Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 07:02 PM
Regarding unit 4, it appears some of those rods were already banged together awhile back...hopefully when there was water in the pool.

The US has a direct interest in the succesful cleanup of Fukushima...probably because those syupid reactors are a badly engineered GE design.

OOP...another quake has just delayed things again:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:48 PM

those schools need to set up the types of '
'networks' those born into middle and upper class have regular access to

Now, that is a straw-man argument.
It assumes something that has yet to be proved, that so-called 'networks' are responsible for people acquiring wealth.

Networks aren't responsible for the acquisition of wealth, but the "good ol' boys" network is responsible for its unmerited excess accretion at the expense of the "hoi polloi."

noway What century are we living in now?

Pick one!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:47 PM

whenever someone says "you only have to know 2 things", you automatically know they are wrong... you need to know everything you can about it, that way you can make an informed decision... i see you only know two things about 9-11...

I only need to know one thing about 911 and that is how big should the cells be after the arrests for treason and crimes against humanity?

whoa more foolishness... i take it your forgot the innocent untill proven guilty part of the constitution? when was anyone proven guilty besides the muslims that died?

Actually, I think your government forgot all about the presumption of innocence, especially with respect to Usama Bin Laden, David Koresh, and a whole pile of other people that your stalinist masters tortured at guantanamo and at CIA secret prisons world wide. Just the same, I'd like to see them properly arrested and given the fair public trial that they denied to the people they framed for their own crimes.

thats because the people did long as you can prove it, you can arrest anyone for anything... but I myself have not seen any proof of these things, just heresay from other people

You've got to be kidding me!...even I have enough evidence to form a prima facie case for treason and crimes against humanity sufficient to indict several people in your own government. I'd make the arrests myself too, but the guys I want to arrest are afraid to come into Canada!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:40 PM

those schools need to set up the types of '
'networks' those born into middle and upper class have regular access to

Now, that is a straw-man argument.
It assumes something that has yet to be proved, that so-called 'networks' are responsible for people acquiring wealth.

Networks aren't responsible for the acquisition of wealth, but the "good ol' boys" network is responsible for its unmerited excess accretion at the expense of the "hoi polloi."

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:28 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 11/04/13 06:30 PM

Wal-Mart is only the perfect indication of the trend of corporate monopolization and decline in freedom of choice that cuts your own throat the more you deal with it.

Most of the products are made more cheaply in other countries like China, and buying more Chinese products means buying less of your own domestically-produced ones, so the twofold "blowback" you suffer is a skewed balance of payments resulting in a trade deficit that sends your country's money to China, thus impoverishing your own country and shutting down the domestic businesses that can no longer compete price-wise with the cheap Chinese crap. This results in a whole bunch of your countrymen getting laid off & unemployed.

So when you think about it, is the short-sighted policy of saving a few bucks really worth all the poverty & grief it causes to your neighbours, your country, and eventually to you?

Apparently so.

You know... I knew that there would be at least one liberal that would snap at the bait. They just can't help exposing themselves for what they are. God help you ignorant ones, for you will never see the truth.

Never see the truth?...That coming from on of the willfully blind is most amusing. What's wrong with being liberal?...I'm not technically liberal, I'm an altuistic voluntarist egalitarian commie anarchist and proud of it!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:23 PM

whenever someone says "you only have to know 2 things", you automatically know they are wrong... you need to know everything you can about it, that way you can make an informed decision... i see you only know two things about 9-11...

I only need to know one thing about 911 and that is how big should the cells be after the arrests for treason and crimes against humanity?

whoa more foolishness... i take it your forgot the innocent untill proven guilty part of the constitution? when was anyone proven guilty besides the muslims that died?

Actually, I think your government forgot all about the presumption of innocence, especially with respect to Usama Bin Laden, David Koresh, and a whole pile of other people that your stalinist masters tortured at guantanamo and at CIA secret prisons world wide. Just the same, I'd like to see them properly arrested and given the fair public trial that they denied to the people they framed for their own crimes.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:18 PM
I see you've both fallen for the banksters' debt-based laugh now, cry later plan.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:16 PM

Glad to see someone is watching. They r giving our country. Impeach that ***

They're trying to pull the same crap in Canada with the TPP.

Don't worry...We have a little surprise in store for our de facto government if they try to pull a fast one, like signing on to the TPP...THEY are gonna be holding the bag for treason!

I trust you'll be doing the same down the unlikely event that your existing de facto government isn't deposed before that.

I fear its far to late.........It would take a massive passive resistance movement along the lines of Gandhi in India.

It's NEVER too late!! All you need is the will to win and you've won. The world becomes what we believe it will become...and allow it to become.

Look at your hand and see the Hand of God. It's up to you whether or not the human race pulls its a$$ out of the ditch, and it'll be your fault if it doesn't.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:10 PM
Correction, the Fiat Money system is not bankrupt (unless you are speaking morally), it is the countries that are bankrupt, but fraudulently operating in receivership that is the problem.

