Community > Posts By > Optomistic69

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/02/12 07:03 AM

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/02/12 06:49 AM

Why has Israel refused to sign the non proliferation treaty?

They are not a rogue state who will not use nuclear weapons on the offense instead of the defense where Iran will use them the moment they are active.

Ask yourself a simple question.

Why has a tiny country like Israel so much influence over the mightiest military country on the planet?

Israel has no influence over the USA.


We support Israel because of our common interests and because it is
the right thing to do.

Israel cannot make us do squat.


You are still dreaming...America has the best Congress Jewish money can buy. Congress in turn sees to it that Israel Gets billions of American Tax Payers money while Americans are on food stamps.

Tel Aviv is alive and kicking...47 million Americans are suffering.

The Tail is wagging The Dog.

Get Real and stop kidding yourself.bigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/02/12 04:26 AM
I have said in the past that there is no difference between political parties these days and I continue to believe that.

I also believe that if one could sit down with Obama on his own and spoke off the record he would reveal his true self and that true self would include the welfare of the vast majority of Americans.

We already know what Romney thinks of the less well-off.

Politics is a nasty Businessbut I believe that Obama is more human than Romney.

Obama will still have to carry out his masters biding.

Not enough people have awoken from their dreams yet.

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 10/02/12 04:10 AM

Why has Israel refused to sign the non proliferation treaty?

They are not a rogue state who will not use nuclear weapons on the offense instead of the defense where Iran will use them the moment they are active.

Ask yourself a simple question.

Why has a tiny country like Israel so much influence over the mightiest military country on the planet?

When you wake from your dreams that is.bigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 05:35 PM

its a nice sentiment, that we USED To be so great

but I still havent been able to pinpoint when that time was,,,,

It was a long time ago but the world did look to America as a leader of Nations....sadly that is no longer the case.

I dont think america has ever been the greatest except to americans and the global audience who was spoon fed the american spin

from the natives, to the mexicans, to the africans, and african americans, and females,,,,there has always been those things that needed DIRE improvement

and that has not and will not change,,,

Its nice to deal with honest Americans like yourself.

America needs to be an honest broker and start with divorcing itself from Israel and settling the Palestinian Injustice and then I will take leave of these forums.

I would not mind seeing america tend to its own injustices as well before playng global police,,,

but its a globally competitive world and those 'allies' are money in a world where money is power,,,

I have no doubt that there are many problems inside America but as you rightly say money is power and that is where the answer is to be found.

goodnight MSwaving

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 05:18 PM

Liberals and people , no, demons like Johnson, Bush Sr, Baby Bush, Soros and Hussein have kept us on track to becoming the most hated and broke country in the world.

Not another 4 years of Muslim empathy.

Whatever you say about Obama he is doing the right thing in the middle east..

He has people doing business/talking with Ahmadinejad as we write.....Just like Maggie Thatcher did with the IRA

Best to talk to your enemies

Jaw jaw is better than War War

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 05:14 PM

its a nice sentiment, that we USED To be so great

but I still havent been able to pinpoint when that time was,,,,

It was a long time ago but the world did look to America as a leader of Nations....sadly that is no longer the case.

I dont think america has ever been the greatest except to americans and the global audience who was spoon fed the american spin

from the natives, to the mexicans, to the africans, and african americans, and females,,,,there has always been those things that needed DIRE improvement

and that has not and will not change,,,

Its nice to deal with honest Americans like yourself.

