Community > Posts By > Lazarus102

Lazarus102's photo
Tue 11/08/16 05:55 AM

Loving God is just that reason. It's not about making browny points to gain anything, it's not about "assuring" your afterlife, it's not about avoiding punishment or in the hopes to receive a reward. It is loving God for he is God, he is our creator, our giver, our provider. It's for the plain sake of loving God, again not to gain anything or better assure anything for one's self.

Ya and if you have a father that promises to beat you and burn you for all of eternity if you don't love him then I'm sure you love him purely because he created you? >,>

I watch supernatural and it is entertaining but it's far from being my favorite. It lacks substance. Basically every episode is the same. Guy A is feeling something but doesn't want to admit it to guy B and so there's that underlying tension throughout the episode as they fight demons, ghosts and the paranormal in general with the help of demons, angels or in the older seasons moreso, other hunters. My favorite show is game of thrones, so many different characters and angles and it's filmed in 3 different countries. A total masterpiece of a show. Also nearly no-one is off limits from being slaughtered. I've already had at least 2-3 people I was rooting for in the show die.

I know, that was totally off topic but who cares, lol. The forums are for conversation so if meaningful conversation happens amidst pointless god debates, so be it.

But ya, fear of death is a main driver for religion but you also have to think that back when the first religions were invented, people had an average life span of what, 20? Without the thought that there could be something beyond that life, total anarchy must have ruled the planet. I mean if I could only live to 30 years max, damn rights I'd kill anyone I needed to in order to make those years satisfactory. Unless I had fear of screwing up a much longer life span beyond that one.

So religion is not only to cover fear of death but there as a purpose for life when most people don't really have one beyond get rich, fall in love, buy a house with a white picket fence, blah blah and many people give up on those things early in life if they're not charismatic, an intellectual, born with godlike looks or born into money(few other things perhaps but you get my meaning).

Well, I like it, anyway. I really like the way they manage to work a little humor into each episode, to break the tension, without turning it into a farce. I've never seen Game of Thrones, so I can't comment on it, but I'm glad that you like it.

Well, hey, it's your thread, so by golly you can talk about whatever you want, right?

Good point about the lifespans back in ancient times. Fear of death was a more pressing concern back then!

You're right about religion providing a purpose in life for many, too. That's a good point. In fact, the cult I was raised in (Jehovah's Witnesses) often touted the fact that serving God gave our life purpose. And, in a similar vein, religion also provides a social network for people who might not otherwise have one. (Like me.)

Of course, that can be a two-edged sword in some cases. In the case of the JWs, if a member decides that he/she no longer believes in the Witness dogma, he/she is labelled an "apostate," and is shunned. So, any member who is having doubts has to consider the possibility that if he/she speaks up about them, it could cause him/her to suddenly lose all of his/her "friends." (And family.)

Once again, the dark side of religion rears its ugly head.

Ya, a couple scenes in supernatural gave me a good laugh.. Pudding!!

Good point about JW's, kinda reminds me of Scientologists. The thing that annoys me(personally) about Scientology is that before I read into it I had thought that it was a religion based on science; which would actually be a sensible thing in this day and age but it turned out to be a bunch of cultist nutbags that are so bad even people of the old religions don't like/respect them. But then I guess they wouldn't if it was a religion based on science either but pretty much no one likes them unless they are one of them.

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 11/07/16 09:06 PM

Cannot believe this went on for 45 pages. Easy answer. You will find out the truth when you die. All the best.

Lulz... But for us atheists that answer's a bit of of a dead end since we're magot-food when we die.

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 11/07/16 08:28 PM

Why does "Dad" have to repeat himself?

He CAN'T repeat himself until he actually speaks up the first time. And, again, a bunch of ancient books that claim to be speaking for him is NOT the same thing as him actually speaking. How can you not see the distinction?

I'll use Ra again. If I told you something along the lines of "Ra is the true god. He has been worshiped for five-thousand years; much longer than Jesus or Yahweh. And, Ra says...blah, blah, blah..." and I started quoting stuff from tomb inscriptions and Egyptian myth, you would be telling me the same thing I'm telling you; that Ra hasn't SAID anything. All we have is preserved writings attributed to him.

This is one of the best points you've made so far. I wonder if cowboy will actually consider this or continue with another circular argument.. Like, he does speak to us, through the rain and his 'presense' and when someone farts, you better believe that was him!

Thanks, Lazarus. Breaking out of the circular logic loop is one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome in these kinds of discussions, as you no doubt know. It's like:
"This is true because the Bible says so."
"Why should we take the Bible's word for it?"
"Because the Bible is the word of God."
How do you know that the Bible is the word of God?"
"Because the Bible says that it is the word of God?"
"Why should we take the Bible's word for it?"


As for how Cowboy will reply...well, I imagine it won't be long before we find out. ;)

Ya, if you see my arguments earlier in the thread I backed some people into a corner to a point that they started with the "it is because it is!" argument. Like people will get seriously angry about this stuff and I just don't get it. We're in the information age, an age of intellect; an age of objective thinking. But people still got their heads stuck in the dark ages. I'm as much a fan of midevil shows as anyone. Game of thrones and vikings are two of my favorite show ever but I can separate fantasy from reality.

