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bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 03:24 PM
What has happened to good old common courtesy? I guess along with sense there is no such thing anymore. Any way it was his loss and probably a good thing. About the spider though, I know that an emotional response is not always rational, but most of them are not bad and they do eat cockroaches. If I had to choose between a spider and a cockroach the cockroach loses.

Good luck in your search for the right person.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 02:59 PM
I live in an area where women outnumber men almost 7 to 1. Gringa women complain taht the Latina women get most of the men because of a myriad of reasons. I must be doing something wrong because I can't get a reply except from women way too young and way to far away.

It is a shame that there are so many single Moms and abandoned children. At last estimate there were over 30,000 children living on the streets of Guadalajara. I would imagine that Mexico City is worse.

I am past the age of raising children, but do work with a Casa Hogar doing whatever from teaching English or math to running errands to carpentry and electrical work and driving.

If you see something in my profile that I should change I am open.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 08:50 AM
Edited by bibarnes on Sat 10/19/13 08:52 AM

1. people who talk and text while driving
2. people who tell me; oh you don't need to workout
3. men who say they want a relationship but really only want sex
4. people who send nude photos when I did not ask for them
5. people who ask for photos; when my photos are already posted
6. people who ask do you have skype or some other type of caming messenger
7. cheaters
8. lairs
9. women with tight clothes on with rolls or belly hanging over jeans
10.women wearing tights or leggings; with no butt or outta shape
11.people who only speak one language
12.unhealthy eaters
13. people who ask for rides
14. men who think my time is for free
15. people who only text but never call
16. people who don't Read profiles!

OK I can understand most of your "nono's"

#6 what is wrong with asking about Skype. It is a "safe" way to sort of meet and scope one another out."

#1 part of. Talking while driving, I assume you mean on a phone and not to the person sitting next to you.

#11 Some of us never had the opportunity to really learn new language. What is taught in school is a school version of a real language. My son took 4 years of Spanish and if he came to where I am in Mexico he would be lost. I speak 1 1/3 languages.

Maybe it's me, but you sound angry. That's Ok because I like you.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 08:42 AM General!!!!!

Just the Stupid ones.......

(who seem to be running rampant in this world)

noway laugh noway

I hate stupid. Ignorance is universal and we are all ignorant, but stupid is a choice. I am tying to be more tolerant but sometimes I think a little chlorine in the gene pool would be helpful.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 08:30 AM
"It is appointed for a man to die once and then face judgement." Only two people mentioned in the bible who didn't die. They will in time and then face judgement as commanded. That is not he point here.

"To die in the flesh is to live in the spirit." Or so Paul said more than once. God allows ALL of us our free will. There is God's active will and passive will. Sometimes God will directly command you to do something and other times allow you to do something. Sometimes he will place obstacles in your way to prevent you from doing something He is not in favor of.

I attended a medium sized church of about 450 members. We had a K-12 school which struggled because of the small base of support. Class rooms were haphazard and our basketball team had to use the local High School gym. The leadership decided that a Gym "must be built." A campaign was mounted and was thwarted at every turn as the money just did not come in. "Let's get a loan from the bank," was declared. The question was then asked if we were not pushing God to do things our way rather than be lead by Him. We were basically told we were out of order. A new principal was hired who had experience in fund raising and a loan was obtained. The principal turned out to be a pervert and let go. 1/3 of the church left and the land where the gym was completed was sold and the school shut down. The pastor left under less than amicable circumstances. Good honest people were hurt and wrongly villified.

Did God cause this to happen? Absolutely not. It was a simple question of a pastor surronding himself with yes men rather than with honorable men who would question when something wasn't right. The folks that were villified and hurt survived and are now doing God's work in other churches. The original church still stands. Of course in the shadow of the "Gymnasium that was God's will."

I realize this sounds convoluted and besides the point. I used this to illustrate that when we try to force God to do things our way there are consequences and the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Just like the fish that swallowed Jonah was used to force Jonah to be where God wanted him to be, He will use the bad choices of others to get us to where He wants us to be.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 08:02 AM

The Bible is a good way to live. If you don't think so it just reflects on your poor understanding.

