Community > Posts By > MisterAnderson

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/17/11 04:07 AM

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/17/11 04:00 AM

why can't my heart STOP loving the one who doesn't love me???? Am I stupid? Am I a loser for not wanting to let go???

Gizzy, I'm sorry you're going through this, but no - you aren't stupid and you aren't a loser. You can't help how you feel about someone, even if they don't share your feelings.

Hope things get better for you soon. Until then, hang in there.

MisterAnderson's photo
Tue 08/16/11 07:46 PM
Edited by MisterAnderson on Tue 08/16/11 07:46 PM
Judas Priest is pretty awesome. Too bad KK Downing is no longer with the band.

Hope they have a good replacement for when you see 'em.

MisterAnderson's photo
Tue 08/16/11 07:42 PM
New World Order - Gamma Ray

MisterAnderson's photo
Tue 08/16/11 04:06 AM
Sometimes knowing you have a long week ahead, or a difficult task to perform can be intimidating or overwhelming so instead of focusing in on the week as a whole, break it down into smaller parts.

Today, I'm going to do this _____________.

Tomorrow, I'm going to do this __________.

At the end of each day, remind myself of the things I was able to get done instead of dwelling on the things I didn't have time to get done.

By the end of the week, I can look back and *know* I've made some progress.

MisterAnderson's photo
Fri 08/12/11 04:32 AM
Or for safety sake, I can see some women not wanting to mention it for fear of someone just trying to get closer to children (Its is a sick planet osmetimes)

This is kinda what I was saying in my post. If someone has this type of fear and doesn't mention they have kids in their profile, I understand that reasoning.

This is the digital age and there is a great deal of information available on the web for people who know how to find it.

In most cases, just a name or a name and general location is enough to provide an address.

Some parents (particulary those with young children) just aren't comfortable saying, "Hi I have kids at this address" on a website that is freely available to the entire world.

This isn't like Facebook where you have at least some limited control over who sees your info, and it's not like a paid site where you have positive identification (credit cards) tied to each paid profile.

For the most part, I am all for honesty, but for a parent trying to protect their children, I understand holding some things back.

MisterAnderson's photo
Fri 08/12/11 04:10 AM know how when you're really hungry and your stomach growls?

MisterAnderson's photo
Fri 08/12/11 04:06 AM
Three, man. You know how hard it is to go back to work after a 3-day weekend?

No, wait..forget I said "work".

This is not about work or 3-day weekends. This is about 3 WEEKS! of vacation awesomeness.

Have a great time!

MisterAnderson's photo
Thu 08/11/11 03:55 PM
Edited by MisterAnderson on Thu 08/11/11 03:56 PM
Well, I can see a number of reasons why someone wouldn't mention in their profile that they have kids.

Maybe they feel it's a safety thing. They don't want to post any info about their kids on the internet, including the fact that they even have kids. Especially if they have little ones.

That I can understand, as long as it comes out fairly quickly once the connection is made, and I don't think it's exclusive to men or women.

But to outright deny they have children or forget they have kids?

No, sorry. That's not cool. I can't even imagine telling someone I don't have kids.

MisterAnderson's photo
Thu 08/11/11 03:33 PM
Edited by MisterAnderson on Thu 08/11/11 03:37 PM
After 19 years with the same employer, I am finally making enough to make ends meet.

But I'm also fairly conservative. I have an older home with relatively low payments. My car payment is affordable. I don't have cable TV or Satellite. I turn off the lights when not using them, turn off or adjust the heat and air conditioning at night and when I'm at work.

I don't go out partying every night, though I take one night a week for "me" time and I also make sure to bring the kids someplace special about every other week (movies, go-carts, camping, road trip, climbing wall, etc.). The rest of the time we do local free or low-cost activities - go to the library, go camping, fishing, swimming, canoeing, or hiking, go for a bike ride, etc.

So between being very lucky to have a decent job and making sometimes difficult choices on how I live and spend my money, I am doing ok for now.

One of those difficult choices is one I made a year and a half ago. I accepted a job transfer to an area where the cost of living is lower than average. So while I make just about the same salary (small increase), my home and utilities are much lower than they were. The drawback is that this is a very small, isolated community. Population is about 800 and the nearest large town with a population of about 14,000 is 50 miles away. Nearest "city" is over 100 miles.