Strictly speaking, a credit-based public fiat currency like Lincoln's Greenback is just fine; better than Gold in fact. The debt-based private currencies of private banks like the Fed are just a recipe for disaster. If anyone doubts me, just look at the US economy after 100 years of usurious Fed robbery of the American people.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:01 PM

whenever someone says "you only have to know 2 things", you automatically know they are wrong... you need to know everything you can about it, that way you can make an informed decision... i see you only know two things about 9-11...

I only need to know one thing about 911 and that is how big should the cells be after the arrests for treason and crimes against humanity?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 05:58 PM
After reading the posts on this thread, I got a message from G-d (we chat when He's not too busy). He asked me to tell some of you (you know who you are) that have faith in Him, that he's lost all faith in you.

If you ask me, when he sends his Kid back, you're all in deep doo doo.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 12:38 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 11/04/13 12:38 PM
For once I agree with you!

I think however that things have gotten MUCH too far out of hand. The entirety of western civilization (and I use the term loosely) is in desperate need of a "reset."

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 12:33 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 11/04/13 12:34 PM
Wal-Mart is only the perfect indication of the trend of corporate monopolization and decline in freedom of choice that cuts your own throat the more you deal with it.

Most of the products are made more cheaply in other countries like China, and buying more Chinese products means buying less of your own domestically-produced ones, so the twofold "blowback" you suffer is a skewed balance of payments resulting in a trade deficit that sends your country's money to China, thus impoverishing your own country and shutting down the domestic businesses that can no longer compete price-wise with the cheap Chinese crap. This results in a whole bunch of your countrymen getting laid off & unemployed.

So when you think about it, is the short-sighted policy of saving a few bucks really worth all the poverty & grief it causes to your neighbours, your country, and eventually to you?

Apparently so.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 06:14 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 11/04/13 06:14 AM
The company store harkens back to the old coal mining days.

There was a song about it that became very popular as a quaint reflection on the social injustice of the "old days" during the increasingly prosperous fifties. I think it put the almost forgotten, but once famous Tennesee Ernie Ford on the map. Here he is

How fitting that the company store should once again rear its ugly head as we bury ourselves past our noses in the Catch 22 of losing more money the harder we work, desperately trying to get out from under.

As George Carlin said, "The game is rigged folks."

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 11/04/13 05:13 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 11/04/13 05:14 AM
Hey don't worry about it. Israel is doing its part!...Everybody knows war is good for the Military Industrial Complex and the economy! You have to look on the Bright Side.

In the last little while, Israel has bombed Syria about three times, trying (in its own phony way) to "goad" Syria & the US into involving themselves in the very profitable venture called World War III. It's only fair that the US should help pay for the bombs to get a decent war started. How else could they goad Russia into going nuclear and doing their fair share of culling much of the surplus US/European population? (The US will take care of the rest of the world...Bonus; no more debt with China!).

The bad guys aren't cooperating like they should, and Israel might have to go nuclear first and exercise their "Samson Option". This will be a wonderful thing of course, as the Israelis will help depopulate Europe AND finally join hands with the Palestinians in the "no-state" solution, as both Israel & Palestine are turned into a glass parking lot for Saudi limousines.

In ten years time, the brilliant and compassionate world leaders can come out of their well-stocked bunkers, gather up what few survivors are left and get them paying their taxes again, so they can build a new, prosperous & happy world with really low unemployment and no useless eaters on food stamps.

So far, Syria, Iran, Russia and China haven't taken the bait, to spite Syrian national pride in its sovereignty and the deal the Saudis offered Putin, but how long can that go on eh?

I think this is a much more workable plan than say dumping a nuke on Basel Switzerland, after all, that would be mean and "they"'ll be in a neutral country during the war (just like they were last time) and everybody knows you have to respect the sovereignty of peaceful and neutral nations! Switzerland will have to remain untouched by the war because it is the only true democracy on earth, and this is all about making the world safe for freedom, democracy, and banking, all three of which Switzerland is famous for.

I think you guys should all thank your lucky stars & stripes for what Israel is doing. It is making the ultimate sacrifice of bringing the Temple down on those hated Philistines who don't like usurious, debt-based monetary systems.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sun 11/03/13 05:01 PM
I once thought the man a hero for what he allegedly endured before talking. I couldn't understand whet turned him into the loser he is today.

Now I know!

He should be arrested IMMEDIATELY and court-martialed for collaborating with the enemy!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/02/13 05:23 PM

Glad to see someone is watching. They r giving our country. Impeach that ***

They're trying to pull the same crap in Canada with the TPP.

Don't worry...We have a little surprise in store for our de facto government if they try to pull a fast one, like signing on to the TPP...THEY are gonna be holding the bag for treason!

