Community > Posts By > Amoscarine

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 03:59 PM

Wait a sec. Aside from not knowing where the homosexual comment fit in...why would people automatically think hes delusional for saying he sees ghosts? I dont think so. Im not saying I believe it because I dont know the guy but there is also no evidence to conclude hes delusional. Also trust me....anythings possible....

I'm not really sure where the homosexual thing came in either. I also didn't say I thought he was lying or telling the truth. I really don't care one way or the other. I've had my experiences with see, hearing or feeling the presence of something. But to use that as a means of getting girls to talk me wouldn't be my first choice. Unless I was watching ghost hunters or some horror film about ghosts. But you would have to admit it would be really hard to prove something like this without possibly sounding like a nut on the internet. I would sooner expect someone of trolling instead of actually being honest about seeing ghosts.

In the end it doesn't matter what he claims as far as this goes.Unless someone believes him and then meets him and finds out the truth.

Why use any method to get girls to talk to you? My own company is often as good as talking to anyone else.
But who cares so much about sounding like a nut more than crackpots themselves?

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 03:51 PM

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 03:26 PM
Edited by Amoscarine on Wed 07/09/14 03:26 PM
It's sorta like doing things just for the heck of it, no gain for life, it won't make life better or worse, won't make the world better or worse, just do things that you want to. That is my greatest joy I've felt.

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 03:22 PM

the best thing in life must be having a family with someone you love. the worst maybe being tied up in some serial killers basement after getting your heart broken (sorry to sound so morbid). any ideas what may be the best or worst situation to live in?

Best thing In life? feeling one with everything....
Worst? having potential and not reaching it and wasting it. I'd rather be raped in a basement and murdered then not do whatever it is that o have the potential to.

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 03:20 PM
Einstein said that those who see no meaning in life are not fit to live. I usually like old Al. and his musings, but I have to disagree here. I don't think that there is a point to life. We live, and as living, have a responsibility to other mankind for the sake of lovingness and empathy and reciprocity. But we do good or humans are eliminated, either way, the world, the cosmos goes on the same in the bigger scheme things nothing is affected, no point is made.

Why are we breeding and training our kids to be good? Morality is only needed if some person is angry or upset. If you have a happy person, he is not going to strike out. If he is happy because he is doing what he likes, he don't do bad, he won't do good, he will just do what is needed. This will help everything and all around him. If he is doing what he enjoys, what would he do some harm for? It would just bring him down from his good moods and high spirits. If a kid gets love, he needs no morality, he will naturally like doing what is good anyway.

And not having any meaning, any point, it is kind of liberating. It becomes what you make of it. Do amazing in your life, okay, don't make it but tried, still okay. But strive to overcome limitations, that is key. That's all I care about when it comes to this life I have anyway.

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 02:37 PM
There was also a group of aboriginals somewhere that was male dominated because they had knowledge that only men could know and that was key to survival of the tribe or people. When the interviewer in the documentary asked the head male, he said if there was anything to know, it had long been lost, it was just that way so that the males weren't forced to be under the women's thumbs and ruled over. I hope people will see that there is no need for such a divide. It is usually an insecurity on the guys side, or a bloke that sees an insecurity which leads to recalls being written by men worried about how they look in the story.

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 02:30 PM
What are women and men? Such a small hormonal change drawn out to exaggerated proportions. It hasn't feared history. I think just how the English language is, there is no good term for mankind, one must use he as not referring to sex but to mankind in totality. In that sense, I think the word history is totally fine unless the English language changes to make a up a gender neutral word. People have tried, but nothing sticks. My own word is digs. Like what is up my digs? it can be both, but saying digs went to the library just sounds like a launch of a first comic trying to invent its own slang. His story I think means he in the sense of man.

But that is not the point of the thread entirely. See, history is written by the winner, haven't you heard that? Most rulers were guys simply because there was a big power struggle. I don't know if it started out sexist in all cases, it could be just a power group of any kind maintaining their control, but the majority turned out that way to be male lead and lofty about it. Witches for example were likely just people, women who were in tune with themselves and aware enough to challenge poor church organization and doctrines. The males felt frightened by the power threat, that their power would be stolen, and so this sensitive and in touch group of women were persecuted. It was an act on the same level as genocide, and likely stunted spiritual growth of not only those lost lives and individuals, but the kids who would have been born with such an aptitude, not to mention that it killed an atmosphere of tolerance in a way that still hasn't been recovered. This is a stain in history.

One history that did feature a prominent role of women was Viking society. There, women often set treaty terms and took offers to the table via men in their lives. Read up on Scandinavian history to see the part women played in their history.

Today, there is still not equal opportunity in science and most of society. With out this, history likely won't have a fairer view. Without religion featuring the female aspects of life, the view people have of the world will be limited and one-sided, missing so many aspects of reality. If you go deep enough, it is not about man or woman, but about the characteristics of both that we share and need to utilize at different points in a natural way of life. But this is not to say that women of history don't need restored and that new pavement shouldn't be trod for greater ease of contribution to the world.
Tyson Degrasse spikes it here:

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 02:03 PM
Edited by Amoscarine on Wed 07/09/14 02:07 PM
This still doesn't mean that our mind really matters. The mind is a very limited part of a greater reality. Many things happen that the mind alone cannot fathom, such happenings that require the breath of a living experience to truly understand.