Yeah, though I haven't read the entire thread, I did read a lot of the earliest posts. That's the way it generally goes. When you apply logic to these stories, they fall apart. So, anyone trying to defend them generally ends up either:
1.As you said, tossing any type of definable, objective evidence out the window, and falling back totally on faith.
2. Claiming that God actually IS literally talking to them. (A safe haven for them, since you cannot disprove the notion across the internet, no matter how much you point out how unlikely that notion is.)
3.Spinning like a tornado, in an attempt to make it look like certain words or phrases might kinda', sorta', perhaps if you squint real hard from fifty feet away, mean what they claim they mean, rather than the most obvious and generally accepted meanings. (Like your example about when someone farts, that is somehow God "talking" to us. Or, torturing the term "generation" used in Matthew 24:34, so as to rescue Jesus' "prophecy" there.)
4. Again, as you said, getting angry at you.

Or, any combination of the above.

I think that the anger stems from fear. I believe it was Freud who observed that as long as our species fears death, there will be religion. Regardless of who said it, however, it makes a lot of sense. Hence, the anger when you challenge their religion, as religion provides a comfort zone from death, and offers the hope of seeing dead loved ones again. When you appeal to them with logic, their mind tries to respond to it, but then fear of losing the comfort zone, i.e. facing death, kicks in.

I understand the appeal. I would love to be wrong about all of this. Not only would I love to see some of my departed family members again, but I would also love to have another life to look forward to, since the current one was largely wasted on a stupid cult and a really bad marriage. But, I just don't see enough solid evidence to warrant actually believing that it's going to happen. Like you, I can separate fantasy from reality.

Ironically enough, my favorite TV show is Supernatural.

I watch supernatural and it is entertaining but it's far from being my favorite. It lacks substance. Basically every episode is the same. Guy A is feeling something but doesn't want to admit it to guy B and so there's that underlying tension throughout the episode as they fight demons, ghosts and the paranormal in general with the help of demons, angels or in the older seasons moreso, other hunters. My favorite show is game of thrones, so many different characters and angles and it's filmed in 3 different countries. A total masterpiece of a show. Also nearly no-one is off limits from being slaughtered. I've already had at least 2-3 people I was rooting for in the show die.

I know, that was totally off topic but who cares, lol. The forums are for conversation so if meaningful conversation happens amidst pointless god debates, so be it.

But ya, fear of death is a main driver for religion but you also have to think that back when the first religions were invented, people had an average life span of what, 20? Without the thought that there could be something beyond that life, total anarchy must have ruled the planet. I mean if I could only live to 30 years max, damn rights I'd kill anyone I needed to in order to make those years satisfactory. Unless I had fear of screwing up a much longer life span beyond that one.

So religion is not only to cover fear of death but there as a purpose for life when most people don't really have one beyond get rich, fall in love, buy a house with a white picket fence, blah blah and many people give up on those things early in life if they're not charismatic, an intellectual, born with godlike looks or born into money(few other things perhaps but you get my meaning).

Lazarus102's photo
Sun 11/06/16 06:49 PM

Why does "Dad" have to repeat himself?

He CAN'T repeat himself until he actually speaks up the first time. And, again, a bunch of ancient books that claim to be speaking for him is NOT the same thing as him actually speaking. How can you not see the distinction?

I'll use Ra again. If I told you something along the lines of "Ra is the true god. He has been worshiped for five-thousand years; much longer than Jesus or Yahweh. And, Ra says...blah, blah, blah..." and I started quoting stuff from tomb inscriptions and Egyptian myth, you would be telling me the same thing I'm telling you; that Ra hasn't SAID anything. All we have is preserved writings attributed to him.

This is one of the best points you've made so far. I wonder if cowboy will actually consider this or continue with another circular argument.. Like, he does speak to us, through the rain and his 'presense' and when someone farts, you better believe that was him!

Thanks, Lazarus. Breaking out of the circular logic loop is one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome in these kinds of discussions, as you no doubt know. It's like:
"This is true because the Bible says so."
"Why should we take the Bible's word for it?"
"Because the Bible is the word of God."
How do you know that the Bible is the word of God?"
"Because the Bible says that it is the word of God?"
"Why should we take the Bible's word for it?"


As for how Cowboy will reply...well, I imagine it won't be long before we find out. ;)

Ya, if you see my arguments earlier in the thread I backed some people into a corner to a point that they started with the "it is because it is!" argument. Like people will get seriously angry about this stuff and I just don't get it. We're in the information age, an age of intellect; an age of objective thinking. But people still got their heads stuck in the dark ages. I'm as much a fan of midevil shows as anyone. Game of thrones and vikings are two of my favorite show ever but I can separate fantasy from reality.

Lazarus102's photo
Sun 11/06/16 05:28 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Sun 11/06/16 05:28 AM

Why does "Dad" have to repeat himself?

He CAN'T repeat himself until he actually speaks up the first time. And, again, a bunch of ancient books that claim to be speaking for him is NOT the same thing as him actually speaking. How can you not see the distinction?

