Community > Posts By > RandomTandem

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:38 PM

Peace to everyone.

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:24 PM
I have no idea what chucks are, other than the part of a drilling machine that holds the drill-bit.

I probably have some designer version of them in my wardrobe or shoe-rack though, and to be honest- if lilith401 likes them then so do I! flowers

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:20 PM
Papersmile and Dan99-

sorry, I got carried away giving lonely hearts advice to people I don't even know!

That's me though.. ya know, caring about people i don't even know.

Sounds like I'm busted. pitchfork

I better go and check my mail.

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:16 PM
Edited by RandomTandem on Fri 10/17/08 12:16 PM

to repair this broken heart...:cry:

I would recommend avoiding alcohol, it will only make you feel worse after it wears off. Alcohol may help you 'forget' or change your mood temporarily, but it doesn't improve reality.

No.. the best thing for a broken heart is to talk to an understanding friend who cares sincerely about your feelings. Remember too- however badly you feel now, you will be able to reflect on your experience sooner or later, and without life's lows- we wouldn't be able to comprehend life's highs either.



RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:04 PM

haha! Yeah that is correct actually!

How did ya know that?! You must be some kind of genius! lol!

I have been honing my psychic skills lately.. in fact, I'm psychically smokin'.. ask me anything, except "How often do you look at porn"


RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:35 AM

I think you look about 31.

*kicks Dan99 in the shin

Nice jacket that, Dan, looks like WWII army issue if I'm not mistaken?


RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:24 AM
Carl Sagan ~ Pale Blue Dot

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:21 AM
Edited by RandomTandem on Fri 10/17/08 11:21 AM
Wow.. only two replies, and one of them was by the O.P.

There is a touching and relevant discourse in this video clip, everyone; one that if we all paid more heed to, would make the world a better place to live in for us all.

Thanks again, O.P., I hope more people watch your clip.

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 11:14 AM
O.P., if people don't believe what age you claim to be, tough luck for them!

I turned 40 a few months back but I'd guess about 80% of people who find out what age I am say, "Really?? Wow, I thought you were about 30-*something*". Nothing to do with healthy living in my case though, lol. Although I do live healthier than some people. It's about approach to life and zest for enjoying it, and the day I hang up my glad rags are a long way off yet, I think. Unless I met someone who I'd be happy staying at home with. ;)

I am lucky.. I look slightly younger than I am, because of my job, I am in touch with the way young people think, but even then, when some people hear what age you are, they slot you into a category, and make all kinds of assumptions about what you should or shouldn't be doing with your life.

You are also very lucky, and I'd agree you could pass for being in your early 20s quite easily.
You seem to be one of those timelessly beautiful women, in that no matter what age you are, there will always be something attractive about you.

Just don't let it go to your head. pitchfork



RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:47 AM
Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.

Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:40 AM
Politicians should be accountable for their decisions and actions- the rest of us 'ordinaries' are; what gives them special rights to say things then not follow through?

Oh yeah.. I forgot.. they're politicians.

RandomTandem's photo
Thu 10/16/08 03:21 AM
That was really touching, brother. Thank you.

RandomTandem's photo
Wed 10/15/08 11:32 PM
Edited by RandomTandem on Wed 10/15/08 11:39 PM

My current boyfriend freaked when he found out I had kids (I have 5... imagine dealing with THAT and men!laugh ), but three days later he contacted me and said he liked me too much and "maybe it's time to grow up". does happen. Hang in there. flowerforyou

That is really cool, you must be very special to your partner that he was inspired to say/do that.

Personally, I don't have kids of my own, but have ex partners who did, and those kids were treated with care & respect. I took the responsibity of being the male, adult rolemodel in those kids lives very seriously, and tried to have fun with them, as opposed to distancing myself from them and being overly strict with them. I will never see kids or women with kids as inferior in any way, in fact it is me who is privileged to have been a part of their lives, even if the relationship with their Mum and me wasn't destined to go on forever.

~ Tandem

RandomTandem's photo
Tue 09/30/08 08:40 AM
I have absolutely no problem dating women who have kids from previous experiences; my last 3 ex-partners have had kids and I got on well with pretty much all of them.

It does make breaking up even more difficult though, should you come to that point, as not only does your relationship with your partner end, but also the one you have had with their kids.

RandomTandem's photo
Mon 09/29/08 10:04 AM
Edited by RandomTandem on Mon 09/29/08 10:05 AM
I thought I'd add a tricky-ish [unless lots of you are nerds, like me] quote, because I never did like doing what I was told!


~ Our recent triumphs: Dived to evade enemy aircraft. Lost contact. Dived to evade destroyer. Depth charged. The British have stopped making mistakes.~

RandomTandem's photo
Mon 09/29/08 09:56 AM
Edited by RandomTandem on Mon 09/29/08 09:57 AM
There seems to be two issues being mixed up here, O.P.

I mean, although most of us are under the impression that FWB is the majority of the time, an arrangement that suits males rather than women, there are women who are happy to have FWB too. Nothing wrong with that if it's what you want.

The second issue which I think is being misconceived and bundled in with the FWB scenario, is entirely different though. Men and women say this, and for most of the people I know who have said "Friends first then we'll see what happens", FWB was not one of their goals.

"Friends first then we'll see what happens"- IF it is viewed similarly by both people partaking is a good way of taking a lot of the pressure out of dating; in the cases where it works I mean, but i've no idea what the success/failure rates are.

RandomTandem's photo
Mon 09/29/08 08:46 AM

"Not receiving email "

Me neither!!

Maybe it would help if I unblocked everyone, whatcha think?

Mail with your thoughts on this, please.


RandomTandem's photo
Mon 09/29/08 08:11 AM
Edited by RandomTandem on Mon 09/29/08 08:14 AM

Do you think there is ever a time when you NEED to teach a lesson the hard way? You have tried to be reasonable with a person and they do not want to listen. Do you think then is a good time to teach a lesson a hard way?

Not particularly.. unless they are harming/hurting someone due to the error of their ways, I don't *need* to do anything. In my view, if called upon to, I think teaching a subtle lesson can be just as or even more effective than going via the direct route or being brutally honest whatever you want to call it.
I find brutal honesty can easily upset someone, whereas 'showing' a person something in a subtle way- which they might not even click on to at the time- stands more chance of prompting them to reflect on events with clarity, later when they're alone and won't make them feel embarrassed, or that they've been told what to do by another person.

Having said that, there are occasions where nothing less than harsh, brutal honesty will do to serve the required purpose.

RandomTandem's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:50 AM

smitten What do you know about love that other people just don't seem to grasp? smitten

I think it's the fact that I'm just a loving person, I love human beings, family, friends, strangers.. a lot of people can't or don't understand that.

RandomTandem's photo
Wed 09/24/08 01:10 PM
I'm hearing elsewhere that Bush is preparing to address the nation tonight.

Any ideas what that might be about anyone?

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