America needs to be an honest broker and start with divorcing itself from Israel and settling the Palestinian Injustice and then I will take leave of these forums.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 04:42 PM

A girl i was dating for a little while set me up by saying it was ok for us to have a threesome with one of her friends. I hesitated thinking it was to good to be true. She reassured me she was serious. So me being stupid I picked a friend of hers. bad mistake. A 3 hour arguement then erupted of how it was a test and that i shouldve said she was enough for me. Does this happen to many other people? does it make me the bad guy? Give me some feedback mingle2 people. -blake

You should have done your thinking above the waist and she might have granted you your wishful thinking.:banana: drinker :banana:

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 04:35 PM

its a nice sentiment, that we USED To be so great

but I still havent been able to pinpoint when that time was,,,,

It was a long time ago but the world did look to America as a leader of Nations....sadly that is no longer the case.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 04:25 PM

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 04:12 PM

All Arab nations are aware of the violent overthrow of the goverment of Iran with the CIA and MOSSAD working in harmony when they installed the Shah and removing Mohammad Mossadegh, this had nothing to do with enrichment, nuclear weapons.

And it still has nothing to do with nuclear weapons.


It is ancient history. One can debate whether the average Iranian was
better off under the Shah or under Khomenei but clearly no one is very
well off with the modesty police islamist terrorist abusive theocracy
which is Iran today. The Mahdi isn't about to show up anyday and the
Iranians all know this. They know they are suffering needlessly in an
extremely oppressive regressive ultra-religious nightmare and have no
way to easily get out.

The Iranian people deeply resent their idiotic overindulgent and
hypocritical prayer-masters of clerics causing untold economic damage
with their ill-conceived nuclear program. They are sick of the clerics
living lives of relative luxury while the average Iranian is stuck
in radical Islamic induced penury.

Sad to say the days of Persian enlightenment have been set back a
century or more with their current theocracy.

Most of them understand they have exchanged on set of thugs for
another eventually they will overthrow the clerics and there will
be an opportunity again for them t o modernize their society without
the onus of the Persian monarchy.

But in the near term - there will be the Iranians taking down the
centrifuges themselves or there will be smoking holes in the
neighborhood of their reactors and enrichment facilities. One way
or the other.
It is not ancient history. Its a consistant pattern by US medling in the affairs of other countries for war profits. The so called ancient history happened recently in Libya and Iraq and still in Afghanistan. This so called ancient history is at the root of this conflict. Americans are just in denial about what our agenda is. Our pattern is well documented. We are the worlds greatest terrorist, ganster country in world history. That is a fact many fear achknowledging due to misseducation, denial, and a false sence of rightiousness and superiority. Our history bares witness to this fact, of which I have no problem achknowledging.

What a bunch of nonsensical drivel..

Let us talk about recent history..

2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami..

Mostly impacted muslim nations.. Indonesia.. being the hardest hit..

The US Government/ US Public-Private donations exceeded $3 billion..

Now let us look at the rest of the oil rich muslim world..

UAE- $20 million.. LMAO

Saudi Arabia- $107 million.. WOW

Qatar- $25 million.. WHAO

Libya- Not On the List... How compassionate that Mummar was

Iran- $627,000... Seriously???

Kuwait- $100 million... I am impressed.. NOT

F**king Zimbabwe .. One of the poorest countries on the planet gave $3.2 million dollars.. Iran gave $627,000..

Keep on keeping on..

The hole just keeps getting bigger..

Hey Invi.....Obama or Romney...?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 03:58 PM

Oh Yes I forgot. The US is the terrorist!

Your forgetfulness might be down to your excessive laughing.

Here is a reminder.

Not a laughing matter

America ...The Greatest Exporter of Violence The World has ever known.