I'll use Ra again. If I told you something along the lines of "Ra is the true god. He has been worshiped for five-thousand years; much longer than Jesus or Yahweh. And, Ra says...blah, blah, blah..." and I started quoting stuff from tomb inscriptions and Egyptian myth, you would be telling me the same thing I'm telling you; that Ra hasn't SAID anything. All we have is preserved writings attributed to him.

This is one of the best points you've made so far. I wonder if cowboy will actually consider this or continue with another circular argument.. Like, he does speak to us, through the rain and his 'presense' and when someone farts, you better believe that was him!

Lazarus102's photo
Sat 11/05/16 03:30 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Sat 11/05/16 03:34 AM

Also Cowboy, I'm sorry, I've seen your picture so many times now, you have such chiseled features, you look like some guy that would apply for the role of hercules in a movie or something. I'm not hitting on you, I'm just sayin, with a face like that you should have a girlfriend for sure.

No doubt! Cowboy kinda' reminds me of Tom (Loki) Hiddleston.

I was thinking more like
Like that unique 80's-90's hot guy look.
Or this guy from season 3 of game of thrones

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 11/04/16 07:12 PM

You have your god along with whatever other friends and family that you have accumulated. I have random forum threads and not much else. I was never that close to my family and pretty much no friends. I know, off-topic, just opening a window to me and why I may be so cynical and not believe in a god so easily as you.

Off topic as well and probably will be the end of this thread. But I too have no friends, and only family I have are mom and dad due too brother's choices of life that ended in prison or after prison along with the life that proceeds. None of which that has directed me toward my belief. I personally feel as I do because I have personally felt and experienced it. I've always been "raised" a Christian. But I've come too my own thoughts and my own conclusions from my own research and discover in the matter. I do give my condolences that this is the reason you've come too your conclusion. In the area of "friends/family" remember we all have free will. It's not God's will specifically, or God's choice on who/what stays in your life or accumulates in your life. That is their own choice, their decision. Not 100% of what happens in our life is accordance too God's desire. As people have free will... and if "free will" was foreknown, there would be no such thing as free will and judgement together. Regardless of the choice you make in the end my friend, I wish all happens greatly in your life and everything that happens for a reason, hope you see the reason in whatever you choose to be.

I'll add to this off-topic part of the discussion that I, too, have little family left, and even less friends. So, it's unanimous. Maybe it's because we are on a dating site, debating philosophy and religion! Just kidding.
FWIW-I respect, and like, both of you, and wish you both the best. I suppose we could be cyber-friends, at least.

That you David, would like to also accommodate you for your "generosity" through the discussions on here. Never take it personally offensive or state/post anything personally offensive toward another :). Just keep in the "discussion" level, and appreciate that VERY MUCH.

Ya, I might get a bit offensive when it comes to my thoughts on religion but I can respect those that are able to carry on a cool headed debate and not let it get to their heads.

As for this thread ending, not likely, it's three years old. Just wait a while for some new people to chime in or some old people to get bored and start replying again. It's a debate over a non existent thing that lacks proof or disproof. I've even grown tired of the convo at this point. Revisiting it gives me something to do on the daily but I've gone from putting up a decent debate with strong points to just straight up denial of the existence of a god. Like I said, I didn't start the thread believing but I did make better arguments earlier on.

Also Cowboy, I'm sorry, I've seen your picture so many times now, you have such chiseled features, you look like some guy that would apply for the role of hercules in a movie or something. I'm not hitting on you, I'm just sayin, with a face like that you should have a girlfriend for sure.

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 11/04/16 08:24 AM

There are thousands, perhaps millions of people screaming for god to give them proof, to talk to them not in some dusty old book but in real life and he gives them nothing. Far as I'm concerned even if he does exist(and that's one hell of a stretch) He is so condescending and rude that I want nothing to do with him. I mean he must not be a very good spirit in the first place considering the only way he can get people to choose him is by giving them a 2 step multiple choice. Choose him or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. He's like Hitler but worse... I mean sure, maybe I'm wrong and he is a loving god, a VERY loving god, problem is all that love is going directly into a mirror..

There it is, right there. Well said, Lazarus.

If he exists, he is like a man driving a car while his children fight with each other in the back seat over something he instructed them to do. And, he continues driving along obliviously as his children's arguing turns violent and they kill each other. But, he says nothing the whole time.

Think of all the arguing and violence in the world that stems from arguments over who's version of Skydaddy is the correct one. Not just between differing religions, but between different sects of the same religion. (Catholics and Protestants, anyone?) Meanwhile, the one person in all the universe who could end it sits on his cloud and remains strangely silent.

Oh well. Perhaps he is preoccupied with something. Like whittling. Or playing Grand Theft Cherub on his GodBox. :P

That would kind of beat the purpose of this life and the level of "love". We believe in God because we've seen and felt his presence, his love. We "choose" to obey God, follow after him and love him in all his wondrous ways. If he made some grand appearance, people wouldn't believe/follow out of "wanting to" or "faith"... they would believe because they had to, they would have no other choice. And we've seen how that obviously works with mankind, even personally knowing God. We still turned away from God and his desires, still was disobedient even knowing him first hand person to person.