This is the other problem with religion, and in this case the Bible, and it goes along with the infallibility thing spoken of earlier. You CANNOT challenge it! If people ever try, it's always twisted by believers as our own failure to understand the thing like above, it's never ever ever that MAYBE what we are being told is wrong or incorrect.

Now how are you supposed to have an objective debate about the validity of something when whenever one comes up with an argument that is the response? You can't do it, the whole thing is rigged to make you look bad unless you agree with them. That is a biased system looking to support itself, not the actual truth.

What exactly are religious people afraid of? If the Bible is right as they say, if what they believe is right, then certainly the facts will prove it right? So what is the need to place the blame always on the questioner instead of the thing being questioned? Afraid of being wrong?

I think that's what it comes down to to me, they don't wanna be wrong so they shift the focus on the one making the argument instead, or even try to make excuses for the bad behavior done by their God or in the name of their God.

Catholics even have a term for this, they call it apologetics, which is basically another form of saying apology. If something is good and right it need not be apologized for. That a religion would feel the need to have a term that basically means just that, trying to justify their behavior somehow, says a lot about it.

So yeah bottom line is, you cannot have an honest discussion about this if every single time someone challenges it, you make the issue about them and not about what they are trying to argue against. You want truth? Then you'll follow it wherever it leads, even if it means you were wrong. Anything else just indicates you wanna cling to what you believe no matter what evidence is shown otherwise.

All believers have a conception (right or wrong) of what the Bible means. I have questions and many of them have not been answered to my satisfaction. That said, I also BELIEVE THAT GOD EXISTS. The proof is all around us. We live in an extremely complex environment that you would have to believe that a tornado through a junkyard could accidently create a working jet plane, to accept that we are all products of chance. When the Platypus was first brought back to England it was thought to be a stitched together creature. Why, because it did not fit Darwin's theory. I listened to a Q&A with a professor of Paleantolog6y. He was asked about transitional species and he replied that there were more than could ever be catalogued, "We just haven't found them yet."

Read some of Josh McDowell's books, especially "Evidence that demands a verdict," and see how one young man bent on proving the non-existance of God became a great Evangelist.

The answers are there. Not always evident or not always what we think they should be. God created us with a free will, not as robots. Being a programmer I have written many many programs over the past 45 years. Thy were designed to do exactly what I wanted them to do and when they didn't I tweaked them so the did. I could have written one for an automaton that served my every whim and professed love and obesience every day. Did it do it out of love or because it was hardwired by my program to do it? It is the same with God, He asks and wants us to love Him for who He is. He wants what is best for us. Just as a child gets his butt busted for running into the street because it is dangerous, God will chastise us. We are the ones who choose to be punished.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 07:38 AM
I have to agree. The part of a service that I absolutely despise and makes my skin crawl is the meet and greet. "Now I want all of our MEMBERS to seek out someone they do not know and introduce yourself to them." There is a scramble while all the MEMBERS look to fulfill their duty and shake as many hands as possible. While they are shaking your hand and saying how glad they are to see you and how lucky you are to be here, they are looking for the next fish to catch. I usually have an uncontrolable bladder problem about that time and head for the restroom. I have been on both sides of this and now attend a church I am not particularly fond of (really bad music and bland milk for sermons). I have been there about 2 months and there may be 4 people who even know my name and that is because they know me from outside church. Unfortunately Church is the most segregated bigoted place on a Sunday morning. I don't think Jesus would be welcome in most mainline churches. Imagine a robed bearded figure of a man, dirty from walking in the dust, and wearing sandals. I am sure that Sister Papoofnick, and Brother Iamholy would run right up and make Him feel as if He was important.

We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, not a building, not an oranization. Christianity is supposed to be an oraganism not a business. The services are so structured that if The Holy Ghost were to appear He would be told to sit down because He was not following the "order of service".

I will continue to go as much as possible but, since the church is about 50Km away and my sole transportation is an ATV it is difficult at times (rain). While there I seek Jesus and sing praises in silence so as not to disturb the religious folk.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 07:22 AM
Please forgive my lack of remembering which evangelist told this story.

"I was lying in my bed in a fitful sleep when I was , rudely, awakened by a maelevolent presence in the room. I awoke to see Satan standing at the foot of my bed gesturing for me to follow him. I looked and said, 'Oh it's only you' and went back to sleep, nd slept soundly dreaming of angels."

