Community > Posts By > Optomistic69

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 07:06 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Mon 08/13/12 07:26 AM

Covert operations are all designed to benefit US based multinational corporations that exproptiate the national resources of so called target countries. These operations hurt the indiginous people and eventually Americans themselves.Americas foreign policy toward central America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America is a reflection of their own wickedness towards these people. America like a giant serpant, has decieved the whole world. Many bought the Iraq war hook line and sinker, again they will buy it for the same reasons. American gullibility is classic and old, as they benefit as well. Finally the multinatinal corporations do consist of Jews vested interests that have nothing to do with Iranian weaponary. Cosidering the media in America is the nations most powerfull institution, I highly doubt truth is part of their agenda of war profiteering.

In college we studied semantics and gobbledygook...This post is a perfect example of both....Can you be more specific as to which multinational corporations exproptiate (sic) (did you mean EXPROPRIATE) the resources of targeted countries...Also, if you haven't named the targeted countries in an earlier post, would you name them for me? ...And can you explain in detail why the U.S. is targeting them?.....Do you have numbers for war profiteering or is this just something you made up?...I for one would like to know exactly how much America made and break it down according to each war please....TY..

Wow Leigh, you basically want him to educate you.

You want names of the corporations, names of the countries, and you want to see their books.

You can find this stuff out for yourself if you are really and truly interested and I suggest you do a little research on your own.

What you ask for, all of it, is available if you are willing to read some books and follow some leads.

Yes, very much so.....But since you see fit to butt in, you could post the information for him if he doesn't know the answers....

If I were being paid to educate everyone on this forum I might spend some time on that, but alas, I have work to do.

Some people are so lazy they want to ride on the backs of others.

The nouveau riche hey..put beggars on horseback and they will ride to helllaugh laugh laugh

I thought that was confined to the filthy rich class bigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 06:51 AM
You digs all those minerals from the Australian Ground and you sells them to China. Australians Prosper and China become a Powerhouse Economy and then the Australians start to get worried.

Funny old game Economicslaugh

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 06:37 AM
Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 06:23 AM

Mahamoud Ahmadinejad

Sixth and current President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ahmadinejad is a controversial figure both within Iran and internationally. He has been criticized domestically for his economic lapses and disregard for human rights.

Barak Obama 44th President of the United States of America, also accused of abuse of human rights.

A former U.S. president is accusing the current president of sanctioning the "widespread abuse of human rights" by authorizing drone strikes to kill suspected terrorists.

Jimmy Carter, America's 39 th president, denounced the Obama administration for "clearly violating" 10 of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, writing in a New York Times op-ed on Monday that the "United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights."

And both of them are Presidents.

I can see a similarity.

Sadly I have to admit that I have now lost all faith in Barack OBama.

I now put him in the same bracket as Tony Blair.

He has sold his soul to the Corporate Elite Cabal.

Money is The Root of ALL EVIL.

You Jeannie,have your finger on the pulse, the rest are playing catch-up.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 06:13 AM
Poor old Iran who have never attacked any country in over 200 years is being threatened By
Saudi Arabia

Paul Bremer
Elizabeth Cheney
Eric Edelman
William Kristol
Danielle Pletka.

Problem for all those countries is that Russia and China think differently.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:23 AM

With both the CIA and Israel's Mossad trying to locate Syria's stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and Iranian agents keeping a close eye on Western intervention, southern Turkey is beginning to resemble a desert version of Cold War Berlin - teeming with spies engaged in a largely secret battle

CIA and Israel's Mossad: Partners in crime.

laugh laugh

Nothing new about that.....

We know you hate the Jews...enough already.

Who are "We" ?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:14 AM

How can a fact be 'nearly indisputable'? Either it is a fact, or it isn't.

Because there is always some idiot who will dispute a fact.

As there will always be some idiot claiming a possibility is a fact, but that is not the logical flaw I raised.

If a fact can be disputed (e.g. scientifically), it is not a fact.

As a matter of fact the above post is off topic

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 08:42 AM
An outrageous personal attack and should be taken off this thread.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 08:35 AM
The above post should be withdrawn and the poster given an opportunity to reword it

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 08:02 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Sun 08/12/12 08:04 AM

You gotta laughlaugh laugh laugh is now on the side of the rebels fighting Assad.

at the end of the day this is all about the Sunni monarchies weakening Iran's proxies and turning the screws on Tehran's real objectives.

What are Iran's real objectives?

Their number one objective is to take control of the holy sites on the arabian peninsula and eliminate Sunni dominance of the region.