Amoscarine's photo
Wed 07/09/14 02:00 PM

Speaking personally, i can't even say that i am a hairless ape, lol! I mean, if you go deep enough into the idea of evolution, you see that we are related to tress and bacteria and all life. If you look into gene expressions, you find people change based on how their genes are expressed in a certain environment. This is why environment is so important for drug addicts. If yo see that all life shares so much of the same genetics, you'd see that human life is just a different expression of a similar genetic shared by animals and living, even tress. Some genetics are snipt or pruned by time and death, and so different things fit different environments. The real hunk of evolution, and i do not know if any evolutionists are thinking this, but most of evolution is not in a mutation or genetic material shift. That does happen, but the majority is an interaction with the environment. These genes are activated when organism is here and not there. You know that they have taken fish and out them in heavy water (water with more neutrons or a greater isotope number, so just more mass) ans they get a silver stripe? The DNA always had that stripe there, it just wasn't activated. If you don't believe in evolution, just do yoga and watch yourself begin to change. It may take a while, it may not, but yoga and spiritual methods are the best tool for humans to experience further evolution. They are the main cultivators of evolution in the human race.

Also, evolution is more active during one life and death event, during one organism's lifespan. This really isn't trackable with current skill in fossil record mapping or technology. If science wants to better support evolution ideas, it must be able to see the shift that happens in the genetics in one single life from birth to death, or in small intense changes within few generations. Unfortunately, people don't any longer know how to change their genetics like they used to. I would guess that family used to mean more than it currently does, that ancestors many generations before and after this one were thought about, this because the people knew how to watch and change the genetic material in ways they can manage by lifestyle and location. That is simply a thinking and understanding lost to the modern man.

That was awesome, thanks for sharing, definitely some food for thought :smile:

Thanks for reading bro!

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 05:33 PM

I've seen a shadow glide out from my bdrm wall and went up to my bby when she was asleep in her cot then the shadow head looked down at my baby then dissapeared. The feeling i got is my grandmother who raised me.. im a scaredy cat when it comes to the paranormal but for some reason i wasnt @ that time.

Ahh, granny looking in. For how long was your grandma dead at that point?

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 05:33 PM
It's cute

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 05:30 PM
YOu have an attraction for things in the sky. Why is this? :)

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 05:27 PM

they're real :-) psychics are, too;-)

Are you one? I want to meet another

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 02:19 PM
Utterly scary. I've been almost banned from the internet when i visited my parents for a few weeks this summer. My dad was reasonable. I asked my step brothers ex if she wanted to mess around. I just asked one question, but evidently the wrong one! hahahahah. My dad saw some reason in keeping internet access though- fb is my communication channel since i'm poor, and i can look for job stuff or watch documentaries or something on youtube. I hope there are some reasonable people in Washington.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 01:37 PM
I am sure if i am not tracked now, i will be.
Oh well, i will anyway do my own thing

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 01:29 PM
you question evolution because you have not evolved, lol

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 01:24 PM
Speaking personally, i can't even say that i am a hairless ape, lol! I mean, if you go deep enough into the idea of evolution, you see that we are related to tress and bacteria and all life. If you look into gene expressions, you find people change based on how their genes are expressed in a certain environment. This is why environment is so important for drug addicts. If yo see that all life shares so much of the same genetics, you'd see that human life is just a different expression of a similar genetic shared by animals and living, even tress. Some genetics are snipt or pruned by time and death, and so different things fit different environments. The real hunk of evolution, and i do not know if any evolutionists are thinking this, but most of evolution is not in a mutation or genetic material shift. That does happen, but the majority is an interaction with the environment. These genes are activated when organism is here and not there. You know that they have taken fish and out them in heavy water (water with more neutrons or a greater isotope number, so just more mass) ans they get a silver stripe? The DNA always had that stripe there, it just wasn't activated. If you don't believe in evolution, just do yoga and watch yourself begin to change. It may take a while, it may not, but yoga and spiritual methods are the best tool for humans to experience further evolution. They are the main cultivators of evolution in the human race.

Also, evolution is more active during one life and death event, during one organism's lifespan. This really isn't trackable with current skill in fossil record mapping or technology. If science wants to better support evolution ideas, it must be able to see the shift that happens in the genetics in one single life from birth to death, or in small intense changes within few generations. Unfortunately, people don't any longer know how to change their genetics like they used to. I would guess that family used to mean more than it currently does, that ancestors many generations before and after this one were thought about, this because the people knew how to watch and change the genetic material in ways they can manage by lifestyle and location. That is simply a thinking and understanding lost to the modern man.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 01:10 PM
Ten minutes on a dirt road or pavement or walking? there is a difference, lol

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 01:09 PM

I was in play,
and still, it doesn't insta heal the rug burn,
oh, but who is to blame?
I can be a scapegoat, but i don't know if i'd do any good,
to have you shift your focus outside yourself,
or through yourself, idk.
Then you can do science,
and wear a white lab coat,
dissect, and remain a kid,
and ask infant questions, which is okay,
and cling to unreasonable fantasies and ridiculousness,
which should be avoided.
Nothing nobodys, i at least want to be something,
a me, But not something i'm not.
and i'm not good now, i'm pushing my potential,
it may edge over the deep end,
but if my awareness wins over bad bents,
I may not be a horrible friend,
I may be a good enemy to have,
toss you a sword if you have none, trying to be worthy enough,
to stand for an issue,
To die well, what a great event!
To spend my time with people here or apart,
and break down barriers.
My life, i want to start,
Give me slow building momentum, I'll provide my own spark,
If i'm nurtured, i'll try to give it back.
If i nurture myself, i will definitely overflow

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 07/08/14 10:01 AM

That is what loneliness give us in the illusion of emptiness we are filled with ourselves.

Nice point!

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