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 07:16 AM
Someone here has questioned why God plays with us and tells us to be good, but allowed us to become evil and then sends us to hell as soon as we step out of line. Please indulge me in a story.

You are standing at the railing of a boat out in the ocean. There are sharks in the water and are feeding. It is obvious that it could be dangerous to be in the water. I warn you to not lean too far over the rail, but do not grab you because that would upset my sense of decorum and your "personal space". You fall into the water and it is obvious that you are not a strong swimmer. I throw you a life preserver and shark repellent and you ignore them and curse me for not jumping into the water to save you. You die. Now the question, did I kill you? No! I warned you about the dangers and afforded the best help available. You decided to ignore my help and you died a horrible death. It was your fault. As a Christian I am to help where I can. That does not mean I am to jump into the middle of your sin, that would be jeopardizing to me.

How many of you have ever done something against the law, or were accused? If you are innocent you can probably escape unjust punishment with a new Public Defender 1 week from passing the Bar. If you are guilty you want the best attorney you can afford. Unfortunately none of us is innocent and can't afford the best attorney. Fortunatly there is an attorny who is the best and is already paid for. He is also related to the Judge. When the Judge looks at you and says, "Why should I not punish you," your attorney stands before you blocking your presence from the Judge and says, "Pop, I already paid for this person's sin let Him go."

Which attorney do want on retainer???

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 07:00 AM
Well put. Aspiring towards Christ is like a breakfast of ham and eggs The chicken made an offering and the pig a sacrifice. Are we pigs or chickens?

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 06:55 AM
Unfortunately, way too old for you and way way too far far away. Just curious as to how you lost your head, was it a hunting accident? :-)

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 08:37 AM
Edited by bibarnes on Sun 10/13/13 08:40 AM
Actually it is a series of books written by Lee Child, I think there are about 15 of them. There is no assumption as to what Jack Reacher looks like when it comes to size. He is 6'5" over 240lbs with blondish hair and a 52" chest and 40" waist. He is a former MP Major in the Army and lives completely off the grid. No car, house, credit cards. Travels by bus or hitch hikes. Throws away cloths every 3 or for days and buys new from Goodwill and other like places.

He isn't a small person in size or character. In my opinion Tom Cruise is both.

I did not know he was the producer. I haven't heard anything about what Lee Child thinks. Of course when you sell the rights you have to be careful and retain some control. That is what J.K. Rowles did with Harry Potter. I can't remember when a casting was so perfect in so many characters.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 08:24 AM
Please take a look and tell me what you think. I really don't have many pictures of myself. Only of the things I like.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 08:21 AM
Edited by bibarnes on Sun 10/13/13 08:22 AM
I will not respond to a no picture or no answer profiles. Granted pictures can be 30 years old and profiles lie. That is where Skype and lunch in a public place come into play. Your profile is great.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 08:17 AM

Spellcheck, my friend! flowerforyou

Watt do you you men that spell check is is your your friend. Proof reading is what ultimately makes the text easy to understand.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 08:07 AM
You have completely missed the point (surprise). I will tell a little story, (Oh no not another one). A friend and spiritual advisor of sorts has a son and daughter. The son had bought a car and spent many months restoring it and it was NICE. Rebuilt from the ground up, new paint, wheel covers, glass. Engine completely torn down and rebuilt along with the entire rest of the drive train. That car became his "god". The real God finally taught him a lesson after he was warned by many that the "car" was replacing God. The car was totaled in a wreck. He was completely unhurt, but the car was beyond any repair or restoration. From his own mouth about 4 days later he said, "Y'all were right, that car was my new god." God is jealous of His own. There is God and there are gods. "I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have any other gods before me" Notice the difference between the noun and the adjective.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 07:54 AM
Edited by bibarnes on Sun 10/13/13 07:55 AM

Do not play with people who do stuff wrong and fight rough," says Jalen, 6. This is great advice to prolong your life on the playground, but where's the connection with pigs and pearls, Jalen?

One of the most troubling interpretations comes from Jacob, 6: "I would never give my sister my toy." Hold on there, Jacob! If you're using this verse to justify "hogging" your toys, it won't work.

Remember the three rules for interpreting the Bible or any text: context, context, context. Let's look at this verse in a slightly larger context: "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces" (Matthew 7:6).