So.... Him actually existing instead of just being a figment of people's overactive imaginations would somehow defeat the purpose? A god of convenience then, he only exists if you believe he does? Kinda like I'm only invisible if you don't look at me and believe I am? Lol... Funny to add to all of that, people invented a religion in recent years in which they worship a flying spaghetti monster (no lies, google it). So should we believe that wholeheartedly in another 2000 years because any evidence of it's falsehood may have been lost to time by then?

Also, given a scenario(the one in your head) in which god does exist,
he whips you like his own personal slave and you oblige?
I'd quote the phrase, it's better to die free then to live as a slave but like I said he doesn't give you much choice, follow me or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Anyone that defied that either didn't know what they were getting into or were just being dramatic and likely regretted it later.

Also not really fair is it, if we don't believe in god and follow his ways despite him giving us NOTHING solid from which to believe in, he sends us off to burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Like "Guess what?!?! I'm real!! LOVE YOU!! Buh bye!". Dick...

A god of convenience then, he only exists if you believe he does?

No, he exists for every, only some give him the credit of that which is spoken bout.

So should we believe that wholeheartedly in another 2000 years because any evidence of it's falsehood may have been lost to time by then?

That would totally be your choice, again not here to change your perspective.

Also, given a scenario(the one in your head) in which god does exist,
he whips you like his own personal slave and you oblige?

What are you talking about? None of which you state goes with anything of the Christian belief or my specific believe. There is but one judgement.

giving us NOTHING solid

Nothing is "flimsy" bout it either, even through the thread of "evidence of God". Nothing can "prove" God wrong so how can it not be "solid" proof?

You can't disprove the non-existence of something, that's an impossibility by definition since nothing 'exists' until we discover it. But does that mean we should believe every wild-eyed story that's told to us? God exists in the same category as pixies, fairy godmothers, magic and many other fairy tales that exist only in the minds of people. You can't argue his existence based on lacking evidence of non-existence, otherwise you break the very rules that we build our reality upon.

"That would totally be your choice, again not here to change your perspective."
You've just put your god in the same basket as the flying spaghetti monster, lol. So you'd just believe anything you're told so long as the story is old enough not to be immediately disproved.

If someone hadn't filled your head with wild stories as a kid, you would have dismissed feeling 'his presence' as something logically explainable like emotions or a change in the weather.

What do other people have to do with this discussion? Did I state that I was raised Christian or had any affiliation of Christianity growing up? Not claiming to either as that's irrelevant too the discussion, as was your post about such.

Again as I stated, I am the OP so if I go out of bounds a little on my own discussion, I won't be offended, trust me.

You also failed to address any other part of the post. I did make an assumption that you were a raised christian since the people that stick that hard to their religion and ignore any form of logic are often the ones brainwashed from a young age, so it's at their core and a bit harder to look away from. The other types usually being the ones that cling to religion because it "saved" them from a worse lifestyle such as alcohol or drug abuse. Then there's those that cling to it because they cannot find love in their life or purpose and therefore they turn to one that was invented by man 2000 years ago.

Apologies if I'm focusing this discussion too much on you but the participants on this convo have grown slim so I'm simply using you as an example for all those that believe without proof, it's not personal.

You have your god along with whatever other friends and family that you have accumulated. I have random forum threads and not much else. I was never that close to my family and pretty much no friends. I know, off-topic, just opening a window to me and why I may be so cynical and not believe in a god so easily as you.

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 11/04/16 07:45 AM

There are thousands, perhaps millions of people screaming for god to give them proof, to talk to them not in some dusty old book but in real life and he gives them nothing. Far as I'm concerned even if he does exist(and that's one hell of a stretch) He is so condescending and rude that I want nothing to do with him. I mean he must not be a very good spirit in the first place considering the only way he can get people to choose him is by giving them a 2 step multiple choice. Choose him or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. He's like Hitler but worse... I mean sure, maybe I'm wrong and he is a loving god, a VERY loving god, problem is all that love is going directly into a mirror..

There it is, right there. Well said, Lazarus.

If he exists, he is like a man driving a car while his children fight with each other in the back seat over something he instructed them to do. And, he continues driving along obliviously as his children's arguing turns violent and they kill each other. But, he says nothing the whole time.

Think of all the arguing and violence in the world that stems from arguments over who's version of Skydaddy is the correct one. Not just between differing religions, but between different sects of the same religion. (Catholics and Protestants, anyone?) Meanwhile, the one person in all the universe who could end it sits on his cloud and remains strangely silent.

Oh well. Perhaps he is preoccupied with something. Like whittling. Or playing Grand Theft Cherub on his GodBox. :P

That would kind of beat the purpose of this life and the level of "love". We believe in God because we've seen and felt his presence, his love. We "choose" to obey God, follow after him and love him in all his wondrous ways. If he made some grand appearance, people wouldn't believe/follow out of "wanting to" or "faith"... they would believe because they had to, they would have no other choice. And we've seen how that obviously works with mankind, even personally knowing God. We still turned away from God and his desires, still was disobedient even knowing him first hand person to person.