You are in denial old chap.bigsmile

1. China - 1945 to 1960s: Was Mao Tse-tung just paranoid?
2. Italy - 1947-1948: Free elections, Hollywood style
3. Greece - 1947 to early 1950s: From cradle of democracy to client state
4. The Philippines - 1940s and 1950s: America's oldest colony
5. Korea - 1945-1953: Was it all that it appeared to be?
6. Albania - 1949-1953: The proper English spy
7. Eastern Europe - 1948-1956: Operation Splinter Factor
8. Germany - 1950s: Everything from juvenile delinquency to terrorism
9. Iran - 1953: Making it safe for the King of Kings
10. Guatemala - 1953-1954: While the world watched
11. Costa Rica - Mid-1950s: Trying to topple an ally - Part 1
12. Syria - 1956-1957: Purchasing a new government
13. Middle East - 1957-1958: The Eisenhower Doctrine claims another backyard for America
14. Indonesia - 1957-1958: War and pornography
15. Western Europe - 1950s and 1960s: Fronts within fronts within fronts
16. British Guiana - 1953-1964: The CIA's international labor mafia
17. Soviet Union - Late 1940s to 1960s: From spy planes to book publishing
18. Italy - 1950s to 1970s: Supporting the Cardinal's orphans and techno-fascism
19. Vietnam - 1950-1973: The Hearts and Minds Circus
20. Cambodia - 1955-1973: Prince Sihanouk walks the high-wire of neutralism
21. Laos - 1957-1973: L'Armée Clandestine
22. Haiti - 1959-1963: The Marines land, again
23. Guatemala - 1960: One good coup deserves another
24. France/Algeria - 1960s: L'état, c'est la CIA
25. Ecuador - 1960-1963: A text book of dirty tricks
26. The Congo - 1960-1964: The assassination of Patrice Lumumba
27. Brazil - 1961-1964: Introducing the marvelous new world of death squads
28. Peru - 1960-1965: Fort Bragg moves to the jungle
29. Dominican Republic - 1960-1966: Saving democracy from communism by getting rid of democracy
30. Cuba - 1959 to 1980s: The unforgivable revolution
31. Indonesia - 1965: Liquidating President Sukarno … and 500,000 others
East Timor - 1975: And 200,000 more
32. Ghana - 1966: Kwame Nkrumah steps out of line
33. Uruguay - 1964-1970: Torture -- as American as apple pie
34. Chile - 1964-1973: A hammer and sickle stamped on your child's forehead
35. Greece - 1964-1974: "**** your Parliament and your Constitution," said
the President of the United States
36. Bolivia - 1964-1975: Tracking down Che Guevara in the land of coup d'etat
37. Guatemala - 1962 to 1980s: A less publicized "final solution"
38. Costa Rica - 1970-1971: Trying to topple an ally -- Part 2
39. Iraq - 1972-1975: Covert action should not be confused with missionary work
40. Australia - 1973-1975: Another free election bites the dust
41. Angola - 1975 to 1980s: The Great Powers Poker Game
42. Zaire - 1975-1978: Mobutu and the CIA, a marriage made in heaven
43. Jamaica - 1976-1980: Kissinger's ultimatum
44. Seychelles - 1979-1981: Yet another area of great strategic importance
45. Grenada - 1979-1984: Lying -- one of the few growth industries in Washington
46. Morocco - 1983: A video nasty
47. Suriname - 1982-1984: Once again, the Cuban bogeyman
48. Libya - 1981-1989: Ronald Reagan meets his match
49. Nicaragua - 1981-1990: Destabilization in slow motion
50. Panama - 1969-1991: Double-crossing our drug supplier
51. Bulgaria 1990/Albania 1991: Teaching communists what democracy is all about
52. Iraq - 1990-1991: Desert holocaust
53. Afghanistan - 1979-1992: America's Jihad
54. El Salvador - 1980-1994: Human rights, Washington style
55. Haiti - 1986-1994: Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?
56. The American Empire - 1992 to present

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 03:18 PM

It is with 100% unadulterated glee that I say NO! I will; however,check his name in a vote AGAINST Premier King Ayatollah Barack Hussein Obama A$$ahola

I agree. I will also be voting against Obama. It just happens to mean that that person is Romney.

I'm doing the same thing. for someone because you dislike another.laugh

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 03:03 PM

Absolutely love Concha Buika esp Jodida pero contenta

Enjoyed that...thank you for postingwaving

All Music is good :thumbsup:

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 02:52 PM

It is with 100% unadulterated glee that I say NO! I will; however,check his name in a vote AGAINST Premier King Ayatollah Barack Hussein Obama A$$ahola

I agree. I will also be voting against Obama. It just happens to mean that that person is Romney.

