
How can you be soooo blind??
They are moving from an economy that LIBERAL (socialist ideals) RUINED!!!!
And now they are coming here and they will ruin Texas too! Just wait! It has happened in other areas just ****ing read the damn post!!!! He proves that liberal ideals and policy's KILL THRIVING ECONOMY'S!!!!!!
How did you miss that? Honestly!!!! WTF you people don't even read the friggen post!


Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 04:57 AM

the op was an ASSESSMENT of certain events in history, anyone can tie events together and give their opinion of them,,,

for example, I will do so now..

the idea of free market is a false premise that has never existed here in america anymore than true socialism has or will

dont believe me,,need facts?

pick an industry that has operated in the free market and done well for themself

banking, credit cards, oil, insurance, drugs
they all make the most profit SCREWING over the common man for another buck

when people are only valued by a dollar sign, its not going to work for too long,,,not that anything will when you have a large number of human beings involved

here is an article with some isolated FACTS surrounded in opinion, I just dont wish to post a whole book

Actually no, you obviously didn't dead the post. Typical. If you had read the post you would know EXACTLY what point you would need to debate. If you are too lazy to read the ENTIRE post I am not going to help you by telling you what you are missing. READ, EDUCATE YOURSELF!

Rachel78745's photo
Wed 10/06/10 04:56 AM

the op was an ASSESSMENT of certain events in history, anyone can tie events together and give their opinion of them,,,

for example, I will do so now..

the idea of free market is a false premise that has never existed here in america anymore than true socialism has or will

dont believe me,,need facts?

pick an industry that has operated in the free market and done well for themself

banking, credit cards, oil, insurance, drugs
they all make the most profit SCREWING over the common man for another buck

when people are only valued by a dollar sign, its not going to work for too long,,,not that anything will when you have a large number of human beings involved

here is an article with some isolated FACTS surrounded in opinion, I just dont wish to post a whole book

Actually no, you obviously didn't dead the post. Typical. If you had read the post you would know EXACTLY what point you would need to debate. If you are too lazy to read the ENTIRE post I am not going to help you by telling you what you are missing. READ, EDUCATE YOURSELF!

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 08:27 PM

I thought emergencies were called such because they are unpredictable. I wonder if anyone had been harmed as a result if the department would have been responsible.

Sad that the bottom line for so much of our society is making a buck, but the homeowner learned a valuable lesson about contracts,,,,,

noway There is that liberal thinking again. lol Trying to find a reason to blame the fire department when the home owner KNOWINGLY REFUSED TO PAY!!! She made a choice and she has to live with it!
At some point you have to learn that there wont always be someone there to wipe your *** for you when you make stupid choices!

What about the guys risking they're lives for her house? Do they not deserve a measly 75$ to put they're lives on the line??

Where do you come up with this thinking you have????

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 08:18 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Tue 10/05/10 08:20 PM
You still have not posted any facts. You see what I posted has facts proving the reality of socialism and shows examples to back up the statements. You seem full of passion yet you lack the knowledge of what runs a well oiled business machine. You seem like a smart woman so why don't you just re read the post and do some research and come to the dark side .

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 08:09 PM

Yeah you know the ideal courtship... the young man asks the father may I take your doughter for a walk on the town. then theres the walking and the talking and with luck the hand holding... well I gues it doesnt work like that anymore. hmmm.

Well I don't have them ask his permission, BUT they do have to meet him and my father is a very blunt and abrasive business owner.He will shred anyone that is not serious about treating me correctly. However if he likes you, you will never find a more loving, reliable and genuine father in law.

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 08:02 PM

Aquarius - I Can Make You Love Me

Gemini - I'm A skilled Lover, the best you will ever have!!!

Cancer - I'm The Best At Sex!

Leo - I **** Like No Other!

Virgo - I'm The Wifey/Hubby Type

Libra - I'm Sexy As Hell!

Scorpio - I' m Great In Bed!

Sagittarius - Baby I'm freaky

Taurus - I *** Better Than You

Capricorn - I Can Have Sex All Night Long!

Pisces - When I Put It On You, You'll Be Sprung For Life

Aries - I Love Sex

LOL I told you!!! I am a Pisces devil

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:57 PM

It's a specific mixture of all the right ingredients. But again..everyone has a different taste, so others might not like what I like. Actually most wouldn't like what I like.

well that's a tall order, what do you like?

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:52 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown

Define normal.

Well if I really like a guy I dominate the bedroom. I am a confident woman who is fully capable of being most men's sexual fantasy. In fact for the right man I relish pleasing him and constantly surprising him with new things to keep him head over heals. I enjoy being mind blowing, the girl you never forget and is never just a name on a list of forgotten women who you ****ed while half drunk.