This nonsense of wanting to end israel is a phony propaganda war to keep the masses in line.

I posted an article a few months ago detailing the largest single arms purchase in world history.

The Saudis and UAE weren't spending 10's of billions on weapons because they are worried about Israel or someone else.

It's about Iran.

I agree with you "on This nonsense of wanting to end israel is a phony propaganda war".

I am going to have to read up on the head is hurting at the thought of it.

Thank you for your very clear answer.

well,ask Iranian Bignose how serious he is about ending Israel!laugh
It stands in his way!

Why don't you direct that ridiculous reply to the relevant poster.

Sad,very sad

I should be flattered really...I know you read everything I writebigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 07:26 AM

You gotta laughlaugh laugh laugh is now on the side of the rebels fighting Assad.

at the end of the day this is all about the Sunni monarchies weakening Iran's proxies and turning the screws on Tehran's real objectives.

What are Iran's real objectives?

Their number one objective is to take control of the holy sites on the arabian peninsula and eliminate Sunni dominance of the region.

This nonsense of wanting to end israel is a phony propaganda war to keep the masses in line.

I posted an article a few months ago detailing the largest single arms purchase in world history.

The Saudis and UAE weren't spending 10's of billions on weapons because they are worried about Israel or someone else.

It's about Iran.

I agree with you "on This nonsense of wanting to end israel is a phony propaganda war".

I am going to have to read up on the head is hurting at the thought of it.

Thank you for your very clear answer.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 06:57 AM

You gotta laughlaugh laugh laugh is now on the side of the rebels fighting Assad.

at the end of the day this is all about the Sunni monarchies weakening Iran's proxies and turning the screws on Tehran's real objectives.

What are Iran's real objectives?

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 06:55 AM
Syrian rebels are accused of executing prisoners.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 06:44 AM
You gotta laughlaugh laugh laugh is now on the side of the rebels fighting Assad.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 06:24 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Sun 08/12/12 06:26 AM

There are no bullies in cyberland. This is just a dream that some think is real. Just a bunch of typed words that mean nothing in your real life. Flick the words that make you feel bullied off your mind like a dried up booger off the stering wheel.

Sticks and Stones will break my bones but typed words mean nothing unless you allow them to.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 06:21 AM

It is NOT a Jewish symbol, as the information on Wikipedia is wrong concerning this sacred geometric shape.

Yeah yeah. The Star of David is not a Jewish symbol.


And the cross is not a Christian symbol, the crescent is not an Islamic
symbol and the Dharmacackra is not a Buddhist symbol.

What does this have to do with stopping the Iran nuclear program?


It is brought up again only as a gratuitous and unwarranted attack on Jews
here on mingle2.

Are you Jewish Slohand?

I was attacked for singing the praises of a Jewish Auschwitz Survivor and I am labelled an Anti-Semitic.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:31 AM
Coldplay..Billie Jeandrinker

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:28 AM
Syria is just one of seven countries to be taken down to further someones more no less

just saying

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:26 AM
It has been said by many that the middle east would settle if the Palestine injustice was finalized.

Israel is a beach head for world may be a pawn in the scheme of things.

It may be eventually sacrificed for The New World Order...

Just saying

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:17 AM

Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

That may be so but The Powers that be are the ones that would decide who does the investigating.

The Nation state is no more. The people have the real power but only if they club together and as one can see simply from this thread alone there is no consensus and there never will.

We are being governed by an elite, it has been in the making for a hell of a long time. Party politics is a complete and utter waste of time as it stands.

We continue to believe that one man can make a difference.

We continue to believe that one party can make a difference.

We are kidding ourselves ...pure and simple.

If voting could change anything THEY THE CABAL ELITE WOULD ABOLISH IT

This is what happens to men who try to make a difference.

There was a man named Mahatma Ghandi
He would not bow down, he would not fight
He knew the deal was down and dirty
And nothing wrong could make it right away

But he knew his duty, and the price he had to pay
Just another holy man who tried to make a stand

Another man from Atlanta, Georgia
By the name of Martin Luther King
He shook the land like rolling thunder
And made the bells of freedom ring today

With a dream of beauty that they could not burn away
Just another holy man who dared to be a friend

The only son of God Almighty
The holy one called Jesus Christ
Healed the lame and fed the hungry
And for his love they took his life away

On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy son of man we'll never understand

Sing about Mahatma Ghandi
Sing of Martin Luther King
Sing Of Jesus Christ Almighty
And the brothers Kennedy

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