You are voting FOR Romney...noway

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 02:28 PM

Happy full moon peopleoids ~ taking you all to the fire.


Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 02:23 PM
Hannah honey was a peachy kind of girl
Her eyes were hazel
And her nose were slightly curved
We spent a lonely night at the Memory Motel
It's on the ocean, I guess you know it well
It took a starry night to steal my breath away
Down on the water front
Her hair all drenched in spray

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 11:02 AM
No admissions so far.....

It looks like Those Obama Haters are in for another four years of Barack and Michelle.

America can not afford to have Romney as President.

Americans are not that stupid..............?

What is it with Republicans...are they all loopy?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 09:10 AM
Here is what he said to a behind-closed-doors meeting with Republican funders who each paid a minimum of $50,000 to hear him:

“There are 47% of the country who will vote for the president no matter what.” And this 47% were people, he added, “who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. It is not my job to worry about these people.” (We know that’s what Romney did say because he was secretly filmed saying it).

This was the same Romney whose campaign propaganda had previously proclaimed that he wanted “to help all Americans struggling in the Obama economy.”

In a New York Times opinion piece David Brooks argues the case for saying that Romney is running “a desperately inept presidential campaign… There’s no way the country will trust the Republican Party to reform the welfare state if that party doesn’t have a basic commitment to provide a safety net for those who suffer for no fault of their own… As a description of America today, Romney’s (47%) comment is a country-club fantasy. It’s what self-satisfied millionaires say to each other. It reinforces every negative view people have about Romney.”

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 10/01/12 08:49 AM
What might Netanyahu do when his American mob tells him Romney won’t win?

September 18, 2012

Even before his latest reported gaffe the polls were indicating that Romney will fail in his Zionist-backed bid to deny President Obama a second term in the White House.

After the Republican presidential candidate tried and failed to make political capital out of the killing of the American ambassador and three of his colleagues in Libya, Obama said (on CBS’s 60 Minutes) “Governor Romney seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later.” Staying with the shooting metaphor, it seems to me that with his latest gaffe Romney has shot himself in both feet and possibly elsewhere in his anatomy.

Here is what he said to a behind-closed-doors meeting with Republican funders who each paid a minimum of $50,000 to hear him:

“There are 47% of the country who will vote for the president no matter what.” And this 47% were people, he added, “who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. It is not my job to worry about these people.” (We know that’s what Romney did say because he was secretly filmed saying it).

This was the same Romney whose campaign propaganda had previously proclaimed that he wanted “to help all Americans struggling in the Obama economy.”

In a New York Times opinion piece David Brooks argues the case for saying that Romney is running “a desperately inept presidential campaign… There’s no way the country will trust the Republican Party to reform the welfare state if that party doesn’t have a basic commitment to provide a safety net for those who suffer for no fault of their own… As a description of America today, Romney’s (47%) comment is a country-club fantasy. It’s what self-satisfied millionaires say to each other. It reinforces every negative view people have about Romney.”

So to my headline question: What might Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu do when his American sponsors tell him, possibly in the coming few days, that Romney isn’t going to win?

In my view the question is worth asking because Netanyahu already knows there is no way the America of a second-term Obama is going to become engaged in a war with Iran. Netanyahu may also know that though they are now on hold until after the American election, secret talks between the Obama administration through a third party and Iran have made significant progress. According to my source with access to these talks, the clear implication is that early in his second term Obama will bring the nuclear crisis with Iran to an end by politics and diplomacy.

A few weeks ago I would have answered my headline question by saying there was more than a 50-50 chance that if and when he was told that Romney was not going to win the race for the White House, Netanyahu would give the “Go” signal for an attack on Iran, in the belief that in order to best protect his election prospects Obama would be forced to commit American weapons and forces.

But in a few weeks things have changed a lot. Not only is Obama now well placed to secure a second term, if only by default on Romney’s part, there is also a growing realization in America that, on Netanyahu’s behalf, the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress have overplayed their hand in trying to influence the American election and push the US into war. (In my last post I quoted TIME‘s much respected Joe Klein describing this influence as “outrageous and disgusting… as cynical as it is brazen.” I have no doubt that Klein was speaking for many Americans, and probably more than a few Republicans as well as most Democrats).