So.... Him actually existing instead of just being a figment of people's overactive imaginations would somehow defeat the purpose? A god of convenience then, he only exists if you believe he does? Kinda like I'm only invisible if you don't look at me and believe I am? Lol... Funny to add to all of that, people invented a religion in recent years in which they worship a flying spaghetti monster (no lies, google it). So should we believe that wholeheartedly in another 2000 years because any evidence of it's falsehood may have been lost to time by then?

Also, given a scenario(the one in your head) in which god does exist,
he whips you like his own personal slave and you oblige?
I'd quote the phrase, it's better to die free then to live as a slave but like I said he doesn't give you much choice, follow me or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Anyone that defied that either didn't know what they were getting into or were just being dramatic and likely regretted it later.

Also not really fair is it, if we don't believe in god and follow his ways despite him giving us NOTHING solid from which to believe in, he sends us off to burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Like "Guess what?!?! I'm real!! LOVE YOU!! Buh bye!". Dick...

A god of convenience then, he only exists if you believe he does?

No, he exists for every, only some give him the credit of that which is spoken bout.

So should we believe that wholeheartedly in another 2000 years because any evidence of it's falsehood may have been lost to time by then?

That would totally be your choice, again not here to change your perspective.

Also, given a scenario(the one in your head) in which god does exist,
he whips you like his own personal slave and you oblige?

What are you talking about? None of which you state goes with anything of the Christian belief or my specific believe. There is but one judgement.

giving us NOTHING solid

Nothing is "flimsy" bout it either, even through the thread of "evidence of God". Nothing can "prove" God wrong so how can it not be "solid" proof?

You can't disprove the non-existence of something, that's an impossibility by definition since nothing 'exists' until we discover it. But does that mean we should believe every wild-eyed story that's told to us? God exists in the same category as pixies, fairy godmothers, magic and many other fairy tales that exist only in the minds of people. You can't argue his existence based on lacking evidence of non-existence, otherwise you break the very rules that we build our reality upon.

"That would totally be your choice, again not here to change your perspective."
You've just put your god in the same basket as the flying spaghetti monster, lol. So you'd just believe anything you're told so long as the story is old enough not to be immediately disproved.

If someone hadn't filled your head with wild stories as a kid, you would have dismissed feeling 'his presence' as something logically explainable like emotions or a change in the weather.

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 11/04/16 06:38 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Fri 11/04/16 06:41 AM

There are thousands, perhaps millions of people screaming for god to give them proof, to talk to them not in some dusty old book but in real life and he gives them nothing. Far as I'm concerned even if he does exist(and that's one hell of a stretch) He is so condescending and rude that I want nothing to do with him. I mean he must not be a very good spirit in the first place considering the only way he can get people to choose him is by giving them a 2 step multiple choice. Choose him or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. He's like Hitler but worse... I mean sure, maybe I'm wrong and he is a loving god, a VERY loving god, problem is all that love is going directly into a mirror..

There it is, right there. Well said, Lazarus.

If he exists, he is like a man driving a car while his children fight with each other in the back seat over something he instructed them to do. And, he continues driving along obliviously as his children's arguing turns violent and they kill each other. But, he says nothing the whole time.

Think of all the arguing and violence in the world that stems from arguments over who's version of Skydaddy is the correct one. Not just between differing religions, but between different sects of the same religion. (Catholics and Protestants, anyone?) Meanwhile, the one person in all the universe who could end it sits on his cloud and remains strangely silent.

Oh well. Perhaps he is preoccupied with something. Like whittling. Or playing Grand Theft Cherub on his GodBox. :P

That would kind of beat the purpose of this life and the level of "love". We believe in God because we've seen and felt his presence, his love. We "choose" to obey God, follow after him and love him in all his wondrous ways. If he made some grand appearance, people wouldn't believe/follow out of "wanting to" or "faith"... they would believe because they had to, they would have no other choice. And we've seen how that obviously works with mankind, even personally knowing God. We still turned away from God and his desires, still was disobedient even knowing him first hand person to person.

So.... Him actually existing instead of just being a figment of people's overactive imaginations would somehow defeat the purpose? A god of convenience then, he only exists if you believe he does? Kinda like I'm only invisible if you don't look at me and believe I am? Lol... Funny to add to all of that, people invented a religion in recent years in which they worship a flying spaghetti monster (no lies, google it). So should we believe that wholeheartedly in another 2000 years because any evidence of it's falsehood may have been lost to time by then?

Also, given a scenario(the one in your head) in which god does exist,
he whips you like his own personal slave and you oblige?
I'd quote the phrase, it's better to die free then to live as a slave but like I said he doesn't give you much choice, follow me or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Anyone that defied that either didn't know what they were getting into or were just being dramatic and likely regretted it later.

Also not really fair is it, if we don't believe in god and follow his ways despite him giving us NOTHING solid from which to believe in, he sends us off to burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Like "Guess what?!?! I'm real!! LOVE YOU!! Buh bye!". Dick...

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 11/04/16 01:17 AM

There are thousands, perhaps millions of people screaming for god to give them proof, to talk to them not in some dusty old book but in real life and he gives them nothing. Far as I'm concerned even if he does exist(and that's one hell of a stretch) He is so condescending and rude that I want nothing to do with him. I mean he must not be a very good spirit in the first place considering the only way he can get people to choose him is by giving them a 2 step multiple choice. Choose him or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. He's like Hitler but worse... I mean sure, maybe I'm wrong and he is a loving god, a VERY loving god, problem is all that love is going directly into a mirror..

