Community > Posts By > dmckinnon

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:06 PM

that's wild.. good for you.. it's important, I feel, to have something to distract us from the here and now once in awhile.. :wink: but I hope you're nothing like me.. somehow, life keeps getting in the way of finishing some things.. mind you.. I've not the talent you have, either.. but I DO so love words!

good name too.. although there is already a book out by R.A. Salvatore with the very same title.. it's part of a Dark Elf series I enjoyed in my youth.. do you read much, or at all? Weird, I know, but I've probably got more dictionary's than any other type of books.. I tend to lean towards older editions too.. mind you.. my collection is eclectic, at best lol

In my life everything has only been temporary. I've never belonged to anyone or anything for very long and this is the meaning of the word sojourn (to stay for a time in a place; live temporarily). Since this is the perfect definition of my life it was the perfect title for my book.

I have a hard time finishing things, too—especially the writing. I've always loved words and reading them so it came naturally to write. Hopefully, Lord willing, I'll finish this before I'm gone. I know it would help a lot of people.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:55 PM
The conversation vector?

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:14 PM
Ahem, well.....there's not a whole lot even an Alpha Male can do when the communication breaks down. You go into a relationship expecting there to be rough times, but you also anticipate love as the binding glue that gets you both through it. This kind of love requires a certain character made up of compassion, understanding and commitment. When that character isn't there and you don't have the love to depend on during the rough times, then all the communication in the world isn't going to help you.

I've went through my life looking for this type of commitment from the women I've been with and it has never really been there. So after a while you start to suspect that...a) something is wrong with the women or b) something is wrong with you. In my experience no relationship ever fails because of one-sided reasons. There's always a close 50-50 split of issues. The quandary comes when one person refuses (or simply doesn't want to) discuss those issues.

Again, the break down of communication, which you can't do anything about if the other person isn't willing to work through it with you. I can only make assessments based on the women I have known in my life and since every one of them have left (and never bothered to stay and try to make a go of it), it is hard for me to form a positive outlook in that regard.

I actually seem to gravitate toward women who are cold and distant. I've even done this online with the dating sites. Perhaps this is a subconscious thing. I don't know. But I have developed this somewhat dark sense of humor about the whole thing, which isn't bad if you were to be speaking to me in person, but it doesn't always go over so well in text-only situations.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 04:17 PM
I'm here so obviously I'm single.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 04:16 PM
Just like a gets interesting, and she leaves.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:58 PM
Is actually drinking someone's urine specimen....

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:56 PM
For some reason this reminds me of a joke...

MAN: Honey, I would go to the ends of the Earth for you!
WOMAN: That's great! When are you leaving?

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:50 PM
I've got a book about my own life that I'm still working on. I've already had some interest, but I have to get out a couple more chapters first. The name of the book is Sojourn.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:47 PM
David Nevue - Overcome (the whole album is awesome)

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:44 PM
cute [lol]

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:36 PM
Edited by dmckinnon on Tue 03/19/13 03:37 PM
[note: I think anyone who can write the word "clitoris" should not have a innocent little kitty as their avatar]

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:34 PM

I sometimes get sidetracked by shiny objects too.. bigsmile

LOL...that reminded me of Jeremy the crow from The Secret of NIMH.

Jeremy: Ooh! oh-oh-oooh! A sparkly!
Mrs. Brisby: What?
Jeremy: You're wearing a sparkly! Can I have it? Can I?

My own nickname (in my real non-virtual life) is Epic. A buddy of mine who likes to hear about all the things that have happened to me took to calling me Epic McKinnon, and it stuck.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:23 PM

I could spin your last 6 words into a very interesting conversation, but we don't know each other well enough for me to take such liberties.. so I hold my tongue, if only this once... bigsmile

Oh don't do that, it's just starting to get good.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 03:22 PM
LOL....yeah, right. Now back to our regularly scheduled posting.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 02:58 PM
Edited by dmckinnon on Tue 03/19/13 02:59 PM

darn it! so you already have my number, huh.. blushing can't slide nothing past ya, huh.. :angel:

LOL....I've always been good at reading people, especially women. Hmm....maybe that's why I'm still alone.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 02:56 PM
Edited by dmckinnon on Tue 03/19/13 02:56 PM

aaww.. you never let a girl live it down, huh...

Uh, no...

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 02:41 PM
I don't really, I just like people to think I do, while they try to analyze me...

Nice try.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 02:34 PM

I like how you squished my name together to get Zoe...IF that was the intention.

Just a habit of mine. I do it when I write, too.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 02:32 PM

Jeezz, dmckinnon... an Uzi, really? Am I detecting an element of bitterness here. I realize from our previous conversations you may have some legitimate hostility issues toward women, but I'm not their leader.'re sense of humor is frightening...

It was just a joke. I'm glad you don't over analyze things :)

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 02:25 PM

I fear that I hear echoes and shades of "jade" in your melancholy, but it's completely understandable.

I'm not jaded; I'm a realist :)