Community > Posts By > InnerBeauty507

InnerBeauty507's photo
Wed 09/12/12 04:42 PM
that awkward moment when you nudge someone without reading their profile... and suddenly wish you had

InnerBeauty507's photo
Wed 10/19/11 12:30 AM
Let the sunshine

from Hair the musical (the broadway revival)

InnerBeauty507's photo
Sun 04/17/11 08:26 PM
Oh My...
I'm in my 3rd year at University double majoring...
full intentions of Ivy league for grad school...
I hope its not problematic!
But I mean... its not so much intimidating as just being accepted right?
I mean some guys go loco over sports,
and aside from World Cup (the only sport ever worth watching) I'm not super interested.
However I have no issues with him liking that stuff.
Just like I hope he has no issues with me going crazy over Shakespeare.
We all have our vices right? Mine just happens to be sonnets...

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 03/24/11 09:48 PM
lol I want too! See the sky untouched by the decay of our world...
however I'm not sure whisky and I can ever reconcile.
I'm to caught up in my love affair with beer and wine :p
classy all the way

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 03/24/11 05:07 PM
lol hmmm If only there were grades for cheesy pick up lines :p
I go to school in Santa Cruz, but I lived in icky so cal smog my whole life
So I can appreciate a lovely starry sky...
though my taste for whisky has yet to happen.

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 03/24/11 04:52 PM

thinking, i should've taken astronomy. slaphead

lol Astronomy was pure torture...
I wouldn't wish that on anyone...
lol unless they're super mean or kick puppies

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 03/24/11 12:48 AM
I'm thinking about...
how I passed my astronomy class!!!!!!
(I thought I was going to fail it miserably)
Im so happy right now, I'm dancing to the moon!!
I hope everyone else is having pleasant happy thoughts!!!

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 03/24/11 12:37 AM
I agree... I smoke like maybe 2-3 packs in my academic quarter... but it just tastes really good
especially with a beer...
lol totally not useful information for someone whose trying to quit.
But I believe in you!!

InnerBeauty507's photo
Tue 10/19/10 12:04 PM
I like it...
you're form was creative.

InnerBeauty507's photo
Fri 07/09/10 10:53 PM
I hope everything works out! And that you end up where you want to be :)

InnerBeauty507's photo
Tue 06/01/10 07:10 PM
Edited by InnerBeauty507 on Tue 06/01/10 07:11 PM
Military Men..
lol I do have a soft spot for a man in uniform...
but its not just the attraction.
Its the connotation and characteristics that go with it.
If your in uniform you know dedication and strength
courage and honor
passion and bravery
lol Im a writer type so the list can go on forever!
And as it was pointed out each person is different
and can't be hold to any expectations or stereotypes
But the uniform is a force to be reckoned with.

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 05/27/10 02:24 PM
hey :) welcome!

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 05/27/10 01:50 PM

If I said to somebody (presumably a girl) that I would move mountains for her... that she take me to the nearest mountain and says; "go on then"

lol cute

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 05/27/10 01:48 PM
Edited by InnerBeauty507 on Thu 05/27/10 02:15 PM

my tummy hurts.

Im sorry! Feel better :)

InnerBeauty507's photo
Thu 05/27/10 01:47 PM
thinking about whether I should practice for choir or not lol and why its raining in May!

InnerBeauty507's photo
Wed 12/23/09 09:41 AM
Edited by InnerBeauty507 on Wed 12/23/09 09:51 AM
i like this
i would totally do it as a performance piece
when you read it, it flows, right off the tongue!
and its tastefully written

but the word nary. well Ill have to think about it :)

InnerBeauty507's photo
Wed 12/23/09 09:19 AM
Edited by InnerBeauty507 on Wed 12/23/09 09:33 AM
* so yes, give me your opinions!! comment everyone! comment as many as you can. rip them apart, sing praises. whatever you want! Im a writer, I except and embrace failure :)
and tell me which ones you think I should select, I need 7!!
and Thank You soooo much.
A Writer’s Manifesto

Why Write?
Why Breathe?
Why so Vital?
It’s my Savior
How is that possible?
It gives me Freedom
Echoes of Hope