There it is, right there. Well said, Lazarus.

If he exists, he is like a man driving a car while his children fight with each other in the back seat over something he instructed them to do. And, he continues driving along obliviously as his children's arguing turns violent and they kill each other. But, he says nothing the whole time.

Think of all the arguing and violence in the world that stems from arguments over who's version of Skydaddy is the correct one. Not just between differing religions, but between different sects of the same religion. (Catholics and Protestants, anyone?) Meanwhile, the one person in all the universe who could end it sits on his cloud and remains strangely silent.

Oh well. Perhaps he is preoccupied with something. Like whittling. Or playing Grand Theft Cherub on his GodBox. :P


Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/03/16 08:32 PM

Lol.. Ya we don't have definitive answers on the creation of the planet but the ones we do have make more logical sense than some sentient all powerful being snapped his fingers and -bam- earth! I get that I'm simplifying over how it explains in the bible but seven days for a single being to make a planet and everything on it is pretty much '-bam-'. But at least science tries to explain things via logical means. It doesn't just look at a 2000 year old book that doesn't even have a shred of solid proof/evidence that man didn't just make the whole thing up. Yes it has some truths in it but the greatest lies invented were born of truth.

If god wanted our faith and wanted us to believe, in this, the information age, he would give us something solid, something in the here and now. Not just expect us to believe the ancient writings of people from an age with little to nothing for entertainment.

How does age make it less viable? Does age make it less truth? If so, how and why? And maybe he has given us something solid, just since "science" has ruled out "God", the things in question that happened were just placed in the "freak of nature", placed in some "theory" or some category of such.

People are flawed, even the bible says it. We lie, we make stuff up. All that "proof" is words in a book made by man. Why believe in god and not in unicorns, dragons and other such fairy tales? I think that you believe in him not because the stories make sense or even because you see them as logically plausible but because it is a story of an all powerful being that loves you and it gives your life a false sense of purpose and you fear that without that, you would have nothing. Are you able to reflect upon that and still tell me that there's no way I'm right?

Sorry to inform you, but that would be incorrect. I believe in God because I have felt his presence first hand.

There is plenty of psychological explanations for that you know. I mean you're still just basing his existence on some extreme emotion you had.
As for unicorns and dragons, both plausible. We did have dinosaurs and do have horses after all, it's not a stretch. Like I said, the greatest of lies are born of truth.

There are thousands, perhaps millions of people screaming for god to give them proof, to talk to them not in some dusty old book but in real life and he gives them nothing. Far as I'm concerned even if he does exist(and that's one hell of a stretch) He is so condescending and rude that I want nothing to do with him. I mean he must not be a very good spirit in the first place considering the only way he can get people to choose him is by giving them a 2 step multiple choice. Choose him or burn in the fires of hell for eternity. He's like Hitler but worse... I mean sure, maybe I'm wrong and he is a loving god, a VERY loving god, problem is all that love is going directly into a mirror..

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/03/16 08:45 AM

Lol.. Ya we don't have definitive answers on the creation of the planet but the ones we do have make more logical sense than some sentient all powerful being snapped his fingers and -bam- earth! I get that I'm simplifying over how it explains in the bible but seven days for a single being to make a planet and everything on it is pretty much '-bam-'. But at least science tries to explain things via logical means. It doesn't just look at a 2000 year old book that doesn't even have a shred of solid proof/evidence that man didn't just make the whole thing up. Yes it has some truths in it but the greatest lies invented were born of truth.

If god wanted our faith and wanted us to believe, in this, the information age, he would give us something solid, something in the here and now. Not just expect us to believe the ancient writings of people from an age with little to nothing for entertainment.

How does age make it less viable? Does age make it less truth? If so, how and why? And maybe he has given us something solid, just since "science" has ruled out "God", the things in question that happened were just placed in the "freak of nature", placed in some "theory" or some category of such.

People are flawed, even the bible says it. We lie, we make stuff up. All that "proof" is words in a book made by man. Why believe in god and not in unicorns, dragons and other such fairy tales? I think that you believe in him not because the stories make sense or even because you see them as logically plausible but because it is a story of an all powerful being that loves you and it gives your life a false sense of purpose and you fear that without that, you would have nothing. Are you able to reflect upon that and still tell me that there's no way I'm right?

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/03/16 05:15 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Thu 11/03/16 05:17 AM

Lol good point about it being 3 years old, it's remarkable the discussion still even resembles the original topic lol.

There is much proof of God and much proof of his love. Science doesn't inform on the creation of the world, yeah couple different theories here and there. But science more revolves around how the planet operates. And that's just studying how God set it up.

There is much proof of his existence. Just people that refuse to believe it due to age, puts in the hearsay level.

Lol.. Ya we don't have definitive answers on the creation of the planet but the ones we do have make more logical sense than some sentient all powerful being snapped his fingers and -bam- earth! I get that I'm simplifying over how it explains in the bible but seven days for a single being to make a planet and everything on it is pretty much '-bam-'. But at least science tries to explain things via logical means. It doesn't just look at a 2000 year old book that doesn't even have a shred of solid proof/evidence that man didn't just make the whole thing up. Yes it has some truths in it but the greatest lies invented were born of truth.