I trust you'll be doing the same down the unlikely event that your existing de facto government isn't deposed before that.


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/02/13 08:17 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 11/02/13 09:02 AM
We all know that the greatest joke about our countries are the leaders of them, so why aren't we appreciating that as we should?

I don't think tyrants ever would have gotten very far if the entire populace laughed in their faces every time they made a speech about the "wonderful" work they're doing...Kinda makes for bad press. Picture a public appearance where "Fearless Leader" is touting his government as the greatest thing since sliced bread, only to have the words of his carefully composed speech unheard and drowned out by the uproarious laughter of the crowd...every time he opens his mouth!...How about a rousing chorus of "Sing me another one just like the other one" from an audience that can appreciate his hilarious comedic performance... a politician being a parody of himself.

Did any of you ever have an embarrassing practical joke pulled on you at a party? If so, you probably wanted to go back to the party and machine-gun the pranksters, but did you?...I'll bet you just found yourself a hole to crawl in to rock back & forth & suck your thumb till you felt better. Governments are no different than people; maybe it's time for a few practical jokes, or at the very least, organizing audiences that can appreciate them for the jokes that they are.

In Canada, the Canadian PM is swimming in the mire of his own corruption right now, with an investigation into influence peddling at the top. No doubt the PM has already loaded his pants over this one, as he is now throwing some of his closest political allies under the bus to save his image as the greatest thing that ever happened to Canada.

At the beginning, he promised Canadians tranparency in government, and it just dawned on me that he kept his word...At this very minute he is coming out with transparent lie after transparent lie to cover his maple leaf a$$.

This is just a cover for the real problem. To spite his bragging about Canada's superior economic/banking policies, he knows damn well that Canada is going south with the rest of the world economy in about 6 months time, so to save their own a$$e$, the banksters have thrown HIM under the bus to create a distraction so people won't see the collapse coming.

What better way to show our appreciation than to laugh at his jokes every time he opens his mouth?...In press conferences, party rallies, public appearances, newspapers, etc.

Who knows?...He might even do the honourable thing like Hitler did, or at least resign in utter disgrace to enjoy his forced retirement in a cabin in the woods where nobody can find him. (probably in another country).

It would sure be one for the history books to have Governments resign because they got laughed out of office eh?...Not only that, but history would be a lot more fun to read! Leastways, I'm sure revolution by humour would probably catch on.

Have a look at your own government to see if it has good comedic potential...They're bound to at least be telling a few hilarious transparent lies...Why waste all that talent?...It's a helluva lot cheaper than a night out at the comedy club and accomplishes more to boot...all you have to do to make your government resign is laugh at it!

While your government is leaving, don't forget to tell it to take it's BIS-run central bank with it and stuff it where the sun don't shine...That will be its final humiliation and the greatest joke of all will turn out to be on the banksters.

The following video makes a great "Banking, Money, and Monetary Systems for Dummies" lesson book.:

(social credit is your future because it gives you the power of the purse over your government, which must borrow from you instead of banks...look into it.)

Let's end this little post with a sing-along, shall we?:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 12:57 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 01:38 PM far as having the "wrong" bird on my first design for our new flag, I'll have you know that even as we speak my Canada Goose buddies are flying south to bomb US Federal Government buildings with goose feces.

The primary target is the Fed, even though it isn't technically a US government building...Its the building of the government of the US government, so that's good enough. (Gotta help our American brothers out somehow.)

Us avians have decided to liberate the Americans the same way the Americans have been "liberating" everyone bombing them. Of course our bombs don't kill anyone (they just stink to high heaven) and that is intentional...It keeps the "collateral damage" to a bare fact to nothing at all...Unlike the crooked "leaders" we don't really wanna hurt anyone, just send a loud and clear message to those "evil wrongdoers."

If the american people really want to do themselves a favour, they'd take a page out of Switzerland's book & gather up some of the bull$hit lying around and use some dumptrucks to return it to source...the Fed, Whitehouse & congressional lawns. (much funnier, more effective & less hazardous than an armed revolt.) It could go down in history as the first time that an entire government got driven out of their offices by the stench of the only thing they ever produced and laughed clear out of town by the people. What would make it even funnier would be if the cleanup people all went on strike or quit...and the mess was just left there for the politicians to clean up. (Another historical first...politicians trying to deal with their own bull$hit.)

At any rate, I'm living proof that you don't need arms to be revolting. Leastways I never did; I'm a duck.

(sorry...this time I'm really gonna leave for awhile.)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:44 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 10:49 AM

Try that Crap in your Country!

Consider it done. As I said before, maybe six months left to finish the job I started.

Now if you'll excuse me, once again I won't be posting here for awhile...I took a "working coffee break" for a few days to help out my southern friends & neighbours, but now I have to get back to work. There's a lot of cleaning up to do before I redecorate the place.

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