Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:56 AM
How many did you find? Please post your results. I am going to test a windows PC from my network later and post the results.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:51 AM
I know that ubuntu is debain based. Your suggestion will be a nice addition I am sure.
The biggest difference that I can see, what you discussed, is in the GUI itself. It can be nice to have a 'workstation/server' all rolled in one package for convince. It helps with multitasking. Especially when administrating a networked computer.(perhaps from root/prompt/command line/ ect.)

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:40 AM
***Test your computers vulnerability. There are a lot of hot spots in your computer that you are not even aware of, especially if you are running a Windows OS.
***My Linux OS passed everything with an ace.
check the shields up & leak test under hot spots.
***Test the security of your computer running on the net.***

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 05:55 AM
In my lifetime of game loving, it is very hard to say, at this time, what is my favourite of all time, but starting with my first, it was just the baseball game that my dad and I played together on the Atari 2600. Pretty much after that it was doom all the way. Others have dominated over doom to the present, but I guess that doom was really my first fav.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 05:00 AM
I played D&D on paper when I was in elementary school. Diablo is a great RPG if you like hack and slash. I have bought the game three times. How many times does a person have to buy the game before they hack it?

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 04:31 AM
No I haven't "C". I really do love linux though, and the beryl is the most awesome desktop experience. It is great with my Gnome desktop GUI. I think that more people run Linux than they really want to say also. They just don't want people to run Linux. They want people to run windows, so they can have more control over the people and what they can and can't do with their computer. It is sad that many people think that they can do anything with windows, they don't even realize their limitations. Microsoft hides their 'horns' well under their 'halo'.***** LOL.

P.S. Chrish, Linux Ubuntu will run on older systems, and has a great server edition with a Gnome GUI interface. Server plus GUI = awesome. You probably know this already though.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/12/07 03:41 AM
I had a lot of old family home movies that was made when I was younger. I just hooked my vcr up to my PC and converted them onto a DVD. Video cards do speed up your computer in at least a couple of ways. With a video card put in, you will get all of your ram back that was set aside for your video, plus you get extra ram on the card just for video itself.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/10/07 05:05 AM
If you are using the fire fox browser, then you can press down and hold the control key then press the " - " to shrink the letters or the " + " to enlarge the letters.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:43 AM
Lol. I know that dell sucks, but at least they are offering a choice. If I go and buy an overpriced PCbox, I would like to be able to decide what OS that I want. It wouldn't be worth it to me to go and buy a new pc, because as soon as I got it I would have to reformat the hard drive and install linux. That's why I build my own computers.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:36 AM
I don't like to connect through the battlenet servers. The only way I can play is if I join a hosted IP , or host the game my self.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/07/07 03:40 AM
Yes I guess that it is according to what kind of system that you have built. But my Linux Ubuntu with beryl, has alot more eye candy in their gui than windows vista aero even thought about. And it runs smooth as silk on older hardware with out having to upgrade. Soo, what does that say about windows. Most people have to upgrade just to run vista. You can probably run Ubuntu on your system right now with out the upgrade and have an interface better than Vistas. Of course computer upgrades are always better. But why be 'forced' to upgrade just to run the latest cool stuff?

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/07/07 03:29 AM
Oh! Noone has mentioned Turok 2 on N64. It has a great battle mode for multi player fragging.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/07/07 03:21 AM
Thanks I'll check it out when I get a chance. I have loved gaming for along time. Since Atari pacman. Just now a days I have to make time for gaming because I am so busy.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/07/07 03:17 AM
At least once a year I have to get my starcraft fix. The brood war expansion is like another whole starcraft game itself. It the second edition I would like to see more pumped up graphics. Maybe more detailed like star trek armada or something.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/07/07 03:09 AM
Sounds great to me. D2 is THE hack and slash classic. I have played with the Necromancer, Barbarian, and Sorceress. I will play any of these classes. I have to check my schedule this weekend but would love to play. I might even be able to bring a friend over and play also, from my home network. And it's all good that I am running Linux, because D2 works flawlessly with wine or cedega.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 11/06/07 04:29 AM
I usually cap off my download speed at 250 and my upload speed at 25 to 35.That's per file. I have comcast high speed though. I pay for 5mbs down but can get up to 21 mbs down. You are not going to see them speeds from any one source. I have however gotten approx. a 1mb per second download speed using P2P. That means that I can download at least 5 files at the same time at that speed.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 11/06/07 04:19 AM
I'm with Mass. I wouldn't minded a voodoo PC except now they are HP.I prefer to build my own AMD 4x4 System.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 11/06/07 04:11 AM
rainbow six was cool on PC, And I use to really love perfect dark on N64.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 11/06/07 04:08 AM
Yes I love Linux, but Windows does still have the true gamers market. If it wasn't for that, then I wouldn't even take a second look at windows. Thankfully Linux is finely coming around with apps that will play even the newer games, like doom 4, and need for speed.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/05/07 03:26 PM
*It is quite possible. You see, You can only download files as fast as they can upload the file to you. No matter what your download speed is. Just having a higher download speed allows you to download multiple things at once. Or have many computers on a network downloading at the same time. The great thing about what I love about using a torrent program to download my legal files is that through the P2P system, One can download faster because their is more upload bandwidth of the file available.
* So P2P rules.

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