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Topic: Time to Call Diplomatic Effort on Iran a Failure, Israeli Of
smart2009's photo
Mon 08/13/12 12:09 AM
Amid intensifying Israeli news reports saying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is close to ordering amilitary strike against Iran ’s nuclear program , hisdeputy foreign minister called Sunday for an international declaration that the diplomatic effort to halt Tehran’s enrichment of uranium is dead.
Referring to the Iran negotiations led by the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany, the minister, Danny Ayalon, told Israel Radio that those nations should “declare today that the talks have failed.” After such a declaration, if Iran does not halt its nuclear program, “it will be clear that all options are on the table,” Mr. Ayalon said, not only for Israel, but also for the United States and NATO.
Asked how long the Iranians should be given to cease all nuclear activity, Mr. Ayalon said “weeks, and not more than that.”
The comments came after a frenzy of newspaper articles and television reports over the weekend here suggesting that Mr. Netanyahu had all but made the decision to attack Iran unilaterally this fall. The reports contained little new information, but the tone was significantly sharper than it had been in recent weeks, with many of Israel’s leading columnists predicting a strike despite the opposition of the Obama administration and many military and security professionals within Israel. Articles in Sunday’s newspapers also examined home-front preparedness for what experts expect would be an aggressive response not just from Iran but also its allies, themilitant groups Hezbollah and Hamas.
“Lord help us, would you just do it alreadyand be done with it?” wrote Ben Caspit, a columnist for the newspaper Maariv, referring to the Israeli leadership. “When one looks around the impression received is that it isn’t only in Israel that they aren’t being taken seriously any longer, but the world refuses to get worked up over them either.”
“Maybe they’ll bomb Iran in the end just to prove that they’reserious,” Mr. Caspit added.
Mr. Netanyahu and his top ministers have been saying forweeks that while thesanctions against Iran have hurt its economy, they have not affected the nuclear program, which Iran’s leadership insists is for civilian purposes.On Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister SilvanShalom called on theUnited States to enact “even more extensive and even more comprehensivesanctions which could overwhelm theIranian regime and possibly even topple it, or bring it to make the decision toabandon the nuclearprogram.”
The mixed messagesfrom Mr. Shalom andMr. Ayalon came twodays after Mr. Netanyahu called Ban Ki-moon, the secretary general of the United Nations, and urged him not to go to Iran for a meeting scheduled for the end of this month of the so-called nonalignednations (countries that were not allies of either the United States or the Soviet Union during the cold war).
“Even if it is not yourintention, your visit will grant legitimacy to a regime that is the greatest threat to world peace and security,” Mr. Netanyahu told Mr. Ban, according to a statement released by his office Friday night. “Not only does it threaten countries throughout the Middle East, not only is it the greatest terrorism exporter inthe world, but it is impossible to exaggerate the danger it presents toIsrael.”
“Mr. Secretary General, your place isnot in Tehran,” Mr. Netanyahu added.
At a cabinet meetingon Sunday, Mr. Netanyahu seemed to be trying to rebut the Israeli newspaper articles questioning domestic preparedness as he bid farewell to the current home-front defense minister, who is becoming ambassador to China.
“There has been a significant improvement in our home-front defense capabilities,” Mr. Netanyahu said, according to a transcript released by his office. “One cannot say that there are no problems in this fieldbecause there always are, but all ofthe threats that are currently being directed against the Israeli home front pale against a particular threat, different in scope, different in substance, and therefore I reiterate that Iran cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons .”

