Community > Posts By > Alzeimer

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Fri 10/30/09 02:51 PM

A 15 year old girl leaves her Homecoming dance at 9:00 PM to meet her
father outside the school for a ride home. A "friend" leads her to a
dark area of the school where she is met by a group of boys who are
drinking and she is beaten and repeatedly raped for over 2 hours.

This in itself is very disturbing....police say there were up to 12 who
saw this happening during the two and a half hour period.

No one stepped in, no 911 calls, no one went and told any teachers,
anyone, or any of the security guards that are present because the school
has to hire such guards because of the violence in their school.

This is a high school in Richmond California.

Would you step in and help? Would you risk getting your azz kicked
by intervening on her behalf? Would you at least make the 911 call?

I am shocked by the crime..even more that NO ONE helped!

The agressors should be put in prison for a minimum of 25 years and the ones who stood by like perverts watching and doing nothing a minimum of 10 years.

No matter that they are minors they all new what the hell they were doing and what the others were doing (for the spectators).

It makes me sick to hear that, it seems that no one takes responsabilties for anything and think silence is the golden rule.

How can you live with yourself by standing there and doing nothing who cares if you get beaten up it's a lot better then living with the guilt of doing nothing, unless they like what they were watching if so they are as guilty as the agressors.

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Fri 10/30/09 02:32 PM
Why is it always the others fault doesn't anybody look in the mirror for why they are alone/single.

If I meet only the wrong woman for me then its my fault for looking in the wrong place or my criteria are bad for what I really need and I need to look at who I am and what I need.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:27 PM
Holidays are what you make of them, you can think they are only commercials events or only religious event or spiritual events what matters is that you celebrate with your heart and as for Holloween for the pleasure of the children the young ones and the old ones.

Commercial holiday or not seeing a happy child as no price.happy happy happy

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Fri 10/30/09 06:13 AM
I do not believe in the institution of marriage, so that answers the question unless I swore abstinence I'll have sex way before I ever get married (which is never).

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 04:13 PM
Start a thread about duct tape and you'll get lots of responses.

Shows you the level of interest people have these days.

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Thu 10/29/09 09:04 AM
Each woman has her romantic spots, to one it may be receiving flowers to others might be completely different so what works with one might not with another.

What counts is not the action itself but the fact your doing it to please her, getting out of your way to make her feel special for no specific reason but to let her know how important she is to you and how much her presence in your life makes you happy.

Most of all you have to do it because you want to and not because you want to be excuse for something you did or didn't do or doing it expecting something in return.

Giving is romantic giving expecting retribution is not.

But to each is own.

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Thu 10/29/09 08:42 AM
I'm not a fan of rain either and on this time of the year here (Autumn) it rains more then the sun shines but then I look around the world and how many people have no water, have drought problems and would do anything for a couple drops of rain and it makes me thank my lucky star that i live in a place where water supplies and drinkable water as never been a problem.

So rain do not stop and keep falling, you might make me feel dreary sometimes but the opposite would be worse.

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 05:39 AM
Dear God

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Thu 10/29/09 05:30 AM
Edited by Alzeimer on Thu 10/29/09 05:42 AM
Winter pluses = no bugs, no sweating, white Xmas, clean crisper air.

Winter minuses = Cold, freezing, heating bills, cars stuck in snow, having to dress up with 4 layers.

The older I get the less I like winter, my bones do not take -30 centigrade like when I was young.

So conclusion snow and cold for Xmas is enough for me the rest of the times I could do without.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 02:38 PM
Most people like to listen to themselves talking so I guess everybody can talk and listen as long as its their own voice they hear.frustrated frustrated

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 02:10 PM
Actually if I am talking I shouldn't have to listen because the way i was raised you do not talk when somebody else is talking, I talk she listen then she talks and I listen that is how it should work.

People who talk over others are not worth listening to, be polite and wait your turn.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 01:54 PM
Either your not compatible or the questions ain't worth answering.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 01:52 PM

If you could design a costume that showed your true self, maybe the real you you hold back sometimes, what would it look like?

Would probably be a vibrator since I'm a prick rant rant

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Wed 10/28/09 12:02 PM
I love dog and cats and all domisticated animals but coyotes would not come to humans backyards to eat their pets if we didn't start living in their backyards.

It's a sad truth that the more we are (humans) the less place the rest of the animal kingdom as places to live.

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Wed 10/28/09 08:06 AM
St-Hubert BBQ is the one over here in my part of the world.

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Wed 10/28/09 07:59 AM
I think that applies to most human beings not just one gender.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 07:48 AM

I respect everyone until they prove me wrong.

I don't understand how you can. do you really hold EVERYONE in high esteem? I don't think it works that way. I respect a very few people. Others I have contempt for, but most I am indifferent to. However, I am always polite to everyone.

I was raised to respect everyone, they might need only to say one word to loose my respect but I do not judge them until I know them and to not respect them is to judge them before you know them and to me they deserve basic respect until they prove me wrong.

If I do not know you I will respect you maybe not as much as a person I know and that as proven they deserve very high respect but they will still have it.

To each is own.

I think we are having a definition problem here. I was raised to show everyone good manners. But respect is different from being polite.

Polite: showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc.; courteous; civil: a polite reply.

Respect: esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.

I don't see how it's possible to respect someone you don't know.

I could say how can you not have respect for someone if you do not know them, that's judging before knowing.

Maybe it is like you say a definition problem but i think that you lose the respect you are due bye your actions you do not gain the respect because for me everybody deserve it, your actions will make you lose it not gain it.

To each is own.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 07:31 AM

I respect everyone until they prove me wrong.

I don't understand how you can. do you really hold EVERYONE in high esteem? I don't think it works that way. I respect a very few people. Others I have contempt for, but most I am indifferent to. However, I am always polite to everyone.

I was raised to respect everyone, they might need only to say one word to loose my respect but I do not judge them until I know them and to not respect them is to judge them before you know them and to me they deserve basic respect until they prove me wrong.

If I do not know you I will respect you maybe not as much as a person I know and that as proven they deserve very high respect but they will still have it.

To each is own.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 07:06 AM
I respect everyone until they prove me wrong.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 07:02 AM
You can tell a lot about someone base on how they treat their animals.

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