Community > Posts By > angelicdemoness

angelicdemoness's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:57 AM
Edited by angelicdemoness on Sat 03/08/08 02:02 AM
On the big island of Hawaii there is much to see and do. You can go to the beach, like everyone else does, or go to the volcano that is always active. There are no places in the world where you'll find active volcano's that are stable, but here. Take the road less traveled, and find a dirt road and follow it. You never know where you'll end up. I went and ended up at a deserted light house. It sits on a small stub of land barely sticking out any further than the rest. It's better maintained around it, with the grass neatly manicured. All over the island you'll find gecko's. They are our friendly little bug eating friends. They live in our houses with us here on the islands. Unlike the critters you get on the mainland, they are great to have around. Even we get mosquitoes. lol. We have beautiful sunsets, and even the people who live here will stop their cars beside the road, and take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty of this wonderful place. Taste the flavors of polynesian culture with a festival on the beach. Native women in grass skirts, reminding you of what Hawaii was all about not so very long ago. Beware though. It isn't always sandy beaches. The islands were made from volcano's errupting and filling the waters with black rock. Most of the shoreline in Kona is not sand at all, but coarse black lava rocks. You'll need swim
shoes to get to the water on those beaches. It's well worth the trouble, so bring your snorkel, and spend some time where the weather won't turn your lips blue with cold.

angelicdemoness's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:45 AM
I have my tickets, and I'll be vacationing soon. Going back to Texas for a week. I am excited to be going back, except for the wait in the airports. I don't mind the plane rides, and I don't mind staying in a hotel while I'm gone. It's a fourteen hour trip each way, though. Several hours spent in airports, with nothing to do but listen to their version of music. That is not the part of traveling I like. lol

angelicdemoness's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:41 AM
I had my belly button pierced in New Orleans back in '88. Back then, you couldn't just go anywhere around the corner for that. I remember a little boy in the French Quarter betting me a dollar he knew where I got my shoes. I figured it would be worth the dollar to hear the joke. His answer was....on Bourbon St. Which was where I was standing, talking to him. They can be friendly, if you like their sense of humour. Have a ton of fun for me too.

angelicdemoness's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:32 AM
I don't know if any of you have a service dog, but if you know someone who does, pass this along. In almost every country in the world, they recognize service animals. If you're taking one on a plane, you'll need a current health certificate, and rabies certificate. Most countries prefer the oie/favn test to stay current also. If your going to travel to Hawaii, for instance, you need to let the state know ahead of time. If the animal is not a service dog, it takes 120 days to get it into the state. With a service animal it takes a week. if you know how. You should contact the country where you'll be visiting. Don't just take the word of the emails they send though. Find a phone number on the link. When you talk to them in person, the rules for service animals are always dependant on what service the animal provides. International, or just around your country, traveling with a service animal takes planning. There are links on the web for any country you'll visit. Take the time to find out about your legal rights in that country. Be prepared with a first aid kit for the animal and take food also. Checking out vetrinarian's in the cities you'll visit and having all the information handy before you are ready to board the plane is also important. In hawaii, the weather is perfect, and it's a great place to vacation. If your animal isn't a service animal, leave them home. It's extremely expensive to bring them in, and it's a head ache too. And as I said, it also takes at least 120 days preparation in advance. Happy traveling.

angelicdemoness's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:13 AM
That sounds to me more like karma than dogma. The main difference between philosophy, and religion, is the rules. Dogma are the rules of any religion. Karma would be the philosophy. If each individual was to decide for themselves, it would not classify as a religion. There would be no dogma to do so with. I prefer karma personally. It should run over dogma any day in my personal opinion.

