Community > Posts By > TheresaInLove05

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:56 PM

Actually, I was just excited that she also had Guitar Hero.

ohhh yeah I see that now... but maybe she was just trying to show off her goodies... without showing them off... ya know drinks

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:55 PM

ohhh I see we are trying to figure out which of the sexes is better?? that was not what the topic started out as though.... so... hmm metalwing are you trying to say we are the monsters or the people that get eaten by the monsters?. rofl

Depends on the amount of Tequilla..........smokin

New.. whatever your user name is... now that's too funny to try to come back with a good comback... so I'll get back to ya on that one drinks

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:53 PM

Winx that pic is sooo old... can't you come up with anything new? come on now?

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:52 PM

ok feard and whatever your user name is.... now that is funny. People who thinks the girl in this pic. Looks like the one in my profile? tongue2

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:51 PM
ohhh I see we are trying to figure out which of the sexes is better?? that was not what the topic started out as though.... so... hmm metalwing are you trying to say we are the monsters or the people that get eaten by the monsters?. rofl

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:37 PM

I've dated a couple of them. Kinda makes you want to chew your arm off in the morning.

They wear a lot of makeup!

True. But he did blow some rock and roll music out of a horn in his head. Thats pretty cool.......smokin

really... who is this guy? I wanna stay away from him.... ROFL...

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:36 PM

I know this answer. It is one of my favorite songs. It is explained in the last word of the song..... Tequilla.............smokin

really.... ok whats the song called? Mr. I know all these songs... :laughing: rofl waving

for anyone who thinks I just made a rude or mean reply... it wasn't meant that way... I'm feeling hyper tonight and Wolf... whatever his username told me I had to add more pictures to my profile. Which in his profile he has about 5 or 6 pictures of just dogs....

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:24 PM
"it was a one eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater"

So... what was it? a monster that had one eye, one horn that ate flying purple people. Or was it a monster that flew, was purple and ate people that had one eye and one horn. Even more important has anyone ever seen either the monster or the people??? cause if you did then we need to do a lot of work together. Cause I haven't seen any of this yet exp. in movies and they can do anything in the movies now a days.... :tongue:

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:22 PM
Slso about the Facebook and Myspace comment... yeah I on there too and there is a lot of drama on there as well as offline and even on dating sites. As you can see someone already told me to kick some guy in the butt...

But this "dating site" is not just a dating site its a Mingling site too... So.... Does anyone remember what this site used to be before it became

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:17 PM

I don't know, it's kind'a short. You may want to add more details. Also, if your not looking to date anybody, you may want to change your "looking for man for relationship". I don't really understand why people are on a dating site with no intentions of dating anyone, just here to chat. That's cool I guess, but isn't that what FaceBook and Myspace are for?

thank you... I just did that :smile:

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:12 PM

Why are you worried about what others think of your profile when your taken? Your only here to "mingle". So who do you need to impress?

...and it also says your looking for a man for relationship, Shouldnt it say your looking for a man for friendship?

Just asking...not trying to be mean or rude.

no I'm glad you said that I was looking for a relationship... that tells me I gotta change that... thanks :smile:. I used to just not log on here until tonight when I got board and decided to change my profile. So again your not being mean or rude.

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 07:08 PM

you have only 1 picture, and a small sentence that doesnt say anything about you and/or what you are looking for...


Your profile makes me wanna run for the hills man you say I only have one picture. At least that pic is a picture of me. You have what 5 or 6 pics of dogs. So are you trying to say you are a dog or a dog person? tongue2

Oh... so your saying your both? a dog and a dog person?? this is like that one song...

"it was a one eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater"

So... what was it? a monster that had one eye, one horn that ate flying purple people. Or was it a monster that flew, was purple and ate people that had one eye and one horn. Even more important have you seen either the monster or the people??? cause man if you have then we need to do a lot of work together... rofl

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 06:53 PM

you have only 1 picture, and a small sentence that doesnt say anything about you and/or what you are looking for...


