Community > Posts By > mgilligan

mgilligan's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:11 PM
definitely... I have several friends say if they could tape my life on the average night out it would be a hit show. Apparently I am a little off cuff and do some really funny things so I would do it for free, but hey if you want to pay me...

mgilligan's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:17 PM
profile is a little bare

mgilligan's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:14 PM
I am an Engineer Definitely Logic

mgilligan's photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:11 PM
hahahaha I like that, especially the line at the end

mgilligan's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:40 PM
mostly depends on how you word it and how arrogant the person you are giving it to is. Sometimes no matter how nicely you put something, if the person is cocky enough it comes across as destructive

mgilligan's photo
Mon 03/10/08 10:01 PM
completely depends on the person. A good compliment is one thats personal and meaningful. If there was one global compliment that trumped them all guys would have already figure it out and be using it already :)

mgilligan's photo
Sat 03/08/08 07:42 PM

and NO i wont have sex to loose weight. . .

It does burn more calories an hour than most activities (also more fun)

One reason it may not be working as well. If you weren't in that great of shape before than starting running makes a drastic improvement. Once you start getting in shape and your body is use to it...It doesn't require as much work so you don't burn as much fat.

You may want to try switching to another activity or increasing the intensity of the running.

If sex is out swimming is another activity that is great for burning calories.

mgilligan's photo
Sat 03/08/08 07:38 PM
that could be anything from a friend with benefits or a friends with downs syndrome

mgilligan's photo
Sat 03/08/08 07:29 PM
I don't think there is a specific age as much as the age gap.

30 year old woman going after a 20 year old kid... Cougar
35 year old woman going after a 30 year old guy... Normal

The term for the guy going after the Cougar, not sure if the person has a name but the act of doing it is Cougaring.

mgilligan's photo
Sat 03/08/08 07:20 PM
I have never personally been in a FWB but I have several friends that have made it work. Some of them long term. It tends to work when neither person involved is seeing anyone, and there is a connection... but not enough for an actual relationship.

What it really comes down to is personal preference. Would you rather have no sex and wait for the right sex with all the emotion and love it entails, or would you rather have some sex with someone you care about, just not willing to commit to (for whatever reasons) until the right person comes along.

Also as it was mentioned earlier. Both parties need to be on the same page. If both people involved know its not going to work long term but care about each other enough to give it a shot there is no reason two mature people can't have some fun on the side while looking for Mr./Mrs Right

mgilligan's photo
Sun 12/30/07 07:41 PM

Most of the time it has to be an executable and if you are simply downlaoding pictures or home movies it can be safe enough if you are smart about it. Also it has been implied but not straight out said (as some claim to be idiots) file sharing programs of any sorts aren't illegal... it is what you share is illegal. also last I checked downloading isn't as much a problem as sharing is as far as legality goes.

Just figured I would clear some things up.

LOL..ok NOOB. Sorry got to bust you on this one..jump on a p2p and give me 5 min, I'll have so much stuff pumped on your system, or just completely crash it, you won't have a chance.

Just because you have not had someone "hack" your system, does not mean its tough to do. A peer to peer is the EASIEST way to hack, because you open your system wide open to attack! Thats like you standing in front of a tank naked! Now stop the tank! noway :tongue: laugh

Just because it has not blasted you yet, or run you over doesn't mean it can't..obviously it CAN if it WANTS to. And that is what you ACTUALLY face on any "peer to peer" system.

So lets not be giving people any false sense of "securrity" on this matter. P2P is like giving the hackers a sit down invitation at your system! flowerforyou drinker bigsmile

There is a huge difference between you hacking me on a security explaoit in a peer to peer network and actually downlaoding a virus. compyers can get hacked all the time and by allowing people to connect via p2p makes it easier. I write programs that are designed to function on p2p envirements in a secure fashion, also work on ways of detecting network intrisuions in a private p2p fashion with secure multi agent data mining so careful before you start calling people a noob and assume because I have been smart enough not to get hacke yet that I am just "lucky"

mgilligan's photo
Sun 12/30/07 07:36 PM

Most of the time it has to be an executable and if you are simply downlaoding pictures or home movies it can be safe enough if you are smart about it. Also it has been implied but not straight out said (as some claim to be idiots) file sharing programs of any sorts aren't illegal... it is what you share is illegal. also last I checked downloading isn't as much a problem as sharing is as far as legality goes.

Just figured I would clear some things up.

just thought i would clear you up, anything can contain a virus these days, pictures, music, videos, not just exe files. any file.

and no p2p programs of any sort are perfectly legal, it's sharing copy righted material that is illegal.