Let's look to Jennifer, 10, for more light on what Jesus meant: "Jesus said don't give your pearls to a pig because a pig is too dumb to understand what a pearl is worth."

Spiritual dumbness has nothing to do with one's IQ.

You can be a certified genius yet be dumb as a rock in spiritual matters.

Jesus spoke of religious leaders who were offended by what he said: "Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the ditch" (Matthew 15:14).

Don't waste your time preaching to those who are obviously hardened and scornful.

Think about this: The pearl of great value in the Gospel of Matthew is the Messianic king and kingdom foretold by the ancient prophets.

Memorize this truth: "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it" (Matthew 13:45-46).

Ask this question: Then and now, some see Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah and trust him as their savior, while others mock and scornfully reject him. Which will you do?

There are two things wrong here the first is that you are not 20 years older and the second is that you live about 1,000 miles away. Do you have an older sister living in Mexico maybe? :-)

You are a smart lady and I don't mean to sound flippant. I do appreciate your wisdom and compassion. Two qualities hard to find anywhere especially in Sin City.


bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 07:48 AM

A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately.

A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.”

The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”

As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.”

The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”

The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.

A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, "Grab my hand and I will pull you up!" But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!”

Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned.

When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”

And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”

. so many times we define 'who we are' as if its etched in stone, and we stand on Gods wisdom to defend ourselves with the assumption that whatever we have done or are doing is what God meant for us

we ignore the many CHOICES God gives us the chance to take for ourself waiting for proof of his existence or love through some miraculous event,,,

who you are is never ETCHED in stone,, every day God places choices in front of us,,, choose wisely,,,,

Have heard this many times and still love it.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 07:39 AM
Edited by bibarnes on Sun 10/13/13 07:40 AM

in person , it is much easier to extend that doubt while taking time to get to know someone and watch their behaviors in different situations

on line, not so much,, words without substance are much easier to pull off on the computer ,,,,

I am not a lady, I just like them. You hit the nail on the head. I can say anything I want and come across as Billy Graham's mentor and be a slease bag in person.

To be safe, 1. Choose carefully. 2. arrange an informal meet in a VERY public place for lunch or coffee, not dinner. Ask questions and watch body language and the eyes. Women are so much better at this than men are. We tend to look other places :-). If you get a bad "vibe" excuse yourself and be polite and say, "You seem like a nice person, but I don't think we are right for each other."

The other alternative is a video call on Skype. You can always block him later. BE SAFE.

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/13/13 07:29 AM

Myself I'm a believer but if your not and its truly in your heart then people should accept you for who you are.

I totally agree

there are different relationships , friendships, family , spouses

all start with respect though,, if there is a blatant confessing of a disrespect for ones beliefs from the jumpstart t hough, I doubt any of those types of relationships can form

and, people can 'befriend' others that they may hot be able to share a life with,,, and so choose not to 'date'

Surprised you keep latching on to this respect thing and not read the rest of what's being said.
Now I didn't say anything about disrespect. And I think you misinterpret Randomideas' statement on that. I also don't respect religion much, but religion is not a person, religion is a thing. Religion is and always has been the cause of most wars. Religion is and has been used as a tool to manipulate ppl and to obtain power.
I believe the original scriptures of what is now called the bible, are very very pure and the absolute truth.
However, this truth has been ripped out of context, many of these truths, original scrolls, are carefully being hidden and guarded in the Vatican. If ppl were to find out what was in those scrolls, churches would very likely cease to exist. The powerful and very rich ppl that use religion to remain powerful, wouldn't want that to happen.
So yes, in that sense I do not respect religion much, nor the people that wield it for their own benefit.

I can, however, respect religious ppl, even though their believes aren't congruent with mine.
They are people with free choice and will and they choose to believe in a specific religion. No reason why I can't or shouldn't respect them.

But I don't think I could live with someone like that, simply because our views would be way too different and it would cause friction.

There is a difference between "Religion" and true Cristianity. One is rules the other is relationship. Big difference. Paul said he was able to do anything he wanted to, BUT, not all things were beneficial. Christianity is governed by 2 basic "rules" "Love God with all you heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. Please tell me what is evil or coercive about that.

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