Ok...but then what is what you "wouldn't normally do" ? :smile:

I normally won't give head till I feel like it.(normally months later)

Also I normally won't sleep with a guy for at least 2 months. For the right guy I'll do it in 1 month. However I never do it in less than a month. I have yet to regret that rule.

I didn't know there were timeframes involved for any of that, beyond personal preference. I don't see it being normal or abnormal.
Nah Rachel likes the ideal of a "normal courtship." and would perfer grow into a relationship before the blow job and "this usually takes her two months."

There's such a thing as a "normal courtship"?

In my life experience yes, I obviously cant speak for yours though. From your response I am guessing your relationships have been different?

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:50 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown

Define normal.

Well if I really like a guy I dominate the bedroom. I am a confident woman who is fully capable of being most men's sexual fantasy. In fact for the right man I relish pleasing him and constantly surprising him with new things to keep him head over heals. I enjoy being mind blowing, the girl you never forget and is never just a name on a list of forgotten women who you ****ed while half drunk.

Ok...but then what is what you "wouldn't normally do" ? :smile:

I normally won't give head till I feel like it.(normally months later)

Also I normally won't sleep with a guy for at least 2 months. For the right guy I'll do it in 1 month. However I never do it in less than a month. I have yet to regret that rule.

I didn't know there were timeframes involved for any of that, beyond personal preference. I don't see it being normal or abnormal.
Nah Rachel likes the ideal of a "normal courtship." and would perfer grow into a relationship before the blow job and "this usually takes her two months."

Exactly !:banana:

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:49 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown

Define normal.

Well if I really like a guy I dominate the bedroom. I am a confident woman who is fully capable of being most men's sexual fantasy. In fact for the right man I relish pleasing him and constantly surprising him with new things to keep him head over heals. I enjoy being mind blowing, the girl you never forget and is never just a name on a list of forgotten women who you ****ed while half drunk.

Ok...but then what is what you "wouldn't normally do" ? :smile:

I normally won't give head till I feel like it.(normally months later)

Also I normally won't sleep with a guy for at least 2 months. For the right guy I'll do it in 1 month. However I never do it in less than a month. I have yet to regret that rule.

I didn't know there were timeframes involved for any of that, beyond personal preference. I don't see it being normal or abnormal.

That is exactly what I said, I was speaking about myself when I said "I normally wont...)

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:39 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Tue 10/05/10 07:41 PM
What happened was the town did not have a volunteer fire department. The home owner KNOWINGLY REFUSED to pay they're homeowners dues and fees and included in those fees was the cost of the fire department service. If you don't buy home owners insurance and your house gets destroyed no one is going to feel sorry for you. This is no different, they made a poor choice and life taught them a harsh lesson as life often does. I bet you they will pay they're dues next time. Don't get me wrong I would have saved the house but I cannot side with the home owner over such a foolish and preventable way to lose your house.

Can you imagine being the person who lost they're house because they refused to pay 75$ a year?

Conservatism teaches people to be responsible for they're actions. Like nature would dictate, it's un natural to pity and cater to the ones unwilling to even save themselves.

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:27 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown

Define normal.

Well if I really like a guy I dominate the bedroom. I am a confident woman who is fully capable of being most men's sexual fantasy. In fact for the right man I relish pleasing him and constantly surprising him with new things to keep him head over heals. I enjoy being mind blowing, the girl you never forget and is never just a name on a list of forgotten women who you ****ed while half drunk.

Ok...but then what is what you "wouldn't normally do" ? :smile:

I normally won't give head till I feel like it.(normally months later)

Also I normally won't sleep with a guy for at least 2 months. For the right guy I'll do it in 1 month. However I never do it in less than a month. I have yet to regret that rule.

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:21 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown

Define normal.

Well if I really like a guy I dominate the bedroom. I am a confident woman who is fully capable of being most men's sexual fantasy. In fact for the right man I relish pleasing him and constantly surprising him with new things to keep him head over heals. I enjoy being mind blowing, the girl you never forget and is never just a name on a list of forgotten women who you ****ed while half drunk.

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:10 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown
its kind of a guy joke...don't take it to seriousflowerforyou

I know, I have always had guy friends and that's why I am so conservative with my affections....I know how you guys talk LOL

Rachel78745's photo
Tue 10/05/10 07:04 PM

oh this one always gets me..."you don't think i'm a slut do you,because i don't usually do this with just any guy"*continues to give me bj*rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

of course i'm gonna say norofl rofl rofl rofl

I have done things with guys I really liked that I wouldn't normally do. That's not always a liefrown

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