If god wanted our faith and wanted us to believe, in this, the information age, he would give us something solid, something in the here and now. Not just expect us to believe the ancient writings of people from an age with little to nothing for entertainment.

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/03/16 03:09 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Thu 11/03/16 03:02 AM

Hmm, I wonder if your religion will ever revamp the bible with modern day English? At least modern day grammar. I have a decent vocab and above average grammar and the bulk of the bible quotes I see look like pure gibberish. I mean apart from lacking meaning in the first place because they come from an age old children's storybook the grammar is terrible and many of the words used have not been spoken in common tongue for as long as I've been around and I'm 36.

Well, Lazarus...that's a very deep subject that you've broached there! There are so many different Bible translations. And, each one has its adherents, claiming that it is the TRUE word of God, or the one that is most faithful to the oldest extant manuscripts, while decrying the others as the work of Satan.

It's not surprising, though, if you look at the transliterated passages in an interlinear Bible, one thing that immediately becomes apparent is that translating this book into English is as much an art as a science, due to the vast differences between Hebrew and English, and Greek and English.

All of which underscores something I've said many times before: An All-Knowing, All-Wise God, who ostensibly created us, our brains, our system of communication, including all the different languages, would have known that the written word was not the best medium to employ in transmitting his all-important instruction manual to us. Too many opportunities for misunderstandings.

And, in keeping with the theme of this thread, it wasn't very loving of God to demand that we follow the rules found in his all-important instruction manual, when he presented said manual in a way in which it was ripe for misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

Ya and even the English version is so ancient that it sounds partially foreign to modern day English speakers. It may have even been the same for the original languages at this point. So not only are they having to translate from other languages into English but from a version of those languages that's 2000 years old.

On a side note, I love how CowboyGH stopped responding to my posts altogether. Religious people tend to do that when you back them into a corner, they will get into a hyper-defensive state and revert to an 'I'm right and you're wrong' mentality. He's only continuing the arguement with you because you're playing into his realm of expertise with the bible quotes, he could go back and forth with you all day with that stuff.

On a side note, I love how CowboyGH stopped responding to my posts altogether. Religious people tend to do that when you back them into a corner, they will get into a hyper-defensive state and revert to an 'I'm right and you're wrong' mentality. He's only continuing the arguement with you because you're playing into his realm of expertise with the bible quotes, he could go back and forth with you all day with that stuff.

lol? I stopped responding to your posts because they are not the topic of the discussion at hand nor the thread in itself. I've included a few of your recent posts in this post as display of my meaning. Not one of them is in reference to if God is a loving God or not.

Hmm, I wonder if your religion will ever revamp the bible with modern day English? At least modern day grammar. I have a decent vocab and above average grammar and the bulk of the bible quotes I see look like pure gibberish. I mean apart from lacking meaning in the first place because they come from an age old children's storybook the grammar is terrible and many of the words used have not been spoken in common tongue for as long as I've been around and I'm 36.

And congrats for cleaning the crap out of your eyes and joining us in the real world, lol... But I'm still not sure why people are using quotes from the bible to argue against religion/god. I mean the only thing I have to say at this point is, the bible is BS and there is no other piece of 'evidence' that can be logically and conclusively linked to the existence of a higher being. God is just another word for things that we have yet to explain.

Just a few hundred years ago people still thought the earth was flat, we are still an ignorant race of people. We only deem ourselves as intellectuals because we're the smartest that we know of in existence. Humans have been around in our current form for approx. 200,000 years and only 6000 years ago civilization as we know it began so 97% of the existence of our race has been wasted.

We finally get smart and start using nuclear bombs to wipe each other out, this is what we choose to do with our intellect. There's no way an all powerful being made us unless it was to laugh at how incredibly stupid we are. Given a few hundred more years we might start to resemble something that could be loosely compared to intelligent but that's only if we don't kill each other off first or blow through our natural resources (due to our exponential reproduction) before we can advance enough to venture into deep space.

Which again none are in reference to if God is a loving God or not, just merely on the existence of God, which is not what this thread is about.

To be fair I am the OP so if I de-rail a bit, that doesn't exactly defeat the purpose of the thread. I never started the thread with a belief that there actually was a god. The point overall is that how can people believe that there actually is a god never-mind that he's a loving one. I mean there's no proof of existence and even less proof of his alleged love and if he doesn't exist he cannot love so there is that to think about as well.
Also this thread is over 3 years old, frankly I'm surprised we're in the same realm of conversation as the OP at this point.

Lazarus102's photo
Wed 11/02/16 08:26 PM

Hmm, I wonder if your religion will ever revamp the bible with modern day English? At least modern day grammar. I have a decent vocab and above average grammar and the bulk of the bible quotes I see look like pure gibberish. I mean apart from lacking meaning in the first place because they come from an age old children's storybook the grammar is terrible and many of the words used have not been spoken in common tongue for as long as I've been around and I'm 36.