A gentle breeze streaks through the air
Caressing my cheeks
Stroking my hair
whispering to me...
and then Nothing.
Just as it came, it vanished
leaving me breathless, dazed, and empty.
Solitude encased me again
the wind still lingers in my heart.
Echoes of Hope remain
and I can smile once more.


an Empty Abyss
knows no limit
a gift
a secret
a mystery
it stands alone
with nothing to show
or hide
invisible power
full of life and vivacity
and yet
full of nothing
Trudging Through Life

Cold and Bleak
Trudging through life
No direction
Jostled on all sides
Completely surrounded
By strangers
With empty eyes and blank faces
Do they care?
Should they?
Hope was in the questions
Reality in the answers
I slept through life in a dream
And I woke up to this nightmare
The truth didn’t set me free
It chained me to this darkness
And I never saw light again
Fast Forward Pause

heals clicking
Fast and Furious
indifferent to the powerful architecture
so wise and full of grace
the beauty of surroundings
blind to the gazing Man
sitting inside himself, eyes to the world
the compassion of acknowledgement
one focal point
Time is Pressure
move forward
focus on motion
everything blurred
breathing paused
never looking back
how long can you hold your breath?
the Man’s still sitting in the shadows
with dark eyes
He Knows.

eyes held tight
lines of life dance across her face
hands etched with wrinkles
prominently marring her innocence
they clutch the memories
of her blissful childhood
strong embraces
sparkling smiles
infectious laughter
frozen in fading polaroid print
by pain, deception, and hatred
the stifling truth’s of her reality
memories are her release
the act of remembrance
The Discourse of Hope

I love the rise
going from dark and brooding…
to beautiful
human nature
into world class harmony
by a violence
preached whole heartedly
by veterans of new hope
their mantras
hard hitting
from beginning to end
but their sweetness
the rush stops
I’ve heard it all before
Muting Change

filled with hatred
and pain
tainting the progression of change
echoing with noises of
slander and defamation
we crave for Peace
our Hope is a flickering light
in this universe of swallowing darkness
but Terror reign’s our chaos
inducing fear
a sharp gasp of breath
light’s out
and then Nothing
Silence is forced
Silence is inevitable
Silence is…
life passing by
on Mute
no one can hear our hearts beat
Death is the movement
Tangible Lust

it burns your skin
not unpleasantly
it sends a fire
straight to your core
forcing fingers
to linger
and stay
the scent tingles
no exact-
description or classification
bodies recognize it
A Primitive Level
sweet and sensual
stifling tension
thick in the room
the sounds of pleasure
moans and groans
ragged breaths
tastes like Sin
delicious and wrong
you just Can’t stop
Lily’s Tears

a single Lily
innocent and full of Grace
basking in her garden of dreams
the sunset dims her smile
the moonshine reveals her nightmares
filled with worldly weeds of dangers
reality becomes her roots
One Petal Falls

lover’s frolic
tender and sweet
dancing around her,
the witness to their passion
but love changes
to Lust
delicate fingers
grip and burn
desire taints her youth
One Petal Falls

bitter whispers
rise with rage
accusations rain around her
the sting of a palm
compassion is silent
lust fades to hate
One Petal Falls

one lonely Lily
bitter and consumed with pain
withering in her discontent
wrenched away from her home
lies broken
drenched in tears
strewn over graying death
Two Spirits Fall

InnerBeauty507's photo
Wed 12/23/09 09:14 AM
okay, Huck youre were super helpful, Merci Friend!
and thank Anjel your a sweetpie!
The rest of you, ask and you shall recieve, Ill post them here on the next post. it will be long though, so bare with me!!!

InnerBeauty507's photo
Tue 12/22/09 03:01 PM
thank you huck!
this is actually one of the 3 poems I had already selected to go in my portfolio!
so im really glad you liked it!

InnerBeauty507's photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:53 PM
thank you Huck
yeah I'm a lit major, and am not completely used too
but am completely okay with getting ripped to shreds.
the painful truth is better than the sweet lies ya know?

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