Community > Posts By > JaJM

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Fri 12/09/11 08:12 AM
Well, if libya can overcome its tribal and political differences within its people then they have every chance of doing well for themselves. With gaddafi gone they should have their assets unfozen by other countries ... so who knows? they certainly deserve to prosper

Iraq i think has too much problems with internal violence and sectarianism for it to prosper, at least not in the short term. who knows ... they also deserve a change in fortunes

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Fri 12/09/11 06:38 AM

Saudia Arabia needs a woman in charge.

Ha! Now THAT would be interesting!

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Fri 12/09/11 06:34 AM
well sure, democracy could be a whole lot better than it is right now, still democracy is worth fighting and dying for

however, there will always be a pyramid, a few people with power on top and the mjority with less power at the bottom, there is no other way ... what need to be done is to lessen the difference between those at the top and those at the bottom. And this is easier to do if the people at the bottom vote on who gets to be at top ... something that could have been threatened had D.C. not stood against Europe...

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Fri 12/09/11 06:08 AM
Only if you're wealthy winking

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Fri 12/09/11 05:58 AM

Not only do I believe in the EU model I believe in the Global model as long as the resources of the planet are divided equally between the inhabitants of the planet. Nothing complicated about simple maths

One Global Government.... HQ in the middle of Africa

One Global Currency....Called....The Global

It's a nice idea I admit, for everyone to live united and work to support each other. Sadly human nature would never allow this to happen, we are far too tribal ... the only way for humans to truly live equal would be to force them into it which would mean having some people in a position of power ... benevolent tyrants simply do not exsist, or do not at least exsist for long before power corrupts

democracy will never be perfect but its the best we got right now

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Fri 12/09/11 05:32 AM
Bombs? Lol, The UK don't need any bombs or allies to cause destruction in Europe, we just need to flood Europe with our drunk tourists and football hooligans ... utter chaos

drinker drinks drinks drinker drinker drinker drinks pitchfork

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Fri 12/09/11 05:14 AM
I'm not really keen on David Cameron but I have to admit I repect him for standing up for the UK ... sure, there isn't some rosy future any time soon but at least we keep our democracy in a healthy state

I'm waiting to see just how this affects our relationship with the rest of Europe...

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Thu 12/08/11 12:20 PM
yeesh, the fundamentalists seem to be actually terrified of sex ... so its ok for men to handle bananas and cucumbers? ... tho i bet these fundamentalists aren't too keen on homosexality either ...

every kind of group everywhere have their share of crazies, I suppose

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Thu 12/01/11 02:35 PM

Its not just Israel. It is THE BRITISH, and the CROWN.


There is a plan for a one world government. The powerful Elite of the world are just working out the details.

this is off topic but I couldn't help notice this comment ... JB, you are seriously worried about Britain?? And more than that you're scared of the British royalty??? Have you seen the British royalty????

I personally have nothing against the royal family, british people are sentimental that way and they do help out with the tourist industry but believe me world domination is NOT something on their or our agenda.

Britain tried world domination once, it didn't work out too well for us... didn't work out so well for most f the world either ... sorry world.

back to topic

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Sun 11/20/11 12:01 PM
Oi! You leave the queen alone, she's a nice wee woman who wouldnt hurt a fly

:wink: :wink: :wink:

And by the way, America is no way under British rule, ... I mean really?????


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Wed 08/24/11 11:16 AM
In a spirit of solidarity the richest French have asked to pay extra in order to help out their country. The rich are voluntarily willing to pay out more in order to help.

What are your thoughts on this; are they crazy? or should other rich from other countries follow their example?

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Sat 08/13/11 02:27 PM
So what do you propose people do about this COMPANY?

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Sat 08/13/11 02:23 PM

Look at England AND France! Tell me that hasn't happened! PLEASE!

You do know the burka is banned in France, rght? And last I checked I'm not living under some Sharia law.

There are muslim extremists yeah, but there are extremists in every world view.
And not all muslims are bloodthirsty savages who want to rule the world. There are many who simply go about their daily business like everyone else. The Quran has violent passages and peaceul passages, as has been explained earlier.

The bible has violent passages as well as peaceful passages and a hell of a lot of violence has ben done in its name. (doesnt matter how long ago those attrocities were, the bible hasn't changed.) Now wouldn't you say christianity has a greater influence on American culture? They even have a phrase printed on dollars. Shouldnt you be more terrified by christians? They seem more of a pressing threat. Every one of them is just frothing at the mouth to launch anoth crusade and burn women for being witches. Right?

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Sat 08/13/11 02:06 PM
But why do they want money so badly? There is only so much you can spend money on afterall. nd if hese people have the planet wrapped round their fingers then why do they even need money in the first place? Could they just force the pgovernment leaders to hand out free TVs or cars or whatever the hell they want so badly?

(btw, I would hurry and publish these ideas of yours before Dan Brown steals them for his next book)

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Sat 08/13/11 01:55 PM
I just want to know why these evil organisations go to such extreme lengths and secrecy to do so much damage to the world? What do they get out of it?

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Fri 08/12/11 08:33 AM
lol, good luck with that one ...

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Tue 08/09/11 03:54 PM
Shooting rioters didn't work out too well for the Tunisian or Egyptian governments ...

What started as a peaceful protest over the police shooting of a man has spiralled way out of control. Unlike the riots in the middle east there is no political message here, this is simply opportunistic thugs going crazy. I'm shocked at how the violence has spread so fast. (It's also shocking how the Scots are being the model of good behaviour for once ...)

Now, there will doubtless be many factors to blame which led to the riots, but these youths should still be charged to the full extent of he law.

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Tue 08/09/11 03:27 AM
Edited by JaJM on Tue 08/09/11 03:28 AM

This is an interesting wee video. NOTE: the video is a SATIRE.

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Mon 08/08/11 02:55 PM

A wee site with some quotations. You're not going to tell us that entire site is all lies is it?

And I dont see you denying the claim that ALL christians are mass murduring psychos. Do you believe that too?

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Mon 08/08/11 02:26 PM
Actually muslims worship the very same god of the bible. This is just a fact. Same god, different perspective. Muslims have a great respect for jesus as well. Though do not believe jesus to be the son of god they still hold him in high regard.

Soo, the Quran is solely a book of war and bible isn't, eh? Yet christians from near the beginning have commited and some continue to commit vile acts. Christians do this from a good book? Christians must ALL be evil, crazy nutters then, right?
The fact is, the bible does contain passages that encourage violence against unbelievers, the Old Testement is full of examples, and usually such acts were commanded from god or from his prophets. So, by your understanding that violent minorities represent the group as a whole ALL christians are evil bad fascists. Right?

And you cannot defend the bible by claiming it has peaceful passages either. That doesn't count. The Quran has peaceful pasages also but if you disregard those then you must disregard the bible's.