Edit: Forgot to answer part of your question. Though these statistics aren't mine, they are pulled from the city-data website for the county where I live. The average salary in the county is about $26,000, which comes out to about $2,000 per month. Average home price is $75,000, average monthly rent is $450.

So the cost of living here is low enough that the average salary of $26,000 should be enough to make ends meet.

MisterAnderson's photo
Thu 08/11/11 03:42 AM
It's also easy enough to "unfriend" them if they turn out to be phony or someone you don't want as a friend after all.

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 06:52 PM

she is 5 weeks old now. And starting yesterday she began crying all the time. I don't think it's colic because she finally falls asleep. But she wants to eat all the time and just never really happy when she is awake.

Hi LizzieBee. I know this was yesterday's topic and you probably already found the answer you needed, but maybe this will help in the future.

Most hospitals, especially those in large cities, have free 24-hour doctor referral hotlines, nurse hotlines, and/or health advice lines.

I did a quick search for Kansas City pediatric nurse hotline and the first two results that came up were St. Luke's Hosipital and Children's Mercy.

If you call them, more likely than not (due to liability issues), they would advise you to bring your child in as soon as possible, but...sometimes (especially for a new parent) it's good to have a phone number you can call and talk to a professional for advice.

The hotlines are free and they really don't care how many times you call, especially when you tell them you are a new parent. They are there to help, and sometimes just knowing that and hearing a human voice can be very reassuring.

St. Lukes' website is

Children's Mercy website is

Both websites have toll free 24-hour numbers listed on those pages.

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 06:30 PM
Orphaned Land

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 06:26 PM
Me? Just here to meet new people and make friends. Moved to a new town about a year ago. A Population about 700. Nearest large town (of 15,000) is 50 miles away.

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 06:13 PM

Yep. That about sums it up. Bacon. With lettuce, tomato, and Miracle Whip. On toast. But then it's not one word anymore.

So yea. Bacon.

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 05:57 PM
Edited by MisterAnderson on Wed 08/10/11 05:59 PM
Maybe he just wants to be friends? Not sexual or intimate, no alterior motives. Just friends.

We can all speculate, but he's probably the only one who can answer. Did you ask him?

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 05:51 PM

Hi Hi names mitch and so far I just got done cuddling with a friend and well I had to leave so now I have no one to cuddle with. :(
However now i finally got to sleep :)

Hello Mitch, welcome to Mingle2. If you are asleep, how are you typing?

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:11 AM

Not sure if this is the kind of thing for me, so might not stay here long. Just wanted to see how it is and if it was a good way to meet new (good or worthy) friends, and maybe one special man, but I'm really doubtful. Been here two days and re-worded my blurb, adding a lot more about myself and what I was looking in a man, to try to limit the number of undesirable men from contacting me. So far it hasn't worked. They either don't bother to read what I wrote or don't care. I don't care if the man is gorgeous, but if he's too young and types like he's a 4 year old, I don't want him contacting me, so I wish he would not waste both our time. whoa

Hi FoxySonia. Welcome to Mingle. On the comment above about people contacting you, there's probably no help for it. No matter what site you are on or what you put in your profile, you will almost always have an element of people contacting you that you would rather not talk to. If you are on any public website and provie a means for people to contact you, you don't really have much control over who contacts you. However, you CAN control how you respond to them.

I also agree with Soufiehere about maybe giving some more thought to your profile. I'd recommend doing away with the whole first paragraph and changing the negative "don't wants" into positive "do wants".

As examples, instead of saying, "1- are involved in a relationship, or are either married or separated, an adulterer or immoral person " try saying "I am looking for single men with high moral values"

Instead of saying "3- are dishonest (I hate liars.) " try saying "I am looking for someone who values honesty in a relationship"

Instead of saying "7- hates animals or cats " try saying "I am looking for someone who loves animals"

Anyway, you get the picture.

I wish you the best of luck in your search and hope you find what you are looking for.

MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 05:27 AM

im only 15 so i must be the youngest on here!!!

Then you lied.........Seeya..........


MisterAnderson's photo
Wed 08/10/11 05:26 AM
Why do people cheat?

Character flaw.