Most significant of all are poll findings that most Americans do not want their country to go to war with Iran even if Israel starts it. Perhaps most remarkable of all was a poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. More than half of the respondents said that if Israel starts a war with Iran, the US should not leap to Israel’s defense.

So if and when he is told that Romney won’t be the next president, Netanyahu will have a problem. He could no longer be certain that he can cause Obama to go to war in what remains of his first term.

While I was thinking about what Netanyahu might actually do, I recalled a conversation I had with Ezer Weizman in early 1980 when he was the defense minister in Begin’s coalition government. What follows is a part of that conversation as set down in my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Volume Three sub-titled Conflict Without End?, Chapter 12 The Blood Oath. Ezer was half an hour late for an appointment I had with him and I had been shown into his outer office to wait for him.

I heard the sound of heavy, weary footsteps coming up the stone stairs. When Ezer filled the frame of the doorway to the outer office of his inner sanctum it was obvious that he was not his usual energetic, breezy self. He had the look of a haunted man. He managed a smile and said “Shalom.” Then, without another word, he put an arm around my shoulder and walked me into his office. He closed the door, nodded me to a seat on the other side of his ministerial desk and flopped into his own chair. He pushed it back and plonked his feet on the desk. He was looking straight at me but through me, to something only visible in his imagination.

I let the silence run and then, eventually, I said: “Ezer, you’ve obviously got a major problem on your mind. Shall I make an appointment for another day?”

Eventually he spoke. On reflection I am sure he told me what he did only because I was there. He needed to tell somebody and it happened by chance to be me.

He said, slowly and with quiet emphasis:

“This lunchtime Sharon convened a secret meeting of some of our generals and other top military and security people. They signed a blood oath which commits them to fight to the death to prevent any government of Israel withdrawing from the West Bank.” Pause. “I know that’s what happened at the meeting because I’ve checked it out, and that’s why I am late.”

In the event of a government decision to withdraw, Ezer said, Sharon was pledged to set up headquarters on the West Bank, and those in Israel’s armed forces who were loyal to him would make common cause with the armed settlers who wanted to fight.

I told Ezer what Peres had said to me weeks previously – that Begin was creating the conditions for a Jewish civil war, knowing, as Peres had put it, that no Israeli prime minister would trigger it by agreeing to withdraw from the West Bank.

Ezer nodded and then asked me a question. Did I think Sharon would act in accordance with the blood oath he and others had signed?

I said: “What I think is of no consequence. I’m a visiting goy. You’re Israel’s defence minister, what do you think?”

Ezer replied: “Of course, he would. He’s mad enough to nuke the entire ****ing Arab world!”

Question: Is Netanyahu mad enough to order an attack on Iran in what remains of Obama’s first term without the president’s blessing and American participation?

Who knows?

In his secretly recorded statement to Republican fundraisers Romney also said, according to the Associated Press, that “the Palestinians are committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel” and that the prospects for a two-state solution to Mideast peace are dim. “You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it.”

In what was said to be a “rambling response” to a question about the “Palestine problem” (it’s actually a Jewish problem), he also asserted that “The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace,” and “the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish.”

And there was more nonsense where that came from. He was, he said, against applying any pressure on Israel to give up “disputed” territory for a two-state solution with the Palestinians. “The idea of pushing on the Israelis to give something up to get the Palestinians to act is the worst idea in the world.”

It’s because Romney is so ignorant about foreign policy matters that he is delighted to read from Zionism’s script. What a disaster for America and the world a President Romney would be!

In one of his most stupid statements while grovelling for Zionist organized campaign funds and votes, Romney accused Obama of “throwing Israel under a bus.” Perhaps somebody should say it’s time for Obama to throw Romney and Netanyahu under it. (Okay, I just said it).

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