smart2009's photo
Mon 08/13/12 04:17 AM
U.S. naval forces deployed in the Persian Gulf are vulnerable to the military power of theIslamic Republic of Iran, as stated by the university professor and political analyst, Seyed Mohammad Marandi.
In an interview Sunday on the Iranian network, Press TV in English, Marandi said: "The U.S. Navy is very vulnerable to Iran's missile defense system, which has very advanced land and naval capabilities, and could react quickly, using them against any attack by U.S. forces."
The Persian analyst made these statements after the Israeli daily Haaretz announced that National Security Adviser of the U.S., Tom Donilon, had informed the Israeli regime on the"contingency plans" in Washington for a possible attack against Iran. According to the document, Donilon told the plan to Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu,during his visit to Tel Aviv two weeks ago.
Similarly, Marandi criticized the war rhetoric against Iran in Washington. He said that the continued U.S. threats, "will create ahostile environment in Iran against the United States."
Meanwhile, the Iranian political analyst warned of the consequences of a possible military offensive against Iran, arguing that "incase of any conflict with the Persian country, the price of oil will actually reach the clouds, and the western countries are the first to be harmed and no doubt the international community would blame the U.S. for theaggression."
He added that Washington "knows very well that Iranianmilitary deterrence isvery powerful, very unlike what is usuallyshown in western media. Clearly, Americans have taken very seriously the Iranian military threat against its military forces deployed in the Persian Gulf region."
On a recent visit to the occupied Palestinian territories, the U.S. Republican presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, said Sunday he would give support to the Israeli regime if it decided to launch a unilateral attack against the nuclear facilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
On the other hand, U.S. security adviser, Tom Donilon, has informed the Israeli regime that they can only attack Iran if talks between Tehran and the Group 5 +1 (U.S., France, China, United Kingdom, Russia and Germany) reach a dead end.
Washington and the Tel Aviv regime have threatened Iran on repeated occasions, to conduct a military option to stop Tehran's nuclear program for praceful civilian purposes.
Tehran strongly denies the allegations and threats of the west over nuclear weapons development and ensures that they willnot hesitate to respond to any military aggression against its territory.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 08/13/12 04:45 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 08/13/12 04:46 AM

EVERYBODY wants to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
NOBODY wants to see radical Islamic terrorist supporters have
nuclear armaments at their disposal.

Especially those like the US, Britain, Germany, France, Russia,
Spain, Australia, India wherever there have been radical Islamic
terrorist attacks.

Iran supports the killing of innocent women and children in terrorist
attacks. Mass killings. This is why the international community is
very much unwilling to allow them to develop nuclear arms capability.

No one wants to see violence and the Iranians can stop it by
resuming inspections, dismantling their centrifuge cascades
and accepting outside supply of nuclear materials and reprocessing.

Easy as that. When Iran signed the NPT they had committed themselves
to limiting their activities to strictly peaceful development without
enrichment but they have repeatedly violated their agreements and
have secretly worked aggressively toward nuclear weapons development.

So, soon whatever nuclear capability that has been developed in Iran
will be neutralized one way or the other.

But the whole issue could disappear immediately if Iran simply stops
activity which could be used to build nuclear weapons.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 06:37 AM
Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/13/12 07:46 AM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

every report i have read says that Israel won't say they have nukes... but you know they have 200? just more of your anti Israel propaganda again...

no photo
Mon 08/13/12 07:59 AM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

every report i have read says that Israel won't say they have nukes... but you know they have 200? just more of your anti Israel propaganda again...

Israel does not support terrorism.
Israel is not a terrorist state.

no photo
Mon 08/13/12 08:12 AM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT either...North Korea signed but withdrew in 2003...Iran, Syria, Libya, and Iraq have all violated the treaty's stipulations by threatening (repeatedly) Israel...Israel has never threatened annihilation of any country, never...They, above all others, have a VALID reason for not signing...Allegations (200 or more warheads) are just that, allegations.....

Oh yeah, I though everyone knew, Iran is foolish....laugh

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 08:25 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Mon 08/13/12 08:30 AM
Tell this guy all you know about Israeli Nukes. Tell him that I am telling lies about The Nukes of Israel.laugh laugh laugh

Mordechai Vanunu is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent,where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.

He was transported to Israel and ultimately convicted in a trial that was held behind closed doors.

If Israel can do that to their own people ...well, think Gaza Daec/Jan 2008/2009

smart2009's photo
Mon 08/13/12 08:39 AM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT either...North Korea signed but withdrew in 2003...Iran, Syria, Libya, and Iraq have all violated the treaty's stipulations by threatening (repeatedly) Israel...Israel has never threatened annihilation of any country, never...They, above all others, have a VALID reason for not signing...Allegations (200 or more warheads) are just that, allegations.....

Oh yeah, I though everyone knew, Iran is foolish....laugh


mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/13/12 10:37 AM

Tell this guy all you know about Israeli Nukes. Tell him that I am telling lies about The Nukes of Israel.laugh laugh laugh

Mordechai Vanunu is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent,where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.

He was transported to Israel and ultimately convicted in a trial that was held behind closed doors.

If Israel can do that to their own people ...well, think Gaza Daec/Jan 2008/2009

And what would happen if someone in Ireland gave up any secrets of the country? it would be called treason, and the same same thing would happen... in ANY country... I see through all of your anti Israel propaganda... but keep trying, your only making things better because people can see through your hate, and it helps themselves understand their hate as well...

no photo
Mon 08/13/12 10:41 AM

Tell this guy all you know about Israeli Nukes. Tell him that I am telling lies about The Nukes of Israel.laugh laugh laugh

Mordechai Vanunu is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent,where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.