angelicdemoness's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:08 AM
WWJD? He would give to the poor. He would offer the good news. He would be peaceful.
WWJND? He would not be greedy. He would not ram anything down the throat of another. He would not kill in the name of peace.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:58 PM
As to whether it is a religion, or not depends on you. If you want dogma, it is a religion. If you're more into the karma side of it, it is a philosophy. Dogma is a set of organized rules. Which one you are looking for will decide which one you find. With Budda, the make or female versions, there is both the karma, and dogma. I have studied this a small amount. I hope that helps. It was nice to hear a question where it wasn't about Christianity for a change.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:54 PM
It is just as easy to be happy as it is to be unhappy. I have been told that many times. I never understood how it was my choice. Then I heard a story. I have passed it on many times. I remember it whenever I feel stressed. It works everytime. This seems the perfect place to pass it on to the folks on jsh.
When your driving down the highway, and the traffic is backed up. You're late for an important meeting, and it's for a job interview you can't be late for. Then suddenly...bloewern!!! You get a flat tire. You get out, and scream, pound your fists on the cars top. Kick the tire, and break a toe. Then you get into the trunk and get what you need to change the tire. You change the tire and go on your way, and feel so bad it ruins your job interview, and you don't get the job.
The the same story, your driving down the highway, same circumstances. You get the flat. Get out of the car, and go to the trunk for the spare. You fix the tire and go on your way, still happy. You get to your interview and get a great new job.
There is one thing for certain that these two stories have in common. In both, the tire got changed.
What happends to us is 10% of our life. Our attitude is the other 90%. It really is up to us to see the brighter side of life. Hello to all. May you just fix your tire. Forget the broken toe, and the loss of the new job. Life is too short to be angry all the time. If what you want it to be angry, there will always be something to help you get there. Happiness is just as easy to find. It's nice at last to find a topic that has some serenity to it. Mahalo

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:41 PM
Is it really any different than 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'?

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:32 PM
If we need proof, we are missing the point of living by faith.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:30 PM
There may not be many of us, but we can at least all commiserate together. lol

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:07 PM
Mine would be very, very simple. If I don't want it done to me, I won't do it to someone else. That pretty much encompasses everything.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:05 PM
When the topic is where Christianity fails, I find I have allot to say. I am a Messianic Pagean. Messianic means I believe Jesus was the Messiah. That makes me a Christian too. I read the bible, and see nowhere that he told is disciples to try to ram his teacings down anyone else's throats. He does say to offer it to them. If no one in a town wants it, wipe the dust from your feet. He did say that. He also didn't tell them to collect lots of money for themselves. He told them the exact opposite. Take no more than you can carry.
My problem with most Christians, as with any other religion, is they talk it on Sunday morning. Then they go home and forget about it. I don't see that as being Christian. Either live it, or don't claim it. I don't make much, but I still find charities that could use my pennies. If those churches used less expensive stuff to house their expensive things, they'd have more to give to the poor.
Just my opinion. We all have one. That's what this forum is for.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:56 PM
When you really think about it without the hurt. Use the logical side of yourself, just for a moment. If you feel further away from God, who do you think moved?

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:51 PM
When someone really thinks they like someone, it's best not to step in. Be there for when she falls. You, and I, both, know she will. If you try to tell her different, and she gets mad...whose going to help her later? It's hard, but that's the way it is. The safest advice about the sex stuff is to always wait till you know them enough to ask them to accompany you to the clinic. If both people get tested at the same time, one won't think that the other is suspicious of something. I just tell the man, I would prefer to be safe, than sorry. If he's worth what we are planning to start, he will be happy to comply. The ones who won't, they may be hiding something. Best advice I've got.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:44 PM
I know it's an old cliche, but they got to be called cliche because they were so true everyone said them.

Joys shared double. Sorrows shared halve. A friend in need, is a friend, in deed.

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:42 PM
Have you ever noticed that when someone breaks your heart, you still love them with all the tiny pieces?

angelicdemoness's photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:36 PM
I live where I can't find anyone to hang with. So, I hang with my online friends. Need someone to chat with? I am here for you. Happy to hear from you anytime. Mahalo

angelicdemoness's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:40 AM
Mike who. i cant make the symbols on this keyboard. that was a question.

angelicdemoness's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:39 AM

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