Well, Lazarus...that's a very deep subject that you've broached there! There are so many different Bible translations. And, each one has its adherents, claiming that it is the TRUE word of God, or the one that is most faithful to the oldest extant manuscripts, while decrying the others as the work of Satan.

It's not surprising, though, if you look at the transliterated passages in an interlinear Bible, one thing that immediately becomes apparent is that translating this book into English is as much an art as a science, due to the vast differences between Hebrew and English, and Greek and English.

All of which underscores something I've said many times before: An All-Knowing, All-Wise God, who ostensibly created us, our brains, our system of communication, including all the different languages, would have known that the written word was not the best medium to employ in transmitting his all-important instruction manual to us. Too many opportunities for misunderstandings.

And, in keeping with the theme of this thread, it wasn't very loving of God to demand that we follow the rules found in his all-important instruction manual, when he presented said manual in a way in which it was ripe for misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

Ya and even the English version is so ancient that it sounds partially foreign to modern day English speakers. It may have even been the same for the original languages at this point. So not only are they having to translate from other languages into English but from a version of those languages that's 2000 years old.

On a side note, I love how CowboyGH stopped responding to my posts altogether. Religious people tend to do that when you back them into a corner, they will get into a hyper-defensive state and revert to an 'I'm right and you're wrong' mentality. He's only continuing the arguement with you because you're playing into his realm of expertise with the bible quotes, he could go back and forth with you all day with that stuff.

Lazarus102's photo
Wed 11/02/16 09:57 AM

And, proving once again that God is NOT a loving god:

Leviticus 21:17-21

"17 Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God.18 For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,19 Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,20 Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God."

On top of everything else, God discriminates against disabled people.

Jeez, Yahweh! That's not very PC. You probably didn't even have a wheelchair ramp at the tabernacle, did you? You're lucky there was no Jews with Disabilities Act on the books. For crying out loud, haven't these poor people suffered enough already without you rejecting them? Especially the guy with crushed balls!

Try not taking things out of context.

Leviticus 21

1 And the Lord said unto Moses, Speak unto the priests the sons of Aaron, and say unto them, There shall none be defiled for the dead among his people:

Remember, people in the Old Covenant were judged on Earth for their sins. Thus Jesus referencing a multitude of different deformities or irregularities in a person eg., brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,20 Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire. These types of people in reference are that way because of their sins, thus they are "defiled". And read even further, these "rules" were not "standard". They were specific to a specific group for a specific reason.

21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

23 Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the Lord do sanctify them.

Hmm, I wonder if your religion will ever revamp the bible with modern day English? At least modern day grammar. I have a decent vocab and above average grammar and the bulk of the bible quotes I see look like pure gibberish. I mean apart from lacking meaning in the first place because they come from an age old children's storybook the grammar is terrible and many of the words used have not been spoken in common tongue for as long as I've been around and I'm 36.

Lazarus102's photo
Wed 11/02/16 09:42 AM
1. Humans

2. The people running it

3. Logic, the truth, intellect, pick your poison.

4. Depression

Lazarus102's photo
Wed 11/02/16 06:07 AM

God exists.
Get used to it

offtopic tongue2 waving

Perhaps you could share your evidence for that assertion on one of the other threads dealing with that question.smile2

There is plenty of evidence that God exists. You simply choose to close your eyes to them.
So I simply choose to say:
God exists. Get used to it.

Sorry, Sir, but you are incorrect. I do not choose to close my eyes to the evidence of God's existence. On the contrary, I have examined the evidence my whole life. I spent the first forty years of my life as a Christian. I spent many a year as an apologist, so I know well the position you are in as regards trying to defend the indefensible.

At this point in my life, I simply choose to examine any evidence I see on the subject with logic and common sense.

And congrats for cleaning the crap out of your eyes and joining us in the real world, lol... But I'm still not sure why people are using quotes from the bible to argue against religion/god. I mean the only thing I have to say at this point is, the bible is BS and there is no other piece of 'evidence' that can be logically and conclusively linked to the existence of a higher being. God is just another word for things that we have yet to explain.

Just a few hundred years ago people still thought the earth was flat, we are still an ignorant race of people. We only deem ourselves as intellectuals because we're the smartest that we know of in existence. Humans have been around in our current form for approx. 200,000 years and only 6000 years ago civilization as we know it began so 97% of the existence of our race has been wasted.

We finally get smart and start using nuclear bombs to wipe each other out, this is what we choose to do with our intellect. There's no way an all powerful being made us unless it was to laugh at how incredibly stupid we are. Given a few hundred more years we might start to resemble something that could be loosely compared to intelligent but that's only if we don't kill each other off first or blow through our natural resources (due to our exponential reproduction) before we can advance enough to venture into deep space.

Lazarus102's photo
Tue 11/01/16 05:57 PM

"Deflection" Ha Haaaa!

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuses.

Now deflect that one.

You know, you just did EXACTLY what Lazarus predicted you would do. You quoted the Bible!

Romans 1:20

"20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

(*Gasp!*) Lazarus must be a prophet!

Ya, lol, then topped it off with an "I'm right and you're wrong because, reasons!". At this point I'm not sure if he's actually religious or just trolling.