mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 03:42 PM
Fantastic find of a Story Queene, Thanks!! I'm not done reading it though.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 03:07 AM
I think i know what Rob wears to bed.
...Just wait, let me go see...

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 03:05 AM
The only ones I've written for are Associated Content and eHow. They pay you in shiny pennies, hahha. I don't know, but I'd like to hear if you find out.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 03:02 AM
So far you're winning IHB. you've taken over all the last postings, great job! :banana: oops sorry, you hate those...slaphead I can't find any fish. How do we ge cool smilies and how do people put whole pictures of stuff in here?

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 02:58 AM
only if i'm not sleepy
hey, bananas, i'm curious about the picture you're here's my silly question, is that a banana smoothie or what?

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 02:53 AM
Edited by mygenerationbaby on Mon 01/11/10 02:54 AM
Hey CelestialPoet, I'm the 50th person to look in on your thread. What does that tell you about finding friends here? They're everywhere, man! Welcome, dig in!

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 02:32 AM
Edited by mygenerationbaby on Mon 01/11/10 02:33 AM

Does Rudy "mr 9 11" Guliani have short term memory loss? In this segment, Rudy claims America had no domestic attacks under BUsh yet there's been one under Obama. Not only does he forget about 9 11, but the anthrax attacks and the shoe bomber as well.

Well, he's partially correct since 9-11 and the anthrax were inside jobs but not the shoe bomber. But maybe he slipped up and has gone senile...and accidently (almost) told the truth.

He also said 1 in 5 people released from Gitmo are back to terrorist activities....gee Rudy WHO released them? Most all were released under the Dippic.
Inside job or not an inside job, it's still a domestic attack. We have more to fear from the likes of men ( or should I say animals) like Cheney than anything overseas in my opinion. Really what is the worst threat? People who hate us from afar, or people who LIVE HERE and hate us just as much?

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 02:21 AM
Another great thread and cheers to the President and his cabinet for getting something moving in education. I hope he expands these efforts to all the disciplines, including the specials. The real reason teachers don't want to teach, is because they are not highly valued in this country. Low pay, too many students, not enough resources, btchy parents, did I say low pay? It's not that teachers need more training, they need more time, space, resources and support in which to operate. Good Job Groucho.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 02:07 AM

i feel sorry for you. If what i said is "wrong" , back it up.
God's not a three in one like my shampoo.
He's never set foot on this earth in human form and he never will even the Torah states this in black and white...where you people get this fantasy that the prophet Jesus was God i'll never understand.

Hay Mack,

What ever CIA Drugs your using, keep them to yourself, and maybe if you treat that C4 just right it can get you all the way to Kingdome Come...

GOOD LUCK, son... whoa

Moderator, you going to let this fly yet all of my posts are quickly edited?????

I told you to back up your statements not make stupid stereotypical remarks.
As far as Islam goes, nowhere does it say to convert everyone or kill them. If anyone did actual research on this instead of listening to the propaganda that Robert Spencer spews out they would know this.

Yup, I know what you mean about the moderator thing. This is the same one who deleted my whole paragraph for saying, "ya dip" Lots worse stuff goes on around here. At least they could just delete whatever offensive word or words was inbedded in your content.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 02:02 AM
Cool Post BestInShow. I like this. And I like your screen name too. It was a very funny movie, have you seen it? Comical characters treating their dogs like humans. What a gas! This thread got off track so quickly, wow! People who love to turn a perfectly good argument into an all out brawl, never cease to amaze me.
So, let's see. No, I doubt if Jesus would have taken sides one way or another. He was cool like that. Everythng he did was based on tenents that we are unable to follow, as normal humans. But once in a while you get an incredible man or woman, who will do nothing but good deeds in this world. Thanks for the cool post BIS!

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 01:48 AM
Honestly Ms. doesn't matter how cool of a thing you post in here..when it comes to politics you'll always find somebody nashing their teeth over nothing. In my opinion, Reid had nothing to apologize for. He only did it because of the same crazy hot potato handlers you will find in these threads. Why I don't find it offensive? It was purely an observation. If he had been Irish, Reid might have noted his lack of an Irish accent, so what? Everyone laughs about California's senator, because honestly we can barely understand his Austrian accent. As for skin tone quality, it was a private personal thing, probably to reassure him that all the "dark" haters might not be so frightened by his appearance. Ms. Harmony, thanks for this neat post. And don't bother arguing with people who cannot comprehend your true purpose here.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:09 AM
Your a real beach,, these threads are addictive!
Sweet Dreams Popsicles.yawn

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:04 AM
Good one Texas!
i was going to say Joni Mitchell

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:00 AM

I'm tired of everything I've known.

pancakes, from this and what you said earlier, you sound in need of some serious confidence. These are the kinds of things people say just before they take their own lives. Send me an email and we'll talk. Be ready to hear about the open arms of stress centers and AA groups.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:42 AM
Nope, men are definately the baddest of all.
They would like to hear differently, to increase the hope of better chances, but this is a dillusion...delusion?

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:32 AM
Suits are the whole reason business execs are called "Suits"
How can we take that away from them?
No really, how?
I've never liked suits. It's a cookie cutter way of dressing.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:16 AM
Close those eyelids lady lid.
We'll still be here when you wake up.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:13 AM
Edited by mygenerationbaby on Sun 01/10/10 01:14 AM
I agree. You really went all out. Best one I've seen to date.
The only thing I would change is to switch out the word "lady" with woman. Because women are more respected for their brains.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:08 AM
NOnoononooooo!! Not the dancing bananas!

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:05 AM
Rock and Roll!!!

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