Community > Posts By > uche9aa

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/08/15 10:55 AM
Edited by uche9aa on Wed 04/08/15 10:56 AM

Hello everyone and thank you for making this clear to I'm more certain about this matter. I have accepted Jesus not long ago but have yet baptize. I keep having this feeling inside me about baptized and I still in search of the right church and true minister..i appreciate all good advices you all point out for me..
Congrat.In your searching for "right church and true minister" Pray and tell God to lead you and direct your steps to a genuine bible believing,holiness believing and prayerful church whose only authority is the bible and bible alone.Shalom!

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/08/15 08:15 AM
Edited by uche9aa on Wed 04/08/15 08:16 AM
My elder brother told me how he used a liquid soap he bought as a body cream for almost one year before his German roommate that could read Italian discovered his folly.Same thing with packaged dog food in an attempt to try new thing.Whats your own experience?

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/08/15 06:11 AM

I only went out with a married man once but he was the hottest guy I've ever been with, it was worth it. Too bad the good ones are all taken!

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:13 AM

Is extramarital affair a sin?
Ask your wife,she has the best answer for you

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/08/15 05:05 AM
As long as the planet earth lasts,fools shall always be found in every continent

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/08/15 12:50 AM

My ex thinks of me as some kind of powerful witch, as if I am the reason the sun comes up, and the moon shines at night. Everything is always my fault, unless it's something he deems to be positive, then it's always his doing. I have diagnosed him as a narcissistic sociopath.
Your wrong diagnosis most probably led to your divorce.Next time,allow psychologists to do their work.By the way,what was the result of your own self diagnosis,INNOCENT and HOLY??????

uche9aa's photo
Tue 04/07/15 03:15 PM
Edited by uche9aa on Tue 04/07/15 03:20 PM
Obama is treading on a land mines,assuming its not a deliberate conspiracy against Israel and US.His sudden romance with terrorist Iran is boardering on the perilous.It might be too late to cry when the head is off the neck

uche9aa's photo
Tue 04/07/15 02:37 PM

I only went out with a married man once but he was the hottest guy I've ever been with, it was worth it. Too bad the good ones are all taken!
The pasture alway looks greener on the other side of the spectrum.Stolen water is always sweet and bread eaten in the dark is pleasant.It however fills the mouth with stones afterwards.Some ladies also see your ex as the best that had been taken.Its all pretence because its temporal.Move in with him and see a man worse than your ex. Better put more effort and patience in your marriage and see it get life again.Quitters are losers anyday

uche9aa's photo
Tue 04/07/15 01:08 PM
You might as well add who doesnt wash your undies. Flimsy,trival and ungodly escape routes of unfaithful covenant breakers.DIVORCE IS SIN

uche9aa's photo
Tue 04/07/15 12:37 PM
I am speechless.Both the proponents and opposers have equal points,valid points.I used to be strict about bible authority on divorce until i saw a victim of a very bad wife who later deserted him.He was willing to endure the hell of behaviors from the so called sister,thats the wife.But she deserted him! Would you be right to tell such a young brother not to remarry?

uche9aa's photo
Tue 04/07/15 11:08 AM

I wanted to know what drives men to cheat.If a man truly loves his woman then why cheat on her? So I asked Google and I was shocked by my findings.\men\...\why-men-ch.. 48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as primary reason they cheat.So much for the myth that for men,cheating is all about sex.Only 8% of men said that sexual dissatisfaction was the main factor in their infidelity. "Our culture tells us that all men need to be happy is sex" Neumen says.These results mean that both partners are guilty and not just the man who cheated.I would like us to discuss this issue in a mature manner. My question is, If you 've experienced being a cheat or cheated on,why did you do it or were you willing to work on your relationship? This is of course if both parties love each other. Pls no insults or drailing

I object to the phrase " DRIVES men to cheat ".. sounds like a disclaimer as if men are not responsible for their actions & under duress. That some seen or unseen force, is responsible. So therefore the man is NOT responsible for where their penis ends up...

Okay, .. Then.. I know lots of ' driven ' women that just happened to fall down on a penis.. rofl

People are responsible for their OWN actions & inactions. And there are consequences NOT excuses for both.

Hardy would you see a man who willingly cheats.(Not impossible though) But look closely and you wll see the real reason and who DRIVES him to that extreme ugly end.

uche9aa's photo
Sun 04/05/15 10:56 PM

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.
one could bite his tongue trying to pronounce it!

uche9aa's photo
Sun 04/05/15 10:50 AM

I do
You do? Lets have five long English words and their meanings from you

uche9aa's photo
Sun 04/05/15 10:41 AM
Edited by uche9aa on Sun 04/05/15 10:43 AM
Post the long or longest English words you know and their meanings. None should be less than 15 letters. I start with this: Floccinaucinihilipilification.Means the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.

uche9aa's photo
Thu 04/02/15 11:14 PM

Well, I have googled this topic/question. EVERYBODY who starts this same thread on the internet does not answer the question.
It was the beginning speech of a preacher who used this as an example to say 'no human can really be trusted, only God'.
So how about we lock it up, because THAT IS THE ANSWER

That seems to be the answer!! TRUST NO ONE EXCEPT GOD

uche9aa's photo
Thu 04/02/15 05:23 AM

The man didnt jump, coz he never intended to. He betrayed his wife, by fooling her into thinking he was comitted to the suicide pact. The wife jumped, but came prepared with a parachut in case her husband chickened out, which he, so she used the parachut. Question is, would she have used it, if he had jumped ?
Aye, cos she had him insured to the hilt and that's why she had the parachute? All about the money? drinker

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/01/15 08:06 AM
He is awesome

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/01/15 07:35 AM

Folks, it would not be surprising if there were another war in the Middle East.
That sort of thing is what U.S. foreign-policy expert Steven P. Bucci suggests could happen.
However, if such a thing is as predictable as he says, then it doesn't take a vision from God to predict it.

Anyway, if one is going to "predict" World War 3, then one needs to state the criteria necessary for a war to be a "world war". For example, why wasn't the Persian Gulf War called World War 3?
An attempt to explain away my dream as normal predictable probability?

uche9aa's photo
Wed 04/01/15 07:28 AM

People cheat ( not just men but women also) because they sometimes see life as "greener on the other side" and would rather scout greener fields than to try to take care and nurture the field they are already in! If you can't cultivate the field you are currently plowing, what makes you think you will succeed in plowing another field??? Just saying! :tongue:
Experience and wisdom kissed each other in that post above

uche9aa's photo
Tue 03/31/15 08:21 PM

Gawd, there are any number of reasons both men and women cheat. Whether married or in a relationship. The list of reasons is an ocean.

I've seen my parents be married almost 70 yrs., seen a brother and his wife experience infidelity where I thought there was no way they would stay together and it wasn't because of finances. It was because of trust. Had another sister and her husband get unofficially separated for a year and thought that would never survive. Saw a sister who was married 30 yrs and that fell apart but that wasn't a surprise and it wasn't just his fault.

There is no rhyme or reason, everyone is different. The devotion or commitment is different in each situation. Why they stay together is different. For me? I've never cheated but have been cheated on. I still stayed amiable with the ex, yes it took a year but I don't believe in burning bridges especially when the man still is trying to appease me and get back together. But once the trust is gone, it's gone.

I don't believe anyone will ever figure out the answer to this question. It's situational.

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