Your profile makes me wanna run for the hills man you say I only have one picture. At least that pic is a picture of me. You have what 5 or 6 pics of dogs. So are you trying to say you are a dog or a dog person? tongue2

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 06:47 PM
Edited by TheresaInLove05 on Tue 04/27/10 07:31 PM

TheresaInLove05's photo
Tue 04/27/10 06:33 PM
Edited by TheresaInLove05 on Tue 04/27/10 07:30 PM
"it was a one eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater"

So... what was it? a monster that had one eye, one horn that ate flying purple people. Or was it a monster that flew, was purple and ate people that had one eye and one horn. Even more important has anyone ever seen either the monster or the people??? cause if you did then we need to do a lot of work together. Cause I haven't seen any of this yet exp. in movies and they can do anything in the movies now a days.... tongue

TheresaInLove05's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:13 PM

If you decided to take it slow, why be bothered that he ignored you for a week? Maybe that was his way of giving you what he thought you wanted.

Well mostly it was him who decided to slow down.... he has been hurt in the past (five times in fact)... cause he always got with a gold digger and didn't wanna end up with the "wrong" girl again although I mean you'll have to take my word for it I am not a gold digger at all... even he himself would tell you that yeah when **** (can we swear here?) went down I was the one who helped him. Now I mean I have been going back and forth with this (is he worth it... yes cause he is a nice guy even though he has his moments or faults really).... and I mean there maybe a "good" reason why he did ignore me (he might have been really, really busy I mean after all he works for a "big" compeny) so.....

Also to that girl that said about the source are you talking about talking to him? cause both him and I have been "avoiding" each other more or less which is really hard to do cause I just started working at a place that is like "next door" to where he works at. That was not meant to happen at all.... I had an issue with my phone once and on the way to talk to my cell comp. I walked by the mgt. of the place and asked if they were hireing and the next thing I know I'm hired lol.

Well, it sounds like he has major trust issues and that can make a relationship super hard. Try to see if you can talk to him about what he really wants, if he's not ready for a relationship right now, if ever, it'll be good for you to know that. I've had lots of guys who "tried" to be in a relationship, but simply weren't ready for one, or didn't really want one, and they were too cowardly to admit it. So maybe you can get him to admit what he wants, at least that way you'll know what to do. It sucks to waste your time on someone, when you could be with someone else.

Well he's already told me he wasn't planning on getting married again (hes been married twice) and yada yada yada.... he also has talked about what an *** he can be and I mean all this stuff but like all these "other" people that I have talked to have yet to say "anything" bad about him. I mean me myself the only bad thing I could say is yeah he ignored me for about a week..... but even that is not the worst that has been done to me...

And about that trust issue I myself have that prob. I have been cheated on now like twice (one of them I couldn't/can't prove).... so that might have an affect on this as well... Thanks for the luck though.

TheresaInLove05's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:09 PM

idk... it seems you glossed over some parts... even sounds like you left him to find someone else, that didn't work out... and now you want back with him...

maybe leave him alone and figure out what you want in life....
but what do I know, i'm just a guy....


Lol well... that other guy wasn't meant to have happened (I was act. trying to show that one guy what it was like to feel left alone and was hoping he would figure it out on his own). But your right your just a guy. :-P Nah you seem like a nice one so....

Anyways about him and me I mean I don't want a year to go by and be like "would it have really worked out with him and me if I had tried one more time." ya know...

TheresaInLove05's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:05 PM

I can see a serious communication breakdown occurring. It seems like both of you misread each other.

The thing is men and women think WAY differently.

If you tell a guy you want space or to take it slow we assume in general (lovely word and I will qualify this that not ALL men do this but this is our pattern IN GENERAL! Ha Ha) that we are getting too close to your "Territorial Boundary" and we back away to give you space. Taking it slow does not mean daily contact with us.

He may also have had to have been trying to cope with some other deeper emotional stuff he can't quite talk about at the moment.