If it is going to be an actual vius, ie do something to your machine, it has to be (or contain) an executable as pictures and audio clips themselves are just data that another program interprets (I do this for a living) so in order to cause any dmaage it needs to be an executable of sorts, otherwise you picture viewing program or music player will jsut get confused when trying to intepret the bytes it thinks are music as somehting else. If they are really tricky they can use exploits in the music players to attempt to launch another executable but that is harder to do and still requires the .exe to be on your machine. Most of those exploits tend to be fixed eventually and picked up on by virus checkers but they are always finding new ones anyway. for the most part if you are careful about what you download and run, you should be fine

mgilligan's photo
Sun 12/30/07 07:25 PM
Most of the time it has to be an executable and if you are simply downlaoding pictures or home movies it can be safe enough if you are smart about it. Also it has been implied but not straight out said (as some claim to be idiots) file sharing programs of any sorts aren't illegal... it is what you share is illegal. also last I checked downloading isn't as much a problem as sharing is as far as legality goes.

Just figured I would clear some things up.

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:13 PM

You are basically dead meat without a picture..........

I agree people like to see who they are talking to and no picture just says either I am hiding something (and people always assume it is much worse than it really is) or I am just too damn lazy to put in the effort. Either way its a no message situation.

Some people who don't feel comfortable putting up their own pictures put up cartoons or something funny, thats a step in the right direction but if there aren't any real pictures in the profile it still bugs me but its a step in the right direction.

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:05 PM

please read it carefully. i said with some things. not sex

yeah I breazed through it caught it right after I posted it and fixed it... my bad

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:01 PM
Edited by mgilligan on Wed 12/26/07 10:03 PM
You do realize half of what most people consider manly is self confidence (not to be confused with arrogence) and being strong enough to be true to yourself and not care what anyone else thinks is probably the manliest/most noable thing you can do.

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:49 PM

oh please tell him the truth and be who you are........that has to be so hard to hide, and its sad:cry:
I guess he has to find out a little at a time. Im putting it out there to the oline dating scene. At least i dont have to see their expression right away.

If your son is in a play and talks to girls don't you think he would be happy to know his father shares similair interest as him.

I honestly don't understand why it should be so hard to tell your son how you feel, expecially if he seems to share similair interest, and don't say age my father is older than you and he does things for my mother all the time and has taken the whole family to see plays.

If anything if I were your son I would be more upset you lied to me all these years, than knowing my father has a femine side (All men do to an extent just not all men show it, some are more feminine than others) and upset you couldn't have spent more time enjoying your common interest longer.
dont really agree with all men having a feminine. why does it have to be feminine to do those thing?

Sorry using your/societies words... could have said not masculine. since that is the topic of the thread and you yourself called it not manly, I just took it a step further and called it a feminine side, if you prefer non-masculine its essentially the same thing, other wise you would call it neutral (like breathing).

also no man is 100% manly no matter how much they pretend to be. If you think you have you mans man, he jsut has you fooled, everyone likes somethign the rest of us consider "non manly". the real question is...Are you man enough to admit it?

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:42 PM
not to call anyone out but to everyone who said "eyes" I dare the women who thinks they guy she just meant has been lost dazing into her eyes to close them, or on the phone.... ask him what color they are. Unless you have been dating awhile (and sad to say alot of times when you have) they guy that "notices your eyes first" will be taking a wild guess, also see how long it takes him to respond, because chances are he could guess right, but if it really was the "most attractive or noticeable" thing about you he should respond almost instantly.

you think I am kidding, I had a few friends try this out and almost 90% of the guys failed, or took way to long to answer. So come on guys at least be honest, how many of you really notice eyes first when most of the time you meet people in a palce with such poorly dimmed lights you can barely see her eyes up close (or if its a sunny day outdoors they are wearing sunglasses) let alone from across the room when you first spotted her!

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:34 PM

oh please tell him the truth and be who you are........that has to be so hard to hide, and its sad:cry:
I guess he has to find out a little at a time. Im putting it out there to the oline dating scene. At least i dont have to see their expression right away.

If your son is in a play and talks to girls don't you think he would be happy to know his father shares similair interest as him.

I honestly don't understand why it should be so hard to tell your son how you feel, expecially if he seems to share similair interest, and don't say age my father is older than you and he does things for my mother all the time and has taken the whole family to see plays.

If anything if I were your son I would be more upset you lied to me all these years, than knowing my father has a femine side (All men do to an extent just not all men show it, some are more feminine than others) and upset you couldn't have spent more time enjoying your common interest longer.

mgilligan's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:16 PM

Do you know for me to start doing some of those things i would have to explain why to my twenty year old son.

What explain to your son that you are doing what you like. I don't understand what it is to explain.

"Son I am sorry I hate to break it to you but I like plays and flowers"

Seriously, if you mean it when you say these are things you like to do why, of all people couldn't you be honest with it to your own son???

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