He was transported to Israel and ultimately convicted in a trial that was held behind closed doors.

If Israel can do that to their own people ...well, think Gaza Daec/Jan 2008/2009

And what would happen if someone in Ireland gave up any secrets of the country? it would be called treason, and the same same thing would happen... in ANY country... I see through all of your anti Israel propaganda... but keep trying, your only making things better because people can see through your hate, and it helps themselves understand their hate as well...

He has converted very few.laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/13/12 10:48 AM

Tell this guy all you know about Israeli Nukes. Tell him that I am telling lies about The Nukes of Israel.laugh laugh laugh

Mordechai Vanunu is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent,where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.

He was transported to Israel and ultimately convicted in a trial that was held behind closed doors.

If Israel can do that to their own people ...well, think Gaza Daec/Jan 2008/2009

And what would happen if someone in Ireland gave up any secrets of the country? it would be called treason, and the same same thing would happen... in ANY country... I see through all of your anti Israel propaganda... but keep trying, your only making things better because people can see through your hate, and it helps themselves understand their hate as well...

He has converted very few.laugh


no photo
Mon 08/13/12 11:03 AM

Tell this guy all you know about Israeli Nukes. Tell him that I am telling lies about The Nukes of Israel.laugh laugh laugh

Mordechai Vanunu is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent,where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.

He was transported to Israel and ultimately convicted in a trial that was held behind closed doors.

If Israel can do that to their own people ...well, think Gaza Daec/Jan 2008/2009

And what would happen if someone in Ireland gave up any secrets of the country? it would be called treason, and the same same thing would happen... in ANY country... I see through all of your anti Israel propaganda... but keep trying, your only making things better because people can see through your hate, and it helps themselves understand their hate as well...

Actually, Israel was being very lenient....In Iran, they torture traitors for months before they murder them, usually by beheading...This guy only did 18 years....

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:46 PM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

Israel has NEVER used a Nuclear Weapon in ANY military campaign. Iran will use it immedietly against a Western power or Israel. Israel has nuclear weapons for defensive measures but Iran wants them for offensive measures.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:48 PM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

every report i have read says that Israel won't say they have nukes... but you know they have 200? just more of your anti Israel propaganda again...

They wont confirm or deny. Everyone knows they have nuclear weapons but NO ONE knows exactly how many. They can only go off rough data showing how many they can possibly produce a year.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:49 PM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT either...North Korea signed but withdrew in 2003...Iran, Syria, Libya, and Iraq have all violated the treaty's stipulations by threatening (repeatedly) Israel...Israel has never threatened annihilation of any country, never...They, above all others, have a VALID reason for not signing...Allegations (200 or more warheads) are just that, allegations.....

Oh yeah, I though everyone knew, Iran is foolish....laugh

Israel has manytimes been within their rights to use a nuclear weapon but have showed admirable restraint.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:49 PM

Iran would be so foolish not to develop Nuclear Weapons.

Israel has being crying wolf on this for a long time now.

That is the Israel that possess 200 or more Nuclear warheads.

That is The Israel that has REFUSED to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty .

That is The Israel that bombed Gaza[The Largest Open Air Prison on The Planet] for 23 days as the world stood by in SILENCE while 1400 were MURDERED. That figure included 400 INNOCENT Men Women and Children.

India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT either...North Korea signed but withdrew in 2003...Iran, Syria, Libya, and Iraq have all violated the treaty's stipulations by threatening (repeatedly) Israel...Israel has never threatened annihilation of any country, never...They, above all others, have a VALID reason for not signing...Allegations (200 or more warheads) are just that, allegations.....

Oh yeah, I though everyone knew, Iran is foolish....laugh

Israel has manytimes been within their rights to use a nuclear weapon but have showed admirable restraint.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:54 PM
I have heard it all now.

Israel has a RIGHT to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS

no photo
Mon 08/13/12 01:57 PM

I have heard it all now.

Israel has a RIGHT to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS

Because they are being threatened with same....

no photo
Mon 08/13/12 02:33 PM
Iran will use it immedietly against a Western power or Israel

Israel has manytimes been within their rights to use a nuclear weapon but have showed admirable restraint.


Lord help us! sick

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