Still, all you can do is ask and get information and make an educated decision based on what you learn about the situation. And I don't blame you for wanting to rush into anything.

Just a word of caution, some men are good manipulators and use this as a tool to feel out how "gullible" (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS TO MEAN I FEEL YOU OR ANYONE ELSE IS GULLIBLE! It is the best word I could think of of this statement!) a woman is. They toss out bait, and yank it away from you. Then they toss it back into the water to see how worked up you are and if you bite again. Men also view how you proceed as to how they will play on your emotions.

A little caution can go along way. Manipulators can come on real smooth before the games begin. Just be careful with your heart. It is hell to fix once it gets broken.


Thank you I'll take that into consinderation? hmm but yeah pretty much thats why it didn't work out with that one guy like I think he figured once he had me "wrapped" around his finger he could ignore me too and so I left him alone too.... him I don't regreat cause that one was "new" (sort of anyways) but with this one guy A. his name keeps popping up... I kid you not I was watching TV and some show came on that I didn't exspect his name to come up.. and sure enough it did (which call me crazy but I'm a sign reader and if something like that happens I take it as a sign). Anyways B. One of my "first thoughts" with this one girl (like I said its a friend of a friend of his...) was that he sent her over to check on me... the thought has changed now... that she just wants to get to know me but also wants to try to get me and this guy back together (which maybe I'm dreaming there).

Personelly I wanna be his friend again and am hoping that your right that he had some real issues to deal with and didn't/couldn't talk with me about it. Or maybe he was really busy or whatever. Thats the other "prob." here him and I have not talked about it yet and I'm wondering if he even knows why I am mad at him.... I'm sure that he would care if he knew but I'm not sure he does...

*sighs* having friends is hard... even harder still when you want more then that... anyways thanks for the addvise (and sorry what I said about the guys.... its just that... well you know how it is sometimes).

TheresaInLove05's photo
Wed 08/19/09 11:52 AM

If you decided to take it slow, why be bothered that he ignored you for a week? Maybe that was his way of giving you what he thought you wanted.

Well mostly it was him who decided to slow down.... he has been hurt in the past (five times in fact)... cause he always got with a gold digger and didn't wanna end up with the "wrong" girl again although I mean you'll have to take my word for it I am not a gold digger at all... even he himself would tell you that yeah when **** (can we swear here?) went down I was the one who helped him. Now I mean I have been going back and forth with this (is he worth it... yes cause he is a nice guy even though he has his moments or faults really).... and I mean there maybe a "good" reason why he did ignore me (he might have been really, really busy I mean after all he works for a "big" compeny) so.....

Also to that girl that said about the source are you talking about talking to him? cause both him and I have been "avoiding" each other more or less which is really hard to do cause I just started working at a place that is like "next door" to where he works at. That was not meant to happen at all.... I had an issue with my phone once and on the way to talk to my cell comp. I walked by the mgt. of the place and asked if they were hireing and the next thing I know I'm hired lol.

TheresaInLove05's photo
Wed 08/19/09 11:39 AM
ok I started seeing this one guy a few months back and him and I decided to back off and take it slower and then one thing led to another and he ignored me for about a week... Then because a few of my friends told me to I ignored him for about a week... then I got interested in another guy and left him alone (exp. for one or for text msg. because he works for this compeny that has an "open" sign light and it wasn't light up so I told him about it). Anyways about a week ago a friend of a friend of his came to my place of work and we started being friends. Then today I told her what was up with me and the guy and from what I understand she already knew but decided to try to become my friend anyways and to make an already long story short I think shes trying to hook both me and him back up. The prob. is this one. I still wanna know why he ignored me for about a week, two what exsactly does this guy want...

Anyways is there anyone (esp. you girls cause if a guy tells me that I outta stay away from him I'll think that guy is trying something... sorry guys). Who has any thoughts on this matter. Oh and me and that one guy that I got interested in it didn't work out....